64 research outputs found

    Scientific surveys about metallurgy from "El Malagón" and "Los Millares" in the Southeastern Spain

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste fundamentalmente en la determinación del estadio tecnológico de la producción metalúrgica de las sociedades calcolíticas del Sureste peninsular. Para ello se han realizado una serie de análisis químicos y de difracción de Rayos X sobre diversos restos arqueometalúrgicos (menas, escorias, cerámica) que completan la información obtenida sobre los resultados proporcionados por los objetos manufacturados procedentes de los yacimientos de Los Millares y El Malagón. Todo este conjunto material esta implicado en las diferentes fases del proceso metalúrgico (cantería/minería, calcinación, reducción, fundición y manufactura).This paper's main goal is to determine the technological stage of the metallurgical production achieved by the Iberian Southeast chalcolithic societies of the Iberian Southeast. To complete the information on this issue given by the study of manufactured metallic objects from Los Millares and El Malagón sites, several chemical analysis, and X Ray difraction phase determinations on different archaeometallurgical remains (ore, and ceramics) ha ve been made. All theses remains are involved in different phases of the metallurgical process ( quarring/mining, calcination, smelting, melting and manufacturing)

    Deficient electron microprobe totals: Discussion of potential causes

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Description of an aerodynamic levitation apparatus with applications in Earth sciences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In aerodynamic levitation, solids and liquids are floated in a vertical gas stream. In combination with CO<sub>2</sub>-laser heating, containerless melting at high temperature of oxides and silicates is possible. We apply aerodynamic levitation to bulk rocks in preparation for microchemical analyses, and for evaporation and reduction experiments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Liquid silicate droplets (~2 mm) were maintained stable in levitation using a nozzle with a 0.8 mm bore and an opening angle of 60°. The gas flow was ~250 ml min<sup>-1</sup>. Rock powders were melted and homogenized for microchemcial analyses. Laser melting produced chemically homogeneous glass spheres. Only highly (e.g. H<sub>2</sub>O) and moderately volatile components (Na, K) were partially lost. The composition of evaporated materials was determined by directly combining levitation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. It is shown that the evaporated material is composed of Na > K >> Si. Levitation of metal oxide-rich material in a mixture of H<sub>2 </sub>and Ar resulted in the exsolution of liquid metal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Levitation melting is a rapid technique or for the preparation of bulk rock powders for major, minor and trace element analysis. With exception of moderately volatile elements Na and K, bulk rock analyses can be performed with an uncertainty of ± 5% relative. The technique has great potential for the quantitative determination of evaporated materials from silicate melts. Reduction of oxides to metal is a means for the extraction and analysis of siderophile elements from silicates and can be used to better understand the origin of chondritic metal.</p

    Volatile (S, Cl and F) and fluid mobile trace element compositions in melt inclusions: implications for variable fluid sources across the Kamchatka arc

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    Volatile element, major and trace element compositions were measured in glass inclusions in olivine from samples across the Kamchatka arc. Glasses were analyzed in reheated melt inclusions by electron microprobe for major elements, S and Cl, trace elements and F were determined by SIMS. Volatile element–trace element ratios correlated with fluid-mobile elements (B, Li) suggesting successive changes and three distinct fluid compositions with increasing slab depth. The Eastern Volcanic arc Front (EVF) was dominated by fluid highly enriched in B, Cl and chalcophile elements and also LILE (U, Th, Ba, Pb), F, S and LREE (La, Ce). This arc-front fluid contributed less to magmas from the central volcanic zone and was not involved in back arc magmatism. The Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD) was dominated by a second fluid enriched in S and U, showing the highest S/K2O and U/Th ratios. Additionally this fluid was unusually enriched in 87Sr and 18O. In the back arc Sredinny Ridge (SR) a third fluid was observed, highly enriched in F, Li, and Be as well as LILE and LREE. We argue from the decoupling of B and Li that dehydration of different water-rich minerals at different depths explains the presence of different fluids across the Kamchatka arc. In the arc front, fluids were derived from amphibole and serpentine dehydration and probably were water-rich, low in silica and high in B, LILE, sulfur and chlorine. Large amounts of water produced high degrees of melting below the EVF and CKD. Fluids below the CKD were released at a depth between 100 and 200 km due to dehydration of lawsonite and phengite and probably were poorer in water and richer in silica. Fluids released at high pressure conditions below the back arc (SR) probably were much denser and dissolved significant amounts of silicate minerals, and potentially carried high amounts of LILE and HFSE

    Zircon texture and chemical composition as a guide to magmatic processes and mixing in a granitic environment and coeval volcanic system

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    This study documents the chemical and textural responses of zircon in the Elba igneous complex, with particular reference to the 7- to 7.8-Ma-old Monte Capanne pluton in relation to its coeval volcanic counterpart (Capraia), using BSE imaging and quantitative electron microprobe analyses. The Monte Capanne pluton displays multiple field and geochemical evidence for magma mixing. The samples we have investigated (including monzogranitic, mafic enclave and dyke samples) display similar zircon textures and are associated with an extremely large range of trace and minor element (Hf, Y, HREE, Th, U) compositions, which contrast with relatively simple textures and zoning patterns in zircons from a Capraia dacite. We have used a relatively simple textural classification (patchy zoning, homogenous cores, oscillatory zoning and unzoned zircon) as the basis for discussing the chemical composition and chemical variation within zircons from the Monte Capanne pluton. Based on these data and other works (Dini et al. 2004 in Lithos 78:101–118, 2004) , it is inferred that mixing between metaluminous and peraluminous melts occurred early in the evolution of the Monte Capanne magma chamber. In particular, mixing was responsible for the development of the patchy-zoning texture in the zircon cores, which was associated with reactions between other accessory phases (including monazite, apatite, allanite), which we infer to have significantly affected the Th distribution in zircon. Zircons from the MC pluton displaying “homogeneous cores” have chemical affinities with zircons in the coeval Capraia volcanic system, consistent with the participation of a Capraia-like mantle end-member during mixing. Further zircon growth in the MC pluton produced the oscillatory zoning texture, which records both long-term (crystal fractionation) and transient (recharge with both silicic and mafic magmas) events in a hybrid magma chamber. It is inferred that Hf and the Th/U ratio cannot be used alone to infer magmatic processes due to their dependency on temperature, nor are they a diagnostic feature of xenocrystic grains. This study shows that zircon chemistry coupled with detailed textural analysis can provide a powerful tool to elucidate the complex evolution of a magma system