6,398 research outputs found

    Discapacidad intelectual y condición física

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    Objetivos: los objetivos de la presente revisión bibliográfica es analizar la bibliografía existente sobre condición física en personas con DI y la validez de la aplicación de la batería de test Eurofit en personas con DI. Método: Se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas en las bases de datos Scopus y Sportdiscus. Para la búsqueda de bibliografía se utilizaron las siguientes palabras clave: (1) intellectual disability, (2) Physical Fitness,(3) EUROFIT, (4) strenght, (5) flexibility, (6) velocity, (7) endurance. Una vez seleccionados los artículos finales que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión se utilizó la herramienta Consort. Resultados: tras la búsqueda sistemática de revisión bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, fueron seleccionados un total de 14 artículos para su exhaustiva lectura y extracción de conclusiones. Conclusiones: Se ha determinado que las personas con DI tienen una condición física menor a sus iguales sin DI. En cuanto a las pruebas de evaluación de condición física de Eurofit tienen un alto coeficiente de confianza, aunque existen pocos estudios para su comparaciónObjectives: The aim of this bibliographical review are to know the general levels of physical condition in people with intellectual disabilities and the validity of the application of the Eurofit test battery in people with intellectual disabilities. Methods: Systematic searches were made in the Scopus and Sportdiscus databases. The following keywords were used to search for bibliography: (1) intellectual disability, (2) Physical Fitness, (3) EUROFIT, (4) strenght, (5) flexibility, (6) velocity, (7) endurance. Once the final articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected, the Consort tool was used. Results: After the systematic search of bibliographic review in different databases, a total of 14 articles were selected for its exhaustive reading and extraction of conclusions. Conclusions: It has been determined that people with mental retardation have poor physical fitness than their peers without mental retardation. As for test to value physical fitness of Eurofit, they have a high confidence coefficient, although there are few studies to compare them.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Strategies for Sexual Subversion: Informing the Future of Sexualities Research and Activism

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    In this paper, I review, analyze, and evaluate the myriad ways early canonical and more recent high-profile scholarship in the field of sexualities envision a liberatory sexual politics and the most fruitful modes of achieving it. Due to theorists’ diverging interpretations of the causes and forms of sexual oppression as well as their differing visions of liberated sexuality, I find that prescriptions for dismantling the “ethnosexual regime” (Nagel 2000) vary widely. The strategies suggested by scholars can be categorized into: 1) radical lesbian-feminist separatism, 2) identity politics, 3) the redeployment of gender, which encompasses trans and intersex bodies, gender play (e.g., butch-femme, drag, and shifting constructions of masculinity), and non-binary identities, 4) micro-level individual and interpersonal solutions, 5) changes in educational institutions, and 6) sexualities research itself. I conclude by making suggestions for sociologists who seek to further theorize and effect the subversion of normative systems of sexuality

    Learning Multimodal Discourse Strategies in the EFL Classroom

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP419. Curs: 2018/2019.English as a L2 teaching in secondary education in Spain has long been tackled as a linguistic subject focused on speech and writing without introducing multimodal strategies to complement the use of the language itself. Linguists have shown that discourse is not only used and expressed in and/or by language (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001). Multimodality is a wide and diverse concept that points to different modes of making meaning. However, Multimodality has been approached as a discipline rather than a theory that can apply to different fields. For instance, Gunther Kress (2004) presents Multimodality as a part of communication in Social Semiotics, a subfield of linguistics in which multimodal discourse is cross-cultural. O’Halloran (2016), nonetheless, aims to describe Multimodality within the frame of Systemic Functional Linguistics as the ways in which language is organized and used to fulfil a range of social patterns. Many studies centre on the scope of Multimodal Discourse on media, but there is little research about the use of gesture and gaze in speech (Kendon, 2004). Thus, this paper aims to describe an instructional approach to multimodal discourse in the EFL classroom and define the outcomes of using Multimodal strategies so as to enhance the communication of secondary school students in English discourse. Therefore, it is very difficult and potentially problematic to talk about Multimodality without making explicit one’s theoretical and methodological stance. Empirical materials have been collected to analyse the outcomes of these strategies’ use through presentations, role-plays, transcription and videos. The main results of the present paper point to a greater understanding and performance of the speech when using multimodal resources such as gesture, gaze and intonation. Consequently, in this paper, a wide range of activities are shown to implement in the EFL classroom in order to enable teachers to develop activities to foster their students’ ‘multimodal communicative competence’

    Identification and characterization of regulatory proteins involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in Fragaria vesca and Rubus idaeus

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    Primary metabolites like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, work as key components to sustain the plant. Besides those compounds, a wide array of so called ‘secondary metabolites’ are produced by the plant, which have been given much attention in the scientific literature due to their beneficial effect for the plant and the possible positive effect on human health. The number of identified plant secondary metabolites, exceeds 100.000 structures, which briefly can be classified as terpenoids, alkaloids, glucosides, sterols and, last but not least, phenylpropanoids. Fragaria vesca and Rubus idaeus; woodland strawberry and commercial raspberry, respectively, are two of the most popular berries on the market. The characteristic red coloration of their fruits is caused by the presence of anthocyanin pigments, secondary metabolites from the class of polyphenols. Those compounds are mainly produced during the late stages of fruit maturation and are essential phenotypic features; making plant breeders around the world consider these plant metabolites as a trait to follow up. The anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway is well studied in model plants. It is regulated at the transcriptional level by the well-known MBW complex. This complex is formed by the interaction of three different types of transcription factors (TFs): MYB, bHLH, and WD40, which have already been characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana, ornamental plants as Antirrhinum majus and Petunia hybrida, and even in some crops of major economic importance such as corn (Zea mays), soybean (Glycine max), and apple cultivars (Malus domestica). Nowadays, the level of complexity of the regulatory process of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway is becoming clear – one gene at a time. This regulation includes TFs, the promoter regions of the genes that are involved and the chromatin modifications necessary to carry out gene activation and consequent translation for the formation of each specific enzyme that will lead to the final anthocyanin formation inside the cells. The recent sequencing and annotation of the genomes of strawberry and raspberry as well as the possibility of transformation and the high amount of health-promoting anthocyanins present in the berries potentially make these plants great model systems to study the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. This study aims to identify the role of bHLH proteins from raspberry and strawberry involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Based on the A. thaliana bHLH classification and phylogenetic studies reported, the genomes of F. vesca and R. idaeus were screened, and putative gene candidates were found for both species. Posterior sequence analyses based on protein primary structure and motif conservation were performed, and a total of 98 protein-coding sequences were found in F. vesca genome v1.0 and 90 sequences in the unreleased draft version of the R. idaeus genome. The in silico results obtained in chapter 3.1 provide three and two gene candidates for the woodland strawberry and raspberry, respectively: Fv3-FV2G25270, Fv33-FV7G08120, Fv145-FV5G02910, Ri3 gene36602 and Ri3- gene26116. After the identification of putative bHLH candidate genes, those genes were analyzed during fruit development and their function was studied in vitro and in vivo (chapter 4 and 5). The results of the study presented here forms the beginning of a possibility to breed new berry varieties with better traits, such as higher resistance to various stresses and a with a positive effect on the health of the consumer

    Root-associated fungal communities colonizing two dominant semiarid grasses: Hilaria sp. and Stipa sp.

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    We conducted a preliminary survey of the fungal communities associated with roots of Stipa hymenoides and Hilaria jamesii, two grasses native to the southwestern United States. Root samples from 10 different plants were collected at a semiarid grassland in Utah. Fungal communities were assessed using microscopic and molecular methods. Roots were cleared with KOH and stained using blue ink to visualize mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi. A total of 100 root segments were surface sterilized and plated on malt extract agar with antibiotics. Fungal endophytes were identified using nrITS primers.


Microscopic analyses showed that all root samples from both Hillaria and Stipa were colonized by dark septate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Vesicles and hyaline hyphae also were observed in all the roots. Sclerotia, a characteristic structure of some dark septate fungi were also found. Approximately 75 fungi were isolated representing at least 45 morphotypes. Molecular identification showed that both grasses are colonized by endophytes in the orders Pleosporales, Hypocreales, and Sordariales commonly found in semiarid grasses, liverworts, and mosses

    Efeito agudo de duas intensidades de exercício contra resistência sobre a pressão arterial em repouso de pessoas normotensas

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    El propósito del estudio fue determinar el efecto sobre la presión arterial (PA)del ejercicio contraresistencia(CR)realizado condiferentes intensidades,en 10 hombres (38.22±7.03 años; 75.15±5.41 kg; 1.69±0.07m; PA en reposo 116±7.5/71±7.3 mmHg),quienes participaronencuatrosesiones de entrenamiento CRen díasdiferentes. La primera de ellas consistió en evaluar una repetición máxima (1RM) de cada uno de los ejercicios, mientras que las otras tresfueron realizadas en ordenaleatorioy consistieron en: (a) ejecutarsieteejercicios CR (2 series x 14 repeticiones) al 50% de 1RM;(b)realizar los mismos sieteejercicios (2 series x 10 repeticiones)al70% de 1RM; y (c) permanecer en reposo durante 35 min. Se tomó la PA en reposo antes del ejercicio,inmediatamente finalizado el ejercicio y, posterior al ejercicio,cada10 min,hasta completar 60 min. Los ANOVAS de dosvías con medidas repetidas en ambos factores (p˂0.05)demostraron que:(1)la PA sistólica es significativamente menor a partir de los 20 min luego del ejercicio, cuando la persona se ejercita al 70%, en comparación con la condición control y con la medición antes del ejercicio; (2) la PA diastólica es significativamente menor luego de realizar ejercicio,a ambas intensidades,con respecto a la medición antes del ejercicio y en comparación con la condición control(no obstante,los efectos son más duraderos luego de ejercitarse al 50%). En conclusión, ambas intensidades de ejercicio desencadenan el efecto hipotensor postejercicio en varones normotensos.The aim of the study was to determine the effect of resistance-training exercise performed at different intensities on blood pressure (BP) in normotensives. Ten males (age = 38.2±7.0 yrs.; body weight = 75.2±5.4 kg; body height = 169±7.0 cm; resting BP = 116±7.5/71±7.3 mmHg) participated in four resistance-training exercise sessions performed in different days. The first session was used to determine one repetition maximum (1RM) for each resistance-training exercise; the following three sessions were randomly assigned and consisted of: a) seven resistance-training exercises performed at 50% of 1RM (2 sets x 14 reps); b) seven resistance-training exercises performed at 70% of 1RM (2 sets x 10 reps); and c) control condition (35-min quiet resting). Resting BP was measured before exercise, immediately following exercise, and at 10-min intervals for 60-min. Two-way repeated measures ANOVAs showed (p<0.05) that: (1) the systolic BP significantly decreased 20-min following exercise in the 70% 1RM condition compared to the control condition and the measurement before exercise; (2) the diastolic BP was significantly reduced following both exercise intensities compared to the measurements obtained before exercise and compared to the control condition. The acute effects lasted longer following exercise at 50% of 1RM. In conclusion, both resistance-training exercise intensities elicited a post-exercise hypotensive effect in normotensive participants.O propósito do estudo foi determinar o efeito sobre a pressão arterial (PA) do exercício contra resistência (CR) realizado com diferentes intensidades, em10 homens(38,22±7,03 anos; 75,15±5,41 kg; 1,69±0,07 m; PA emrepouso 116±7,5/71±7,3 mmHg), que participaram em quatro sessões de treinamento CR em dias diferentes. A primeira delas consistiu em avaliar uma repetição máxima (1RM) de cada um dos exercícios, en quanto outras três foram realizadas aleatoriamente econsistiram em: (a) executar sete exercícios CR (2 séries x 14 repetições) a 50% de 1RM; (b) realizar os mesmos sete exercícios (2 series x 10 repetições) a70% de 1RM; e(c) permanecer em repousodurante 35 min. Mediu-se aPA em repouso antes doexercício, imediatamente depois de finalizá-lo e, posterior a seu término, a cada 10 min, atécompletar 60 min. Os ANOVAS de duas vias com medidas repetidas em ambos os fatores (p˂0,05) demostraram que: (1) a PA sistólica ésignificativamente menor a partir dos 20 min depois doexercício, quando a pessoa se exercitaa 70%, emcomparação àcondição controle ecom a mediçãoantes doexercício; (2) a PA diastólica ésignificativamente menor depoisde realizar exercício, emambasasintensidades, com relação àmediçãoantes doexercício eem comparação àcondição controle(entretanto, os efeitos sãomais duradouro depoisde exercitar-sea 50%). Em conclusão, ambas as intensidades de exercício desencadeiam oefeito hipotensor pós-exercício em homens normotensos.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (CIMOHU

    Synthesis of metal-organic frameworks and their immobilization on surfaces

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    Els marcs orgànics metàl·lics (MOF, de metal-organic framework) són materials porosos fets d’ions metàl·lics enllaçats a lligands orgànics mitjançant enllaços de coordinació, en què s’obtenen com a resultat estructures amb dues o més dimensions d’unitats repetibles. Últimament, la investigació sobre l’ús de MOF en biologia ha portat a la creació de MOF biològics (BioMOF). A més, la preparació de pel·lícules de MOF i el creixement en superfícies són necessaris per a incorporar MOF en dispositius i produir MOF de superfície coordinada (SURMOF, de surface-coordinated metal-organic framework). En aquest article es presenten la classificació, la síntesi i les aplicacions dels SURMOF.Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are porous materials made of metal ions bonded to organic ligands by coordination bonds, resulting in the obtention of structures with two or more dimensions from repeatable units. Lately, research on the use of MOFs in biology has led to the creation of biological MOFs (BioMOFs). In addition, the preparation of MOF films and their growth on functionalized surfaces is required in order to incorporate MOFs into devices and produce surface-coordinated MOFs (SURMOFs). For this reason, SURMOFs’ classification, synthesis and applications are presented in this review