43 research outputs found

    Municipal Development Policy in Germany: Current Trends, Challenges and Recommendations for Further Promotion

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    How has municipal development policy in Germany continued to unfold over the last few years, and where do things stand today? What has been achieved, and what are the challenges for municipal development engagement? Moreover, how can German municipalities be further supported in maximising their contribution to globally sustainable development up to 2030 and beyond? These questions are addressed in two complementary investigations: a study by the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), and an evaluation by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval). This policy brief presents the key findings and recommendations of both investigations

    Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik: Evaluierung der Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt (SKEW)

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    Deutsche Kommunen engagieren sich seit vielen Jahren für eine global nachhaltige Entwicklung. Sie sorgen beispielsweise für eine faire öffentliche Beschaffung oder pflegen Partnerschaften mit Kommunen im globalen Süden. Seit 2013 fördert das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) die kommunale Entwicklungspolitik über einen eigenen Titel im Bundeshaushalt. Die Mittel des Haushaltstitels fließen fast vollständig an die Servicestelle Kommunen in der Einen Welt (SKEW), die als Teil der Engagement Global gGmbH Beratungs-, Vernetzungs-, Informations- und Förderangebote für Kommunen bereitstellt, um diese in ihrem entwicklungspolitischen Engagement zu unterstützen. Die vorliegende Evaluierung hat das Gesamtprogramm der SKEW hinsichtlich der sechs OECD-DAC-Evaluierungskriterien Relevanz, Kohärenz, Effizienz, Effektivität, Nachhaltigkeit und Impact untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die SKEW für das entwicklungspolitische Engagement deutscher Kommunen eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Für eine positive zukünftige Entwicklung der kommunalen Entwicklungspolitik sollte die Ausgestaltung der Förderung jedoch an verschiedenen Stellen verbessert werden. Hierzu soll die Evaluierung mit konkreten Empfehlungen einen Beitrag leisten

    Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen zur weiteren Förderung

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    Wie hat sich die kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren weiterentwickelt und wo steht sie heute? Was wurde erreicht und welche Herausforderungen bestehen für kommunales entwicklungspolitisches Engagement? Und wie können deutsche Kommunen weiter unterstützt werden, um bis 2030 und darüber hinaus einen möglichst großen Beitrag zu einer global nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten zu können? Diesen Fragen wurde in zwei komplementär angelegten Untersuchungen nachgegangen

    Computer-Aided Recognition of ABC Transporters Substrates and Its Application to the Development of New Drugs for Refractory Epilepsy

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    Despite the introduction of more than 15 third generation antiepileptic drugs to the market from 1990 to the moment, about one third of the epileptic patients still suffer from refractory to intractable epilepsy. Several hypotheses seek to explain the failure of drug treatments to control epilepsy symptoms in such patients. The most studied one proposes that drug resistance might be related with regional overactivity of efflux transporters from the ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) superfamily at the blood-brain barrier and/or the epileptic foci in the brain. Different strategies have been conceived to address the transporter hypothesis, among them inhibiting or down-regulating the efflux transporters or bypassing them through a diversity of artifices. Here, we review scientific evidence supporting the transporter hypothesis along with its limitations, as well as computer-assisted early recognition of ABC transporter substrates as an interesting strategy to develop novel antiepileptic drugs capable of treating refractory epilepsy linked to ABC transporters overactivity.Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Bioactivo

    Activation of the innate immune receptor Dectin-1 upon formation of a 'phagocytic synapse'.

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    Innate immune cells must be able to distinguish between direct binding to microbes and detection of components shed from the surface of microbes located at a distance. Dectin-1 (also known as CLEC7A) is a pattern-recognition receptor expressed by myeloid phagocytes (macrophages, dendritic cells and neutrophils) that detects β-glucans in fungal cell walls and triggers direct cellular antimicrobial activity, including phagocytosis and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast to inflammatory responses stimulated upon detection of soluble ligands by other pattern-recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs), these responses are only useful when a cell comes into direct contact with a microbe and must not be spuriously activated by soluble stimuli. In this study we show that, despite its ability to bind both soluble and particulate β-glucan polymers, Dectin-1 signalling is only activated by particulate β-glucans, which cluster the receptor in synapse-like structures from which regulatory tyrosine phosphatases CD45 and CD148 (also known as PTPRC and PTPRJ, respectively) are excluded (Supplementary Fig. 1). The 'phagocytic synapse' now provides a model mechanism by which innate immune receptors can distinguish direct microbial contact from detection of microbes at a distance, thereby initiating direct cellular antimicrobial responses only when they are required

    Propofol-Induced Frontal Cortex Disconnection: A Study of Resting-State Networks, Total Brain Connectivity, and Mean BOLD Signal Oscillation Frequencies.

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    Propofol is one of the most commonly used anesthetics in the world, but much remains unknown about the mechanisms by which it induces loss of consciousness. In this resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we examined qualitative and quantitative changes of resting-state networks (RSNs), total brain connectivity, and mean oscillation frequencies of the regional blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal, associated with propofol-induced mild sedation and loss of responsiveness in healthy subjects. We found that detectability of RSNs diminished significantly with loss of responsiveness, and total brain connectivity decreased strongly in the frontal cortex, which was associated with increased mean oscillation frequencies of the BOLD signal. Our results suggest a pivotal role of the frontal cortex in propofol-induced loss of responsiveness

    Risk factors and characteristics influencing humoral response to COVID-19 vaccination in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    IntroductionVaccination against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is approved and recommended for immunocompromised patients such as patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). Since infections represent a relevant cause of transplant related mortality we analyzed the advent of immunization to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a bicentric population of allogeneic transplanted patients.MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed data of allo-SCT recipients in two German transplantation centers for safety and serologic response after two and three SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations. Patients received mRNA vaccines or vector-based vaccines. All patients were monitored for antibodies against SARS-CoV2-spike protein (anti-S-IgG) with an IgG ELISA assay or an EIA Assay after two and three doses of vaccination.ResultsA total of 243 allo-SCT patients underwent SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. The median age was 59 years (range 22-81). While 85% of patients received two doses of mRNA vaccines, 10% had vector-based vaccines and 5% received a mixed vaccination. The two vaccine doses were well tolerated with only 3% patients developing a reactivation of graft versus host disease (GvHD). Overall, 72% of patients showed a humoral response after two vaccinations. In the multivariate analysis age at time of allo-SCT (p=0.0065), ongoing immunosuppressive therapy (p= 0.029) and lack of immune reconstitution (CD4-T-cell counts <200/μl, p< 0.001) were associated with no response. Sex, intensity of conditioning and the use of ATG showed no influence on seroconversion. Finally, 44 out of 69 patients that did not respond after the second dose received a booster and 57% (25/44) showed a seroconversion.DiscussionWe showed in our bicentric allo-SCT patient cohort, that a humoral response could be achieve after the regular approved schedule, especially for those patients who underwent immune reconstitution and were free from immunosuppressive drugs. In over 50% of the initial non-responders after 2-dose vaccination, a seroconversion can be achieved by boostering with a third dose

    Додатковий том «Словника української мови»

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    У статті подано історію роботи над Додатковим томом «Словника української мови» в 11-ти томах, описано джерела наповнення реєстру, структуру словникових статей, наведено приклади розробки статей різного типу – як нововведених слів, так і таких, що були в «Словнику української мови» і зазнали доповнення. Завдання лексикографів, які працювали над Додатковим томом, – відобразити динаміку лексичного шару української мови 1980-их рр. ХХ ст. – початку ХХІ ст. з акцентуванням її інноваційних й актуалізованих аспектів

    Garbage in, garbage out: how reliable training data improved a virtual screening approach against SARS-CoV-2 MPro

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    Introduction: The identification of chemical compounds that interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication continues to be a priority in several academic and pharmaceutical laboratories. Computational tools and approaches have the power to integrate, process and analyze multiple data in a short time. However, these initiatives may yield unrealistic results if the applied models are not inferred from reliable data and the resulting predictions are not confirmed by experimental evidence.Methods: We undertook a drug discovery campaign against the essential major protease (MPro) from SARS-CoV-2, which relied on an in silico search strategy –performed in a large and diverse chemolibrary– complemented by experimental validation. The computational method comprises a recently reported ligand-based approach developed upon refinement/learning cycles, and structure-based approximations. Search models were applied to both retrospective (in silico) and prospective (experimentally confirmed) screening.Results: The first generation of ligand-based models were fed by data, which to a great extent, had not been published in peer-reviewed articles. The first screening campaign performed with 188 compounds (46 in silico hits and 100 analogues, and 40 unrelated compounds: flavonols and pyrazoles) yielded three hits against MPro (IC50 ≤ 25 μM): two analogues of in silico hits (one glycoside and one benzo-thiazol) and one flavonol. A second generation of ligand-based models was developed based on this negative information and newly published peer-reviewed data for MPro inhibitors. This led to 43 new hit candidates belonging to different chemical families. From 45 compounds (28 in silico hits and 17 related analogues) tested in the second screening campaign, eight inhibited MPro with IC50 = 0.12–20 μM and five of them also impaired the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero cells (EC50 7–45 μM).Discussion: Our study provides an example of a virtuous loop between computational and experimental approaches applied to target-focused drug discovery against a major and global pathogen, reaffirming the well-known “garbage in, garbage out” machine learning principle