16 research outputs found

    Mindfulness-based intervention reduces sensitivity parameters in women with chronic painful TMD

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    Objective: to analyze clinical parameters suggestive of central sensitization in women with chronic painful temporomandibular disorder before and after an intervention based on mindfulness. Method: Eleven women aged 27 to 44 years (36.36 ± 5.61), diagnosed with chronic painful TMD (Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), participated in the study. Hyperalgesia, allodynia and LDP pressure pain threshold were assessed at trigeminal and extra-trigeminal points before and after the mindfulness-based intervention, as well as the application of the MAAS questionnaire (Mindful Attention Awareness Scale ”- MAAS). The 8-week mindfulness program was offered to study participants, based on the Mindfulness Trainings International - MTI protocol, in weekly 2-hour sessions and a 4-hour session. Results: There was a significant reduction in allodynia, hyperalgesia and an increase in the pressure pain threshold, in addition to a significant increase in the level of mindfulness (p <0.05) as a marker of effectiveness of the offered mindfulness-based intervention. Conclusion: Healthier indexes in clinical parameters suggestive of central sensitization investigated after the intervention, represent a significant improvement in the relationship of the person with a chronic illness that generates continuous unpleasant experiences such as TMDObjetivo: analizar parámetros clínicos sugestivos de sensibilización central en mujeres con trastorno temporomandibular doloroso crónico antes y después de una intervención basada en la atención plena. Método: Participaron once mujeres de 27 a 44 años (36.36 ± 5.61), diagnosticadas con TMD dolorosa crónica. La hiperalgesia, la alodinia y el umbral de dolor de presión de LDP se evaluaron en los puntos trigémino y extra-trigémino antes y después de la intervención basada en la atención plena, así como la aplicación del cuestionario MAAS (Escala de conciencia de atención consciente "- MAAS). El programa de atención plena de 8 semanas se ofreció a los participantes basado en el protocolo Mindfulness Trainings International - MTI, en sesiones semanales de 2 horas y una sesión de 4 horas. Resultados: Reducción en la alodinia, hiperalgesia y un aumento en el umbral de dolor por presión, además de un aumento en el nivel de atención plena (p <0.05) como un marcador de efectividad de la intervención ofrecida. Conclusión: los índices más saludables en los parámetros clínicos sugestivos de sensibilización central investigados después de la intervención, representan una mejora significativa en la relación de la persona con una enfermedad crónica que genera experiencias continuas desagradables como TMD.Objetivo: analisar parâmetros clínicos sugestivos de sensibilização central em mulheres com disfunção temporomandibular dolorosa crônica antes e após uma intervenção baseada em mindfulness. Método: onze mulheres com idade entre 27 e 44 anos (36,36 ± 5,61), com diagnóstico de disfunções temporomandibulares dolorosa crônica (Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders),participaram do estudo. A hiperalgesia, a alodinia e o limiar de dor à pressão foram avaliados em pontos trigeminais e extra-trigeminais antes e após a intervenção baseada em mindfulness, bem como a aplicação do questionário Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. O programa de mindfulness de 8 semanas foi oferecido às participantes do estudo, com base no protocolo Mindfulness Trainings International, em sessões semanais de 2 horas e uma sessão de 4 horas. Resultados: houve redução significativa da alodinia, da hiperalgesia e aumento do limiar de dor à pressão, além de aumento significativo do nível de atenção plena (p < 0,05) enquanto marcador de efetividade da intervenção baseada em mindfulness oferecida. Conclusão: índices mais saudáveis nos parâmetros clínicos sugestivos de sensibilização central investigados após a intervenção, representam melhora significativa na relação da pessoa com quadro de enfermidade crônica geradora de experiências desagradáveis contínuas como a disfunções emporomandibulares

    Metabolic changes in masseter muscle of rats submitted to acute stress associated with exodontia

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    Clinical evidence has shown that stress may be associated with alterations in masticatory muscle functions. Morphological changes in masticatory muscles induced by occlusal alterations and associated with emotional stress are still lacking in the literature. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of acute stress on metabolic activity and oxidative stress of masseter muscles of rats subjected to occlusal modification through morphological and histochemical analyses. In this study, adult Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: a group with extraction and acute stress (E+A); group with extraction and without stress (E+C); group without extraction and with acute stress (NO+A); and control group without both extraction and stress (NO+C). Masseter muscles were analyzed by Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH), Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Diaphorase (NADH) and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) techniques. Statistical analyses and two-way ANOVA were applied, followed by Tukey-Kramer tests. In the SDH test, the E+C, E+A and NO+A groups showed a decrease in high desidrogenase activities fibers (P < 0.05), compared to the NO+C group. In the NADH test, there was no difference among the different groups. In the ROS test, in contrast, E+A, E+C and NO+A groups showed a decrease in ROS expression, compared to NO+C groups (P < 0.05). Modified dental occlusion and acute stress - which are important and prevalent problems that affect the general population - are important etiologic factors in metabolic plasticity and ROS levels of masseter muscles106FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2011/00856-7; 2011/15209-7; 2011/18889-

    GABAergic antagonist blocks the reduction of tonic immobility behavior induced by activation of 5-HT(2) receptors in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala in guinea pigs

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    Tonic immobility (TI) is a temporary state of profound motor inhibition induced by situations that generate intense fear, with the objective of protecting an animal from attacks by predators. A preliminary study by our group demonstrated that microinjection into the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) of an agonist to 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors promoted a decrease in TI duration. In the current study, the effects of GABAergic stimulation of the BLA and the possible interaction between GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors on TI modulation were investigated. Observation revealed that GABAergic agonist muscimol (0.26 nmol) reduced the duration of TI episodes, while microinjection of the GABAergic antagonist bicuculline (1 nmol) increased TI duration. Additionally, microinjection of 5-HT(2) agonist receptors (alpha-methyl-5-HT, 0.32 nmol) into the BLA decreased TI duration, an effect reversed by pretreatment with bicuculline (at the dose that had no effect per se, 0.2 nmol). Moreover, the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors in the BLA did not alter the spontaneous motor activity in the open field test. These experiments demonstrated that the activation of GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors of the BLA possibly produce a reduction in unconditioned fear that decreases the TI duration in guinea pigs, but this is not due to increased spontaneous motor activity, which could affect a TI episode nonspecifically. Furthermore, these results suggest an interaction between GABAergic and serotoninergic mechanisms mediated by GABA(A) and 5-HT(2) receptors. In addition, the GABAergic circuit of the BLA presents a tonic inhibitory influence on TI duration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.FAPESP Foundation for Research Support of Sao Paulo State[05/00096-1]Aline Aparecida Ferrarese is the recipient of a FAPESP technician`s scholarship[05/60760-2]Aline Aparecida Ferrarese is the recipient of a FAPESP technician`s scholarship[2008/04150-9]CAPE

    Involvement of the heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide-cGMP pathway in the nociception induced by acute painful stimulus in rats

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    Heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide-cGMP (HO-CO-cGMP) pathway has been reported to be involved in peripheral and spinal modulation of inflammatory pain. However, the involvement of this pathway in the modulation of acute painful stimulus in the absence of inflammation remains unknown. Thus, we evaluated the involvement of the HO-CO-cGMP pathway in nociception by means the of analgesia index (AI) in the tail flick test. Rats underwent surgery for implantation of unilateral guide cannula directed toward the lateral ventricle and after the recovery period (5-7 days) were subjected to the measures of baseline tail flick test Animals were divided into groups to assess the effect of intracerebroventricular administration (i.c.v.) of the following compounds: ZnDPBG (HO inhibitor) or vehicle (Na(2)CO(3)), heme-lysinate (substrate overload) or vehicle (L-lysine), or the selective inhibitor of soluble guanilate cyclase ODQ or vehicle (DMSO 1%) following the administration of heme-lysinate or vehicle. Heme overload increased AI, indicating an antinociceptive role of the pathway. This response was attenuated by i.c.v. pretreatment with the HO inhibitor ZnDPBG. In addition, this effect was dependent on cGMP activity, since the pretreatment with ODQ blocked the increase in the AI. Because CO produces most of its actions via cGMP, these data strongly imply that CO is the HO product involved in the antinociceptive response. This modulation seems to be phasic rather than tonic, since i.c.v. treatment with ZnDPBG or ODQ did not alter the AI. Therefore, we provide evidence consistent with the notion that HO-CO-cGMP pathway plays a key phasic antinociceptive role modulating noninflammatory acute pain. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.FAPESP[04/09642-6]CAPES/PROEX, FAPESP[05/00096-1]CAPES/PROEX, FAPESP[07/08122-7]CAPESCNPq[308276/2009-4

    Functional mapping of the periaqueductal gray matter involved in organizing tonic immobility behavior in guinea pigs

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    Tonic immobility behavior (TI) is an innate response characterized by profound motor inhibition that is exhibited by prey when physical contact with a predator is prolonged and the situation inescapable. The periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) is intimately associated with the somatic and autonomic components of defensive reactions. This study investigated whether the TI response was able to recruit specific functional columns of the PAG by examining c-fos immunolocalization in guinea pigs. In the TI group, the innate response was invoked in animals through inversion and physical contention for at least 15 min. In the control group, the animals were physically manipulated only. Our results demonstrate that the defensive behavior of TI is capable of promoting the expression of Fos protein in different areas of the PAG, with higher levels of staining in the ventrolateral (vI) and lateral (I) columns. In addition, our results demonstrate increased Fos immunoreactivity (FOS-IR) in the dorsal raphe nucleus, the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus and the superior colliculus. In contrast, there were no significant alterations in the number of FOS-IR cells in the inferior colliculus or the oculomotor nucleus. Analysis of the results suggests that neuronal activation after the TI response differs by functional column of the PAG. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.FAPESP[JCN 09/52920-0]CNPq[RAPG 202127/2006-0]CNPq[MMZ 200166/2006-9

    Tooth Movement Activates the Central Amygdala and the Lateral Hypothalamus by the Magnitude of the Force Applied

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    Objective: To determine if the magnitude of the force used to induce incisor tooth movement promotes distinct activation in cells in the central amygdala (CEA) and lateral hypothalamus (LH) of rats. Also, the effect of morphine on Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) was investigated in these nuclei. Materials and Methods: Adult male rats were anesthetized and divided into six groups: only anesthetized (control), without orthodontic appliance (OA), OA but without force, OA activated with 30g or 70g, OA with 70g in animals pretreated with morphine (2 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). Three hours after the onset of the experiment the rats were reanesthetized and perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde. The brains were removed and fixed, and sections containing CEA and LH were processed for Fos protein immunohistochemistry. Results: The results show that in the control group, the intramuscular injection of a ketamine/xylazine mixture did not induce Fos-IR cells in the CEA or in the LH. Again, the without force group showed a little Fos-IR. However, in the 70g group the Fos-IR was the biggest observed (P < .05, Tukey) in the CEA and LH compared with the other groups. In the 30g group, the Fos-IR did not differ from the control group, the without OA group, and the without force group. Furthermore, pretreatment with morphine in the 70g group reduced Fos-IR in these regions. Conclusions: Tooth movement promotes Fos-IR in the CEA and LH according to the magnitude of the force applied. (Angle Orthod. 2010;80:111-115.

    Increased TRPV1 Channels and FosB Protein Expression Are Associated with Chronic Epileptic Seizures and Anxiogenic-like Behaviors in a Preclinical Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Epilepsies are neurological disorders characterized by chronic seizures and their related neuropsychiatric comorbidities, such as anxiety. The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) channel has been implicated in the modulation of seizures and anxiety-like behaviors in preclinical models. Here, we investigated the impact of chronic epileptic seizures in anxiety-like behavior and TRPV1 channels expression in a genetic model of epilepsy, the Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) strain. WARs were submitted to audiogenic kindling (AK), a preclinical model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and behavioral tests were performed in the open-field (OF), and light-dark box (LDB) tests 24 h after AK. WARs displayed increased anxiety-like behavior and TRPV1R expression in the hippocampal CA1 area and basolateral amygdala nucleus (BLA) when compared to control Wistar rats. Chronic seizures increased anxiety-like behaviors and TRPV1 and FosB expression in limbic and brainstem structures involved with epilepsy and anxiety comorbidity, such as the hippocampus, superior colliculus, and periaqueductal gray matter. Therefore, these results highlight previously unrecognized alterations in TRPV1 expression in brain structures involved with TLE and anxiogenic-like behaviors in a genetic model of epilepsy, the WAR strain, supporting an important role of TRPV1 in the modulation of neurological disorders and associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities

    Exodontia‐induced muscular hypofunction by itself or associated to chronic stress impairs masseter muscle morphology and its mitochondrial function

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    Stress is associated with orofacial pain sensitivity and is qualified as a temporomandibular disorder risk factor. During stressful periods, painful thresholds of masticatory muscles in individuals suffering muscle facial pain are significantly lower than in controls, but the exact physiologic mechanism underlying this relation remains unclear. Our hypothesis is that chronic unpredictable stress and masticatory hypofunction induce morphologic and metabolic masseter muscle changes in rats. For test this hypothesis, adult Wistar rats were submitted to chronic unpredictable stress and/or exodontia of left molars and the left masseter muscle was removed for analysis. The parameters evaluated included ultrastructure, oxidative level, metabolism activity and morphological analysis in this muscle. Our data show by histological analysis, that stress and exodontia promoted a variation on diameters and also angled contours in masseter fibers. The masticatory hypofunction increased oxidative metabolism as well as decreased reactive species of oxygen in masseter muscle. The ultrastructural analysis of muscle fibers showed disruption of the sarcoplasmic reticulum cisterns in certain regions of the fiber in stress group, and the disappearance of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane in group with association of stress and exodontia. Our findings clarify mechanisms by which chronic stress and masticatory hypofunction might be involved in the pathophysiology of muscular dysfunctions. Masticatory hypofunction influenced oxidative stress and induced oxidative metabolism on masseter muscle, as well as altered its fiber morphology. Chronic stress presented malefic effect on masseter morphology at micro and ultra structurally. When both stimuli were applied, there were atrophic fibers and a complete mitochondrial derangement825530537FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulo2015/03053-3; 2012/22128-6Art, science, microscopy and ED