467 research outputs found

    The Fatima Plea for the Consecration of Russia and the World in Theological Reflections of René Laurentin

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    Rad se bavi višeslojnom problematikom fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje Rusije i svijeta unutar šireg konteksta teoloških promišljanja jednog od najvećih mariologa XX. stoljeća i koncilskog perita Renéa Laurentina (1917. – 2017.). Prvi, uvodni dio rada kontekstualizira temu, ocrtavajući Laurentinov pristup bavljenju problematikom ukazanja, pa tako i onog fatimskog, te sumirajući njegov doprinos na tom području. Drugi dio rada na temelju Laurentinovih uvida i prosudbi upućuje u delikatnost problematike fatimskog zahtjeva u vidu poteškoća koje je on za pape predstavljao u diplomatskom pogledu, što se tiče odnosa papinske službe prema privatnim objavama te gledom na sud o valjanosti učinjenih posvećenja. Treći dio rada donosi Laurentinova razmatranja problematike fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje Rusije i svijeta s teološkog stajališta. Zaključni dio rada daje oris Laurentinovih konkretnih, praktičnih prijedloga proizašlih iz njegova teološkog promišljanja fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje, koji nastoje oko boljeg razumijevanja same naravi posvećenja i njegove »duhovne kvalitete«, s konačnim ciljem djelotvornosti posvećenja o kojemu – budući da je posvećenje naša svetost, pobožanstvenjenje – prema Laurentinu ovisi sama budućnost osoba i zajednica.The article deals with a multi‑layered issue of the Fatima plea for the consecration of Russia and the world within the wider context of theological reflections of one of the greatest Mariologists of the 20th century and a conciliar peritus René Laurentin (1917 – 2017). The first, introductory part of the article contextualises the topic by sketching Laurentin´s approach to the issue of apparitions, including the one that happened in Fatima, and by summing his contribution in this area. The second part, based on Laurentin´s insights and judgements, introduces the reader into the delicacy of the issue of the Fatima plea in terms of difficulties that it created for the Pope in them diplomatic sense. These involve the relation of the Papal Office to private revelations and the judgement on validity of performed consecrations. The third part discusses Laurentin´s reflections on the issue of the Fatima plea for the consecration of Russia and the world from the theological point of view. The final part sketches Laurentin´s concrete, practical proposals that are based on his theological reflection on the Fatima plea for the consecration. These are directed to a better understanding of the very nature of consecration and its »spiritual quality« with the final aim of efficacy of the consecration on which – since consecration is our sanctification, divinisation – according to Laurentin, our future as persons and the community depends

    The Fatima Plea for the Consecration of Russia and the World in Theological Reflections of René Laurentin

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    Rad se bavi višeslojnom problematikom fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje Rusije i svijeta unutar šireg konteksta teoloških promišljanja jednog od najvećih mariologa XX. stoljeća i koncilskog perita Renéa Laurentina (1917. – 2017.). Prvi, uvodni dio rada kontekstualizira temu, ocrtavajući Laurentinov pristup bavljenju problematikom ukazanja, pa tako i onog fatimskog, te sumirajući njegov doprinos na tom području. Drugi dio rada na temelju Laurentinovih uvida i prosudbi upućuje u delikatnost problematike fatimskog zahtjeva u vidu poteškoća koje je on za pape predstavljao u diplomatskom pogledu, što se tiče odnosa papinske službe prema privatnim objavama te gledom na sud o valjanosti učinjenih posvećenja. Treći dio rada donosi Laurentinova razmatranja problematike fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje Rusije i svijeta s teološkog stajališta. Zaključni dio rada daje oris Laurentinovih konkretnih, praktičnih prijedloga proizašlih iz njegova teološkog promišljanja fatimskog zahtjeva za posvećenje, koji nastoje oko boljeg razumijevanja same naravi posvećenja i njegove »duhovne kvalitete«, s konačnim ciljem djelotvornosti posvećenja o kojemu – budući da je posvećenje naša svetost, pobožanstvenjenje – prema Laurentinu ovisi sama budućnost osoba i zajednica.The article deals with a multi‑layered issue of the Fatima plea for the consecration of Russia and the world within the wider context of theological reflections of one of the greatest Mariologists of the 20th century and a conciliar peritus René Laurentin (1917 – 2017). The first, introductory part of the article contextualises the topic by sketching Laurentin´s approach to the issue of apparitions, including the one that happened in Fatima, and by summing his contribution in this area. The second part, based on Laurentin´s insights and judgements, introduces the reader into the delicacy of the issue of the Fatima plea in terms of difficulties that it created for the Pope in them diplomatic sense. These involve the relation of the Papal Office to private revelations and the judgement on validity of performed consecrations. The third part discusses Laurentin´s reflections on the issue of the Fatima plea for the consecration of Russia and the world from the theological point of view. The final part sketches Laurentin´s concrete, practical proposals that are based on his theological reflection on the Fatima plea for the consecration. These are directed to a better understanding of the very nature of consecration and its »spiritual quality« with the final aim of efficacy of the consecration on which – since consecration is our sanctification, divinisation – according to Laurentin, our future as persons and the community depends

    Optimierung dezentraler Sojaaufbereitungsverfahren mittels Online-Prozesssteuerung über Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie

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    Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist es, die dezentrale Sojaaufbereitung mittels Online-Prozesssteuerung über Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie (NIRS) zu optimieren. Für eine bessere Einschätzung der Eignung von Sojakuchen aus verschiedenen Aufbereitungsverfahren und –intensitäten werden Aufbereitungsversuche mit anschließenden Fütterungsversuchen an Masthähnchen, Junghennen und Legehennen durchgeführt, bei denen insbesondere die Dünndarmverdaulichkeit der Futtermittel analysiert wird. Aus den Ergebnissen soll ein Online-System zur Prozesssteuerung auf Basis einer NIRS-Kalibration erstellt werden. Ziel der Online-Überwachung ist zum einen die Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden Reduktion der antinutritiven Substanzen und zum anderen die Verhinderung einer übermäßigen Hitzebehandlung, infolge derer einzelne Aminosäuren zerstört und/oder deren Verdaulichkeit reduziert wird. Nach erfolgreicher Erstellung der Kalibration soll ein NIRS-System auf mindestens einer dezentralen Verarbeitungsanlage installiert werden und über ein entsprechendes Monitoring die Verbesserung der Produktqualität dokumentiert werden. Weiterhin wird angestrebt, das NIRS-System zum Monitoring bei der Rohwarenannahme einzusetzen, um z.B. einheitliche Chargen bezüglich des Gehalts an antinutritiven Substanzen bilden zu können. In einem anzumietenden Versuchslabor wird teilentölter Sojakuchen für die Fütterungsversuche mittels verschiedener Aufbereitungsverfahren in mehreren Stufen unterschiedlich intensiv hitzebehandelt. Die Ergebnisse aus den Versuchen sowie weitere Einzelproben aus der Praxis sollen für die Kalibration des NIRS-Sensors (z.B. antinutritive Substanzen, verdauliche Aminosäuren) verwendet werden. Nachdem der optimale Einbauort für das NIRS-System in die jeweilige dezentrale Aufbereitungsanlage bestimmt werden konnte und die Integration in die Prozesssteuerung der Anlage umgesetzt wurde, wird nach einem Probebetrieb ein längerer Anlagenbetrieb mit Online-Prozesssteuerung mittels NIRS durchgeführt

    Pregnancy outcomes in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: Case series

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    To report the effects of anti-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis in pregnant patients and their babies.We studied a retrospective cohort of patients who developed anti-NMDAR encephalitis during pregnancy or became pregnant while recovering from the encephalitis. In addition, we reviewed the English literature between 2010 and 2019 related to this topic.We studied 11 patients; 6 developed anti-NMDAR encephalitis during pregnancy, and 5 became pregnant while recovering. There were no obstetrical complications, but 6 (55%) babies were premature. Ten newborns were healthy, and 1 (9%) developed transient respiratory distress. Nine infants had assessable follow-up (median 18 months; range, 7-96 months), and all showed normal development. We identified 21 cases in the English literature. Obstetrical complications occurred in 7 (33%) pregnancies. Two patients died of septic shock (1 baby successfully delivered), another 2 had miscarriages, and in 2, the pregnancy was terminated. Sixteen babies (76%) were delivered, 9 (56%) premature. At birth, 13/16 (81%) newborns were healthy, 2/16 (13%) had transient neurologic or respiratory symptoms, and 1 (6%) died of brain edema. Follow-up (median 12 months; range, 6-36 months) was reported for 8 children: 7 (88%) showed normal development and behavior, and 1 (13%) cortical dysplasia. Immunotherapy was used during pregnancy in 7 (64%) of our patients and 18 (86%) of the reported cases, including rituximab in 4 cases, without adverse effects.Patients who develop anti-NMDAR encephalitis during pregnancy or become pregnant during recovery often have obstetrical complications, but most of the newborns are healthy and appear to have normal development.Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Neurology

    Investigating Alkylated Prodigiosenes and Their Cu(II)-Dependent Biological Activity: Interactions with DNA, Antimicrobial and Photoinduced Anticancer Activity

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    Prodigiosenes are a family of red pigments with versatile biological activity. Their tripyrrolic core structure has been modified many times in order to manipulate the spectrum of activity. We have been looking systematically at prodigiosenes substituted at the C ring with alkyl chains of different lengths, in order to assess the relevance of this substituent in a context that has not been investigated before for these derivatives: Cu(II) complexation, DNA binding, self-activated DNA cleavage, photoinduced cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity. Our results indicate that the hydrophobic substituent has a clear influence on the different aspects of their biological activity. The cytotoxicity study of the Cu(II) complexes of these prodigiosenes shows that they exhibit a strong cytotoxic effect towards the tested tumor cell lines. The Cu(II) complex of a prodigiosene lacking any alkyl chain excelled in its photoinduced anticancer activity, thus demonstrating the potential of prodigiosenes and their metal complexes for an application in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Two derivatives along with their Cu(II) complexes showed also antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus strains