14 research outputs found

    Effect of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate and Acetate Ionic Liquids on Stability and Amyloid Aggregation of Lysozyme

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    Amyloid fibrils draw attention as potential novel biomaterials due to their high stability, strength, elasticity or resistance against degradation. Therefore, the controlled and fast fibrillization process is of great interest, which raises the demand for effective tools capable of regulating amyloid fibrillization. Ionic liquids (ILs) were identified as effective modulators of amyloid aggregation. The present work is focused on the study of the effect of 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium-based ILs with kosmotropic anion acetate (EMIM-ac) and chaotropic cation tetrafluoroborate (EMIM-BF4) on the kinetics of lysozyme amyloid aggregation and morphology of formed fibrils using fluorescence and CD spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, AFM with statistical image analysis and docking calculations. We have found that both ILs decrease the thermal stability of lysozyme and significantly accelerate amyloid fibrillization in a dose-dependent manner at concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 5% (v/v) in conditions and time-frames when no fibrils are formed in ILs-free solvent. The effect of EMIM-BF4 is more prominent than EMIM-ac due to the different specific interactions of the anionic part with the protein surface. Although both ILs induced formation of amyloid fibrils with typical needle-like morphology, a higher variability of fibril morphology consisting of a different number of intertwining protofilaments was identified for EMIM-BF4

    Dose-dependent regulation of horizontal cell fate by Onecut family of transcription factors

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    Genome duplication leads to an emergence of gene paralogs that are essentially free to undergo the process of neofunctionalization, subfunctionalization or degeneration (gene loss). Onecut1 (Oc1) and Onecut2 (Oc2) transcription factors, encoded by paralogous genes in mammals, are expressed in precursors of horizontal cells (HCs), retinal ganglion cells and cone photoreceptors. Previous studies have shown that ablation of eitherOc1orOc2gene in the mouse retina results in a decreased number of HCs, while simultaneous deletion ofOc1andOc2leads to a complete loss of HCs. Here we study the genetic redundancy betweenOc1andOc2paralogs and focus on how the dose of Onecut transcription factors influences abundance of individual retinal cell types and overall retina physiology. Our data show that reducing the number of functional Oc alleles in the developing retina leads to a gradual decrease in the number of HCs, progressive thinning of the outer plexiform layer and diminished electrophysiology responses. Taken together, these observations indicate that in the context of HC population, the alleles of Oc1/Oc2 paralogous genes are mutually interchangeable, function additively to support proper retinal function and their molecular evolution does not follow one of the typical routes after gene duplication

    Chromatin Remodeling Enzyme Snf2h Is Essential for Retinal Cell Proliferation and Photoreceptor Maintenance

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    Chromatin remodeling complexes are required for many distinct nuclear processes such as transcription, DNA replication, and DNA repair. However, the contribution of these complexes to the development of complex tissues within an organism is poorly characterized. Imitation switch (ISWI) proteins are among the most evolutionarily conserved ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors and are represented by yeast Isw1/Isw2, and their vertebrate counterparts Snf2h (Smarca5) and Snf2l (Smarca1). In this study, we focused on the role of the Snf2h gene during the development of the mammalian retina. We show that Snf2h is expressed in both retinal progenitors and post-mitotic retinal cells. Using Snf2h conditional knockout mice (Snf2h cKO), we found that when Snf2h is deleted, the laminar structure of the adult retina is not retained, the overall thickness of the retina is significantly reduced compared with controls, and the outer nuclear layer (ONL) is completely missing. The depletion of Snf2h did not influence the ability of retinal progenitors to generate all the differentiated retinal cell types. Instead, the Snf2h function is critical for the proliferation of retinal progenitor cells. Cells lacking Snf2h have a defective S-phase, leading to the entire cell division process impairments. Although all retinal cell types appear to be specified in the absence of the Snf2h function, cell-cycle defects and concomitantly increased apoptosis in Snf2h cKO result in abnormal retina lamination, complete destruction of the photoreceptor layer, and consequently, a physiologically non-functional retina

    Destroying activity of magnetoferritin on lysozyme amyloid fibrils

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    Presence of protein amyloid aggregates (oligomers, protofilaments, fibrils) is associated with many diseases as diabetes mellitus or Alzheimer's disease. The interaction between lysozyme amyloid fibrils and magnetoferritin loaded with different amount of iron atoms (168 or 532 atoms) has been investigated by small-angle X-rays scattering and thioflavin T fluorescence measurements. Results suggest that magnetoferritin caused an iron atom-concentration dependent reduction of lysozyme fibril siz

    On the determination of the helical structure parameters of amyloid protofilaments by small-angle neutron scattering and atomic force microscopy

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    The helical structure of amyloid protofilaments of hen egg white lysozyme was analyzed by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The structure of these formations in bulk solutions was adequately described by SANS in terms of a simplified model of a helix with spherical structural units. The found main helix parameters (pitch and effective diameter) are consistent with the results of AFM analysis for amyloid fibrils adsorbed on a mica surface. Both methods reveal a strong isotope effect on the structure of amyloid fibrils with respect to the substitution of heavy for light water in the solvent. Specific details responsible for the structural differences when comparing SANS and AFM data are discussed from the viewpoint of methodological aspects, the influence of different (native and adsorbed) amyloid states and sample preparation.</jats:p

    <i>In Silico</i> and <i>in Vitro</i> Study of Binding Affinity of Tripeptides to Amyloid β Fibrils: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Self-assembly of Aβ peptides into amyloid aggregates has been suggested as the major cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Nowadays, there is no medication for AD, but experimental data indicate that reversion of the process of amyloid aggregation reduces the symptoms of disease. In this paper, all 8000 tripeptides were studied for their ability to destroy Aβ fibrils. The docking method and the more sophisticated MM-PBSA (molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area) method were employed to calculate the binding affinity and mode of tripeptides to Aβ fibrils. The ability of these peptides to depolymerize Aβ fibrils was also investigated experimentally using atomic force microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy (Thioflavin T assay). It was shown that tripeptides prefer to bind to hydrophobic regions of 6Aβ<sub>9–40</sub> fibrils. Tripeptides WWW, WWP, WPW and PWW were found to be the most potent binders. <i>In vitro</i> experiments showed that tight-binding tripeptides have significant depolymerizing activities and their DC<sub>50</sub> values determined from dose–response curves were in micromolar range. The ability of nonbinding (GAM, AAM) and weak-binding (IVL and VLA) tripeptides to destroy Aβ fibrils was negligible. <i>In vitro</i> data of tripeptide depolymerizing activities support the predictions obtained by molecular docking and all-atom simulation methods. Our results suggest that presence of multiple complexes of heterocycles forming by tryptophan and proline residues in tripeptides is crucial for their tight binding to Aβ fibrils as well as for extensive fibril depolymerization. We recommend PWW for further studies as it has the lowest experimental binding constant

    Binding of Glyco-Acridine Derivatives to Lysozyme Leads to Inhibition of Amyloid Fibrillization

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    While amyloid-related diseases are at the center of intense research efforts, no feasible cure is currently available for these diseases. The experimental and computational techniques were used to study the ability of glyco-acridines to prevent lysozyme amyloid fibrillization in vitro. Fluorescence spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy have shown that glyco-acridines inhibit amyloid aggregation of lysozyme; the inhibition efficiency characterized by the half-maximal inhibition concentration IC<sub>50</sub> was affected by the structure and concentration of the derivative. We next investigated relationship between the binding affinity and the inhibitory activity of the compounds. The semiempirical quantum PM6-DH+ method provided a good correlation pointing to the importance of quantum effects on the binding of glyco-acridine derivatives to lysozyme. The contribution of linkers may be explained by the valence bond theory. Our data provide a basis for the development of new small molecule inhibitors effective in therapy of amyloid-related diseases

    Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 Detection by Rapid Antigen and by Three Commercial RT-qPCR Tests: A Study from Martin University Hospital in Slovakia

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    The global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is having a tremendous impact on the global economy, health care systems and the lives of almost all people in the world. The Central European country of Slovakia reached one of the highest daily mortality rates per 100,000 inhabitants in the first 3 months of 2021, despite implementing strong prophylactic measures, lockdowns and repeated nationwide antigen testing. The present study reports a comparison of the performance of the Standard Q COVID-19 antigen test (SD Biosensor) with three commercial RT-qPCR kits (vDetect COVID-19-MultiplexDX, gb SARS-CoV-2 Multiplex-GENERI BIOTECH Ltd. and Genvinset COVID-19 [E]-BDR Diagnostics) in the detection of infected individuals among employees of the Martin University Hospital in Slovakia. Health care providers, such as doctors and nurses, are classified as “critical infrastructure”, and there is no doubt about the huge impact that incorrect results could have on patients. Out of 1231 samples, 14 were evaluated as positive for SARS-CoV-2 antigen presence, and all of them were confirmed by RT-qPCR kit 1 and kit 2. As another 26 samples had a signal in the E gene, these 40 samples were re-isolated and subsequently re-analysed using the three kits, which detected the virus in 22, 23 and 12 cases, respectively. The results point to a divergence not only between antigen and RT-qPCR tests, but also within the “gold standard” RT-qPCR testing. Performance analysis of the diagnostic antigen test showed the positive predictive value (PPV) to be 100% and negative predictive value (NPV) to be 98.10%, indicating that 1.90% of individuals with a negative result were, in fact, positive. If these data are extrapolated to the national level, where the mean daily number of antigen tests was 250,000 in April 2021, it points to over 4700 people per day being misinterpreted and posing a risk of virus shedding. While mean Ct values of the samples that were both antigen and RT-qPCR positive were about 20 (kit 1: 20.47 and 20.16 for Sarbeco&nbsp;E and RdRP, kit 2: 19.37 and 19.99 for Sarbeco&nbsp;E and RdRP and kit 3: 17.47 for ORF1b/RdRP), mean Ct values of the samples that were antigen-negative but RT-qPCR-positive were about 30 (kit 1: 30.67 and 30.00 for Sarbeco&nbsp;E and RdRP, kit 2: 29.86 and 31.01 for Sarbeco&nbsp;E and RdRP and kit 3: 27.47 for ORF1b/RdRP). It confirms the advantage of antigen test in detecting the most infectious individuals with a higher viral load. However, the reporting of Ct values is still a matter of ongoing debates and should not be conducted without normalisation to standardised controls of known concentration