213 research outputs found

    Um algoritmo de amostragem multivariada para redes de sensores sem fio.

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    A wireless sensor network (WSN) is energy constrained, and the ex-tension of its lifetime is an important issue in its design. A WSN can be used to collect and process data of environment that can be, in some cases, multivariate. In this way, to help the data processing, this work proposes a multivariate sampling algorithm which uses component analysis techniques to rank the data and then to select only the data more relevant to the application. Simulation results show that our technique reduces the data keeping its representativeness. In addition, the energy consumption and delay on the network are reduced.Uma rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF) possui restri??es de energia, e a extens?o do seu tempo de vida e uma importante quest?o no projeto dessas redes. As RSSFs podem ser usadas para coletar e processar dados do ambiente, que podem ser, em alguns casos, multivariados. Dessa forma, para auxiliar o processamento dos dados, este trabalho prop?e um algoritmo de amostragem multivariada que usa t?cnicas de an?lise de componentes para classificar os dados e ent?o selecionar apenas os mais relevantes para a aplica??o. Resultados de simula??o mostram que a t?cnica reduz os dados mantendo sua representatividade. Al?m disso, o consumo de energia e o atraso na rede s?o reduzidos

    Study and analysis of the profile?s post-junior of the junior enterprise of Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

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    A empresa j?nior ? um ambiente empresarial existente nas institui??es de ensino superior que auxilia na aprendizagem e forma??o daqueles estudantes que fazem parte dela. A parte desta hist?ria que trata deste assunto na Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto come?ou em 1992 com a primeira empresa j?nior fundada. Ou seja, ? uma quantidade consider?vel de tempo. Nesta perspectiva, qual ? o perfil daqueles membros que j? n?o est?o mais na empresa j?nior da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto? Este questionamento serviu de base para a realiza??o desta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo analisar o perfil dos p?s-juniores da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Valeu-se de uma pesquisa direta com a aplica??o de question?rios. Como resultado percebeu-se: primeiro, dificuldade das empresas em realizar a gest?o de conhecimento de seus membros; segundo, percep??o de ganho de aprendizado e mudan?a do perfil profissional.Junior enterprise is a business environment that exists in universities that enables learning and training of those students who are part of it. Part of this history at the ?Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto? began in 1992 with the first junior enterprise founded. That is, it is a considerable amount of history time. In this perspective, what are the profiles of those members who are no longer in the junior enterprise of ?Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto?? This question served as a basis for conducting this research, whose objective was to analyze the post-junior profile of the ?Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto?. We did a direct search and applied questionnaires. As result: first, the difficulty of enterprises to perform knowledge management of their post-junior members; second, perception of learning gain and change of professional profile

    Influence of environmental enrichment on the behavior and physiology of mice infected by Trypanosoma cruzi.

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    Enriched environments normally increase behavioral repertoires and diminish the expression of abnormal behaviors and stress-related physiological problems in animals. Although it has been shown that experimental animals infected with microorganisms can modify their behaviors and physiology, few studies have evaluated how environmental enrichment affects these parameters. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of environmental enrichment on the behavior and physiology of confined mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi

    CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms are associated with obesity in Turner syndrome

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    Turner syndrome (TS) is characterized by a set of clinical conditions, including autoimmune/inflammatory diseases and infectious conditions, that can compromise a patient's quality of life. Here we assessed polymorphisms in CTLA-4 +49A/G (rs231775), PTPN22 +1858G/A (rs2476601), and MBL2 -550 (H/L) (rs11003125), -221(X/Y) (rs7096206) and exon 1 (A/O) in women from northeastern Brazil to determine whether polymorphisms within these key immune response genes confer differential susceptibility to clinical conditions in TS. A case-control genetic association study was performed, including 86 female TS patients and 179 healthy women. An association was observed for the A/G genotype of CTLA-4 +49A/G in TS patients (p=0.043, odds ratio [OR]=0.54). In addition, an association between the CTLA-4 G/G genotype and obesity was detected in TS patients (p=0.02, OR=6.04). Regarding, the -550(H/L) polymorphism in the MBL2 promoter, the frequency of the H/L genotype was significantly higher in the TS group than healthy controls (p=0.01, OR=1.96). The H/H genotype indicated a protective effect in TS patients (p=0.01, OR=0.23). No differences were observed in the distribution of -221(X/Y), MBL2 exon 1 variants, and PTPN22 +1858G/A in any assessed groups. CTLA-4 variants are potentially involved in obesity in this cohort of TS patients from northeastern Brazil

    An analysis of human resources management practices of organizations from the perspective of gender diversity.

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    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as pr?ticas de gest?o de pessoas adotadas pelas organiza??es, sob a ?tica da desigualdade de g?nero. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de casos m?ltiplos, pesquisando-se quatro organiza??es. Analisando os dados coletados, evidenciou-se a dificuldade de se lidar com a desigualdade de g?nero no ?mbito organizacional, visto que as empresas estudadas negam a exist?ncia de tal distor??o e, por conseguinte, ignoram a necessidade de criarem pol?ticas para resolverem o problema. Mesmo com v?rios estudos apontando a diversidade da for?a de trabalho como fator positivo para a empresa, os dados obtidos parecem sinalizar que as organiza??es preferem manterem-se indiferentes quanto ao problema do tratamento desigual destinado a homens e mulheres. A contribui??o deste trabalho reside na identifica??o de alguns gargalos nas pr?ticas de gest?o de pessoas adotadas pelas organiza??es, no que diz respeito ? quest?o da diversidade de g?nero. Espera-se, com isso, que esta pesquisa auxilie gestores na redefini??o de pol?ticas organizacionais relacionadas ? flexibiliza??o do trabalho, remunera??o e carreira, tornando o ambiente corporativo mais equ?nime para homens e mulheres.This study aimed to analyze people management practices adopted by organizations from the perspective of gender inequality. For this, we carried out a study of multiple cases, researching four organizations. The collected data show the difficulty of dealing with gender inequality in the organizational context, since the studied companies deny the existence of such distortion and therefore ignore the need to create policies to solve the problem. Even with several studies pointing to the diversity of the workforce as a positive factor for the company, the data obtained seems to indicate that organizations prefer to remain indifferent to the problem of unequal treatment to men and women. The contribution of this work lies in the identification of some bottlenecks in human resource management practices adopted by organizations, with regard to the issue of gender diversity. Thus, it is expected that this research supports the managers in redefining organizational policies related to flexible working, remuneration and career, making more equitable business environment for men and women


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    O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da redu\ue7\ue3o da \ue1rea foliar de miniestacas apicais e intermedi\ue1rias e de diferentes substratos (vermiculita e composto org\ue2nico) no enraizamento de seis prog\ueanies de meios-irm\ue3os de Anadenanthera macrocarpa a partir de minicepas de origem seminal. As avalia\ue7\uf5es foram realizadas na sa\uedda da casa de vegeta\ue7\ue3o (30 dias) e da casa de sombra (40 dias) para sobreviv\ueancia e exposi\ue7\ue3o de ra\uedzes na extremidade inferior do tubete. Na fase de crescimento a pleno sol, aos 70 dias ap\uf3s o estaqueamento, foi avaliado o percentual de sobreviv\ueancia, enraizamento, altura, di\ue2metro de colo, n\ufamero de ra\uedzes e massa seca da parte a\ue9rea e da raiz das miniestacas enraizadas. Observou-se para tipo de substrato e tipo de miniestacas diferen\ue7a entre as prog\ueanies quanto \ue0s caracter\uedsticas analisadas. O substrato \ue0 base de vermiculita proporcionou maiores m\ue9dias quanto \ue0 sobreviv\ueancia, enraizamento, altura, di\ue2metro do colo e peso de massa seca de raiz. De modo geral, para sobreviv\ueancia, enraizamento, n\ufamero de ra\uedzes e massa seca da parte a\ue9rea e da raiz constatou-se que, independentemente da prog\ueanie, a miniestaca apical com 10 cm de comprimento e com a folha inteira apresentou maiores m\ue9dias. Portanto, utilizando a vermiculita como substrato as miniestacas apicais com 10 cm de comprimento e folha inteira mostraram-se mais adequadas \ue0 propaga\ue7\ue3o vegetativa de material seminal de Anadenanthera macrocarpa por miniestaquia.This paper aimed to evaluate the effect of leaf area reduction of apical and intermediate mini-cuttings and different substrates (vermiculite and organic substrate) on the rooting of six half-sib Anadenanthera macrocarpa progenies from mini-stumps of seminal origin. The evaluations were carried out in the greenhouse (30 days) and the shade house (40 days) for survival rate and roots percentage observed at the bottom of the container. Survival rate and rooting percentage, height, stem diameter, number of roots, and dry mass of shoot and roots of mini-cuttings were evaluated, in the full sunlight area, 70 days after staking. The results showed that are not differences between progenies for type of mini-cuttings and substrate to characteristics evaluated. The vermiculite substrate provided the best results for the survival rate, rooting percentage, height, stem diameter and weight of dry roots. In general terms, apical mini-cuttings up to 10 cm in length and entire leaf had higher averages survival rate, rooting percentage, root number and dry weight of shoot and root. Therefore, using vermiculite as substrate, apical mini-cuttings up to 10 cm in length and entire leaf were more appropriate for vegetative propagation from seminal material of Anadenanthera macrocarpa by mini-cutting technique


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    Para testar a hip\uf3tese que a fisionomia, estrutura e din\ue2mica de esp\ue9cies lenhosas s\ue3o influenciadas pelo gradiente espacial borda-interior, foram coletados dados desses par\ue2metros em 2004, 2007 e 2010 em um fragmento de Floresta Atl\ue2ntica. Foram amostradas para o Dossel (DS), plantas com circunfer\ueancia do caule a altura do peito (CAP) > 15 cm e do sub-bosque (SB) com circunfer\ueancia ao n\uedvel do solo entre > 3 cm e CAP < 15 cm em um gradiente borda-interior formado h\ue1 35 anos. Em 2004, foram avaliadas tr\ueas posi\ue7\uf5es no fragmento: borda, intermedi\ue1ria e interior (> 150 m do limite florestal), sendo analisados 1000 m\ub2 por local, divididos em parcelas de 10 m\ub2, para medir os indiv\uedduos de maior classe. Em cada parcela foi instalada uma subparcela de 5 m\ub2 para amostragem do sub-bosque. Foram recolhidos ramos de tr\ueas indiv\uedduos adultos das esp\ue9cies, para obten\ue7\ue3o da densidade da madeira. O n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos (NI), \ue1rea basal (AB), taxa de mortalidade (TM), taxa de recrutamento (TR), incremento peri\uf3dico anual em di\ue2metro (IPA), taxa de perda (P) e ganho (G) de \ue1rea basal e as taxas de rotatividade em n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos (TN) e em \ue1rea basal (TA) da classe do componente arb\uf3reo nos tr\ueas locais evidenciaram n\ue3o haver efeito de borda significativo. Na borda, o sub-bosque teve menores valores de NI e AB e maiores TM, que no interior do fragmento. Diferen\ue7as entre os estratos acontecem, independentemente do selamento da borda, j\ue1 que plantas jovens na maior classe amostral apresentam indiv\uedduos no SB, que s\ue3o mais sens\uedveis que as \ue1rvores adultas \ue0s mudan\ue7as causadas pela cria\ue7\ue3o da borda. Taxas de perda e ganho de AB e de rotatividade em NI e AB, no SB, apresentaram valores maiores que no DS, o que aponta para um estrato com maiores mudan\ue7as. No DS n\ue3o ocorreram diferen\ue7as de riqueza de esp\ue9cies entre os ambientes, distinto do observado no SB. A composi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica no DS nos ambientes mais pr\uf3ximos ao limite florestal foi bastante distinta que a do interior, indicando que ainda n\ue3o houve recupera\ue7\ue3o da composi\ue7\ue3o flor\uedstica. Todos os ambientes do SB tiveram baixa similaridade. As bordas do DS e SB apresentaram maior concentra\ue7\ue3o de indiv\uedduos em intervalos de classe de menores valores de densidade de madeira. O DS j\ue1 recuperou a biomassa, embora os ambientes de borda e intermedi\ue1rio n\ue3o tenham recuperado a composi\ue7\ue3o de esp\ue9cies tardias. O SB ainda sofre efeito de borda. Possivelmente, a maior concentra\ue7\ue3o de indiv\uedduos em classe de menor densidade da madeira sendo resultado na borda.To test the hypothesis that the physiognomy, structure and dynamics of woody species are influenced by the spatial gradient edge-interior, data were collected from these parameters in 2004, 2007 and 2010 in an Atlantic forest fragment. Species were sampled for the Canopy (DS), with circumference > 15 cm to 1.3 m soil and understory (SB) in circumference between ground level> 3 cm and CAP <15 cm on edge-gradient formed within 35 years. In 2004, we assessed three positions in the fragment: edge, intermediate and inner (> 150 m from the forest boundary), and analyzed 1,000 m\ub2 per site, divided into plots of 10 m\ub2, to measure individuals of higher class. In each plot a sub-plot of 5 m\ub2 for sampling understory was installed. Branches were collected from three adult individuals from the species to obtain the density of the wood. The number of individuals (NI), basal area (BA), mortality (TM), recruitment rate (TR), periodic annual diameter increment (IPA), loss rate (P) and gain rate (G) Area and basal turnover rates in number of individuals (TN) and basal area (TA) class tree component in the three locations showed no significant edge effect. At the edge, the understory had lower values of NI and AB and higher TM than in the forest interior. Differences between the strata occur regardless of edge sealing, since young plants present in most individuals in the sample class SB, which are more sensitive than adult trees to changes caused by the creation of the edge. Rates of loss and gain of AB and AB turnover in NI and in SB presented higher values than on the DS, which points to a stratum with larger changes. In DS there were no differences in species richness among environments differs from that observed in SB. The floristic composition of the DS in environments closer to the forest limit was quite distinct from that of the interior, indicating that there has been no recovery of floristic composition. All environments SB had low similarity. The edges of the DS and SB had a higher concentration of individuals in class intervals smaller density values timber. The DS has already recovered biomass, although the edge and intermediate environments have not recovered species composition late. The SB still suffers the edge effect. Possibly, the highest concentration of individuals is in class with lower density wood result on edge

    Influence of grinding on the pozzolanic activity of granite residue.

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    This study explores the potential of the granite residue to be applied as a supplementary cementitious material. Furthermore, the efficiency of grinding methods in the improvement of the residue reactivity was also evaluated. The granite residue was collected in a facility located in Brazil and used as a Portland cement replacement with a substitution rate of 25% in mass. The residue was submitted to wet, dry and additive dry grinding methods, with several different times. The cement-based composites were characterized by quantitative X-Ray diffraction using the Rietveld's method, thermogravimetric analysis, and compressive strength. In conclusion, there was observed a higher efficiency of the wet grinding method, followed by an increase in compressive strength results as grinding time increased. Furthermore, the portlandite content was lower in the cement-based composite with granite residue, especially in the samples ground for 60, 120, and 180 minutes; a fact that summed up with other results for the pozzolanic potential of the granite residue

    Antioxidant effects of oral Ang-(1-7) restore insulin pathway and RAS components ameliorating cardiometabolic disturbances in rats.

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    In prevention studies of metabolic syndrome (MetS), Ang-(1-7) has shown to improve the insulin signaling. We evaluated the HP?CD/Ang-(1-7) treatment on lipid metabolism, renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components, oxidative stress, and insulin pathway in the liver and gastrocnemius muscle and hepatic steatosis in rats with established MetS. After 7 weeks of high-fat (FAT) or control (CT) diets, rats were treated with cyclodextrin (HP?CD) or HP?CD/Ang-(1-7) in the last 6 weeks. FATHP?CD/ empty rats showed increased adiposity index and body mass, gene expression of ACE/ANG II/AT1R axis, and oxidative stress. These results were accompanied by imbalances in the insulin pathway, worsening of liver function, hyperglycemia, and dyslipidemia. Oral HP?CD/Ang-(1-7) treatment decreased ACE and AT1R, increased ACE2 gene expression. in the liver, and restored thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), insulin receptor substrate (Irs-1), glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4), and serine/threonine kinase 2 (AKT-2) gene expression in the liver and gastrocnemius muscle improving hepatic function, cholesterol levels, and hyperglycemia in MetS rats. Overall, HP?CD/Ang-(1-7) treatment restored the RAS components, oxidative stress, and insulin signaling in the liver and gastrocnemius muscle contributing to the establishment of blood glucose and lipid homeostasis in MetS rats
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