6,360 research outputs found

    Estudio de los Erysiphales de Navarra.

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de los Erysiphales en varias localidades de Navarra. Se han encontrado 6 especies de estos hongos en 23 muestras de las 61 analizadas, lo que equivale a un 37,7% de plantas infectadas. La especie más representada es Microsphaera alphitioides, seguida de Sphaerotheca pannosa

    Designing and Testing HealthTracker for Activity Recognition and Energy Expenditure Estimation within the DAPHNE Platform

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of a mobile software library, HealthTracker, which aims to produce activity and energy expenditure estimations in real-time from accelerometer and gyroscope data provided by wearable sensors. Using feature extraction together with a classifier trained using machine learning, the system will automatically and periodically send all the produced estimations to a cloud-based platform that will allow later evaluation by both the user and a physician or caretaker. The system is presented within the DAPHNE platform, an ICT ecosystem designed to provide a means for remote health and lifestyle monitoring and guidance between physicians and their patients

    Commercial scale membrane distillation for solar desalination

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    Abstract Membrane distillation is an attractive technology for solar-powered decentralized desalination that has not yet reached commercial breakthrough on a large scale. The main barriers are energy consumption and cost. Since the latter are mostly related to the former, thermal energy efficiency is key to assessing the potential of the different available membrane distillation systems at a commercial scale. As discussed here, existing membrane distillation technologies use mostly flat sheet membranes in plate and frame and spiral-wound modules. Modules based on hollow fibre membranes are also considered, as well as the concept of multi-effect vacuum membrane distillation for improved heat recovery. The heat efficiency of each system is analysed based on available experimental results. Better internal heat recovery and capacity for upscaling are found to be important elements of distinction which make multi-channelled spiral-wound modules working in air-gap configuration stand out currently, with the lowest heat consumption of all large scale modules. Potential for improvement of this and other technologies is also discussed, and an estimation based on the associated costs for solar energy is used for establishing boundary conditions towards the implementation of membrane distillation for solar desalination


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    La revaluación del peso frente al dólary el importante crecimiento que tuvola economía colombiana en los años2005 y 2006, dispararon las ventasde vehículos en Colombia. Para poderaprovechar ese importante aumentode la demanda, SsangYong Motor ColombiaS.A., empresa especializadaen la importación y comercializaciónde vehículos diésel de última generación,se enfrentó a grandes retos logísticos,que se presentaron porque amediados del año 2007 se elevaron losprecios de los fl etes marítimos desdeel Lejano Oriente hacia Suramérica,lo cual incrementó los costos de trasladode vehículos en contenedores.De otro lado, la oferta de espacios enbuques especializados para transportarvehículos no creció y lo quehabía disponible estaba totalmentevendido. A lo anterior, se suma elproblema de congestión en el puertode Buenaventura que incrementó loscostos de desembalaje y transferenciade la carga, además que daban prioridadal depósito de zona franca. Pararesponder a estos retos, SsangYongse planteó tres posibles alternativasde solución. El caso profundiza encada una de ellas desde la perspectivalogística de los negocios internacionales,representa una situación reala la luz de la cual se puede analizarla cambiante situación del mercadoglobal y cómo Colombia interactúacon el mismo.Logística, SsangYong, venta vehículos,fl etes marítimos, puerto Buenaventura.

    Drivers for spatial modelling of a critically endangered seabird on a dynamic ocean area: Balearic shearwaters are non-vegetarian

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    1. Spatial modelling is an important research tool to improve our knowledge about the distribution of wildlife in the ocean. Using different modelling techniques (MaxEnt and a generalized linear mixed model), a predictive habitat suitability model was developed for one of the most threatened seabirds in the world: the Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus. 2. Models were developed using a 10-year dataset from the Gulf of Cádiz (on the south-western Iberian Peninsula), a key foraging area for Balearic shearwaters during migration and the non-breeding season. 3. Predictive habitat maps strongly matched the observed distribution patterns, pointing to bathymetric features as the main modelling drivers. The species was concentrated on shallow areas (up to approximately 100 m in depth) of the continental shelf, very close to the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. In contrast with previous studies, Balearic shearwater distribution in the highly dynamic Gulf of Cádiz was not correlated with areas of high chlorophyll a concentration. 4. This lack of spatial correlation probably arises from the delay between the phytoplankton bloom and the response of the zooplankton and small fish that are preyed upon by Balearic shearwaters, which may result in important displacements of this trophic chain across the Gulf of Cádiz. 5. The analysis presented contributes to a better understanding of the spatial distribution and ecology of the critically endangered top predator in the Gulf of Cádiz and offers important information to improve management plans.Versión del editor1,92