356 research outputs found

    Zanclean Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Turnu Severin area (Dacian Basin, Romania). A critical analysis

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    Abstract. The critical analysis of the Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii Gilbert-type deltas concentrated on the deltaic architecture and the age of the deltaic deposits, referring especially to the conglomeratic sediments considered the proximal foreset unit of the Gilbert-type fan deltas. It reveals the lack of evidences necessary to demonstrate the existence of the three units (foreset, bottomset and topset beds) which define a Gilbert-type delta. Although there are convincing data for its tectonic origin, the homoclinal structure of these deltaic deposits was considered, with no argumentation, as a primary structure generated through the deltaic progradation. The age of the rudaceous deposits in the area Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii, representing the core of the two outlined Gilbert deltas, was considered Zanclean (Bosphorian) by Clauzon et al. (2005) and Suc et al. (2011), rejecting the Badenian – Sarmatian (s.l.) age formerly attributed (Marinescu, 1978 and the references herein). The critical examination of these two concepts pointed out the paleontological and stratigraphic proofs which substantiate the Badenian-Sarmatian (s.l.) age, in contrast with the lack of evidences in favor of the Zanclean age. The Gilbert-type fan deltas figured by Clauzon et al. (2005) and Suc et al. (2011) in the area of the present-day Danube River course (area Gura Văii – Turnu Severin – Izvoru Bârzii), closely downstream of the Iron Gates, represents one of the main arguments of these authors for the action of the Messinian crisis in the Dacian Basin. Taking into consideration the importance of this concept for the understanding of the Dacian Basin evolution, this paper undertakes a critical analysis of the factual data which generated the concept of the Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Turnu Severin area

    Galaxy Zoo Green Peas: discovery of a class of compact extremely star-forming galaxies

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.com '. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15383.xWe investigate a class of rapidly growing emission line galaxies, known as 'Green Peas', first noted by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo project because of their peculiar bright green colour and small size, unresolved in Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging. Their appearance is due to very strong optical emission lines, namely [O iii]λ5007 Å, with an unusually large equivalent width of up to ∼1000 Å. We discuss a well-defined sample of 251 colour-selected objects, most of which are strongly star forming, although there are some active galactic nuclei interlopers including eight newly discovered narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. The star-forming Peas are low-mass galaxies (M∼ 108.5–1010 M⊙) with high star formation rates (∼10 M⊙ yr−1) , low metallicities (log[O/H]+ 12 ∼ 8.7) and low reddening [ E(B−V) ≤ 0.25 ] and they reside in low-density environments. They have some of the highest specific star formation rates (up to ∼10−8 yr−1 ) seen in the local Universe, yielding doubling times for their stellar mass of hundreds of Myr. The few star-forming Peas with Hubble Space Telescope imaging appear to have several clumps of bright star-forming regions and low surface density features that may indicate recent or ongoing mergers. The Peas are similar in size, mass, luminosity and metallicity to luminous blue compact galaxies. They are also similar to high-redshift ultraviolet-luminous galaxies, e.g. Lyman-break galaxies and Lyα emitters, and therefore provide a local laboratory with which to study the extreme star formation processes that occur in high-redshift galaxies. Studying starbursting galaxies as a function of redshift is essential to understanding the build up of stellar mass in the Universe.Peer reviewe

    Galaxy Zoo : Building the low-mass end of the red sequence with local post-starburst galaxies

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    We present a study of local post-starburst galaxies (PSGs) using the photometric and spectroscopic observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the results from the Galaxy Zoo project. We find that the majority of our local PSG population have neither early- nor late-type morphologies but occupy a well-defined space within the colour-stellar mass diagram, most notably, the low-mass end of the 'green valley' below the transition mass thought to be the mass division between low-mass star-forming galaxies and high-mass passively evolving bulge-dominated galaxies. Our analysis suggests that it is likely that local PSGs will quickly transform into 'red', low-mass early-type galaxies as the stellar morphologies of the 'green' PSGs largely resemble that of the early-type galaxies within the same mass range. We propose that the current population of PSGs represents a population of galaxies which is rapidly transitioning between the star-forming and the passively evolving phases. Subsequently, these PSGs will contribute towards the build-up of the low-mass end of the 'red sequence' once the current population of young stars fade and stars are no longer being formed. These results are consistent with the idea of 'downsizing' where the build-up of smaller galaxies occurs at later epochs.Peer reviewe

    Galaxy Zoo: Disentangling the Environmental Dependence of Morphology and Colour

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    We analyze the environmental dependence of galaxy morphology and colour with two-point clustering statistics, using data from the Galaxy Zoo, the largest sample of visually classified morphologies yet compiled, extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We present two-point correlation functions of spiral and early-type galaxies, and we quantify the correlation between morphology and environment with marked correlation functions. These yield clear and precise environmental trends across a wide range of scales, analogous to similar measurements with galaxy colours, indicating that the Galaxy Zoo classifications themselves are very precise. We measure morphology marked correlation functions at fixed colour and find that they are relatively weak, with the only residual correlation being that of red galaxies at small scales, indicating a morphology gradient within haloes for red galaxies. At fixed morphology, we find that the environmental dependence of colour remains strong, and these correlations remain for fixed morphology \textit{and} luminosity. An implication of this is that much of the morphology--density relation is due to the relation between colour and density. Our results also have implications for galaxy evolution: the morphological transformation of galaxies is usually accompanied by a colour transformation, but not necessarily vice versa. A spiral galaxy may move onto the red sequence of the colour-magnitude diagram without quickly becoming an early-type. We analyze the significant population of red spiral galaxies, and present evidence that they tend to be located in moderately dense environments and are often satellite galaxies in the outskirts of haloes. Finally, we combine our results to argue that central and satellite galaxies tend to follow different evolutionary paths.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Classification of cancer cell lines using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and statistical analysis

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    Over the past decade, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time‑of‑flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‑TOF MS) has been established as a valuable platform for microbial identification, and it is also frequently applied in biology and clinical studies to identify new markers expressed in pathological conditions. The aim of the present study was to assess the potential of using this approach for the classification of cancer cell lines as a quantifiable method for the proteomic profiling of cellular organelles. Intact protein extracts isolated from different tumor cell lines (human and murine) were analyzed using MALDI‑TOF MS and the obtained mass lists were processed using principle component analysis (PCA) within Bruker Biotyper® software. Furthermore, reference spectra were created for each cell line and were used for classification. Based on the intact protein profiles, we were able to differentiate and classify six cancer cell lines: two murine melanoma (B16‑F0 and B164A5), one human melanoma (A375), two human breast carcinoma (MCF7 and MDA‑MB‑231) and one human liver carcinoma (HepG2). The cell lines were classified according to cancer type and the species they originated from, as well as by their metastatic potential, offering the possibility to differentiate non‑invasive from invasive cells. The obtained results pave the way for developing a broad‑based strategy for the identification and classification of cancer cell

    Lethality of MalE-LacZ hybrid protein shares mechanistic attributes with oxidative component of antibiotic lethality

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    Downstream metabolic events can contribute to the lethality of drugs or agents that interact with a primary cellular target. In bacteria, the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been associated with the lethal effects of a variety of stresses including bactericidal antibiotics, but the relative contribution of this oxidative component to cell death depends on a variety of factors. Experimental evidence has suggested that unresolvable DNA problems caused by incorporation of oxidized nucleotides into nascent DNA followed by incomplete base excision repair contribute to the ROS-dependent component of antibiotic lethality. Expression of the chimeric periplasmic-cytoplasmic MalE-LacZ[subscript 72 – 47] protein is an historically important lethal stress originally identified during seminal genetic experiments that defined the SecY-dependent protein translocation system. Multiple, independent lines of evidence presented here indicate that the predominant mechanism for MalE-LacZ lethality shares attributes with the ROS-dependent component of antibiotic lethality. MalE-LacZ lethality requires molecular oxygen, and its expression induces ROS production. The increased susceptibility of mutants sensitive to oxidative stress to MalE-LacZ lethality indicates that ROS contribute causally to cell death rather than simply being produced by dying cells. Observations that support the proposed mechanism of cell death include MalE-LacZ expression being bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal in cells that over-express MutT, a nucleotide sanitizer that hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP to the monophosphate, or that lack MutM and MutY, DNA glycosylases that process base pairs involving 8-oxo-dGTP. Our studies suggest stress-induced physiological changes that favor this mode of ROS-dependent death.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01CA021615)Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (Grant HDTRA1-15-1-0051)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1336493)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K99GM118907

    Detection of two QTL on chicken chromosome 14 for keyhole lymphet heamocyanin

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    A keyhole lymphet heamocyanin is an antigen which triggers Th1 type of immune response. A QTL for a primary immune response towards keyhole lymphet heamocyanin has been detected on chicken chromosome 14 in three populations. The results from the most recent population were inconsistent and varied depending on the applied QTL detection model. The major goal of the current study was the reanalysis of this data using a 2 QTL model. Additionally, in order to provide more accurate estimates of QTL effects and positions, epistasis between the QTL was considered as a potential important contributor to quantitative traits. Four statistical models were assumed: M1: A model assuming marginal additive effects of two QTL; M2: A model assuming marginal and epistatic additive effects of two QTL; M3: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL; M4: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL and all possible pairwise epistases. Two QTL with significant additive and dominance effects were detected on chicken chromosome 14 using model M3. One QTL was detected at 63 cM between MCW0123 and ROS0005, another at 76 cM between ROS0005 and MCW0225/NTN2Lsts1 (FDR = 0.0051). Modelling only additive effects resulted in a significantly worse fit. On the other hand, including epistatic effects did not improve fit significantly. The current study confirms previous reports of the QTL location on GGA14. A notable finding of this study is recognition of two closely related QTL for a keyhole lymphet heamocyanin response at the distal part of chicken chromosome 14

    Galaxy Zoo 1 : Data Release of Morphological Classifications for nearly 900,000 galaxies

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    Morphology is a powerful indicator of a galaxy's dynamical and merger history. It is strongly correlated with many physical parameters, including mass, star formation history and the distribution of mass. The Galaxy Zoo project collected simple morphological classifications of nearly 900,000 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, contributed by hundreds of thousands of volunteers. This large number of classifications allows us to exclude classifier error, and measure the influence of subtle biases inherent in morphological classification. This paper presents the data collected by the project, alongside measures of classification accuracy and bias. The data are now publicly available and full catalogues can be downloaded in electronic format from http://data.galaxyzoo.org.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 14 pages. Updated to match final version; problem with table 7 header fixed. Full tables available at http://data.galaxyzoo.or