147 research outputs found

    Lithic variability and raw material exploitation at the Middle Stone Age (MSA) site of Gotera, southern Ethiopia: A combined technological and quantitative approach

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    Technological variability within East African Middle Stone Age (MSA) lithic assemblages is considered a reflection of regional or local identities. These identities are a possible outcome of different social dynamics in human populations or interaction with the environment. Here we analysed the lithic assemblage from GOT 1-S site, in the Gotera area (Southern Ethiopia) in order to integrate fresh data from the region into the broader discussion on the technological variability of the MSA of Eastern Africa. To reach this goal, we considered lithic data from a surface dispersion, through the combination of different methods. Technological and statistical analyses performed on lithic assemblage suggest the existence of two distinct reduction sequences related to different raw materials: quartz and basalt. The technological analysis shows a more opportunistic reduction strategy on basalt artefacts, while the quartz lithic assemblage exhibits a more accurate preparation of core striking platforms and more predetermined products. The results of technological analyses on flakes, tools and cores were elaborated using Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis. The two analyses allowed to confirm the hypothesis of two reduction strategies according to different raw material selection and managing. Furthermore, the categorical attributes from cores and flakes were processed by means of Correspondence Analysis, highlighting the technological differences linked to the different raw materials exploited. Moreover, the combined results from the technological and statistical analyses proved the validity of this integrated methodology to analyse a lithic collection from a surface context

    The loess-paleosol sequence at Monte Netto: a record of climate change in the Upper Pleistocene of the central Po Plain, northern Italy

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    Purpose At the northern fringe of the Po Plain (northern Italy), several isolated hills exist, corresponding to the top of Late Quaternary anticlines. These hills were thoroughly surveyed for their soils and surficial geology, furnishing detailed archives of the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the area. A new, thick and complex loess-paleosol sequence, resting upon fluvial/fluvioglacial deposits, exposed in a quarry at the top of the Monte Netto hill was studied in detail to elucidate its significance. Materials and methods Highly deformed fluvial and fluvioglacial deposits, probably of Middle Pleistocene age, are exposed in a clay pit at Monte Netto, underneath a 2- to 4-m-thick loess-paleosol sequence. A geopedological, sedimentological and micropedological investigation of the sequence shows a distinctive difference between the B horizons forming the sequence, while luminescence and radiocarbon age determinations and the occurrence of Palaeolithic lithic assemblages elucidate the chronology of the sequence. Results and discussion The pedosedimentary sequence consists of several loess layers showing different degrees of alteration; loess deposition and weathering occurred, according to optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and AMS-14C dating as well as archaeological materials, during the Upper Pleistocene. The lower part of the section consists of strongly weathered colluvial sediments overlying fluvial and fluvioglacial sediments. A tentative model of the exposed profiles involves the burial of the anticline, which forms the core of the hill, by loess strata since Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 4 and their subsequent weathering (and truncation) during subsequent interstadials. The degree of weathering of buried B horizons increases from the top of the sequence toward the bottom, suggesting a progressive decrease in the intensity of pedogenesis. Finally, the highly rubified paleosol at the top of the hill is regarded as a buried polygenetic soil or a vetusol, developed near the surface since the Middle Pleistocene. Conclusions The palaeopedological, geochronological and geoarchaeological analyses permit to define the phases and steps of development of the Monte Netto pedosedimentary sequence; the lower part of the sequence is dated to the Mid-Pleistocene, whereas loess accumulation occurred between MIS 4 and MIS 2. Moreover, analyses help to clarify the climatic and environmental context of alternating glacial and interstadial phases, during which the sediments where deposited, deformed and weathered

    Geomorphology of Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği (Ağri Daği Milli Parki, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey)

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    This paper presents a geomorphological map of Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği in Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği is a volcanic complex covered by a unique ice cap in the Near East. The massif is the result of multiple volcanic phases, and present day landforms are the result of subsequent and overlapping glacial, periglacial, and slope processes. The geomorphological mapping of Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği was firstly performed on the basis of desktop studies, by applying remote-sensing investigations using high-resolution satellite imagery (PLEIADES and SPOT images). A preliminary draft of the map was crosschecked and validated in the field as part of an interdisciplinary campaign carried out in the 2014 summer season. All the collected data suggest that the Mount Ararat/Ağri Daği glaciation played a crucial role in the evolution of the landscape and that even today glaciers are significant features in this area. Currently, ice bodies cover 7.28 km2 and include peculiar glacier types. Among these are three well-developed debris-covered glaciers, flowing down along the flanks of the volcano