109 research outputs found

    PALPAS - PAsswordLess PAssword Synchronization

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    Tools that synchronize passwords over several user devices typically store the encrypted passwords in a central online database. For encryption, a low-entropy, password-based key is used. Such a database may be subject to unauthorized access which can lead to the disclosure of all passwords by an offline brute-force attack. In this paper, we present PALPAS, a secure and user-friendly tool that synchronizes passwords between user devices without storing information about them centrally. The idea of PALPAS is to generate a password from a high entropy secret shared by all devices and a random salt value for each service. Only the salt values are stored on a server but not the secret. The salt enables the user devices to generate the same password but is statistically independent of the password. In order for PALPAS to generate passwords according to different password policies, we also present a mechanism that automatically retrieves and processes the password requirements of services. PALPAS users need to only memorize a single password and the setup of PALPAS on a further device demands only a one-time transfer of few static data.Comment: An extended abstract of this work appears in the proceedings of ARES 201

    Semantic Security and Indistinguishability in the Quantum World

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    At CRYPTO 2013, Boneh and Zhandry initiated the study of quantum-secure encryption. They proposed first indistinguishability definitions for the quantum world where the actual indistinguishability only holds for classical messages, and they provide arguments why it might be hard to achieve a stronger notion. In this work, we show that stronger notions are achievable, where the indistinguishability holds for quantum superpositions of messages. We investigate exhaustively the possibilities and subtle differences in defining such a quantum indistinguishability notion for symmetric-key encryption schemes. We justify our stronger definition by showing its equivalence to novel quantum semantic-security notions that we introduce. Furthermore, we show that our new security definitions cannot be achieved by a large class of ciphers -- those which are quasi-preserving the message length. On the other hand, we provide a secure construction based on quantum-resistant pseudorandom permutations; this construction can be used as a generic transformation for turning a large class of encryption schemes into quantum indistinguishable and hence quantum semantically secure ones. Moreover, our construction is the first completely classical encryption scheme shown to be secure against an even stronger notion of indistinguishability, which was previously known to be achievable only by using quantum messages and arbitrary quantum encryption circuits.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Practical Forward Secure Signatures using Minimal Security Assumptions

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    Digital signatures are one of the most important cryptographic primitives in practice. They are an enabling technology for eCommerce and eGovernment applications and they are used to distribute software updates over the Internet in a secure way. In this work we introduce two new digital signature schemes: XMSS and its extension XMSS^MT. We present security proofs for both schemes in the standard model, analyze their performance, and discuss parameter selection. Both our schemes have certain properties that make them favorable compared to today's signature schemes. Our schemes are forward secure, meaning even in case of a key compromise, previously generated signatures can be trusted. This is an important property whenever a signature has to be verifiable in the mid- or long-term. Moreover, our signature schemes are generic constructions that can be instantiated using any hash function. Thereby, if a used hash function becomes insecure for some reason, we can simply replace it by a secure one to obtain a new secure instantiation. The properties we require the hash function to provide are minimal. This implies that as long as there exists any complexity-based cryptography, there exists a secure instantiation for our schemes. In addition, our schemes are secure against quantum computer aided attacks, as long as the used hash functions are. We analyze the performance of our schemes from a theoretical and a practical point of view. On the one hand, we show that given an efficient hash function, we can obtain an efficient instantiation for our schemes. On the other hand, we provide experimental data that show that the performance of our schemes is comparable to that of today's signature schemes. Besides, we show how to select optimal parameters for a given use case that provably reach a given level of security. On the way of constructing XMSS and XMSS^MT, we introduce two new one-time signature schemes (OTS): WOTS+ and WOTS.Onetimesignatureschemesaresignatureschemeswhereakeypairmayonlybeusedonce.WOTS+iscurrentlythemostefficienthashbasedOTSandWOTS. One-time signature schemes are signature schemes where a key pair may only be used once. WOTS+ is currently the most efficient hash-based OTS and WOTS the most efficient hash-based OTS with minimal security assumptions. One-time signature schemes have many more applications besides constructing full fledged signature schemes, including authentication in sensor networks and the construction of chosen-ciphertext secure encryption schemes. Hence, WOTS+ and WOTS$ are contributions on their own. Altogether, this work shows the practicality and usability of forward secure signatures on the one hand and hash-based signatures on the other hand

    WOTS+ -- Shorter Signatures for Hash-Based Signature Schemes

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    We present WOTS+, a Winternitz type one-time signature scheme (WOTS). We prove that WOTS+ is strongly unforgeable under chosen message attacks in the standard model. Our proof is exact and tight. The first property allows us to compute the security of the scheme for given parameters. The second property allows for shorter signatures than previous proposals without lowering the security. This improvement in signature size directly carries over to all recent hash-based signature schemes. I.e. we can reduce the signature size by more than 50% for XMSS+ at a security level of 80 bits. As the main drawback of hash-based signature schemes is assumed to be the signature size, this is a further step in making hash-based signatures practical

    Oops, I did it again -- Security of One-Time Signatures under Two-Message Attacks

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    One-time signatures (OTS) are called one-time, because the accompanying reductions only guarantee security under single-message attacks. However, this does not imply that efficient attacks are possible under two-message attacks. Especially in the context of hash-based OTS (which are basic building blocks of recent standardization proposals) this leads to the question if accidental reuse of a one-time key pair leads to immediate loss of security or to graceful degradation. In this work we analyze the security of the most prominent hash-based OTS, Lamport\u27s scheme, its optimized variant, and WOTS, under different kinds of two-message attacks. Interestingly, it turns out that the schemes are still secure under two message attacks, asymptotically. However, this does not imply anything for typical parameters. Our results show that for Lamport\u27s scheme, security only slowly degrades in the relevant attack scenarios and typical parameters are still somewhat secure, even in case of a two-message attack. As we move on to optimized Lamport and its generalization WOTS, security degrades faster and faster, and typical parameters do not provide any reasonable level of security under two-message attacks

    Recovering the tight security proof of SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+}

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    In 2020, Kudinov, Kiktenko, and Fedorov pointed out a flaw in the tight security proof of the SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+} construction. This work gives a new tight security proof for SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+}. The flaw can be traced back to the security proof for the Winternitz one-time signature scheme (WOTS) used within SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+}. In this work, we give a standalone description of the WOTS variant used in SPHINCS+ that we call WOTS-TW. We provide a security proof for WOTS-TW and multi-instance WOTS-TW against non-adaptive chosen message attacks where the adversary only learns the public key after it made its signature query. Afterwards, we show that this is sufficient to give a tight security proof for SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+}. We recover almost the same bound for the security of SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+}, with only a factor ww loss compared to the previously claimed bound, where w is the Winternitz parameter that is commonly set to 16. On a more technical level, we introduce new lower bounds on the quantum query complexity for generic attacks against properties of cryptographic hash functions and analyse the constructions of tweakable hash functions used in SPHINCS+SPHINCS^{+} with regard to further security properties

    Epochal Signatures for Deniable Group Chats

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    We introduce formal definitions for deniability in group chats by extending a pre-existing model that did not have this property. We then introduce “epochal signatures” as an almost drop-in replacement for signatures, which can be used to make certain undeniable group-chats deniable by just performing that replacement. Following that we provide a practical epochal signature scheme and prove its security

    Semantic Security and Indistinguishability in the Quantum World

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    At CRYPTO 2013, Boneh and Zhandry initiated the study of quantum-secure encryption. They proposed first indistinguishability definitions for the quantum world where the actual indistinguishability only holds for classical messages, and they provide arguments why it might be hard to achieve a stronger notion. In this work, we show that stronger notions are achievable, where the indistinguishability holds for quantum superpositions of messages. We investigate exhaustively the possibilities and subtle differences in defining such a quantum indistinguishability notion for symmetric-key encryption schemes. We justify our stronger definition by showing its equivalence to novel quantum semantic-security notions that we introduce. Furthermore, we show that our new security definitions cannot be achieved by a large class of ciphers -- those which are quasi-preserving the message length. On the other hand, we provide a secure construction based on quantum-resistant pseudorandom permutations; this construction can be used as a generic transformation for turning a large class of encryption schemes into quantum indistinguishable and hence quantum semantically secure ones. Moreover, our construction is the first completely classical encryption scheme shown to be secure against an even stronger notion of indistinguishability, which was previously known to be achievable only by using quantum messages and arbitrary quantum encryption circuits

    Mitigating Multi-Target Attacks in Hash-based Signatures

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    This work introduces XMSS-T, a new hash-based signature scheme with tight security. Previous hash-based signature schemes are facing a loss of security, linear in performance parameters like the total tree height. Our new scheme can use hash functions with a smaller output length at the same security level, immediately leading to a smaller signature size. XMSS-T is stateful, however, the same techniques also apply directly to the recent stateless hash-based signature scheme SPHINCS (Eurocrypt 2015), and the signature size is improved as a result. Being a little more specific and technical, the tight security stems from new multi-target notions of hash-function properties which we define and analyze. We give precise complexity for breaking these security properties under both classical and quantum generic attacks, thus establishing a reliable estimate for the quantum security of XMSS-T. Especially, we prove quantum upper and lower bounds for the query complexity tailored for cryptographic applications, whereas standard techniques in quantum query complexity have limitations such as they usually only consider worst-case complexity. Our proof techniques may be useful elsewhere. We also implement XMSS-T and compare its performance to that of the most recent stateful hash-based signature scheme XMSS (PQCrypto 2011)

    Forward Secure Signatures on Smart Cards

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    We introduce the forward secure signature scheme XMSS+^{+} and present an implementation for smart cards. It is based on the hash-based signature scheme XMSS. In contrast to the only previous implementation of a hash-based signature scheme on smart cards by Rohde et al., we solve the problem of on-card key generation. Compared to XMSS, we reduce the key generation time from O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) to O(n)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n}), where nn is the number of signatures that can be created with one key pair. To the best of our knowledge this is the first implementation of a forward secure signature scheme and the first full implementation of a hash-based signature scheme on smart cards. The resulting runtimes are comparable to those of RSA and ECDSA on the same device. This shows the practicality of forward secure signature schemes, even on constrained devices