56 research outputs found

    Atrocidad, vínculos y vindicta pública. naturaleza jurídica y dispositivos procesales. rosario (argentina), 1850-1900

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    Este trabalho estuda de que maneira a atrocidade, ou seja, a qualificação penal própria do Antigo Regime continuou operando judicialmente durante o século XIX. Observa-se isto a partir de demandas que foram apresentadas no Tribunal Comum de Justiça da 2ª Circunscrição do Estado de Santa Fé, com sede na cidade de Rosário, durante a segunda metade do século XIX, por homicídios que têm o agravamento pelo fato de existir um vínculo entre o morto e o assassino, e também, por suicídios. A complexidade legal do período que se está analisando e a incipiente jurisprudência mostram sentidos “jurídico-conceptuais” do antigo Código, perante as decisões judiciais que se ajustam aos novos modelos legais. Não só a falta de provas, mas, também, algumas dificuldades do procedimento determinaram a diminuição das penas nos casos supramencionados, que continuavam sendo qualificados como atrozesThis paper studies how the atrocity, that is to say, the criminal qualification of the Old Regime continued operating in court during the 19th century. This can be observed from demands that were presented at the Common Court of Justice of the 2nd Constituency of the State of Santa Fe, based in the city of Rosario, during the second half of the 19th century, by homicides that have the aggravation by the fact that there is a link between the dead and the killer, and also, for suicides. The legal complexity of the period that is being analyzed and the incipient jurisprudence show “conceptual and legal” senses of the old Code, in face of the judicial decisions that fit the new legal models. Not only the lack of evidence, but also, some difficulties with the procedure, determined the decrease of penalties in the above mentioned cases, which continued being qualified as atrociousEste trabajo estudia de qué manera la atrocidad, calificación penal propia del Antiguo Régimen continuó operando judicialmente durante el siglo XIX. Esto se observa a partir de causas judicializadas ante el Juzgado de Primera Instancia de la 2a Circunscripción de la provincia de Santa Fe, con sede en la ciudad de Rosario, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX por homicidios agravados por el vínculo y suicidios. La complejidad legal del periodo bajo análisis y la incipiente jurisprudencia muestran sentidos “jurídico-conceptuales” de tipo antiguo frente a decisiones judiciales ajustadas a los nuevos referentes legales. La precariedad de las pruebas y algunas dificultades procedimentales determinaban la atenuación de las penas en estos homicidios/suicidios que seguían siendo adjetivados bajo los rótulos de atrocesFil: Piazzi, Carolina Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Historia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    La Justicia Ordinaria después del Cabildo en Santa Fe (Argentina) Diseño normativo y esbozo prosopográfico de jueces (1833-1852)

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    En 1833 se sancionó en la provincia de Santa Fe un reglamento de justicia que estableció los agentes y las funciones que reemplazarían al Cabildo recientemente extinguido. Este trabajo reconstruye la designación en los cargos para la justicia ordinaria entre 1833 y 1852. La trayectoria personal y política de estos individuos exige rastrear sus desempeños en la vida institucional previa a estos años en la provincia, así como sus vínculos familiares y posición socioeconómica. El periodo se recorta desde la disolución del Cabildo santafesino hasta la instalación de un segundo Juez ordinario con sede en la ciudad de Rosario, lo que permite observar las transformaciones normativas operadas en el orden político provincial y los cambios que se vislumbran en el perfil del elenco judicial hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. In 1833, a new rule of law established the new agents and functions that would replace the Cabildo in the province of Santa Fe, which had been recently extinct. This paper reconstructs the appointment of the posts for the court of justice of first instance between 1833 and 1852. Both the personal and political history of these men requires tracking their performance along their previous institutional life, as well as their family ties and socioeconomic status. Therefore, the chronological framework of this study ranges from the dissolution of the Cabildo of Santa Fe to the implementation of a second judge of first instance in Rosario, which allows for outlining the transformations in the province¿s political order as well as the changes in the profile of judicial figures towards the second half of the nineteenth century.Artículo revisado por pare


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    Este trabalho estuda de que maneira a atrocidade, ou seja, a qualificação penal própria do Antigo Regime continuou operando judicialmente durante o século XIX. Observa-se isto a partir de demandas que foram apresentadas no Tribunal Comum de Justiça da 2ª Circunscrição do Estado de Santa Fé, com sede na cidade de Rosário, durante a segunda metade do século XIX, por homicídios que têm o agravamento pelo fato de existir um vínculo entre o morto e o assassino, e também, por suicídios. A  complexidade legal do período que se está analisando e a incipiente jurisprudência mostram sentidos “jurídico-conceptuais” do antigo Código, perante as decisões judiciais que se ajustam aos novos modelos legais. Não só a falta de provas, mas, também, algumas dificuldades do procedimento determinaram a diminuição das penas nos casos supramencionados, que continuavam sendo qualificadoscomo atrozes.Este trabajo estudia de qué manera la atrocidad, calificación penal propia del Antiguo Régimen continuó operando judicialmente durante el siglo XIX. Esto  se observa a partir de causas judicializadas ante el Juzgado de Primera  Instancia de la 2a Circunscripción de la provincia de Santa Fe, con sede en la ciudad de Rosario, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX por homicidios agravados por el vínculo y suicidios. La complejidad legal del periodo bajo análisis y la incipiente jurisprudencia muestran sentidos “jurídico-conceptuales” de tipo antiguo frente a decisiones judiciales ajustadas a los nuevos referentes legales. La precariedad de las pruebas y algunas  dificultades procedimentales determinaban la atenuación de las penas en estos homicidios/suicidios que seguían siendo adjetivados bajo los rótulos de atroces.This paper studies how the atrocity, that is to say, the criminal qualification of the Old Regime continued operating in court during the 19th century.  This can be observed from demands that were presented at the CommonCourt of Justice of the 2nd Constituency of the State of Santa Fe, based in the city of Rosario, during the second half of the 19th century, by  homicides that have the aggravation by the fact that there is a link  between the dead and the killer, and also, for suicides. The legal complexity of the period that is being analyzed and the incipient jurisprudence show “conceptual and legal” senses of the old Code, in face of the judicial decisions that fit the new legal models. Not only the lack of evidence, but also, some difficulties with the procedure, determined the decrease of penalties in the above mentioned cases, which continued being qualified as atrocious

    Actores para un nuevo orden nacional. Los 'abogados de la Confederación' argentina: la idoneidad entre lo jurídico y lo político

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    En septiembre de 1854, Justo José de Urquiza dio los primeros pasos para establecer el poder judicial a través de un decreto por el que estipulaba los requisitos y las formas de habilitación de los “abogados de la Confederación” argentina. En el mismo, converge una serie de elementos que involucran nuestros problemas de investigación y que constituyen el núcleo de este artículo. Los debates legislativos sobre el decreto/ley permiten recrear los términos del reconocimiento de los abogados en tanto personas idóneas para ejercer los cargos judiciales nacionales en su etapa de conformación. Dichos debates y las claves en las que se basaba dicha idoneidad, fundamentan una nueva lectura sobre el decreto y su significación en el contexto jurídico-político de esos años.El trabajo transita por hipótesis que involucran a las funciones públicas en un sentido amplio, y específicamente a la conformación del poder judicial nacional como fruto de una decisión política. Se enfatiza tanto en los requisitos de saber, como en las redes de relaciones y lealtades políticas y en las trayectorias públicas de los actores. Se relaciona la problemática con las redefiniciones de los vínculos político-institucionales de las autoridades provinciales y la nacional y del poder judicial con el ejecutivo y legislativo.Fil: Lanteri, Ana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Piazzi, Carolina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin

    Molecular catalysed Guerbet reaction: Moving to the larger and the Greener through LCA and scale up simulation approaches

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    Efficient homologation of bio-ethanol can be performed under mild conditions exploiting a catalytic system based of a ruthenium molecular catalyst, benzoquinone and a base as a co-catalysts. Conversions and selectivity can be tuned by changing the head space of the reactor. On this basis, preliminary design of a full-scale process has been developed based on the experimental results. The process has been characterized with specific energy and performance indicators per unit of produced butanol, which have been used as input for the life cycle assessment analysis. The LCA was applied as scientific methodology to address potential burdens of the baseline configuration, 3X catalytic cycles, electricity from Italian grid and heat from natural gas. Hotspots were identified according to a multi-impact approach method (ReCiPe 2016). The usage of dedicated lignocellulosic biomass as a source of EtOH, the synthesis of the catalytic system and the energy requirements were addressed as the major contributors. Thus, further sensitivity scenarios were created. The best configuration was identified in the use of waste biomasses and in an integrated cogeneration unit. In addition, enabling the recovery of the catalytic system up to five cycles to scenario shows a reduction in the impacts higher than 50% for the categories of global warming potential, −41% for the mineral resource scarcity and around −16% for the fine particulate matter formation. The results were also confirmed by an uncertainty analysis with the Monte Carlo method, which demonstrated the major environmental sustainability of the Guerbet route compared to the oxo synthesis from propylene

    A Mediterranean Diet Mix Has Chemopreventive Effects in a Murine Model of Colorectal Cancer Modulating Apoptosis and the Gut Microbiota

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    Objectives: Unhealthy dietary patterns have been associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) onset while Mediterranean Diet (MD) has been proposed for CRC prevention. This study evaluated the effect of a Mediterranean Diet Mix (MD-MIX) on colonic tumors development in A/J mice fed a low-fat (LFD) or a high-fat western diet (HFWD), and injected with the procarcinogen azoxymethane (AOM).Materials and Methods: Forty A/J male mice were randomly assigned into four feeding arms (10 mice/arm; LFD, LFD-MD-MIX, HFWD, HFWD-MD-MIX) to be treated with AOM. Ten mice were exposed to the diets alone (Healthy LFD and Healthy HFWD) to be used as control. Tumor incidence and multiplicity were evaluated at sacrifice. Mucosal fatty acid content and urinary phenolic compounds were assayed by mass spectrometry. Apoptosis was evaluated by TUNEL assay and gene expression markers. Cell proliferation was evaluated by Ki67 immunohistochemistry. Microbiota composition was assessed at different time points by 16S RNA sequencing.Results: A tumor incidence of 100% was obtained in AOM-treated mice. The MD-MIX supplementation was able to reduce the number of colonic lesions in both LFD and HFWD-fed mice and to induce apoptosis, in particular in the LFD-MD-MIX arm. Moreover, a preventive effect on low-grade dysplasia and macroscopical lesions (>1 mm) development was found in HFWD-fed mice together with a regulation of the AOM-driven intestinal dysbiosis.Conclusions: MD-MIX was able to counteract CRC development in mice under different dietary backgrounds through the regulation of apoptosis and gut microbiota

    Combining Galantamine and Memantine in Multitargeted, New Chemical Entities Potentially Useful in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Herein we report on a novel series of multitargeted compounds obtained by linking together galantamine and memantine. The compounds were designed by taking advantage of the crystal structures of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in complex with galantamine derivatives. Sixteen novel derivatives were synthesized, using spacers of different lengths and chemical composition. The molecules were then tested as inhibitors of AChE and as binders of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (NMDAR). Some of the new compounds were nanomolar inhibitors of AChE and showed micromolar affinities for NMDAR. All compounds were also tested for selectivity toward NMDAR containing the 2B subunit (NR2B). Some of the new derivatives showed a micromolar affinity for NR2B. Finally, selected compounds were tested using a cell-based assay to measure their neuroprotective activity. Three of them showed a remarkable neuroprotective profile, inhibiting the NMDA-induced neurotoxicity at subnanomolar concentrations (e.g., 5, named memagal, IC(50) = 0.28 nM)

    Theoretical and experimental study on the role of benzoquinone in the Guerbet reaction catalyzed by a ruthenium complex

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    The benzoquinone was found as an effective co-catalyst in the ruthenium/NaOEt-catalyzed Guerbet reaction. The co-catalyst behavior has therefore been investigated through experimental and computational methods. The reaction products distribution shows that the reaction speed is improved by the benzoquinone supplement since the beginning of the process, having a minimal effect on the selectivity toward alcoholic species. DFT calculations were performed to investigate two hypotheses for the kinetic effects: i) a hydrogen storage mechanism or ii) a basic co-catalysis of 4-hydroxiphenolate. The most promising results were found for the latter hypothesis, where a new mixed mechanism for the aldol condensation step of the Guerbet process involves the hydroquinone (i.e. the reduced form of benzoquinone) as proton source instead of ethanol. This mechanism was found to be energetically more favorable than an aldol condensation in absence of additive, suggesting that the hydroquinone derived from benzoquinone could be the key species affecting the kinetics of the overall process. To verify this theoretical hypothesis, new phenol derivatives were tested as additives in the Guerbet reaction. The outcomes confirmed that an aromatic acid (stronger than ethanol) could improve the reaction kinetics. Lastly, theoretical products distributions were simulated and compared to the experimental one, using the DFT computations to build the kinetic models