3,422 research outputs found

    Innovation barriers for small biotech, ICT and clean tech firms:Coping with knowledge leakage and legitimacy deficits

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    Innovative high-tech small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are thought to be drivers of economic renewal and growth. However, due to their limited size, SMEs face two fundamental innovation barriers: the risk that other organizations appropriate the returns to the newly created knowledge by SMEs (knowledge leakage), and a lack of understanding and recognition of their business on the part of potential stakeholders (legitimacy deficits). Based on a panel study of 196 SMEs this paper shows that biotech, ICT and clean tech firms choose different strategies to deal with knowledge leakage and legitimacy deficits. To prevent knowledge leakage, high-tech SMEs are very selective in choosing their R&D partners and collaborate with basic rather than applied technology developers. Furthermore, to gain organizational legitimacy, high-tech SMEs pursue activities that focus not only on product development but also on generating awareness and understanding of their technologies. �

    Prikaz projekcije filmova o osobama s invaliditetom

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    Wave Statistics for the Middle Adriatic Sea

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    The manuscript encloses the first finding of the leafhopper Arboridia kakogawana (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) in Serbia. On total of four sites in Vojvodina, identification based on the morphological characters gave us data on the presence of this allochtonous species that was previously detected in Romania and Crimean peninsula. Arboridia kakogawana is known as the grapevine pest and it was observed in Serbia on two localities on damaged grapevine plants expressing characteristic symptoms of its presence such as intensive chlorotic patches. Individuals were collected using entomological nets and light traps

    A memory-centric approach to enable timing-predictability within embedded many-core accelerators

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    There is an increasing interest among real-time systems architects for multi- and many-core accelerated platforms. The main obstacle towards the adoption of such devices within industrial settings is related to the difficulties in tightly estimating the multiple interferences that may arise among the parallel components of the system. This in particular concerns concurrent accesses to shared memory and communication resources. Existing worst-case execution time analyses are extremely pessimistic, especially when adopted for systems composed of hundreds-tothousands of cores. This significantly limits the potential for the adoption of these platforms in real-time systems. In this paper, we study how the predictable execution model (PREM), a memory-aware approach to enable timing-predictability in realtime systems, can be successfully adopted on multi- and manycore heterogeneous platforms. Using a state-of-the-art multi-core platform as a testbed, we validate that it is possible to obtain an order-of-magnitude improvement in the WCET bounds of parallel applications, if data movements are adequately orchestrated in accordance with PREM. We identify which system parameters mostly affect the tremendous performance opportunities offered by this approach, both on average and in the worst case, moving the first step towards predictable many-core systems

    The Challenge of Time-Predictability in Modern Many-Core Architectures

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    The recent technological advancements and market trends are causing an interesting phenomenon towards the convergence of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Embedded Computing (EC) domains. Many recent HPC applications require huge amounts of information to be processed within a bounded amount of time while EC systems are increasingly concerned with providing higher performance in real-time. The convergence of these two domains towards systems requiring both high performance and a predictable time-behavior challenges the capabilities of current hardware architectures. Fortunately, the advent of next-generation many-core embedded platforms has the chance of intercepting this converging need for predictability and high-performance, allowing HPC and EC applications to be executed on efficient and powerful heterogeneous architectures integrating general-purpose processors with many-core computing fabrics. However, addressing this mixed set of requirements is not without its own challenges and it is now of paramount importance to develop new techniques to exploit the massively parallel computation capabilities of many-core platforms in a predictable way

    Spororastući osteosarkom lopatice u psa mops pasmine - prikaz slučaja

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    A scapular bone tumor in a 7-year-old male Pug is described. The Pug accidentally ran into a door six years before and started to limp on his front right leg. A small mass was noticed by the Pug’s owners on his right shoulder which was ignored by the veterinarian. The mass increased in size until it became 9 cm in diameter and the dog was not using his leg occasionally. Finally the dog was referred to the Surgery, Ophthalmology and Orthopedics Clinic for further diagnostics. Following complete clinical and orthopedic examinations, an X-ray of the right scapula was performed and a neoplasia of the scapulae was suspected. A biopsy and histopathological examination was recommended in order to rule out osteosarcoma. The histopathological examination established the diagnosis of a highly productive, osteoblastic osteosarcoma of the right scapula with pulmonary metastasis. Prognosis was unfavorable due to metastases to the lungs evidenced by the X-ray. We report a case concerning an untreated scapular neoplasia with X-ray detectable lung metastases upon presentation at the Clinic. Proper diagnosis should be based on clinical examination, radiograph evaluation of the process and histopathological findings after bone biopsy. Blunt trauma can be a trigger for development of slow growing periosteal osteosarcoma, as described here. Treatment often include subtotal scapulectomy or forequarter amputation with adjuvant chemotherapy. Despite aggressive treatment, scapular osteosarcoma has a poor prognosis with low median survival time and disease free interval in dogs. Unfortunately the Pug’s owners refused the recommended treatment and the dog was euthanized 2 months later.Opisan je tumor lopatice u sedmogodišnjega muškog mopsa. Kao štene, slučajno je naletio na vrata i počeo šepati na prednju desnu nogu. Vlasnici su primijetili malu tvorbu, oteklinu na desnoj lopatici koju je veterinar ignorirao. Tvorba se s godinama povećavala do veličine od 9 cm u promjeru, a pas je povremeno šepao. Nakon kliničkog i ortopedskog pregleda te rendgenografskog oslikavanja desne lopatice posumnjalo se na neoplaziju lopatice. Preporučena je biopsija i histopatološka pretraga tvorbe kako bi se potvrdila sumnja na osteosarkom. Histopatološki nalaz upućivao je na vrlo produktivan, osteoblastični osteosarkom desne lopatice s plućnim metastazama. Prognoza je bila nepovoljna zbog rendgenografski dokazanih metastaza na plućima Kao što je ovdje opisano, trauma može biti okidač za razvoj spororastućeg periostalnog osteosarcoma, a pravilno dijagnosticiranje treba temeljiti na kliničkom pregledu, rendgenografskoj procjeni procesa i histopatološkom nalazu. Liječenje osteosarkoma lopatice često uključuje potpunu skapulektomiju ili amputaciju prednje noge s odgovarajućom kemoterapijom. Unatoč agresivnom liječenju, skapularni osteosarkom ima lošu prognozu, s niskim srednjim vremenom preživljenja i kratkim razdobljem bez bolesti u pasa. Nažalost, vlasnici mopsa odbili su preporučeno liječenje i pas je nakon dva mjeseca eutanaziran