43 research outputs found

    Fostering Intercultural Competence in Norwegian ELT through reading Multimodal Young Adult Fiction - An analysis of internalized and institutional racism in Walter Dean Myers’ Monster and Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give

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    This thesis investigates Walter Dean Myers’ Monster (1999) and Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give (2017), in light of how these two multimodal young adult novels depict internalized and institutional racism through incorporating the concepts Double Consciousness and Counter-storytelling. Written from the narrative perspective of a young male and female African American protagonist belonging to different periods of recent US history, each novel in different ways immerses the reader into a storyworld which exposes the persistent racial disparity against African Americans in the American Justice System and Law Enforcement. Focusing on the two novels’ suitability for the English subject classroom in Norwegian Upper Secondary School, this thesis tries to connect the American field of Critical Race Theory with the emphasis on developing intercultural competence expressed in the English subject Curriculum in Norway. Using Hoff’s (2016) Model of the Intercultural Reader, the overall aim of this thesis is to explore the ways in which reading and working with multimodal young adult fiction could foster intercultural competence

    Psykotisk i gjerningsøyeblikket : Beviskravet for den psykotiske tilstand etter straffeloven § 44

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    Spørsmålet i oppgaven er hvilket beviskrav som kreves ved vurderingen av om tiltalte var "psykotisk" i gjerningsøyeblikket. Videre er spørsmålet i hvilken grad rimelig tvil skal komme tiltalte "til gode", og hva som faktisk er "til gode" for tiltalte. Oppgaven tar også for seg hvilken vekt det materielle sannhetsprinsipp har i forhold til denne vurderingen

    Tertiary lymphoid structures are associated with higher tumor grade in primary operable breast cancer patients

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    Published version, also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12885-015-1116-1Background: Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) are highly organized immune cell aggregates that develop at sites of inflammation or infection in non-lymphoid organs. Despite the described role of inflammation in tumor progression, it is still unclear whether the process of lymphoid neogenesis and biological function of ectopic lymphoid tissue in tumors are beneficial or detrimental to tumor growth. In this study we analysed if TLS are found in human breast carcinomas and its association with clinicopathological parameters. Methods: In a patient group (n = 290) who underwent primary surgery between 2011 and 2012 we assessed the interrelationship between the presence of TLS in breast tumors and clinicopathological factors. Prognostic factors were entered into a binary logistic regression model for identifying independent predictors for intratumoral TLS formation. Results: There was a positive association between the grade of immune cell infiltration within the tumor and important prognostic parameters such as hormone receptor status, tumor grade and lymph node involvement. The majority of patients with high grade infiltration of immune cells had TLS positive tumors. In addition to the degree of immune cell infiltration, the presence of TLS was associated with organized immune cell aggregates, hormone receptor status and tumor grade. Tumors with histological grade 3 were the strongest predictor for the presence of TLS in a multivariate regression model. The model also predicted that the odds for having intratumoral TLS formation were ten times higher for patients with high grade of inflammation than low grade. Conclusions: Human breast carcinomas frequently contain TLS and the presence of these structures is associated with aggressive forms of tumors. Locally generated immune response with potentially antitumor immunity may control tumorigenesis and metastasis. Thus, defining the role of TLS formation in breast carcinomas may lead to alternative therapeutic approaches targeting the immune system

    Quality of clinical management of cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with severe mental illness in a specialist mental health care setting

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    Purpose Cardiometabolic disease in patients with severe mental illness is a major cause of shortened life expectancy. There is sparse evidence of real-world clinical risk prevention practice. We investigated levels of assessments of cardiometabolic risk factors and risk management interventions in patients with severe mental illness in the Norwegian mental health service according to an acknowledged international standard. Methods We collected data from 264 patients residing in six country-wide health trusts for: (a) assessments of cardiometabolic risk and (b) assessments of levels of risk reducing interventions. Logistic regressions were employed to investigate associations between risk and interventions. Results Complete assessments of all cardiometabolic risk variables were performed in 50% of the participants and 88% thereof had risk levels requiring intervention according to the standard. Smoking cessation advice was provided to 45% of daily smokers and 4% were referred to an intervention program. Obesity was identified in 62% and was associated with lifestyle interventions. Reassessment of psychotropic medication was done in 28% of the obese patients. Women with obesity were less likely to receive dietary advice, and use of clozapine or olanzapine reduced the chances for patients with obesity of getting weight reducing interventions. Conclusions Nearly nine out of the ten participants were identified as being at cardiometabolic high risk and only half of the participants were adequately screened. Women with obesity and patients using antipsychotics with higher levels of cardiometabolic side effects had fewer adequate interventions. The findings underscore the need for standardized recommendations for identification and provision of cardiometabolic risk reducing interventions in all patients with severe mental illness.publishedVersio

    Erfaringar etter handteringa av smitte og utbrot av covid-19 i Noreg hausten 2021 og vinteren 2022 i utvalde kommunar

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    Source at https://www.fhi.no/.Kommunane har hatt ei avgjerande rolle i handteringa av smitte og utbrot gjennom pandemien. Kommunane har gjort dette i samarbeid med nabokommunar, statsforvaltarar og nasjonale helsestyresmakter. Dette gjeld også for kommunane som deltok i denne gjennomgangen. Denne rapporten har ved hjelp av intervju med eit utval kommunar hausta erfaringar om korleis ulike kommunar har oppdaga og handtert utbrot og tiltak knytt til situasjonen lokalt, regionalt og nasjonalt. Målet har vore å hausta erfaringar for så å kunna trekka lærdom av handteringa av covid19 i kommunane. Studieperioden har vore frå august 2021 (frå skulestart med innføring av test for karantene) til februar 2022 (då nasjonale tiltak vart oppheva). Fokusområda i denne gjennomgangen har vore på kontaktreduserande tiltak, TISK (testing, isolering, smittesporing og karantene), og tiltak i skular

    Rehabilitation and outcomes after complicated vs uncomplicated mild TBI:results from the CENTER-TBI study

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    Background: Despite existing guidelines for managing mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), evidence-based treatments are still scarce and large-scale studies on the provision and impact of specific rehabilitation services are needed. This study aimed to describe the provision of rehabilitation to patients after complicated and uncomplicated mTBI and investigate factors associated with functional outcome, symptom burden, and TBI-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) up to six months after injury. Methods: Patients (n = 1379) with mTBI from the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) study who reported whether they received rehabilitation services during the first six months post-injury and who participated in outcome assessments were included. Functional outcome was measured with the Glasgow Outcome Scale – Extended (GOSE), symptom burden with the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ), and HRQOL with the Quality of Life after Brain Injury – Overall Scale (QOLIBRI-OS). We examined whether transition of care (TOC) pathways, receiving rehabilitation services, sociodemographic (incl. geographic), premorbid, and injury-related factors were associated with outcomes using regression models. For easy comparison, we estimated ordinal regression models for all outcomes where the scores were classified based on quantiles. Results: Overall, 43% of patients with complicated and 20% with uncomplicated mTBI reported receiving rehabilitation services, primarily in physical and cognitive domains. Patients with complicated mTBI had lower functional level, higher symptom burden, and lower HRQOL compared to uncomplicated mTBI. Rehabilitation services at three or six months and a higher number of TOC were associated with unfavorable outcomes in all models, in addition to pre-morbid psychiatric problems. Being male and having more than 13 years of education was associated with more favorable outcomes. Sustaining major trauma was associated with unfavorable GOSE outcome, whereas living in Southern and Eastern European regions was associated with lower HRQOL. Conclusions: Patients with complicated mTBI reported more unfavorable outcomes and received rehabilitation services more frequently. Receiving rehabilitation services and higher number of care transitions were indicators of injury severity and associated with unfavorable outcomes. The findings should be interpreted carefully and validated in future studies as we applied a novel analytic approach. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02210221.</p

    Utfordrende atferd i barnehagen: En kvalitativ studie av fem pedagogiske lederes refleksjoner om tilrettelegging for barn med utfordrende atferd

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    I denne oppgaven har søkelyset blitt rettet mot utfordrende atferd og hvilken betydning voksen – barn relasjonen har for arbeidet med utfordrende atferd. Det overordnede målet med denne studien har vært å undersøke hvordan utfordrende atferd blir forstått av pedagogiske ledere i barnehagen. Videre ønsket jeg å se på hvordan denne forståelsen kom til uttrykk i pedagogenes praksis i arbeidet med barn med utfordrende atferd. Studiens problemstilling har vært: Hvilke refleksjoner gjør pedagogiske ledere i barnehagen seg om tilrettelegging for barn med utfordrende atferd? Studien har tatt utgangspunkt i en kvalitativ forskningstilnærming, og datainnsamlingen har foregått gjennom fem semistrukturerte intervjuer, hvor pedagogiske ledere har fungert som informanter. Resultatene er blitt fremstilt i tre hovedkategorier: relasjoner, perspektiv og dilemmaer. Resultatene viser at informantene hadde en felles forståelse av at utfordrende atferd er noe utenfor normalen, som vekker en undring eller bekymring i dem. Likevel understrekte informantene at et barns atferd er et uttrykk for noe, og at barn alltid vil handle slik de mener et mest hensiktsmessig. Det vil derfor være pedagogens jobb å komme i dybden på hva barnet strever med, slik at de kan til rette legge for barnet på best mulig måte. Videre viser resultatene at de fem informantene så på relasjoner som det viktigste arbeidsverktøyet de har i arbeid med utfordrende atferd. Informantene evner godt å se, samt forstå utfordrende atferd fra ulike perspektiv, og ser det som en viktig forutsetning for å forstå hele barnet. Likevel beskriver informantene ulike dilemmaer de møter i arbeid med utfordrende atferd, som må håndteres innenfor barnehagens rammer og forutsetninger

    Fostering Intercultural Competence in Norwegian ELT through reading Multimodal Young Adult Fiction - An analysis of internalized and institutional racism in Walter Dean Myers’ Monster and Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give

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    This thesis investigates Walter Dean Myers’ Monster (1999) and Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give (2017), in light of how these two multimodal young adult novels depict internalized and institutional racism through incorporating the concepts Double Consciousness and Counter-storytelling. Written from the narrative perspective of a young male and female African American protagonist belonging to different periods of recent US history, each novel in different ways immerses the reader into a storyworld which exposes the persistent racial disparity against African Americans in the American Justice System and Law Enforcement. Focusing on the two novels’ suitability for the English subject classroom in Norwegian Upper Secondary School, this thesis tries to connect the American field of Critical Race Theory with the emphasis on developing intercultural competence expressed in the English subject Curriculum in Norway. Using Hoff’s (2016) Model of the Intercultural Reader, the overall aim of this thesis is to explore the ways in which reading and working with multimodal young adult fiction could foster intercultural competence

    Straffeansvar ved sosial dumping

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    I hvilken utstrekning er straffbestemmelser i arbeidervernlovgivningen et preventivt virkemiddel mot sosial dumping