21 research outputs found

    Mixobiota corticícola em Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae)

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    Studies were carried out on the corticolous myxobiota of Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae) found under different environmental conditions in Olinda and Recife counties, in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Out of total of 237 specimens (field and moist-chamber) ten species belonging to five families and six genera were identified: Licea castanea G. Lister, L. denudescens H.W. Keller & T.E. Brooks, L. pedicellata (H.C. Gilbert) H.C. Gilbert (Liceaceae); Cribraria violacea Rex (Cribrariaceae); Perichaena chrysosperma (Curr.) Lister, P. depressa Libert, P. vermicularis (Schwein.) Rostaf. (Trichiaceae); Physarum auriscalpium Cooke, P. crateriforme Petch. (Physaraceae); Diderma aff. chondrioderma (de Bary & Rostaf.) G. Lister (Didymiaceae). Results suggest that the myxomycete community composition among the two studied areas were similar (CC=0.88). Descriptions, comments and geographical distribution in Brazil of each species are presented.Estudos foram realizados sobre a mixobiota corticícola de Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae), em indivíduos desenvolvidos sob diferentes condições ambientais nos municípios de Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. De um total de 237 espécimes (campo e câmara-úmida), foram identificadas dez espécies, pertencentes a cinco famílias e seis gêneros: Licea castanea G. Lister, L. denudescens H.W. Keller & T.E. Brooks, L. pedicellata (H.C. Gilbert) H.C. Gilbert (Liceaceae); Cribraria violacea Rex (Cribrariaceae); Perichaena chrysosperma (Curr.) Lister, P. depressa Libert, P. vermicularis (Schwein.) Rostaf. (Trichiaceae); Physarum auriscalpium Cooke, P. crateriforme Petch. (Physaraceae); Diderma aff. chondrioderma (de Bary & Rostaf.) G. Lister (Didymiaceae). Os resultados sugerem que a composição das mixobiotas das duas áreas estudadas é semelhante (CC=0,88). São apresentados comentários, descrições e distribuição de cada espécie para o Brasil

    Bacillus subtilis as a growth promoter inoculant on soybean plants in field / Bacillus subtilis como inoculante promotor de crescimento em plantas de soja em campo

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    The use of microorganisms as a plant growth promoter such as Bacillus subtilis is an alternative that may provide benefits to soybean cultivation, improved development, and productivity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the biomass and productivity of soybean inoculated by Bacillus subtilis Bs10 cultivated in field, in Gurupi, Tocantins, in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons. Four treatments inoculated with liquid formulation based on Bacillus subtilis Bs10 were carried out in different doses (100, 200, 300 and 400 ml for 50 kg of seeds) and compared to a commercial product based on B. subtilis (positive control) and a non-inoculated treatment (absolute control). Inoculation by B. subtilis Bs10 positively influenced biomass, stand maintenance and yield of soybean under field conditions in both harvests. These yields were 26.6% (200 mL) and 31.8% (300 mL) higher than the absolute control treatment for a 2015/2016 seasons and between 10.8 and 15.43% for a 2016/2017 seasons. Thus, there were significant results from the dose tested 200 mL of inoculant per 50 kg of seed. The strain of B. subtilis Bs10 can be recommended as plant growth promoting inoculant in soybean

    Diderma albo-columella (Myxomycetes), a new species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    Abstract A new species of Diderma (Physarales, Didymiaceae) was recorded in the Mata Estrela Private Nature Reserve, Rio Grande do Norte state. It is characterized by sessile sporangia, white globose columella, capillitium irradiating from the peridium, forming three layers, the middle part strongly calcareous, the outer layer cartilaginous and the inner layer membranous. A key to species of sessile sporangia Diderma with triple peridium is presented

    Myxomycetes do estado de Alagoas (Brasil) e notas sobre sua distribuição

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2014v27n3p13The state of Alagoas is located in the northeastern region of Brazil, and covers an area of 27,767 km2. Several different ecosystem types exist in this area, including mangroves forests and Atlantic rainforest on the coast, and Caatinga inland. The literature reports the occurrence of 43 species of Myxomycetes in Alagoas, all of which are recorded in humid forest environments, or in stored sugarcane bagasse. This study is the first one to record members of family Didymiaceae, and the genera Badhamia, Comatricha, Perichaena, Reticularia and Stemonaria in Alagoas. A species key is presented. Licea succulenticola, Reticularia jurana and Stemonaria longa are new references for the Caatinga biome. Licea succulenticola is also reported for the first time in Brazil.http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2014v27n3p13O Estado de Alagoas, localizado na Região Nordeste do Brasil, abrange uma área de 27.767 km2 onde diferentes ecossistemas, incluindo manguezal e Floresta Atlântica na costa e caatinga no interior, são encontrados. A literatura relata a ocorrência de 43 espécies de Myxomycetes no Estado, as quais foram registradas em ambientes florestais úmidos ou em bagaço de cana de açúcar armazenado em indústria. Este estudo é o primeiro a registrar espécies de Didymiaceae e os gêneros Badhamia, Comatricha, Perichaena, Reticularia e Stemonaria para Alagoas. É apresentada uma chave para espécies. Licea succulenticola, Reticularia jurana e Stemonaria longa são novas referências para o bioma Caatinga. Licea succulenticola é registrada pela primeira vez no Brasil. 

    Mixobiota do Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, SE, Brasil: Physarales

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    Visando contribuir com informações sobre a diversidade de Myxomycetes em florestas úmidas e savanas Neotropicais, foram inventariadas as espécies de Physarales associadas a diferentes microhabitats no Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, Sergipe, Brasil (10º40'52"S e 37º25'15"W, 180-670 m, 7966 ha). Durante 20 meses consecutivos foram efetuadas coletas de esporocarpos e de amostras de vários tipos de substratos a serem utilizados na preparação de 590 câmaras-úmidas. Coleções representativas do material estudado foram depositadas no Herbário UFP, com duplicatas no herbário MA - Fungi. A abundância e a constância de cada espécie foram determinadas. Apresenta-se uma lista comentada das sete espécies de Didymiaceae e 24 espécies de Physaraceae identificadas e sua distribuição no Brasil. As Physarales estão presentes em todos os microhabitats analisados, esporulando na estiagem e na estação chuvosa; fimícolas e suculentícolas foram registradas apenas em câmara-úmida. As espécies mais abundantes foram Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers., P. stellatum (Massee) G.W. Martin e P. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Exceto Diachea silvaepluvialis M.L. Farr, P. cinereume Physarum roseumBerk. & Broome, todos os táxons constituem primeira referência para Sergipe. Diderma rugosum (Rex) T. Macbr., Didymium dubium Rostaf. e Physarum pulcherrimum Berk. & Ravenel estão sendo referidas pela primeira vez para o Brasil.<br>The aims of this study were to obtain data on Myxomycete diversity in Neotropical forests and savannas and to determine the composition of the Physarales species assemblage associated with different microhabitats in Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe (10º 40'52"S; 37º 25'15"W, 180-670m alt., 7966 ha). During 20 months, sporocarps were collected and samples of substrata obtained for use in 590 moist-chamber cultures. Collections are deposited in the Herbaria UFP and MA - Fungi. The abundance and constancy of each species are given. Seven species of Didymiaceae and 24 species of Physaraceae comprise an annotated list and their distribution in Brazil is presented. Physarales were present in all microhabitats, in the dry and rainy seasons; fimicolous and succulenticolous species were observed only in moist-chamber cultures. The most abundant species were Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers., Physarum stellatum (Massee) G.W. Martin, and Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Except for Diachea silvaepluvialis M.L. Farr, P. cinereum, and Physarum roseum Berk. & Broome, all the species are new records for Sergipe. Diderma rugosum (Rex) T. Macbr., Didymium dubium Rostaf. and Physarum pulcherrimum Berk. & Ravenel are reported for the first time in Brazil

    Corticolous myxobiota of the Pernambuco Center of Endemism, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Situated within the Atlantic Forest domain, the Centro de Endemismo Pernambuco (Pernambuco Center of Endemism) - CEPE is regarded as a priority for biodiversity conservation worldwide. Covering an area of approximately 56,000 km2, it encompasses part of the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte in northeastern Brazil. Here we present an identification key to 73 species of Myxomycetes that compose the known corticolous myxobiota of the Dense Ombrofilous Lowland Forest, Semideciduous Lowland Forest, Restinga Forest and Mangrove environments of CEPE. Specimens included here were found developed in natural conditions in the field or obtained through moist chamber culture. Among the species found, Arcyria cinerea, Clastoderma debaryanum, Cribraria confusa, C. violacea and Echinostelium minutum were the most common; and Comatricha longipila, Licea pedicellata, Paradiachaeopsis longipes, Perichaena calongei and Stemonaria fuscoides were the most rare. Our data indicates that the species richness of corticolous myxomycetes in rainforests is lower than that of temperate forests. These same data also suggest that taxonomic diversity (mean number of species per genus) is similar to, or higher than, that found in temperate regions of the world