1,770 research outputs found


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    This case investigated the Cooperative Bank Sicredi, ranked Top 5 financial institution, according to the Brazilian Central Bank, in 2018. Credit cooperatives in Brazil started their operations in 1902, at Nova Petr?polis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazilian southern region, inspired by Raiffensen?s cooperative model. The first credit cooperative was founded by the Swiss priest Theodor Armstad, who created the Armstad Savings and Loans Bank (Caixa de Economias e Empr?stimosArmstad). Later it became CooperativaSicrediPioneira, still active. Credit Cooperatives in Brazil are regulated through Law no 5,764, from 1971. Credit is one of the thirteen different types of cooperatives in Brazil. Sicredi holds approximately 4 million associates, operating in 22 states. Key findings pointed to relevant and growing economic activity in the sector, approximately $ 44 billion in 2018. Sicredi was analyzed according to the standards of the Brazilian Central Bank and the World Co-operative Monitor\'s. Discussion on critical success factors and recommendations for future research complete the present article


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    This study determined a function demand for residential water. The data were stratified by geographic areas according to the level of regularity of water supply to the households. Income, price, number of rooms and persons in the households were found to be the main variables influencing the level of water consumption. Differences between: i) households connected to the water and sewage systems and those connected only to the water system; ii) households with up to 20 m3 of water consumption and those with consumption between 20 and 50 m3 and finally those with consumption above 50 m3 were surveyed. The results of the residential water demand were, in general, statistically significant and the coefficients presented the expected sign. These results are important tools to help decide on the tariffs to be charged to the consumers and on the investments to be made in the sector.Demand, Water, Tariff, Ceará, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,

    Masculinidade, vulnerabilidade e prevenção relacionadas às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/HIV/Aids entre adolescentes do sexo masculino: representações sociais em assentamento da reforma agrária

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the relationship of masculinity, vulnerability and prevention of STD / HIV / AIDS among adolescent males of a land reform settlement in central Brazil. METHOD: a qualitative study using as precepts the strands of social representations with teenagers between 12 to 24 years. RESULTS: three categories emerged - Perception of vulnerability; Gender and vulnerability; and, Prevention and vulnerability to STD / HIV / AIDS. Adolescents felt invulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases anchored in the social representations in favor of the male hegemony. An ignorance about forms of prevention for STD / HIV / AIDS was demonstrated in their statements. It is believed that institutional projects such as the School Health Program and the Men's Health Care Program constitute essential tools to minimize factors of vulnerability in this population, since the school is recognized as a social facility that promotes socialization of experiences and contributes to the construction of the identity of the adolescent. CONCLUSION: the social representations of masculinity collaborate for the vulnerable behavior of the adolescents for the acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases. One hopes that this study can contribute to the production of knowledge and technical-scientific improvement of the professionals, especially the nurse, in order to discuss issues related to male sexuality of adolescents in the situation of the land reform settlement.OBJETIVO: analizar la relación de la masculinidad, la vulnerabilidad y la prevención de las ETS/VIH/SIDA entre los adolescentes varones de un asentamiento de reforma agraria en el centro de Brasil. MÉTODO: estudio cualitativo, utilizando como preceptos las fibras de las representaciones sociales de adolescentes entre 12 y 24 años. RESULTADOS: surgieron tres categorías - Percepción de la vulnerabilidad, el género y la vulnerabilidad y la prevención y la vulnerabilidad a las ETS/VIH/SIDA. Los adolescentes se sentían invulnerables a las enfermedades de transmisión sexual anclados en las representaciones sociales en favor de la hegemonía masculina. La ignorancia sobre las formas de prevención de ETS/VIH/SIDA, se demostró en sus declaraciones. Se cree que los proyectos institucionales como el Programa de Salud Escolar y el Programa de Salud de los Hombres constituyen herramientas esenciales para reducir al mínimo los factores de vulnerabilidad en esta población, ya que la escuela es reconocida como un centro social que promueve la socialización de experiencias y contribuye a la construcción de la identidad del adolescente. CONCLUSIÓN: las representaciones sociales de la masculinidad colaboran para el comportamiento de vulnerabilidad de los adolescentes para la adquisición de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Se espera que este estudio pueda contribuir a la producción de conocimiento y a la mejora técnica-científica de los profesionales, especialmente la enfermera, con el fin de discutir temas relacionados con la sexualidad masculina de los adolescentes en la situación de los asentamientos de reforma agraria.OBJETIVO: analisar as relações de masculinidade, vulnerabilidade e prevenção às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/HIV/Aids entre adolescentes do sexo masculino, de um assentamento da reforma agrária do Brasil Central. MÉTODO: estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se como preceitos as vertentes das representações sociais com adolescentes assentados de 12 a 24 anos. RESULTADOS: emergiram três categorias − percepção de vulnerabilidade, gênero e vulnerabilidade e prevenção e vulnerabilidade relacionadas às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/HIV/Aids. Os adolescentes sentem-se invulneráveis às doenças de transmissão sexual ancorados nas representações sociais favoráveis à hegemonia masculina. Demonstraram, em seus discursos, um desconhecimento sobre as formas de prevenção às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/HIV/Aids. Acredita-se que projetos institucionais como o Programa Saúde na Escola e o Programa de Atenção à Saúde do Homem constituem ferramentas imprescindíveis para minimizar fatores de vulnerabilidades nessa população, uma vez que a escola, reconhecida como equipamento social, promove a socialização de experiências e contribui para a construção da identidade do adolescente. CONCLUSÃO: Conclusão: as representações sociais da masculinidade colaboram para o comportamento vulnerável dos adolescentes na aquisição de doenças de transmissão sexual. Almeja-se que este estudo possa contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos e aperfeiçoamento técnico-científico dos profissionais, especialmente o enfermeiro, com vistas a discutir as questões relativas à sexualidade masculina dos adolescentes em situação de assentamento da reforma agrária

    Vulnerabilidade às Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis em mulheres que comercializam sexo em rota de prostituição e turismo sexual na Região Central do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: investigar el conocimiento, conductas de riesgo y signos/síntomas de enfermedades de transmisión sexual de mujeres profesionales del sexo. MÉTODO: estudio transversal con una muestra probabilística compuesta por 395 mujeres reclutadas mediante el método Respondent Driven Sampling entre el 2009 y 2010. Los datos fueron recolectados en entrevistas personales. RESULTADOS: la mayoría de las participantes eran jóvenes adultas, con bajo nivel de educación y poco conocimiento acerca de las formas de transmisión del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Más de un tercio de las participantes no pudo identificar cuáles son los signos/síntomas de las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual. La prevalencia de flujo vaginal y heridas/úlceras genitales fue del 49,0% y 8,6%, respectivamente, siendo que un 47,7% no solicitó tratamiento. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados indican la necesidad de políticas públicas de salud dirigidas al control y prevención de enfermedades de trasmisión sexual en la población de profesionales del sexo, especialmente en el caso de las mujeres que actúan en una importante ruta de prostitución y turismo sexual en el centro de Brasil.OBJETIVO: investigar o conhecimento, comportamentos de risco e sinais/sintomas de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis de mulheres profissionais do sexo. MÉTODO: estudo de coorte transversal, de uma amostra probabilística de 395 mulheres, recrutadas pelo método Respondent Driven Sampling, de 2009 a 2010. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista face a face. RESULTADOS: a maioria era de mulheres adultas jovens, com baixa escolaridade e conhecimento insuficiente sobre formas de transmissão do vírus da imunodeficiência humana. Mais de um terço das mulheres não soube informar os sinais/sintomas das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. A prevalência de corrimento vaginal e ferida/úlcera foi de 49,0 e 8,6%, respectivamente, sendo que 41,7% dessas não procuraram tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de políticas públicas de saúde voltadas para o controle e prevenção das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis nessa população, especialmente, em mulheres que comercializam sexo em importante rota de prostituição e turismo sexual do Brasil Central.OBJECTIVE: to investigate knowledge on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), STD-related risk behaviors, and signs/symptoms of STDs among female sex workers (FSWs). METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted with a probabilistic sample comprising 395 women recruited using a respondent-driven sampling method between 2009 and 2010. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews. RESULTS: most of the participants were young adults, had a low educational level, and had poor knowledge on the transmission paths of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Over one-third of the participants were not able to describe the signs/symptoms of STDs. The prevalence rates of vaginal discharge and wounds/ulcers were 49.0% and 8.6%, respectively, but 41.7% of the women had not sought treatment. CONCLUSION: the results indicate the need for public health policies focusing on the control and prevention of STDs in this population, especially for the FSWs who are active in an important prostitution and sex tourism route in central Brazil

    Análise de teses e dissertações sobre higienização das mãos no Brasil: estudo bibliométrico

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    Background and Objectives: in relation to hand hygiene, it is important to highlight the absence of documented investigations in the scientific literature that address the analysis of theses and dissertations related to this practice. This gap justifies the carrying out of this study, which aims to strengthen and expand the knowledge base related to this topic, highlighting its relevance in the areas of teaching, research, extension and innovation. The objective was to analyze theses and dissertations published in stricto sensu graduate programs on hand hygiene practices in Brazil. Methods: this is a bibliometric study conducted in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Theesis and Dissertation Catalog, considering the period from 2013 to 2022. Results: thirty-one (100%) studies were included, 21 (67.7%) dissertations and six (19.3%) theses. Nursing was the main area of assessment (65.6%), which mainly analyzed adherence to hand hygiene practices (29.0%), health education (12.9%), and carried out microbiological analysis of hands (12.9%). Only three publications used theoretical bases as the central core of the research. Conclusion: this study allowed us to identify the need to study the topic at doctoral level, using theoretical bases that will provide the conceptual and philosophical foundation for clinical practice.Justificación y Objetivos: en relación a la higiene de manos, es importante resaltar la ausencia de investigaciones documentadas en la literatura científica que aborden el análisis de tesis y disertaciones relacionadas con esta práctica. Este vacío justifica la realización de este estudio, que tiene como objetivo fortalecer y ampliar la base de conocimientos relacionados con este tema, destacando su relevancia en las áreas de docencia, investigación, extensión e innovación. El objetivo fue analizar tesis y disertaciones publicadas en programas de posgrado estricto sensu sobre prácticas de higiene de manos en Brasil. Métodos: estudio bibliométrico realizado en el Catálogo de Tesis y Disertaciones de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior, considerando el período de 2013 a 2022. Resultados: se incluyeron 31 (100%) estudios, 21 (67,7%) disertaciones y seis (19,3%) tesis. Enfermería fue la principal área de evaluación (65,6%), que analizó principalmente la adherencia a las prácticas de higiene de manos (29,0%), educación para la salud (12,9%) y realizó análisis microbiológicos de las manos (12,9%). Sólo tres publicaciones utilizaron bases teóricas como núcleo central de la investigación. Conclusión: este estudio identificó la necesidad de estudiar el tema a nivel de doctorado, utilizando marcos teóricos que proporcionarán la base conceptual y filosófica para la práctica clínica.Justificativa e Objetivos: em relação à higienização das mãos, é importante ressaltar a ausência de investigações documentadas na literatura científica que abordem a análise de teses e dissertações relacionadas a essa prática. Tal lacuna justifica a realização deste estudo, que visa fortalecer e expandir a base de conhecimento relativa a essa temática, destacando sua relevância nos domínios do ensino, da pesquisa, extensão e inovação. Objetivou-se analisar teses e dissertações publicadas em programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu sobre as práticas de higienização das mãos no Brasil. Métodos: estudo bibliométrico, realizado no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, considerando o período de 2013 a 2022. Resultados: foram incluídos 31 (100%) estudos, sendo 21 (67,7%) dissertações e seis (19,3%) teses. A enfermagem foi a principal área de avaliação (65,6%) que analisou, principalmente, a adesão às práticas de higiene das mãos (29,0%), a educação em saúde (12,9%), e realizou análise microbiológica das mãos (12,9%). Apenas três publicações utilizaram bases teóricas como núcleo central da pesquisa. Conclusão: este estudo permitiu identificar a necessidade de estudar a temática em nível de doutorado, utilizando bases teóricas que fornecerão o alicerce conceitual e filosófico para a prática clínica

    Prevalence of fear of COVID-19, depression, and anxiety among undergraduate students during remote classes

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    Background: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, undergraduate students were exposed to symptoms of psychological suffering during remote classes. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that may be generated and be related to such outcomes. Objective: To investigate the association between fear of COVID-19, depression, anxiety, and related factors in undergraduate students during remote classes. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 218 undergraduate students (60.6% women and 39.4% men). Students answered a self-administered online questionnaire designed to gather personal information, pandemic exposure, physical activity level, fear of COVID-19 using the ‘Fear of COVID-19 Scale’, symptoms of depression using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and anxiety using General Anxiety Disorder-7. Results: Undergraduate students had a high prevalence of depression and anxiety (83.0% and 76.1%, respectively) but a low prevalence of fear of COVID-19 (28.9%) during remote classes. Multivariate analysis revealed that women who reported health status as neither good nor bad and who had lost a family member from COVID-19 had the highest levels of fear. For depression and anxiety, the main related factors found were female gender, bad health status, insufficiently active, and complete adherence to the restriction measures. Conclusion: These findings may be used to develop actions to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression among students, with interventions through physical activity programmes to improve mental health

    Knowledge of healthcare professionals about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND Postpoliomyelitis syndrome is a clinical condition that can affect poliomyelitis survivors. OBJECTIVE Our aim was to evaluate knowledge of poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome among Brazilian healthcare professionals. DESIGN AND SETTING Cross-sectional study conducted at a Brazilian public higher education institution located in the state of Goiás. METHODS The participants (n = 578) were Brazilian physicians, physical therapists, nurses, nutritionists and psychologists. A self-administered questionnaire (30 questions) was designed to probe knowledge about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome. From the questionnaire, we created a structured test to objectively evaluate the knowledge of these professionals. The test was composed of 20 questions and was scored over a range from 0 (totally ill-informed) to 20 (totally well-informed). RESULTS In general, the physicians, physical therapists and nurses demonstrated better understanding of poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome. The healthcare professionals who had received previous information about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome had significantly higher scores than those who had never received information (P < 0.001). On average, this difference was approximately 28.6%. CONCLUSIONS The findings from the present study indicate that there is a critical need for improvement of knowledge about postpoliomyelitis syndrome among Brazilian healthcare professionals. The services provided by these professionals may therefore become compromised. Furthermore, public healthcare initiatives should be implemented to improve knowledge among healthcare professionals

    Burns unit at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil: an epidemiological study

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    Introduction: Burns, a public health problem, are injuries that can occur on the skin or other tissues of the body resulting from the trauma of thermal origin, which can cause mild, severe injuries and even death. Thus, the epidemiological characteristics of patients seen at the Burn unit of the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia are studied. Methods: Cross-sectional study of the data recorded in patients’ medical records treated for the burn at the Burn Units from 2016 to 2019. Results: 252 medical records were reviewed, with the male gender of the adult group being most affected. The main causal agent was the flammable liquid (42.4%) with a predominance of alcohol (66.35), occurring at home (59.9%). The average percentage of burned body surface was 17.7%, requiring a graft or surgical debridement in 25% of the patients. The average hospital stay was 23.3 days, requiring 8.7% of the Intensive Care Unit. The attempt at selfextermination was 5.5%, with a general death rate of 3.5%. Conclusions: Burn patients treated at the Burn Unit of the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia encompasses more of the young and adult population, with alcohol being the predominant cause, with an average death rate like other regions. This study will help create measures in search of reducing the number of cases and adapting the care quantitatively and qualitatively, contributing to the elaboration of care protocols to ensure the quality of the care of the patients and the population

    Investigating academic performance and perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses among undergraduate students of physical education at a Brazilian public university

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    Purpose To compare the academic performance of undergraduate students in physical education who studied exercise physiology before and after studying human physiology and investigate students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses. Methods This study included 311 undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Participants were divided into two groups: those who had previously attended and completed the human physiology course (group 1, n = 212, 68.2%) and those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course (group 2, n = 99, 31.8%). The prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated using a Poisson regression model with a robust variance estimator. The second aim comprised 67 students with bachelor’s degrees in physical education who completed an electronic questionnaire about their perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology curriculum. Results Compared with those who attended human physiology and passed, those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course have a higher PR of 2.37 (95% CI, 1.68–3.34) for failing exercise physiology. Regarding the students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses, most students reported that they were challenging (58.2% and 64.2%, respectively), but they also recognized the importance of these courses for professional practice (59.7% and 85.1%, respectively). Conclusion Human physiology should be considered a prerequisite for an undergraduate course leading to a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Furthermore, students considered human physiology and exercise physiology courses important yet challenging. Therefore, continuous student assessment is vital for improving the teaching–learning process
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