347 research outputs found


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    Introduction: In March, 2006, there were 5,.588,.153 children aged 4 to 6 years enrolled in Brazilian pre-schools. Unfortunately only 3.8% of these institutions have a health professional, in addition to which, the relationship between the pre-schools and the Health System is poor. The first 5 years of life are crucial in the development of good eating habits, and consequently, for preventing degenerative illnesses in later life, such as obesity. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify and analyze maternal perceptions and practices concerning the eating behaviors of children aged 3 to 6 years attending a Brazilian pre-school. Material and methods: A qualitative survey was carried out using individual, non-directive interviews. 21 mothers were interviewed: 10 with children enrolled in full-time classes and 11 with children in part-time classes. In terms of height and weight, the children were between the 10 and 90 percentile (NCHS standard). For data analysis we used the method of Thematic Content Analysis, as proposed by Bardin. Results: Diet is an issue of major concern for these mothers. The main difficulty is child development: they do not know how to deal with it. Therefore, they use harmful strategies, such as bargaining, coercion, disguising food, and punishment. Also, they do not know how food is served in the pre-school. However, 15 of the 21 children improved their eating behavior after attending the institution (autonomy, regular meal times, and better meal choices), particularly twhose attending the pre-school on a full-time basis. Conclusion: Brazilian pre-schools ought to implement health programs in partnership with the SUS (Unified Health System) - the Brazilian national health system.En marzo de 2006, existían 5.588.153 de niños entre 4 y 6 años de edad matriculados en escuelas de preescolar en Brasil. Lamentablemente, sólo el 3.8% de esas instituciones tiene un profesional de salud y, además, no existe una relación efectiva entre esas instituciones y el Sistema de Salud en el país. Los primeros cinco años de vida son cruciales en el desarrollo de hábitos alimentares sanos y, consecuentemente, en la prevención de enfermedades degenerativas en la fase adulta, y también de la obesidad. Objetivo: Identificar y analizar las percepciones y prácticas maternas sobre la alimentación de niños de 3 a 6 años que frecuentaban una preescuela brasileña. Material y Método: Estudio cualitativo con entrevistas a fondo, individuales y no directivas, involucrando a madres de preescolares, donde los criterios para inclusión fueron: edad del niño entre 3 y 6 años; mínimo de 1 año de preescuela y peso del niños entre los percentiles 10 y 90 (gráficos NCHS). 21 madres fueron entrevistadas: 10 cuyos hijos estaban matriculados en el período integral y 11 en el período parcial. Para el análisis de los datos, fueron utilizados los métodos del Análisis Temático de Contenido, propuesto por Bardin. Resultados: La alimentación es tema de gran preocupación para las madres. La principal dificultad se refiere a los cambios propios del desarrollo infantil: No saben lidiar con esos cambios y, así, usan varias estrategias perjudiciales, tales como cambalache, insistencia, castigo y coerción, además de camuflar o mezclar los alimentos recusados con los aceptados. Las madres en este estudio tampoco sabían cómo eran los momentos de alimentación en la preescuela, aunque 15 de los 21 niños mejoraron la conducta alimentaria después de frecuentar la institución (autonomía, mejora en elhábito alimentario y estandarización en los horarios de las comidas), especialmente los niños de período integral. Conclusión: Las preescuelas brasileñas deberían implementar programas de salud en colaboración con el Sistema Único de Salud.Introdução: Em Março de 2006, existiam 5.588.153 crianças de 4 a 6 anos matriculadas em pré-escolas no Brasil. Infelizmente, apenas 3.8% dessas instituições têm um profissional da saúde e, adicionalmente, não existe relação efetiva entre essas instituições e o Sistema de Saúde no país. Os primeiros cinco anos de vida são cruciais no desenvolvimento de hábitos alimentares saudáveis e, consequentemente, na prevenção de doenças degenerativas na fase adulta, assim como a obesidade. Objetivo: identificar e analisar as percepções e práticas maternas sobre a alimentação de crianças de 3 a 6 anos que frequentavam uma pré-escola brasileira. Material e Método: estudo qualitativo com entrevistas aprofundadas, individuais e não-diretivas, realizado com mães de pré-escolares, onde os critérios para inclusão foram: idade da criança entre 3 e 6 anos;  tempo de frequência à pré-escola de, no mínimo 1 ano e peso da criança entre os percentis 10 e 90 (gráficos NCHS). Vinte e uma mães foram entrevistadas: 10 cujos filhos estavam matriculados no período integral e 11 no período parcial. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizados os métodos da Análise Temática de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin. Resultados: a alimentação é assunto que causa preocupação e dificuldades para as mães, devido as mudanças peculiares ao desenvolvimento infantil. Devido a isto usam diversas estratégias negativas para tentar modificar o comportamento alimentar dos filhos, sendo elas: barganha, insistência, castigo e coação, além de misturar ou camuflar os alimentos recusados com os aceitos. Além disto, as mães não tinham informações sobre a alimentação na pré-escola. No entanto, 15 das 21 crianças melhoraram o comportamento alimentar depois de começarem a frequentar a instituição. Ficaram mais autônomas, passaram a aceitar novos alimentos e padronizaram os horários das refeições. As mudanças foram mais evidentes nas crianças que frequentam a pré-escola período integral (de 8 a 9.5 horas por dia). Conclusão: as mães não sabem lidar, no domicílio, com as peculiaridades de desenvolvimento dos filhos na área de alimentação. Além disto, desconhecem seus comportamentos alimentares na pré-escola, onde há melhoras em comparação com o domicílio. Sugere-se melhorar a comunicação entre famílias e pré-escola, além de parceria entre estas e o sistema público de saúde

    Effect of training on the activity of muscle enzymes in seropositive and seronegative equines for equine infectious anemia.

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    Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is an incurable disease of equids with an almost worldwide distribution, being endemic in the Pantanal Matogrossense region, where the disease control through euthanasia of seropositive animals is not mandatory. Most studies about exercise physiology are performed in sport horses and little investigation is made for working animals (Santos et al, 2002), and there are no reports on functional performance of EIA-positive horses. Analysis of the activity of creatine phosphokinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are necessary to evaluate the skeletal muscle function. The objective of this study was to evaluate the serum activity of CK, AST and LDH in EIA seropositive and seronegative horses submitted to training.CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL, 40.; Córdoba. Resumos...Universidad Nacional de Córdoba., 2017

    Análise de Componentes Principais em Caracteres Morfológicos de Coffea arabica L.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar quais caracteres morfológicos de maior importância na discriminação de genótipos de Coffea arabica L. Foram avaliados 250 acessos de C. arabica (cultivares, híbridos e alguns genótipos selvagens) oriundos do banco de germoplasma de café, instalado na fazenda experimental da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, em Patrocínio, MG. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com duas repetições, espaçamento de 3,5 x 0,8 metros, com parcelas de dez plantas. Os caracteres morfológicos foram avaliados em 2006, 12 meses após a implantação da cultura, com as plantas ainda na fase juvenil. Por meio dos resultados é possível observar que o ?comprimento do 1º ramo plagiotrópico?, ?vigor?, ?diâmetro do caule? e ?número de nós do 1º ramo plagiotrópico? são as variáveis de maior importância na distinção dos materiais. Assim, podem-se concentrar maiores esforços na avaliação das mesmas, descartando a avaliação das outras variáveis

    Equine infectious anemia affects the athletic performance of equines from the Brazilian Pantanal region.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of equine infectious anemia (EIA) on the physical performance of equines from the Brazilian Pantanal region. A total of 16 males were evaluated, divided into two groups: 8 seronegative (G1) and 8 seropositive (G2) for EIA. Two graded exercise tests were carried out before (T1) and after (T2) 42 days of training. Heart rate, lactate concentration, distance covered, and hematocrit level were recorded. In both tests, G1 covered a greater distance. In T2, G2 had lower hematocrit levels and lower speeds reached at different lactate concentrations and heart rates. The athletic performance of the evaluated equines is affected by equine infectious anemia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da anemia infecciosa equina (AIE) no desempenho físico de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro. Foram avaliados 16 machos, divididos em dois grupos: 8 soronegativos (G1) e 8 soropositivos (G2) para AIE. Dois testes de esforço progressivo foram realizados, antes (T1) e após (T2) 42 dias de treinamento. Foram registrados frequência cardíaca, concentração de lactato, distância percorrida e níveis de hematócrito. Em ambos os testes, o G1 percorreu uma distância maior. No T2, o G2 apresentou menores níveis de hematócrito e menor velocidade obtida a diferentes concentrações de lactato e frequências cardíacas. O desempenho atlético dos equídeos avaliados é afetado pela anemia infecciosa equina

    Investigations on incidence and histopathology of toxoplasmosis in domestic mammals (dogs and rabbits) in Brazil

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    As observações foras realizadas nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e Niterói e no Distrito de Seropédica (Univ. Fed. Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Itaguaí, Estado do Rio de Janeiro). A doença foi sempre diagnosticada pelo exame histopatológico de órgãos toráxicos e abdominais, após a execução das respectivas necrópsias. Dos mamíferos domésticos observados, apenas cães e coelhos se mostravam infectados pelo Taxoplasma gondii. De 873 cães necropsiados, 16 exibiam a infecção (1,8%). Dentre 499 coelhos necropsiados, 6 tinham a infecção (1,2%). Dos órgãos examinados, eram mais constantemente lesados o fígado, o baço e os pulmões. A infecção determinava necrose miliar nos órgãos. Microscòpicamente, os focos necróticos tinham um aspecto filamentoso, lembrando o da fibrina; havia pouca reação inflamatória perifocal. Em dois coelhos, uma necrose maciça dos gânglios mesentéricos foi observada; lesões do mesmo tipo foram evidenciadas, igualmente, duas vezes no baço de tais roedores. Aparentemente, o toxoplasmose consistiu sempre a causa da morte dos animais infectados, exceto a de um coelho que morreu em consequência de uma neoplasia maligna uterina. Durante o exame histopatológico de idênticos órgãos no mesmo período, a toxoplasmose não foi observada nos seguintes animais domésticos: bovinos, suínos, ovinos, caprinos, equinos, asininos, muares, gatos, cobaios, ratos e camundongos. As observações foram realizadas entre janeiro de 1933 e agosto de 1966.Toxoplasmosis - caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii - has been diagnosed in Brazil following post-mortem examination of thoracic and abdominal organs in dogs and rabbits but not in cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, cats, guinea-pigs, rats and mice. During the period 1933 lo 1966 out of a total of 873 dogs autopsied 16 (1.8%) had the infection and of 499 rabbits examned 6 (1.2%) were infected. Of the organs examined lesions were most commonly found in the liver, spleen and lungs. The histopathologic lesions consisted of necrosis, which had a filamentous aspect and very acidophilic necrotic material; practically there was little inflammatory reaction around the necrotic lesions. In two rabbits the disease caused extensive necrosis of the mesenteric lymph nodes and the same type of lesions in the spleen. Apparently the toxoplasmosis was always the cause of the death of the animals with the infection, with exception of one rabbit which died due to an malignant uterine neoplasm

    Factors affecting the performance of Pantaneiro horses.

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    This study aimed to assess the physical performance of Pantaneiro horses with and without equine infectious anemia (EIA) under functional conditions of cattle management. The horses were subjected to a performance test and split into two groups according to a completely randomized design: animals were chosen from populations testing positive and negative for EIA. Performance was measured as a function of a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model considering four outputs and one unitary input. The output measures were the distance achieved in the performance test, hematocrit as a weighted average over the test duration, respiratory rate as weighted average over the test duration, and the level of lactic acid at the test termination. Weights for the hematocrit and the respiratory rate output variables were determined by means of factor analysis. The performance score was a weighted average of the output variables with the weights defined by the averages of the optimum individual multipliers in the DEA analysis. Contextual variables of interest were age, horse weight, room temperature, and corporal temperature. Only groups and room temperature were statistically significant effects, as indicated by a bootstrap analysis. The performance of group positive for EIA is significantly lower than that of the group negative for EIA and room temperature has a negative effect

    Hurdles at work: perceptions of hospital food handlers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food handlers have a very important role in preventing food contamination during its preparation and distribution. This responsibility is even greater in hospitals, since a large number of patients have low immunity and consequently food contamination by pathogenic bacteria could be particularly harmful. Therefore, a good working environment and periodic training should be provided to food handlers by upper management.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study is qualitative research by means of focus group and thematic content analysis methodologies to examine, in detail, the statements by food handlers working in the milk and specific-diet kitchens in a hospital to understand the problems they face in the workplace.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that food handlers are aware of the role they play in restoring patients' health; they consider it important to offer a good-quality diet. However, according to their perceptions, a number of difficulties prevent them from reaching this aim. These include: upper management not prioritizing human and material resources to the dietetic services when making resource allocation decisions; a perception that upper management considers their work to be of lesser importance; delayed overtime payments; lack of periodic training; managers lacking administrative skills; insufficient dietitian staff assistants, leading to overwork, at the same time as there is an excess of dietitians; unhealthy environmental working conditions – high temperature, high humidity, loud and constant noise level, poor ventilation; lack of food, and kitchen utensils and equipment; and relationship conflicts with chief dieticians and co-workers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From these findings, improvement in staff motivation could be achieved by considering non-financial incentives, such as improvement in working conditions and showing appreciation and respect through supervision, training and performance appraisal. Management action, such as investments in intermediary management so that managers have the capacity to provide supportive supervision, as well as better use of performance appraisal and access to training, may help overcome the identified problems.</p

    Host-defense peptides AC12, DK16 and RC11 with immunomodulatory activity isolated from Hypsiboas raniceps skin secretion

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    Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism of the immune system; however, when unregulated, it can lead to chronic illness. Glucocorticoids are the most commonly used agents to effectively treat inflammatory conditions, including autoimmune diseases, however these substances can trigger a number of side effects. Thus, viable alternatives to the use of these drugs would be advantageous. In this study, we have analyzed the anti-inflammatory profile of three synthetic peptides first identified in skin secretion of the tree frog Hypsiboas raniceps. Structural characterization was performed using NMR spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry, and the peptides were tested in vitro in RAW 264.7 cells and in vivo in Balb/c mice for their functional properties. The samples did not show a significant antimicrobial profile. NMR spectroscopy indicated that AC12 (ACFLTRLGTYVC) has a disulfide bond between C2 and C11 and a β-sheet-turn-β-sheet conformation in aqueous solution. This peptide showed no cytotoxic effect in mammalian cells and it was the most effective in reducing anti-inflammatory markers, such as NO, TNF-α and IL-12. Peptide DK16 (DKERPICSNTFRGRKC) demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties in vitro, while RC11 (RCFRRRGKLTC) significantly altered the cell viability in RAW 264.7 but was shown to be safe in Balb/c erythrocytes. Our results indicate that, of the three peptides studied, AC12 is the most efficient in reducing anti-inflammatory markers, and it could be a potential agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.publishe