2,160 research outputs found

    Диагностика и лечение рака нижней губы в амбулаторных условиях.

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    The diagnosis and treatment of inferior lip cancer in ambulatory conditionsÎn urma cercetărilor pacienților cu cancer a buzei inferioare local răspândit au fost cercetați 432 de pacienți prin metoda criogenă. Vârsta cea mai vulnerabilă s-a determinat la bolnavii din decada a 5 și a 6. Bărbații au fost diagnosticați în 87% și femei în 31%. Nu a fost înregistrat cu recidive locale după radioterapie în cancer al buzei inferioare în st. I, în stadiul II au fost înregistrați 1 pacient cu recidivă loco-regională, în st. III s-au înregistrat 8 pacienți. Prin metoda criogenă au fost trataţi 432 pacienţi cu cancer al buzei inferioare. S-a constatat, că metoda asigură un efect bun cosmetic şi funcţional la majoritatea pacienților. Rezultatele obţinute de noi ne permit să recomandăm utilizarea acestei metode și în condițiile de ambulatoriu, respectând indicațiile şi cerințele către metodologieДиагностика и лечение рака нижней губы в амбулаторных условиях

    Transcranial magnetic brain stimulation in post-stroke rehabilitation: a brief review with a focus on motor recovery

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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive brain stimulation method that can modulate excitability of the human cortex. It had been assumed by different research groups that suppressing the undamaged contralesional motor cortex by repetitive low-frequency rTMS or increasing the excitability of the damaged hemisphere cortex by high-frequency rTMS will promote function recovery after stroke. Thus, repetitive TMS can be an adjuvant therapy for developed neurorehabilitation strategies for stroke patients. The purpose of this brief review was to provide an overview of the methods, physiologic basis and future views of the use of inhibitory and excitatory repetitive rTMS. Recent studies have reported that rTMS can effectively facilitate neural plasticity and induce motor recovery after stroke. The best rTMS patt ern has not been established, a stronger evidence behind the potential use of rTMS as clinical rehabilitative tool should be found

    Origin and stability of the dipolar response in a family of tetragonal tungsten bronze relaxors

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    A new family of relaxor dielectrics with the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure (nominal composition Ba6M3+Nb9O30, M3+ = Ga, Sc or In) were studied using dielectric spectroscopy to probe the dynamic dipole response and correlate this with the crystal structure as determined from powder neutron diffraction. Independent analyses of real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric function were used to determine characteristic temperature parameters, TVF, and TUDR, respectively. In each composition both these temperatures correlated with the temperature of maximum crystallographic strain, Tc/a determined from diffraction data. The overall behaviour is consistent with dipole freezing and the data indicate that the dipole stability increases with increasing M3+ cation size as a result of increased tetragonality of the unit cell. Crystallographic data suggests that these materials are uniaxial relaxors with the dipole moment predominantly restricted to the B1 cation site in the structure. Possible origins of the relaxor behaviour are discussed.Comment: Main article 32 pages, 8 figures; Supplementary data 24 pages, 4 figure

    Elastic and anelastic relaxations accompanying relaxor ferroelectric behaviour of Ba6GaNb9O30 tetragonal tungsten bronze from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy

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    Tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) structures offer some promise as lead-free ferroelectrics and have an advantage of great flexibility in terms of accessible composition ranges due to the number of crystallographic sites available for chemical substitution. The ferroic properties of interest are coupled with strain, which will be important in the context of stability, switching dynamics and thin film properties. Coupling of strain with the ferroelectric order parameter gives rise to changes in elastic properties, and these have been investigated for a ceramic sample of Ba6GaNb9O30 (BGNO) by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Room temperature values of the shear and bulk moduli for BGNO are rather higher than for TTBs with related composition which are orthorhombic at room temperature, consistent with suppression of the ferroelectric transition. Instead, a broad, rounded minimum in the shear modulus measured at ~1 MHz is accompanied by a broad rounded maximum in acoustic loss near 115 K and signifies relaxor freezing behaviour. Elastic softening with falling temperature from room temperature, ahead of the freezing interval, is attributed to the development of dynamical polar nanoregions (PNRs), whilst the nonlinear stiffening below ~115 K is consistent with a spectrum of relaxation times for freezing of the PNR microstructure

    Towards novel multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials: dipole stability in tetragonal tungsten bronzes

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    authors thank the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council for funding (grant no. EP/F004133/1).We discuss the strategy for development of novel functional materials with the tetragonal tungsten bronze structure. From the starting composition Ba6GaNb9O30, the effect of A- and B-site substitutions on the dielectric properties is used to develop an understanding of the origin and stability of the dipolar response in these compounds. Both tetragonal strain induced by large B-site cations and local strain variations created by isovalent A-site substitutions enhance dipole stability but result in a dilute, weakly correlated dipolar response and canonical relaxor behaviour. Decreasing cation size at the perovskite A2-site increases the dipolar displacements in the surrounding octahedra, but insufficiently to result in dipole ordering. Mechanisms introducing small A-site lanthanide cations and incorporation of A-site vacancies to induce ferroelectricity and magnetism are presented.PostprintPeer reviewe


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    With accession to the EU Slovenia will simultaneously become a member of customs union, meaning that it should abolish existing trade barriers with partner countries and that it should adapt its trade policy against third countries to the policy of the Union. As a member of the EU Slovenia is going to regulate relations with other EU-member countries by competition policy, and to regulate relations with non-member countries by trade policy. Slovenia should cede up the instruments of common commercial policy. Thus, in the future, policy of international economic relations is going to be carried out at three levels: national, European and international (e.g. WTO, OECD). Practical importance for Slovenia will be caused by loss of national sovereignity in the field of anti-dumping measures as well as concluding trade agreements, what will have a considerable effects on trade with countries in the area of former Yugoslavia

    Clinical features and differential diagnosis of orofacial pain

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    Rezumat. Conform literaturii de specialitate cele mai des întâlnite dureri orofaciale care nu își au originea în structurile sistemului stomatognat, dar care sunt întâlnite în cabinetele medicilor stomatologi sunt durerea de tip tensional, nevralgia trigeminală și migrena. Prin urmare, sarcina noastră principală este să facem diferenţierea între durerile faciale de origine stomatologică, care sunt în competenţa noastră de a le menaja și celelalte patologii dureroase orofaciale, care necesită solidarizarea mai multor specialiști. Durerea facială de origine stomatologică, fie ea musculară sau articulară, are calităţile unei dureri somatice profunde, apare întotdeauna în urma unui eveniment recent (traumă, fractură dentară, tratament stomatologic, schimbări ocluzale), este însoţită de perturbarea funcţiilor (masticaţie, fonaţie) și adesea cauzează limitarea mișcărilor mandibulare. Prezenţa structurilor musculare, articulare, vasculare și neurologice într-un teritoriu anatomic restrâns îngreunează adesea stabilirea corectă a diagnosticului din care motiv abordarea interdisciplinară este inevitabilă și recomandată.Summary. According to the literature, the most common orofacial pains whose origin are not in the structures of the stomatognathic system, but which are encountered in the offices of dentists are tension pain, trigeminal neuralgia and migraine. Therefore, our main task is to differentiate between facial pain of dental origin, which are in our competence to manage them and other painful orofacial pathologies, which require the cooperation of several specialists. Facial pain, whether muscular or joint origin, has the qualities of a deep somatic pain, always occurs after a recent event (trauma, dental fracture, dental treatment, occlusal changes), is accompanied by disruption of functions (mastication, phonation) and it often causes limited mandibular movements. The presence of muscular, articular, vascular and neurological structures in a restricted anatomical territory often makes difficult to establish the correct diagnosis, that’s why the interdisciplinary approach is inevitable and recommended

    Management of patients with blunt thoracic trauma and hemopneumothorax

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    Department of Surgery, no. 1 Nicolae Anestiadi, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Trauma is the leading cause of death worldwide. Approximately 70% of polytraumatized patients have thoracic trauma(TT) with variable severity, the pleuropulmonary complications reaching up to 30-45%, depending on the severity of the trauma. Aim of the study. Analysis of the diagnostic and treatment outcomes in patients with blunt chest trauma and hemopneumothorax(HPT). Materials and methods. A prospective study, performed on 86 patients with TT and HPT, hospitalized consecutively at Institute of Emergency Medicine in 2019. The epidemiology, trauma-hospitalization time, hospitalization-tube thoracostomy(TThS), ISS score, structure of associated lesions, duration of assisted ventilation, cause, the frequency of repeated of TThS were analyzed. Results. M:F–3,5:1; mean age–51,2±1,8years; In 39(45,3%) TT was caused by falling from its own height, in 27(31,4%) – physical aggression, in 14(16,3%) – motor vehicle collision, in 6(7%) – falling from the height. Chest x-ray was performed on 83(96.5%) patients, in 27(32.5%) cases HPT on hospitalization was not found, FAST – 79(91.9%), only in 10(12.7%) cases pleural collections and/or emphysema was found. CT was performed on 19(22.1%) cases, sensitivity 100% for HPT. At 21(24.4%) polytraumatized patients TT was associated with: abdominal trauma in 4(19%), traumatic brain injury(TBI) – 14(66.6%), trauma of locomotor system – 12(57.1%), vertebral trauma – 4(19%). Hemodynamic unstable patients were 3(3,5%), with ISS>25. Were hospitalized in intensive care unit 16(18.6%) patients, 2 were connected to mechanical ventilation(MV) upon admission; 4(25%) for developing ARDS; and 4(25%) for TBI (2 with GCS<10). Unilateral TT was found in 84(97.7%), of which 12(14.3%)polytraumatized, 19(22.6%) with HT, 42(50%) – PT, and 23(27.4%) with HPT. Bilateral TT – 2(2.3%), in one case with HPT with flail chest, the other case – HT (ISS>20). TThS upon admission was made in 64(74.4%) cases, until 24h at 12(14%) patients and over 24h at 10(11.6%) patients. TThS was performed in all cases, 53(61,6%) cases in the 5th intercostal space, 27(31,4%) for PT in the 2nd and 6(6,7%) in the 2nd and 5th. In one case, videothoracoscopy was performed 17 hours after TThS for haemostasis. TThS was required repeatedly in 3(3.5%) cases. The average length of hospitalization was 8.34±6.6days and depended directly on the associated lesions and the duration of MV. Mortality was 3.5% (n=3), the cause being hypovolemic shock and MODS. Conclusions. The hemodynamic stability is determining the management of chest trauma and HPT. The thoracic x-ray is negative in about ¼ cases at admission. FAST in hemodynamically unstable patients with TT can appreciate the presence of HPT. Thoracic CT has the biggest sensitivity for HPT. Repeated TThS are determined by MV and the severity of TBI. Morbidity is dependent on pulmonary contusion, prolonged MV, consciousness disorders and late mobilization