102 research outputs found

    Moderators of Sexual Recidivism as Indicator of Treatment Effectiveness in Persons With Sexual Offense Histories: An Updated Meta-analysis

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    The present meta-analysis is an update of the meta-analysis by Schmucker and Lösel [Campbell Syst. Rev. 2017; 13: 1–75], which synthesized evidence on sexual recidivism as an indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories. The updated meta-analysis includes 37 samples comprising a total of 30,394 individuals with sexual offense histories, which is nearly three times the sample size reported by Schmucker and Lösel (2017: 28 samples, N = 9781). In line with Schmucker and Lösel (2017), the mean treatment effect was small with an odds ratio of 1.54 [95% CI 1.22, 1.95] ( p < .001). A moderator analysis suggested three predictors of importance, i.e., risk level, treatment specialization, and author confounding. Greater treatment effectiveness was suggested in high- and medium-compared to low-risk individuals and in specialized compared to non-specialized treatments. Authors affiliated with treatment programs reported larger effectiveness than independent authors. These findings were overall in line with Schmucker and Lösel (2017), though the effects of risk level and treatment specialization were stronger in the current meta-analysis. The findings of the updated meta-analysis reinforce the evidence for the first and second principle of the Risk-Need-Responsivity model. The results may support researchers and decision-makers in interpreting the current evidence on sexual recidivism as an indicator of treatment effectiveness, and, based on that, implement and carry out informative, methodologically sound evaluations of ongoing treatment programs in persons with sexual offense histories

    A multimodel meta-analysis assessing moderators of sexual recidivism as an indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories

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    Objectives This meta-analysis tested whether multimodel inference provides more conclusive evidence than traditional single-hypothesis testing regarding predictors that moderate sexual recidivism as an indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories. Methods A dataset including 35 studies equivalent to the meta-analysis by Holper et al. (Sex Abuse 2023; 0: 1–37) was used. Multimodel inference based on information theory tested 15 publication-, study-, treatment-, and individual-specific moderators. Results Only risk level was related to sexual recidivism. A greater posttreatment reduction in sexual recidivism was apparent in high- and medium- compared to low-risk individuals. This moderator explained 77% of the residual heterogeneity. Conclusions Compared to previous reports, the multimodel approach provided clearer evidence on which factors moderate sexual recidivism. Results corroborated the relevance of risk level, which relates to the risk-need-responsivity model. The findings may support treatment recommendations in persons with sexual offense histories in the criminal justice system

    Fearless but anxious?: A systematic review on the utility of fear and anxiety levels to classify subtypes of psychopathy

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    Abstract Psychopathic traits have been linked to anomalies in experiencing fear and anxiety. It remains unclear, however, to what extent fear and anxiety levels are useful parameters to effectively distinguish between subtypes of psychopathy. Therefore, we aimed to elucidate whether different psychopathic phenotypes (primary and secondary psychopathy) can be delineated based on fear/anxiety levels. To investigate associations between psychopathic traits and conscious experiences of fear and/or anxiety a systematic qualitative review of studies was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses guidelines. Seventeen studies were included in the review. We found some evidence for attenuated fear/anxiety levels in primary psychopathy. In secondary psychopathy, the experience of fear/anxiety seemed rather intact. Moreover, primary psychopathy might be associated with a more positive appraisal of the conscious feeling of fear. We reason that consciously experienced fear and anxiety are distinctly related to primary and secondary psychopathy. Due to a lack of consistent and comprehensive operationalizations of fear and anxiety, however, conclusions about their potential to differentiate psychopathic subtypes should be drawn with caution

    Zusammenhänge zwischen Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, betriebswirtschaftlichem Denken und beruflichem Erfolg

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    Für diese Studie wurden 38 Führungskräfte der mittleren und der oberen Managementebene sowie 36 Studierende der Betriebwirtschaftslehre und der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu Persönlichkeitsdimensionen, der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken sowie zum Karriereverlauf befragt. Die Führungskräfte sind tendenziell emotional stabiler und weisen signifikant höhere Werte in der verbalen Intelligenz auf als die Studierenden. In den Persönlichkeitsdimensionen Emotionale Stabilität, Extraversion, Verträglichkeit, Offenheit für Neues und Gewissenhaftigkeit unterscheiden sich Führungskräfte und Studierende hingegen nicht signifikant. Auch in der Persönlichkeitsdimension Psychopathie unterscheiden sich beide Gruppen nicht signifikant. Psychopathie wird in dieser Untersuchung als Persönlichkeitsdimension operationalisiert, nicht als psychopathologische Kategorie mit Krankheitswert. Ein substantieller Zusammenhang zwischen Psychopathiewerten und der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken wurde nicht festgestellt. Es wird vermutet, dass der fehlende Zusammenhang auf die unzureichende Operationalisierung von wirtschaftlichem Denken zurückzuführen ist. In den Folgeuntersuchungen wird wirtschaftliches Denken umfassender operationalisiert werden

    Zusammenhänge zwischen Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, betriebswirtschaftlichem Denken und beruflichem Erfolg

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    Für diese Studie wurden 38 Führungskräfte der mittleren und der oberen Managementebene sowie 36 Studierende der Betriebwirtschaftslehre und der Wirtschaftsinformatik zu Persönlichkeitsdimensionen, der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken sowie zum Karriereverlauf befragt. Die Führungskräfte sind tendenziell emotional stabiler und weisen signifikant höhere Werte in der verbalen Intelligenz auf als die Studierenden. In den Persönlichkeitsdimensionen Emotionale Stabilität, Extraversion, Verträglichkeit, Offenheit für Neues und Gewissenhaftigkeit unterscheiden sich Führungskräfte und Studierende hingegen nicht signifikant. Auch in der Persönlichkeitsdimension Psychopathie unterscheiden sich beide Gruppen nicht signifikant. Psychopathie wird in dieser Untersuchung als Persönlichkeitsdimension operationalisiert, nicht als psychopathologische Kategorie mit Krankheitswert. Ein substantieller Zusammenhang zwischen Psychopathiewerten und der Fähigkeit zu wirtschaftlichem Denken wurde nicht festgestellt. Es wird vermutet, dass der fehlende Zusammenhang auf die unzureichende Operationalisierung von wirtschaftlichem Denken zurückzuführen ist. In den Folgeuntersuchungen wird wirtschaftliches Denken umfassender operationalisiert werden

    Sadism among sexual homicide offenders:Validation of the Sexual Sadism Scale

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    Sexual sadism is assumed to be a crucial factor in sexual homicide. Prevalence estimates vary greatly due to differences in the definition of sexual sadism. A nationwide sample of 350 male perpetrators who had committed a sexual homicide offense against a female 14 years of age or above in England or Wales was assessed based on archival records. Sexual sadism was assessed using the Sexual Sadism Scale (SeSaS). Item response theory (IRT) analyses were conducted focusing on the 2-parameter logistic model. The single-factor structure of the SeSaS Part 1 was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Estimates of both internal consistency and interrater agreement were satisfactory to substantial. IRT analysis showed that the Part 1 items captured moderate to severe levels of the latent construct (i.e., theta levels >0). Based on the Posterior Probability of Diagnosis index, the prevalence of the disorder was estimated at 37% in the sample. The substantial correlation between the SeSaS Part 1 total score and original clinical diagnoses of sadism confirms the criterion validity of the scale. Exertion of control and infliction of torture were among the more informative items. In sum, the results support the usefulness of the SeSaS instrument for assessing forensically relevant forms of sadism

    Psychopathic and autistic traits differentially influence the neural mechanisms of social cognition from communication signals

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    Psychopathy is associated with severe deviations in social behavior and cognition. While previous research described such cognitive and neural alterations in the processing of rather specific social information from human expressions, some open questions remain concerning central and differential neurocognitive deficits underlying psychopathic behavior. Here we investigated three rather unexplored factors to explain these deficits, first, by assessing psychopathy subtypes in social cognition, second, by investigating the discrimination of social communication sounds (speech, non-speech) from other non-social sounds, and third, by determining the neural overlap in social cognition impairments with autistic traits, given potential common deficits in the processing of communicative voice signals. The study was exploratory with a focus on how psychopathic and autistic traits differentially influence the function of social cognitive and affective brain networks in response to social voice stimuli. We used a parametric data analysis approach from a sample of 113 participants (47 male, 66 female) with ages ranging between 18 and 40 years (mean 25.59, SD 4.79). Our data revealed four important findings. First, we found a phenotypical overlap between secondary but not primary psychopathy with autistic traits. Second, primary psychopathy showed various neural deficits in neural voice processing nodes (speech, non-speech voices) and in brain systems for social cognition (mirroring, mentalizing, empathy, emotional contagion). Primary psychopathy also showed deficits in the basal ganglia (BG) system that seems specific to the social decoding of communicative voice signals. Third, neural deviations in secondary psychopathy were restricted to social mirroring and mentalizing impairments, but with additional and so far undescribed deficits at the level of auditory sensory processing, potentially concerning deficits in ventral auditory stream mechanisms (auditory object identification). Fourth, high autistic traits also revealed neural deviations in sensory cortices, but rather in the dorsal auditory processing streams (communicative context encoding). Taken together, social cognition of voice signals shows considerable deviations in psychopathy, with differential and newly described deficits in the BG system in primary psychopathy and at the neural level of sensory processing in secondary psychopathy. These deficits seem especially triggered during the social cognition from vocal communication signals

    Deep Learning in the Identification of Electroencephalogram Sources Associated with Sexual Orientation

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    Introduction: It is unclear if sexual orientation is a biological trait that has neurofunctional footprints. With deep learning, the power to classify biological datasets without an a priori selection of features has increased by magnitudes. The aim of this study was to correctly classify resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG) data from males with different sexual orientation using deep learning and to explore techniques to identify the learned distinguishing features. Methods: Three cohorts (homosexual men, heterosexual men, and a mixed sex cohort), one pretrained network on sex classification, and one newly trained network for sexual orientation classification were used to classify sex. Further, Grad-CAM methodology and source localization were used to identify the spatiotemporal patterns that were used for differentiation by the networks. Results: Using a pretrained network for classification of males and females, no differences existed between classification of homosexual and heterosexual males. The newly trained network was able, however, to correctly classify the cohorts with a total accuracy of 83%. The retrograde activation using Grad-CAM technology yielded distinctive functional EEG patterns in the Brodmann area 40 and 1 when combined with Fourier analysis and a source localization. Discussion: This study shows that electrophysiological trait markers of male sexual orientation can be identified using deep learning. These patterns are different from the differentiating signatures of males and females in a resting-state EEG