132 research outputs found

    On Dwork cohomology and algebraic D-modules

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    After works by Katz, Monsky, and Adolphson-Sperber, a comparison theorem between relative de Rham cohomology and Dwork cohomology is established in a paper by Dimca-Maaref-Sabbah-Saito in the framework of algebraic D-modules. We propose here an alternative proof of this result. The use of Fourier transform techniques makes our approach more functorial.Comment: latex, 8 page

    Coarsening in granular systems

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    We review a few representative examples of granular experiments or models where phase separation, accompanied by domain coarsening, is a relevant phenomenon. We first elucidate the intrinsic non-equilibrium, or athermal, nature of granular media. Thereafter, dilute systems, the so-called "granular gases" are discussed: idealized kinetic models, such as the gas of inelastic hard spheres in the cooling regime, are the optimal playground to study the slow growth of correlated structures, e.g. shear patterns, vortices and clusters. In fluidized experiments, liquid-gas or solid-gas separations have been observed. In the case of monolayers of particles, phase coexistence and coarsening appear in several different setups, with mechanical or electrostatic energy input. Phenomenological models describe, even quantitatively, several experimental measures, both for the coarsening dynamics and for the dynamic transition between different granular phases. The origin of the underlying bistability is in general related to negative compressibility from granular hydrodynamics computations, even if the understanding of the mechanism is far from complete. A relevant problem, with important industrial applications, is related to the demixing or segregation of mixtures, for instance in rotating tumblers or on horizontally vibrated plates. Finally, the problem of compaction of highly dense granular materials, which has many important applications, is usually described in terms of coarsening dynamics: there, bubbles of mis-aligned grains evaporate, allowing the coalescence of optimally arranged islands and a progressive reduction of total occupied volume.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to appear in "Dynamics of coarsening" Comptes Rendus Physique special issue, https://sites.google.com/site/ppoliti/crp-special-issu

    Power laws statistics of cliff failures, scaling and percolation

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    The size of large cliff failures may be described in several ways, for instance considering the horizontal eroded area at the cliff top and the maximum local retreat of the coastline. Field studies suggest that, for large failures, the frequencies of these two quantities decrease as power laws of the respective magnitudes, defining two different decay exponents. Moreover, the horizontal area increases as a power law of the maximum local retreat, identifying a third exponent. Such observation suggests that the geometry of cliff failures are statistically similar for different magnitudes. Power laws are familiar in the physics of critical systems. The corresponding exponents satisfy precise relations and are proven to be universal features, common to very different systems. Following the approach typical of statistical physics, we propose a "scaling hypothesis" resulting in a relation between the three above exponents: there is a precise, mathematical relation between the distributions of magnitudes of erosion events and their geometry. Beyond its theoretical value, such relation could be useful for the validation of field catalogs analysis. Pushing the statistical physics approach further, we develop a numerical model of marine erosion that reproduces the observed failure statistics. Despite the minimality of the model, the exponents resulting from extensive numerical simulations fairly agree with those measured on the field. These results suggest that the mathematical theory of percolation, which lies behind our simple model, can possibly be used as a guide to decipher the physics of rocky coast erosion and could provide precise predictions to the statistics of cliff collapses.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. To appear in Earth Surface Processes and Lanforms (Rocky Coast special issue

    Velocity fluctuations in cooling granular gases

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    We study the formation and the dynamics of correlations in the velocity field for 1D and 2D cooling granular gases with the assumption of negligible density fluctuations (``Homogeneous Velocity-correlated Cooling State'', HVCS). It is shown that the predictions of mean field models fail when velocity fluctuations become important. The study of correlations is done by means of molecular dynamics and introducing an Inelastic Lattice Maxwell Models. This lattice model is able to reproduce all the properties of the Homogeneous Cooling State and several features of the HVCS. Moreover it allows very precise measurements of structure functions and other crucial statistical indicators. The study suggests that both the 1D and the 2D dynamics of the velocity field are compatible with a diffusive dynamics at large scale with a more complex behavior at small scale. In 2D the issue of scale separation, which is of interest in the context of kinetic theories, is addressed.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, conference proceedin

    Chemical etching of a disordered solid: from experiments to field theory

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    We present a two-dimensional theoretical model for the slow chemical corrosion of a thin film of a disordered solid by suitable etching solutions. This model explain different experimental results showing that the corrosion stops spontaneously in a situation in which the concentration of the etchant is still finite while the corrosion surface develops clear fractal features. We show that these properties are strictly related to the percolation theory, and in particular to its behavior around the critical point. This task is accomplished both by a direct analysis in terms of a self-organized version of the Gradient Percolation model and by field theoretical arguments.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Engineered Swift Equilibration of a Brownian Gyrator

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    In the context of stochastic thermodynamics, a minimal model for non equilibrium steady states has been recently proposed: the Brownian Gyrator (BG). It describes the stochastic overdamped motion of a particle in a two dimensional harmonic potential, as in the classic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, but considering the simultaneous presence of two independent thermal baths. When the two baths have different temperatures, the steady BG exhibits a rotating current, a clear signature of non equilibrium dynamics. Here, we consider a time-dependent potential, and we apply a reverse-engineering approach to derive exactly the required protocol to switch from an initial steady state to a final steady state in a finite time Ď„\tau. The protocol can be built by first choosing an arbitrary quasi-static counterpart - with few constraints - and then adding a finite-time contribution which only depends upon the chosen quasi-static form and which is of order 1/Ď„1/\tau. We also get a condition for transformations which - in finite time - conserve internal energy, useful for applications such as the design of microscopic thermal engines. Our study extends finite-time stochastic thermodynamics to transformations connecting non-equilibrium steady states.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure plus supplementary material 10 pages, 2 figures. To appear in PRE Rapid communication

    Earthquake dynamics constrained from laboratory experiments: new insights from granular materials

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    The traction evolution is a fundamental ingredient to model the dynamics of an earthquake rupture which ultimately controls, during the coseismic phase, the energy release, the stress redistribution and the consequent excitation of seismic waves. In the present paper we explore the use of the friction behavior derived from laboratory shear experiments performed on granular materials at low normal stress. We find that the rheological properties emerging from these laboratory experiments can not be described in terms of preexisting governing models already presented in literature; our results indicate that neither rate-and state-dependent friction laws nor nonlinear slip-dependent models, commonly adopted for modeling earthquake ruptures, are able to capture all the features of the experimental data. Then, by exploiting a novel numerical approach, we directly incorporate the laboratory data into a code to simulate the fully dynamic propagation of a 3-D slip failure. We demonstrate that the rheology of the granular material, imposed as fault boundary condition, is dynamically consistent. Indeed, it is able to reproduce the basic features of a crustal earthquake, spontaneously accelerating up to some terminal rupture speed, both sub- and supershear
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