35 research outputs found

    Risikorechnung bei industrieller Auftragsfertigung

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    Die Dynamik und Komplexität unternehmerischen Geschehens hat die Anzahl der Risiken erhöht und auch ihre Prognostizierbarkeit weiter beeinträchtigt. Davon sind im besonderen Maße Auftragsfertiger betroffen. Gerade Bauunternehmen haben in den vergangenen Jahren in erheblichem Umfang unerwartete Verluste hinnehmen müssen. Zur besseren Erfassung der Gefährdungspotentiale wird in dieser Arbeit das betriebliche Rechnungswesen um die Risikorechnung erweitert. Dabei handelt es sich um eine eigenständige Betrachtung von Risiken, die sämtliche risikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenfrisikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenführt. Oberstes Ziel ist eine genaue, über alle Aufträge konsistente und zeitnahe Messung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Risiken sowie eine bessere Kalkulation der Risikokosten. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende mit Schwerpunkt Controlling beziehungsweise Baubetriebslehre sowie an interessierte Praktiker der Bauindustrie

    Contemporary market structure and regulatory framework

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    This diagnosis of the European Parliament and of the Council points out that water is an economic good, but not a usual one. Water is vital for the people, animals and plants. Furthermore it is indispensable for the agriculture and industry. Nevertheless the water improvement incurs costs which have to be recovered. This poses special challenges to the water management and requires unique measures from an economic point of view. Cross countries the water industry is bound to an infrastructure which implicates its status as quasi natural monopoly. The lack of a competitive market pricing always implies a discussion of the competition in the water market. Furthermore the water sector is very capital intensive and has to face extremely high fixed costs. This raises the question of the right investment and funding strategies. As TRUST focuses on sustainable solutions, economical efficiency is one piece of the puzzle. The target of this report is to point out the status quo of the European water market and its regulatory framework. Collecting and analysing this general information with focus on the economic, financial aspects, is necessary to have a basis for possible further economic developments. First, the report will focus on the economic aspects of the European Water Framework Directive, which is valid for all EU countries. After a short, representative overview of the European water market and its regulatory framework the report will give a detailed look at the situation of the water sectors in Scotland, Germany, Portugal and Norway which are characterized by their differentiation. By mapping the European water supply situation in detailed country reports of four of the TRUST relevant case study cities this report creates the starting point for further tasks.Hoffjan, A.; Müller, NA. (2012). Contemporary market structure and regulatory framework. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/4662

    Financial sustainability rating tool for urban water systems

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    Solid financial position of water and wastewater utilities builds the basis for their sustainable services in the future, because it allows adequate investments into infrastructure renewal, technical innovations and ecological measures. The Financial Sustainability Rating Tool (FSRT) offers water supply and/or wastewater removal companies an opportunity to rate the utility's financial sustainability. It gives the user an indication, which area from financial situation over asset management to business operation needs optimization. The Tool also evaluates different forecasts (e.g. population development) and country specific characteristics (e.g. inflation rate) to assess future trends. Barometers with green to red indicators for each area as well as overall scores visualize the results of the web based rating. The Tool aims not to denounce a utility against others or to test its creditworthiness, but to encourage utilities to identify critical areas with respect to a solid financial position and to be open-minded for improvement actions. Accordingly, it has set itself the goal to uncover economic deficits and/or best practises to show the user where potentials for development are and which financial strategies are already viable for the future. To achieve meaningful results the Tool is directed at utilities, which provide either only one of the two services or are able to split up the information and costs related to each service.Hoffjan, A.; Di Federico, V.; Liserra, T.; Müller, N. (2014). Financial sustainability rating tool for urban water systems. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3573

    Advice to water management practitioners on competition, efficiency and new business opportunities

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    The water sector faces several challenges, which may demand a rethink of several important aspects within historically grown, traditional business models. The need for cost-effectiveness and the lack of public funding goes along with the emergence of new business opportunities. Under consideration of customer preferences, the competitive environment and the disassembling of the value chain, new business and organisational models to exploit service and technology niches are reviewed and recommended (e.g. based on price or product differentiation). This advice for water management practitioners shall help to ensure an adequate handling since competitive environment is establishing in the water sector. Therefore, the identification of the current level of efficiency within a utility as well as concrete measures for efficiency improvement are becoming increasingly important. Within this report special focus is placed on the role of business niches as well as on the possibilities of implementing business innovations. In this context, the design of enterprise-specific business models and its chances will be discussed.Hoffjan, A.; Müller, NA.; Di Federico, V.; Liserra, T. (2014). Advice to water management practitioners on competition, efficiency and new business opportunities. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/4662

    47 patients with FLNA associated periventricular nodular heterotopia

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    Background: Heterozygous loss of function mutations within the Filamin A gene in Xq28 are the most frequent cause of bilateral neuronal periventricular nodular heterotopia (PVNH). Most affected females are reported to initially present with difficult to treat seizures at variable age of onset. Psychomotor development and cognition may be normal or mildly to moderately impaired. Distinct associated extracerebral findings have been observed and may help to establish the diagnosis including patent ductus arteriosus Botalli, progressive dystrophic cardiac valve disease and aortic dissection, chronic obstructive lung disease or chronic constipation. Genotype-phenotype correlations could not yet be established. Methods: Sanger sequencing and MLPA was performed for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH (age range 1 to 65 years). For 34 patients more detailed clinical information was available from a structured questionnaire and medical charts on family history, development, epileptologic findings, neurological examination, cognition and associated clinical findings. Available detailed cerebral MR imaging was assessed for 20 patients. Results: Thirty-nine different FLNA mutations were observed, they are mainly truncating (37/39) and distributed throughout the entire coding region. No obvious correlation between the number and extend of PVNH and the severity of the individual clinical manifestation was observed. 10 of the mutation carriers so far are without seizures at a median age of 19.7 years. 22 of 24 patients with available educational data were able to attend regular school and obtain professional education according to age. Conclusions: We report the clinical and mutation spectrum as well as MR imaging for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH including two adult males. Our data are reassuring in regard to psychomotor and cognitive development, which is within normal range for the majority of patients. However, a concerning median diagnostic latency of 17 to 20 years was noted between seizure onset and the genetic diagnosis, intensely delaying appropriate medical surveillance for potentially life threatening cardiovascular complications as well as genetic risk assessment and counseling prior to family planning for this X-linked dominant inherited disorder with high perinatal lethality in hemizygous males

    47 patients with FLNA associated periventricular nodular heterotopia

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    Background Heterozygous loss of function mutations within the Filamin A gene in Xq28 are the most frequent cause of bilateral neuronal periventricular nodular heterotopia (PVNH). Most affected females are reported to initially present with difficult to treat seizures at variable age of onset. Psychomotor development and cognition may be normal or mildly to moderately impaired. Distinct associated extracerebral findings have been observed and may help to establish the diagnosis including patent ductus arteriosus Botalli, progressive dystrophic cardiac valve disease and aortic dissection, chronic obstructive lung disease or chronic constipation. Genotype-phenotype correlations could not yet be established. Methods Sanger sequencing and MLPA was performed for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH (age range 1 to 65 years). For 34 patients more detailed clinical information was available from a structured questionnaire and medical charts on family history, development, epileptologic findings, neurological examination, cognition and associated clinical findings. Available detailed cerebral MR imaging was assessed for 20 patients. Results Thirty-nine different FLNA mutations were observed, they are mainly truncating (37/39) and distributed throughout the entire coding region. No obvious correlation between the number and extend of PVNH and the severity of the individual clinical manifestation was observed. 10 of the mutation carriers so far are without seizures at a median age of 19.7 years. 22 of 24 patients with available educational data were able to attend regular school and obtain professional education according to age. Conclusions We report the clinical and mutation spectrum as well as MR imaging for a large cohort of 47 patients with Filamin A associated PVNH including two adult males. Our data are reassuring in regard to psychomotor and cognitive development, which is within normal range for the majority of patients. However, a concerning median diagnostic latency of 17 to 20 years was noted between seizure onset and the genetic diagnosis, intensely delaying appropriate medical surveillance for potentially life threatening cardiovascular complications as well as genetic risk assessment and counseling prior to family planning for this X-linked dominant inherited disorder with high perinatal lethality in hemizygous males

    Risikorechnung bei industrieller Auftragsfertigung

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    Die Dynamik und Komplexität unternehmerischen Geschehens hat die Anzahl der Risiken erhöht und auch ihre Prognostizierbarkeit weiter beeinträchtigt. Davon sind im besonderen Maße Auftragsfertiger betroffen. Gerade Bauunternehmen haben in den vergangenen Jahren in erheblichem Umfang unerwartete Verluste hinnehmen müssen. Zur besseren Erfassung der Gefährdungspotentiale wird in dieser Arbeit das betriebliche Rechnungswesen um die Risikorechnung erweitert. Dabei handelt es sich um eine eigenständige Betrachtung von Risiken, die sämtliche risikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenfrisikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenführt. Oberstes Ziel ist eine genaue, über alle Aufträge konsistente und zeitnahe Messung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Risiken sowie eine bessere Kalkulation der Risikokosten. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende mit Schwerpunkt Controlling beziehungsweise Baubetriebslehre sowie an interessierte Praktiker der Bauindustrie

    Risikorechnung bei industrieller Auftragsfertigung: Theoretische Konzeption und Anwendung für die Bauwirtschaft

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    Die Dynamik und Komplexität unternehmerischen Geschehens hat die Anzahl der Risiken erhöht und auch ihre Prognostizierbarkeit weiter beeinträchtigt. Davon sind im besonderen Maße Auftragsfertiger betroffen. Gerade Bauunternehmen haben in den vergangenen Jahren in erheblichem Umfang unerwartete Verluste hinnehmen müssen. Zur besseren Erfassung der Gefährdungspotentiale wird in dieser Arbeit das betriebliche Rechnungswesen um die Risikorechnung erweitert. Dabei handelt es sich um eine eigenständige Betrachtung von Risiken, die sämtliche risikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenfrisikorelevanten Informationen in einem Rechenkreis zusammenführt. Oberstes Ziel ist eine genaue, über alle Aufträge konsistente und zeitnahe Messung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Risiken sowie eine bessere Kalkulation der Risikokosten. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Studierende mit Schwerpunkt Controlling beziehungsweise Baubetriebslehre sowie an interessierte Praktiker der Bauindustrie