115 research outputs found

    Einstieg ins Simultandolmetschen

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    In der Arbeit "Einstieg ins Simultandolmetschen: Herausforderungen zu Beginn der Dolmetschausbildung." wird ein Überblick über die Herausforderungen gegeben, die ganz zu Beginn der Ausbildung zur Dolmetscherin oder zum Dolmetscher bewältigt werden müssen. Dabei wird sowohl auf curriculare Aspekte als auch auf die zu erlernenden Teilkompetenzen eingegangen.Im Anschluss daran werden zwei empirische Studien zum Thema Einstiegsschwierigkeiten vorgestellt, die die Grundlage für eine neue empirische Untersuchung am Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft in Wien darstellen. Diese Untersuchung basiert auf subjektiven Einschätzungen seitens der Studierenden, die vor und nach ihrem ersten Einsatz in einer Dolmetschkabine befragt wurden. Bei der Befragung wird sowohl auf dolmetschrelevante Teilkompetenzen als auch das psychische Befinden der Studierenden eingegangen. Die Ergebnisse werden im vierten Kapitel der Arbeit ausführlich dargestellt und besprochen.The master thesis "Einstieg ins Simultandolmetschen: Herausforderungen zu Beginn der Dolmetschausbildung" (At the starting point to simultaneous interpretation: challenges at the beginning of interpretation studies) gives an overview of challenges to be met by students at the beginning of interpreting training. Special attention is paid to curricular issues as well as the different skills to be acquired. In the second part of the thesis, two empirical studies which focus on difficulties at the very beginning of interpreting training are introduced. These studies form the basis for the empirical study carried out for this thesis at the Center of Translation Studies, University of Vienna. This study is based on subjective assessments by the students who filled out the corresponding questionnaire before and after their first interpreting session in a booth. The questionnaire covers skills relevant for interpreting as well as the students’ mental conditions during interpreting. The results of the study are presented and discussed in detail in the fourth chapter of the paper

    Evaluation of the endotoxin binding efficiency of clay minerals using the Limulus Amebocyte lysate test: an in vitro study

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    Endotoxins are part of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria. They are potent immune stimulators and can lead to death if present in high concentrations. Feed additives, which bind endotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, could help to prevent their negative impact. The objective of our study was to determine the potential of a bentonite (Bentonite 1),a sodium bentonite (Bentonite 2),a chemically treated smectite (Organoclay 1) and a modified attapulgite (Organoclay 2) to bind endotoxins in vitro. Polymyxin B served as positive control. The kinetic chromogenic Limulus Amebocyte lysate test was adapted to measure endotoxin activity. Firstly, a single sorption experiment (10 endotoxin units/mL (EU/mL)) was performed. Polymyxin B and organoclays showed 100% binding efficiency. Secondly, the adsorption efficiency of sorbents in aqueous solution with increasing endotoxin concentrations (2, 450 - 51, 700 EU/mL) was investigated. Organoclay 1 (0.1%) showed a good binding efficiency in aqueous solution (average 81%),whereas Bentonite 1 (0.1%) obtained a lower binding efficiency (21-54%). The following absorbent capacities were calculated in highest endotoxin concentration: 5.59 mg/g (Organoclay 1) > 3.97 mg/g (Polymyxin B) > 2.58mg/g (Organoclay 2) > 1.55 mg/g (Bentonite 1) > 1.23 mg/g (Bentonite 2). Thirdly, a sorption experiment in artificial intestinal fluid was conducted. Especially for organoclays, which are known to be unspecific adsorbents, the endotoxin binding capacity was significantly reduced. In contrast, Bentonite 1 showed comparable results in artificial intestinal fluid and aqueous solution. Based on the results of this in vitro study, the effect of promising clay minerals will be investigated in in vivo trials

    Ferkelkastration unter Narkose – Praxistauglichkeit und Verbesserungsansätze

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    Seit 1. Juli 2018 wird bei Lieferanten der Bioschwein Austria VertriebsgmbH auf die betäubungslose Ferkelkastration verzichtet. Um die Praxistauglichkeit der Generalanästhesie mittels Ketamin und Azaperon zu überprüfen, wurden auf 14 Biobetrieben Daten zur Anästhesiequalität erhoben. Am Institut für Biologische Landwirtschaft und Biodiversität der Nutztiere wurden 405 Tiere unter Narkose kastriert, von denen ein Teil Butorphanol als zusätzliches Schmerzmittel zur Ketamin/Azaperon Anästhesie verabreicht bekam. Zwischen den Praxisbetrieben variierte die Narkosequalität stark. Auf vier der insgesamt 14 Betriebe konnten bei mehr als 80 % der Ferkel ausreichende Anästhesie festgestellt werden. Insgesamt war das aber nur bei 59 % der intramuskulär (i.m.) anästhesierten Ferkel und 73 % der intravenös (i.v.) anästhesierten Ferkel der Fall. Tiere mit einem engen Ketamin/Azaperon Verhältnis zeigten signifikant weniger Abwehrbewegungen als Tiere mit einem weiten Mischungsverhältnis. Durch Zugabe von Butorphanol konnte die Anzahl der Ferkel mit Abwehrbewegungen im Vergleich zur reinen Ketamin/Azaperon Narkose signifikant gesenkt werden

    Different sample types in pigs challenged with Haemophilus parasuis following two treatment schemes with tulathromycin

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    This study aimed to test the efficacy of samplings for the detection of Haemophilus parasuis after metaphylactic treatment and subsequent challenge using an established model for Glässer’s disease. In this model, 36 piglets were equally assigned to a negative control, a positive control, and two trial groups receiving tulathromycin 7 or 4 days prior to challenge. The piglets of three groups were challenged intratracheally with H. parasuis serovar 5. As a result, four pigs in each challenged group died or had to be euthanised within 10 days post challenge. The remaining 15 pigs of these challenged groups survived until termination of the experiment (days 14–15). All pigs were necropsied and collective swabs of serosal surfaces were tested by bacterial culture and PCR. Samples of tarsal synovial fluid and joint capsule, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain swabs were tested by PCR. A total of 22 out of the 27 challenged animals had macroscopically detectable polyserositis and all of them tested positive in the collective swab samples. Haemophilus parasuis was more frequently detected in pigs that died within the first 10 days compared to those surviving until days 14–15 (P < 0.001), and those that succumbed within 10 days showed higher positivity rates in the brain and CSF. All pigs which were positive in the CSF had detectable meningitis. At days 14–15, joint samples from 5 of the remaining 15 pigs tested positive for H. parasuis. Four of these five animals did not show any macroscopic or histological lesions in the joints. In conclusion, collective swabs were the best sample material in acute cases, whereas samples from the joints gave the best results in chronic cases. In this challenge model it was not possible to prove the metaphylactic effect of tulathromycin administered 4 and 7 days prior to infection with H. parasuis

    Bleeding skin lesions in gestating sows of a piglet producing farm in Austria.

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    BACKGROUND Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable fly, occurs in pig producing countries worldwide. While in cattle the impact of this blood sucking insect is quite well described, its role in pig production is poorly investigated. Here we describe a case of a massive stable fly overpopulation in the gestation unit of a piglet producing farm in Austria that resulted in bleeding skin lesions in bitten sows. CASE PRESENTATION In October 2021, the responsible herd veterinarian of the case farm reported of sows in the gestation area presenting with bloody crusts on the whole skin surface of the body and of bleeding skin lesions. 33/55 sows were affected by moderate to severe skin lesions. Reproductive performance decreased during the time of massive stable fly overpopulation. Sows in the gestation unit showed defensive behaviour and at a certain time point resigned and accepted being bitten by stable flies. After controlling the fly population, reproductive performance improved and even exceeded the performance before the massive overgrowth of the stable fly population. CONCLUSIONS Stable flies are a serious harm to pigs and should be kept in mind for improved animal health and welfare. Knowledge about the determination of Stomoxys calcitrans and early recognition of an increasing stable fly population in pig farming systems followed by proper insect control measures have to be performed to reduce losses caused by this harming insect

    Immunohistochemical characterization of type II pneumocyte proliferation after PRRSV (Type I) challenge

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    The study aimed to histologically and immunohistochemically characterize lung lesions after a challenge with a recently isolated PRRSV field strain in growing pigs 10 and 21 days post infection (DPI). In the first phase of the study lung lesions were evaluated microscopically on routine haematoxylin and eosin stained slides. The evaluation was performed as a blinded analysis and the lesions were scored based on the following criteria: (1) pneumocyte hypertrophy and hyperplasia, (2) septal mononuclear infiltration, (3) intraalveolar necrotic debris, (4) intraalveolar inflammatory cell accumulation and (5) perivascular inflammatory cell accumulation. For further characterization of the lung lesions, immunohistochemical stainings were performed using anti-cytokeratin, anti-Ki67, anti-TTF-1 (Thyroid Transcription Factor-1), anti-myeloid receptor (MAC387), and anti-PRRSV antibodies to identify alveolar epithelial cells, proliferating cells, type II pneumocytes, macrophages, and PRRSV antigen, respectively. The evaluation of the immunohistochemical stainings revealed that humanized anti TTF-1 antibodies can successfully identify type II pneumocytes in porcine lung tissue. Marked proliferation of these cells was confirmed by a significant (p<0.05) increase of TTF-1 positive cells in acute cases compared to the lungs of control pigs. Cytokeratin labeling marked the type I, and type II pneumocytes as well as bronchial epithelial cells, however this staining was not suitable for cell counting purposes. When the routine histological scores were compared to the number of immunohistochemically positive cells, Ki67 cell counts were found to show positive correlation (p<0.05) with the overall severity of the lesions

    Emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in southern Germany

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    Background Over the last years, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) has caused devastating enteric diseases in the US and several countries in Asia, while outbreaks in Europe have only been reported sporadically since the 1980s. At present, only insufficient information is available on currently circulating PEDV strains in Europe and their impact on the European swine industry. In this case report, we present epidemic outbreaks of porcine epidemic diarrhea in three farms in South-Western Germany. Case presentation Epidemic outbreaks of diarrhea affecting pigs of all age groups were reported in three farms, one fattening farm and two piglet producing farms, in South-Western Germany between May and November 2014. In the fattening farm yellowish, watery diarrhea without evidence of mucus or blood was associated with a massive reduction of feed consumption. Severity of clinical signs and mortality in young suckling pigs varied significantly between the two affected sow farms. While mortality in suckling piglets reached almost 70 % in one sow herd, no increase in suckling piglet mortality was observed in the second sow farm. In all three cases, PEDV was confirmed in feces and small intestines by RT-qPCR. Phylogenetic analyses based on full-length PEDV genomes revealed high identity among strains from all three herds. Moreover, the German strains showed very high nucleotide identity (99.4 %) with a variant of PEDV (OH851) that was isolated in the United States in January 2014. This strain with insertions and deletions in the S-gene (so called INDEL strains) was reported to show lower virulence. Slightly lower identities were found with other strains from the US and Asia. Conclusion Phylogenetic information on the distribution of PEDV strains in Europe is severely lacking. In this case report we demonstrate that acute outbreaks of PEDV occurred in southern Germany in 2014. Current strains were clearly different from isolates found in the 1980s and were closely related to a PEDV variant found in the US in 2014. Moreover, the present case report indicates that variant strains of PEDV, containing insertions and deletions in the S gene, which were reported to be of lower virulence, might be able to cause high mortality in suckling piglets