45 research outputs found

    Pliocene Diatom Biomarkers in Sabrina Coast. EAIS Continental Marginal Dynamics

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    PNRA Tytan project, supported by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), focused on the advances and retreats dynamics of the ice sheet and on variations in the glacial regime. Unit 2 focused on Diatom biomarkers and assemblages analysis on sediments of core PC03, collected during the IN2017-V01 cruise on the eastern flank of the Minang-a (or Whale) submarine Canyon. The project aims at reconstructing the depositional environment of the continental margin off the Totten Glacier and diatom data remained a key tools to constrain past ice-sheet dynamics and to forecasting future behaviour in a warming world. Preliminary dataset from diatom biostratigraphic tools allows to refer the base of the core to Pliocene while the upper part of the core records more modern EAIS dynamics, indicative of minor sedimentary evolution steps of the continental margin. Diatom assemblage analyses highlight Eocene-Oligocene reworked material and freshwater diatom inputs in Pliocene sequence, strengthening the debate about ice-sheet and paleoceanographic models, WAIS cyclic collapse and suspected Pliocene EAIS retreat into major subglacial Antarctic basins

    Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea)

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    Published version, source at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.02.007. License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.Kveithola is a glacially-carved, E-W trending trough located in the NW Barents Sea, an epicontinental shelf sea of the Arctic Ocean located off northern Norway and Russia. A set of confined sediment drifts (the “Kveithola Drift”) is located in the inner part of the trough. In general, drift deposits are commonly characterized by high lateral continuity, restricted occurrence of hiatuses and relatively high accumulation rates, and thus represent excellent repositories of paleo-environmental information. We provide for the first time a detailed morphological and seismostratigraphic insight into this sediment drift, which is further supported by some preliminary lithological and sedimentological analyses. The complex morphology of the drift, imaged by combining all available multibeam data, includes a main and a minor drift body, two drift lenses in the outer part of the trough, more or less connected drift patches in the innermost part and small perched sediment patches in a structurally-controlled channel to the north. The seismic (PARASOUND) data show that the main and minor drift bodies are mainly well-stratified, characterized by sub-parallel reflections of moderate to high amplitude and good lateral continuity. The reflectors show an abrupt pinch-out on the northern edge where a distinct moat is present, and a gradual tapering to the south. Internally we identify the base of the drift and four internal horizons, which we correlate throughout the drift. Two units display high amplitude reflectors, marked lensoidal character and restricted lateral extent, suggesting the occurrence of more energetic sedimentary conditions. Facies typical for contourite deposition are found in the sediment cores, with strongly bioturbated sediments and abundant silty/sandy mottles that contain shell fragments. These characteristics, along with the morphological and seismic information, suggest a strong control by a bottom current flowing along the moat on the northern edge of the drift. Though both Atlantic and Arctic waters are known to enter the trough, from the west and the north respectively, brine-enriched shelf water (BSW) produced during winter and flowing westward in the moat, is suggested to be responsible for the genesis of the Kveithola Drift. The formation of BSW is inferred to have started around 13 cal ka BP, the onset of drift deposition, suggesting that conditions leading to atmospheric cooling of the surface waters and/or the presence of coastal polynyas and wind or floating ice shelves have persisted on the western Barents Shelf since that time. The units inferred to have been deposited under more energetic sedimentary conditions (tentatively dated to the Younger Dryas and to 8.9–8.2 cal ka BP) are suggestive of stronger BSW formation. In general, we infer that variations in the bottom current regime were mainly related to BSW formation due to atmospheric changes. They could also have been a response to successive episodes of grounded and sea ice retreat that allowed for a first limited, later open shelf current, which progressively established on the western Barents Sea shelf

    Sabrina Coast (East Antarctica) depositional processes highlightedthrough stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental diatom analysis

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    The systematic survey of Antarctic margin sedimentary sequences offers, especially in poorly investigated areas,the opportunity to obtain a wide range of information on glacio-eustatic, climatic, and tectonic events. Multi-disciplinary datasets resulting from geophysical surveys and scientific coring and drilling are needed to addressquestions regarding the orbital forcing and the global response of the hydrosphere (oceans and atmosphere),cryosphere, and biosphere. The PNRA Tytan Project, embedded into the Australian project \u201cInteractions of theTotten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles\u201d (Australian National University), aimsto understand how the Totten Glacier behaved during past Holocene and Pleistocene times of warmer climate.Insights for reconstructing the depositional and hydrodynamic environments of the continental margin off theTotten Glacier, a large outlet glacier located on the Sabrina Coast of East Antarctica, are addressed throughmicropaleontological efforts. The micropaleontological research group focused on identification of diatombiostratigraphic markers and assemblage analyses in sediment cores collected from the Sabrina Coast continentalslope during the RV Investigator mission IN2017_V01 in order to reconstruct paleoenvironments and to place ageconstraints on the sedimentary sequences.All but one of the piston cores recovered late Pleistocene sediments, documenting MIS 9 \u2013 MIS 1, withinterglacial intervals characterized by diatomaceous sediments dominated by the open water taxon Fragilariopsiskerguelensis. Glacial intervals have much lower diatom concentrations and a higher proportion of reworked forms.A single piston core, IN2017_V01_PC03, recovered a more complicated sedimentary sequence. This sequence,targeted for an older and more condensed coring location, was selected for coring based on the sub-bottomgeophysical data that indicated thinning of the upper stratigraphic section, and greater access to the underlyingsection. The results suggest a very dynamic sediment delivery system in a context of Pliocene\u2013Recent Antarcticcontinental margin. The basal section of the core is marked by Eocene-Oligocene reworked taxa while the midsection is characterized by almost barren sediments. The silty top section of the PC03 core, had diatom assem-blages similar to the other kasten and piston cores; t his sectionis characterized by modern diatom assemblagesdominated by Circum Antarctic Current and open water taxa with a variable presence of sea ice associated forms.Glacial slumping, perhaps facilitated by the presence of biogenic silica, and reworking may have removed orprevented deposition within this condensed sedimentary sequence.The presence or absence of F. kerguelensis versus F. barronii and also the presence of transitional forms betweenthese two species, confirms the much older nature of the sediments in this core as compared to the other pistoncores. In addition, Denticulopsis simonsenii much more common at the basal part of the core, may reflect ero-sional contributions from Miocene-aged sediment, while the significant contribution of F. barronii, Thalassiosiralentiginosa and Thalassiosira oliverana (var. sparsa?) versus intervals dominated by D. simonsenii may suggestdifferent sources of material

    The newly discovered Odyssea Drift (Ross Sea): preliminary results

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    The Hillary Canyon is one of the main conduits for dense shelf water forming in the Ross Sea, over-flowing the shelf edge and transforming into the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The main changes in past ocean circulation are recorded in the adjacent sediment drift. A wealth of data was acquired on the drift west of the Hillary Canyon during the 2017 OGS Explora expedition, which included the PNRA ODYSSEA and EUROFLEETS ANTSSS projects. The multi-disciplinary dataset acquired includes: single channel seismics, sub-bottom profiling, multibeam bathymetry, gravity and box cores, XBT launching, water sampling, CTD, L-ADCP, ADCP-VM, turbidity and florescence profiling. The sediment drift, which we named Odyssea Drift, is elongated in the NNE direction with dimensions of several tens of km. Prominent landslide scars and a giant landslide deposit, over 70 ms thick and spanning 200 km2, are visible on the drift. The sediment cores evidence well-developed cross beddings suggesting the effect of vigorous bottom currents. The oceanographic data show a ⇠200 m thick layer, near the bottom, with AABW characteristics (potential temperature < 0 C). The deeper layer displays also a strong velocity, mainly flowing along the isobaths. The energetic mixing between the along slope currents, mainly CDW, and the RSBW coming from the basin interior increase the turbidity of the bottom boundary layer. Our results will be merged with those obtained from the 2018 IODP drilling expedition 374 to develop a conceptual model of sediment deposition relating to marine-based ice sheet and oceanic processes along the Ross Sea continental margin occurring through the Neogene and Quaternary

    Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles (IN2017-V01): Post-survey report

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    The authors wish to thank the CSIRO Marine National Facility (MNF) for its support in the form of sea time on RV Investigator, support personnel, scientific equipment and data management. All data and samples acquired on the voyage are made publicly available in accordance with MNF Policy. All raw and processed data acquired by MNF equipment on MNF voyages will be archived by MNF data support staff in the enduring CSIRO Data Access Portal, https://data.csiro.au. Metadata records will be made publicly available at http://www.marlin.csiro.au. Processed data and data products will be made publicly available through Data Trawler http://www.cmar.csiro.au/data/trawler/index.cfm, the MNF web data access tool http://www.cmar.csiro.au/data/underway/, and/or from national or world data centres most suitable for the dissemination of particular data types.Other Australian Program Support Smaller projects have attracted funding to support research activities post-cruise these include the following: 1. Australian and New Zealand IODP Committee (ANZIC) Special Analytical Support Grant. Project Title: Using ancient phytoplankton communities and genes to illuminate future ocean responses. Researchers involved: L. Armand, L. Armbrecht, M. Ostrowski, & S. George. 2. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4320). Project Title: Characterising East Antarctic seabed habitats. Researchers involved: Post, A.L., & Smith, J. 3. Australian Antarctic Division Australian Antarctic Science Grant (#4419). Project Title: Response of the Totten Glacier to past climate warming. Researchers involved: Noble, T., Armand, L., Chase, Z., & Halpin, J.The Sabrina Sea Floor Survey was a major marine geoscience expedition to the Antarctic margin which took place between 14 January and 7 March 2017. It sailed on the Australian Marine National Facility vessel RV Investigator. This document describes survey activities, data collected on the ship and important metadata. Some preliminary results are included and the location of samples and data sets reported for future use. The report also provides information on data ownership and acknowledgement for future use and publication. It is intended as an aid to future research and use of results and has not been rigorously edited and peer-reviewed.Australian Research Council (DP170100557), Australian Antarctic Science Grant Program (AAS #4333), Italian Antarctic program support PNRA TYTAN Project (PdR 14_00119), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) (CTM2015-60451-C2-1-P & CTM2015-60451-C2-2-P), United States National Science Foundation's Polar Program - Antarctic Integrated System Science. #1143834, 1143836, 1143837, 1143843, 1313826

    40Ar-39Ar investigation of volcanic clasts in glaciogenic sediments at ODP Sites 1097 and 1103

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    Three selected diamictite samples recovered within sequence group S3 at Sites 1097 (Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm) and 1103 (Samples 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 36R-3, 4-8 cm) of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 have been investigated by scanning electron microscope, electron microprobe, and 40Ar-39Ar laser-heating techniques. They contain variable proportions of fragments of volcanic rock groundmass (mostly in the range of 100-150 µm) with textures ranging from microcrystalline to ipocrystalline. Their rounded shapes indicate mechanical reworking. Fresh groundmass glasses, recognized only in grains from samples of Site 1103, show mainly a subalkaline affinity on the basis of total alkali-silica variations. However, they are characterized by relatively high TiO2 and P2O5 contents (1.4-2.8 and 0.1-0.9 wt%, respectively). Because of the small size of homogeneous grains (100-150 µm), they were not suitable for single-grain total fusion 40Ar-39Ar analyses. The incremental laser-heating technique was applied to milligram-sized samples (only for Samples 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, and 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm) and to various small fractions (each consisting of 10 grains for the sample from Site 1097 and 30 grains for samples from Site 1103). The latter approach resulted in more effective resolution of sample heterogeneity. Argon ages from the small fractions show significantly different ranges in the three samples: 75-173 Ma for Sample 178-1097A-27R-1, 35-58 cm, 18-57 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-31R-2, 0-4 cm, and 7.6-50 Ma for Sample 178-1103A-36R-3, 4-8 cm. Ca/K ratios derived from argon isotopes at Site 1103 suggest that the data mainly refer to outgassing of groundmass glass. At Site 1103, we observe an overall apparent age increase with decreasing sample depth. This is compatible with glacial erosion that affected with time deeper levels of a volcanic sequence previously deposited on the continent. The youngest apparent age of 7.6 ± 0.7 Ma detected close to the bottom of Hole 1103A (340 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is compatible with the age range of the diatom Actinocyclus ingens v. ovalis Zone (6.3-8.0 Ma) determined for the interval 320-355 mbsf and with the maximum ages derived from strontium isotope composition of barnacle fragments obtained at 262-263 mbsf at the same site. Nevertheless, this age cannot be taken as the maximum youngest age of the volcanic sequence sampled by glacial erosion or as the maximum age for the deposition of the Sequence S3 at 340 mbsf unless validated by further research