4 research outputs found

    Allostatic load and canine companionship: a comparative study using biomarkers in older adults

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    Objetivo: comparar os biomarcadores e o nível de carga alostática em uma amostra de idosos com e sem companhia canina. Método: estudo descritivo e comparativo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma ficha sociodemográfica e uma amostra de sangue em jejum. A carga alostática incluiu 11 biomarcadores que são mediadores primários e secundários de estresse, os quais são resultantes dos sistemas: neuroendócrino, imune, metabólico, cardiovascular e antropométrico. Resultados: houve diferença significativa em dois biomarcadores: cortisol (t= -3,091; gl=104; p=0,003) e colesterol total (t= -2,566; gl=104; p=0,012), no nível de carga alostática entre os idosos com e sem companhia canina (U= 1714,00; Z= 2,01; p= 0,044). Ao associar o nível de carga alostática com a companhia canina, houve uma maior frequência de idosos com baixa carga alostática naqueles que têm companhia canina, em comparação com aqueles que não têm a companhia canina (c2= 3,69; gl=1; p=0,043). Conclusão: a companhia canina interfere na saúde de maneira positiva, pois a carga alostática dos idosos que têm um cão como companhia é menor, além de apresentarem uma concentração menor de cortisol e de colesterol total.Objective: to compare the biomarkers and the allostatic load levels in a sample of older persons with and without canine companionship. Method: descriptive and comparative study. Data were collected using a sociodemographic questionnaire and a fasting blood sample. The allostatic load comprised 11 biomarkers that are primary and secondary stress mediators, which arise from the following systems: neuroendocrine, immune, metabolic, cardiovascular and anthropometric. Results: a significant difference was found in two biomarkers: cortisol (t= -3.091, df=104, p=0.003) and total cholesterol (t= -2.566, df=104, p=0.012), in the allostatic load levels between older adults with and without a canine companionship (U= 1714.00, Z= 2.01, p=0.044). By associating the allostatic load level with the canine companionship, there was a higher frequency of older adults with low allostatic load among those who have canine companion, compared with those who do not have canine companionship. (c2= 3.69, df=1, p= 0.043). Conclusion: canine companionship influences health in a positive way, as the allostatic load is lower in older adults who have a dog as companion, in addition to presenting lower levels of cortisol and total cholesterolObjetivo: comparar los biomarcadores y el nivel de carga alostática en una muestra de adultos mayores con y sin acompañamiento canino. Método: estudio descriptivo, comparativo. Los datos se colectaron mediante una ficha sociodemográfica y una muestra de sangre en ayuno. La carga alostática incluyó 11 biomarcadores que son mediadores primarios y secundarios del estrés, los cuales provienen de los sistemas: neuroendocrino, inmune, metabólico, cardiovascular y antropométrico. Resultados: hubo diferencia significativa en dos biomarcadores: cortisol (t=-3.091, gl=104, p=0.003) y colesterol total (t=-2.566, gl=104, p=0.012), en el nivel de carga alostática entre los adultos mayores con y sin compañía canina (U=1714.00, Z=2.01, p=0.044). Al asociar el nivel de carga alostática con la compañía canina, existió mayor frecuencia de adultos mayores con carga alostática baja en quienes son acompañados por un canino, comparado con aquellos que no tienen acompañamiento canino (c2=3.69, gl=1, p=0.043). Conclusión: el acompañamiento canino interviene en la salud de forma positiva, ya que es menor la carga alostática de los adultos mayores que tienen un perro como compañía, asimismo, presentan menor concentración de cortisol y colesterol total

    Conocimiento de la mujer y patrones de respuesta ante signos y síntomas de la menopausia.

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    Tesis (Maestría en Enfermería con Especialidad en Salud Comunitaria) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Allostatic load and canine companionship: a comparative study using biomarkers in older adults

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the biomarkers and the allostatic load levels in a sample of older persons with and without canine companionship. Method: descriptive and comparative study. Data were collected using a sociodemographic questionnaire and a fasting blood sample. The allostatic load comprised 11 biomarkers that are primary and secondary stress mediators, which arise from the following systems: neuroendocrine, immune, metabolic, cardiovascular and anthropometric. Results: a significant difference was found in two biomarkers: cortisol (t= -3.091, df=104, p=0.003) and total cholesterol (t= -2.566, df=104, p=0.012), in the allostatic load levels between older adults with and without a canine companionship (U= 1714.00, Z= 2.01, p=0.044). By associating the allostatic load level with the canine companionship, there was a higher frequency of older adults with low allostatic load among those who have canine companion, compared with those who do not have canine companionship. (χ2= 3.69, df=1, p= 0.043). Conclusion: canine companionship influences health in a positive way, as the allostatic load is lower in older adults who have a dog as companion, in addition to presenting lower levels of cortisol and total cholesterol