2,556 research outputs found

    De los contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales y apoyo a la gestión y de consultoría: un estudio comparado, alcances y aplicación en la contratación estatal. Estudio de caso SU 41719

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    Artículo de investigaciónEl actual documento aborda una temática que tiende a darse en la contratación que hace el Estado colombiano, de personas con una especialidad o conocimiento específico para el desarrollo de actividades que no pueden ser desarrolladas conforme a su estructura institucional y su disposición de personal. La diferenciación entre los contratos por prestación de servicios profesionales y apoyo a la gestión, y de consultoríaIntroducción. 1. Régimen de contratación estatal para contratos de prestación de servicios profesionales y apoyo a la gestión. 2. Régimen de contratación estatal para contratos de consultoría. 3. Análisis de la Diferencia del contrato de Prestación de servicios profesionales y de apoyo a la gestión y el contrato de consultoría. 4. Sentencia 41719 unificadora de jurisprudencia sobre la aplicabilidad y diferenciación entre las modalidades de contratación por prestación de servicios profesionales y apoyo a la gestión, y la contratación de consultoría. Conclusiones. Bibliografía.PregradoAbogad

    El Palau Maricel : un exemple de modernisme a Sitges

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    L’objecte d’aquest Projecte Final de Carrera es basa en l’estudi de l’edifici del Palau Maricel, situat a Sitges. Aquest edifici forma part del conjunt de Maricel, que popularment es va dividir en Maricel Mar i Maricel Terra. Es va conformar a principis del segle XX, sota la direcció de l’enginyer Miquel Utrillo i Morlius. L’objectiu que hem volgut aconseguir en aquest projecte és documentar històrica i arquitectònicament l’edifici d’aquest emblemàtic palau sitgetà, mitjançant un estudi de la història i arquitectura que l’envolta i aportant paral·lelament l’ aixecament gràfic del mateix. El fet d’haver escollit aquest treball es deu a què volíem realitzar un projecte relacionat amb l’estudi d’un edifici. Després d’analitzar diferents preferències varem decidir centrar-nos en alguna construcció de la nostra vila, fins arribar a la nostra tria del Palau Maricel. A l’hora d’acotar la feina a realitzar han hagut molts dubtes degut a què en el seu origen el palau estava format per vàries edificacions que amb el transcurs del temps i la variació de la propietat, es va anar modificant la denominació, així doncs actualment el que es denomina “Palau Maricel” es correspon amb una part del Maricel Terra. És per això, que en part de la memòria, es recull informació del conjunt Maricel, sense tenir en compte la divisió. Mentre que en la documentació gràfica s’ha portat a terme l’aixecament de plantes del Palau Maricel en l’actualitat i de les façanes de Maricel de Terra del que forma part el palau. D’altra banda, cal destacar que durant la recerca d’informació ens hem trobat amb autors i textos que consideren el palau una obra amb trets noucentistes, degut al seu contingut d’elements historicistes i el retorn a les formes clàssiques. Malgrat tot, hem desenvolupat el projecte basant-nos en que és una obra que es troba entre el Modernisme i el Noucentisme. Aquest es va edificar en vàries fases i amb elements de diferents indrets. El treball s’ha portat a terme amb el consentiment del Corsorci de Patrimoni de Sitges, qui ens ha facilitat les visites a l’interior del palau, amb cita prèvia, i donant-nos les explicacions i detalls de l'edifici. A l’exterior s’ha realitzat una presa de dades mitjançant vàries exploracions dels carrers que envolten l’objecte del treball, prenen fotografies, croquis i la utilització d’una estació total. Paral·lelament s’ha fet una acurada recerca d’informació a l’arxiu històric i biblioteques

    Costs of migratory decisions: A comparison across eight white stork populations

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    Flack, Andrea et al.Annual migratory movements can range from a few tens to thousands of kilometers, creating unique energetic requirements for each specific species and journey. Even within the same species, migration costs can vary largely because of flexible, opportunistic life history strategies. We uncover the large extent of variation in the lifetime migratory decisions of young white storks originating from eight populations. Not only did juvenile storks differ in their geographically distinct wintering locations, their diverse migration patterns also affected the amount of energy individuals invested for locomotion during the first months of their life. Overwintering in areas with higher human population reduced the stork’s overall energy expenditure because of shorter daily foraging trips, closer wintering grounds, or a complete suppression of migration. Because migrants can change ecological processes in several distinct communities simultaneously, understanding their life history decisions helps not only to protect migratory species but also to conserve stable ecosystems.A.F. was supported by the German Aerospace Center (DLR); J.B. was supported by projects i-link0564, CGL2012-32544, and 511/2012 from the Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, National Parks, National Ministries, and FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) funds. We acknowledge the support of Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation grants (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) NA 846/1-1 and WI 3576/1-1.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Links between climate, drought and minimum wood density in conifers

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    As the global climate warms, increased aridity is expected to become a major determinant of forest productivity and tree growth. In gymnosperms, wood density quantified at seasonal to annual scales can be related to changes in tracheid lumen size due to alterations in soil water availability. In this way, minimum wood density (MND) has been shown to respond negatively to early growing-season precipitation in several conifers because dry conditions reduce tracheid lumen size and consequently increase MND. We investigated if this relationship between spring precipitation and MND applies to four conifer species (Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra, Juniperus thurifera) in NE Spain from mesic (A. alba, P. sylvestris) to xeric (P. nigra, J. thurifera) conditions. We further assessed how climate, precipitation, and drought-affected tree-ring width (TRW) and MND at several time scales to test if water shortage in spring increases MND and decreases TRW over time and seasonally. Lastly, we quantified the post-drought MND recovery. We found the strongest negative correlations between MND and spring precipitation in P. nigra followed by J. thurifera. In these two species, the associations between MND and 9-month long droughts peaked in early spring (P. nigra, r=−0.73; J. thurifera, r=−0.50). Juniperus thurifera presented a better post-drought recovery (decrease in MND), followed by P. nigra and P. sylvestris. We conclude that MND is a reliable and accurate proxy of drought severity during spring in conifers subjected to seasonal water shortage. MND can be used as an early-warning indicator of short- and long-term changes in the responses of trees to water shortage.Spanish Ministry of Economy “Fundiver” project (CGL2015-69186-C2-1-R). FEDER Funds, Andalusia Regional Government, Consejería de Economía, Conocimento, Empresas y Universidad 2014–2020 (PinCaR project UHU-1266324)

    The Changing Political and Constitutional Roles of the Mexican Supreme Court: Jurisprudence on Military Jurisdiction, 1917-2012

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    [ES] En este artículo se propone un marco teórico para estudiar el comportamiento judicial en relación a la cuestión militar, tanto desde una perspectiva legal como política. La investigación centra la atención en la jurisprudencia sobre el alcance de la jurisdicción militar de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) de México entre los años 1917 y 2012. Este tema es relativamente limitado, pero constituye una ventana privilegiada para observar la naturaleza dual (legal y política) de la SCJN, dado que captura las respuestas legales ofrecidas ante una materia altamente política, así como los modos en los que el diseño constitucional de las instituciones judiciales ha afectado la jurisprudencia de esta Corte. Se argumenta que el papel de la SCJN en relación al tema analizado se divide en tres períodos marcados por importantes cambios en los roles constitucionales y políticos de la justicia, y que éstos conducen a tres respuestas diferentes a la cuestión legal del alcance adecuado de la jurisdicción militar. Basado en el análisis legal y político, se argumenta que de 1917 a 1934 los jueces de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación jugaron un rol de árbitros; de 1934 a 1994 de partidarios del régimen; y de 1994 a 2012 jugaron en gran medida el rol de intérpretes de la Constitución en la cuestión de la jurisdicción militar.[EN] We propose a theoretical framework based on the concept of role that enables analyses of judicial behavior from the legal and political perspectives simultaneously. We focus on the Mexican Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on the scope of the military jurisdiction from 1917 to 2012. This topic is a relatively small but privileged window from which to observe the dual legal/political nature of the Supreme Court because it captures the legal responses that it has given on a highly political question, as well as the ways in which the constitutional design of judicial institutions has affected the court’s jurisprudence. We argue that our account is divided into three broad periods marked by important changes in the Justices’ constitutional and political roles that lead to three different responses to the legal question regarding the proper scope of the military jurisdiction. Based on the legal and political analysis, we argue that from 1917 to 1934 the Supreme Court Justices’ played the role of adjudicators; from 1934 to 1994 they played the role of regime supporters; and from 1994 to 2012 they largely played the role of constitutional interpreters in the question of military jurisdiction

    Keeping Promises: Municipal communities struggle to fulfill promises to narrow the digital divide with Municipal Community Wireless Networks

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    Some public elites assert that the digital divide is a serious social problem and that governments must intervene by affording wireless solutions to improve this social ill.  Few studies, however, examine the relationship between the claims-making activities around such interventions, specifically in reference to closing the digital divide, and the perceptions of the actual impact of those initiatives on this divide.  We bring together two data sets.  The first dataset is from a previous study examining the public rhetoric surrounding these initiatives vis-à-vis the digital divide.  The latter is part of a much larger study on the network’s impact on the divide.  We conclude that these networks are necessary but insufficient in bridging the gap

    Water conservation and saving technologies for irrigation. A structured literature review of econometric studies on the determinants of adoption

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    Water Conservation and Saving Technologies (WCSTs) can contribute to reduce the pressure on water resources from agricultural activities. A significant strand of literature on agricultural and innovation economics has explored the main drivers behind the adoption of WCSTs in agriculture, but due to the shortage of data most studies are based on survey analyses focusing on a specific case study. Therefore, results cannot be easily generalised. In this paper, we used a structured literature review (SRL) approach to systematise the original studies already published on the WCSTs adoption. Focusing on the econometric analysis used to estimate the main drivers of WCSTs adoption, our analysis started from an initial selection of 1027 studies, then after excluding book chapters, book, conference chapters and after checking abstracts and key-words we arrived to a final selection of 36 papers which have been deeply scrutinized with a structured analysis of their contents. Several findings have emerged from the analysis. The drivers of WCSTs adoption are various and heterogenous. We synthetized the main determinants into different categories: a) farm characteristics (land size, the presence of extension services, capital assets and internal organization within the farm; b) farmer characteristics ( age, level of education, income); c) institutional environment (social networks, previous information on the technology, membership to farmer organizations, public fundings, access to credit, cost of water, access to groundwater, water constraint); d) geographic and climate characteristics (soil quality, drought, aridity)