25 research outputs found

    Assessment of canal walls after biomechanical preparation of root canals instrumented with protaper universalTM rotary system

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the instrumented walls of root canals prepared with the ProTaper UniversalTM rotary system. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty mesiobuccal canals of human first mandibular molars were divided into 2 groups of 10 specimens each and embedded in a muffle system. The root canals were transversely sectioned 3 mm short of the apex before preparation and remounted in their molds. All root canals were prepared with ProTaper UniversalTM rotary system or with NitiflexTM files. The pre and postoperative images of the apical thirds viewed with a stereoscopic magnifier (X45) were captured digitally for further analysis. Data were analyzed statistically by Fisher's exact test and Chi-square test at 5% significance level. RESULTS: The differences observed between the instrumented and the noninstrumented walls were not statistically significant (

    Evaluation of Capacity of Essential Oils in Dissolving ProTaper Universal Gutta-Percha points

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    Cilj: Za uklanjanje materijala za punjenje iz korijenskih kanala mogu se upotrijebiti otapala. Svrha ovog istraživanja in vitro bila je procijeniti i usporediti učinkovitost formuliranog narančina ulja, narančina ulja i formuliranog eukaliptola u otapanju štapića gutaperke F3 ProTaper Universal. Materijal i metode: Korišteno je 200 uzoraka podijeljenih u četiri skupine – po 50 uzoraka za svako otapalo. Uzorci su izvagani na analitičkoj vagi prije izlaganja otapalu i zatim stavljeni na satna stakla dimenzije 7 x 45 mm koja su uronjena u otopine u sljedećim vremenskim intervalima: 5, 10, 20, 25 i 30 minuta. Gubitak mase praćen je vaganjem nakon svake minute djelovanja otapala na štapiće. Podatci su statistički obrađeni Kruskal-Wallisovim testom na razini značajnosti od pet posto. Rezultati: Sva otapala u prvih pet minuta djelovanja imala su najveću snagu otapanja. Ksilol (kontrolna skupina) je pokazao znatno veću učinkovitost u otapanju u usporedbi s ostalim otapalima, uz statistički značajne razlike. U svim skupinama zabilježen je kontinuirani učinak otapanja. Formulirano narančino ulje bilo je učinkovitije u otapanju u odnosu prema narančinu ulju i formuliranom eukaliptolu, no nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Zaključak: S obzirom na dobivene rezultate i primijenjenu metodologiju, može se zaključiti da je ksilol bio najučinkovitiji u otapanju štapića gutaperke, a slijedili su formulirano narančino ulje te narančino ulje i formulirano eukaliptusovo ulje.Purpose: Solvents may be used to remove the filling materials. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of formulated orange oil, orange oil and formulated eucalyptol in dissolving F3 ProTaper Universal Gutta-percha points. Material and methods: 200 samples were used and divided into four groups, further divided in fifty samples for each solvent. The samples were weighed on an analytical balance before being subjected to the action of solvents. Subsequently, they were put onto watch glasses, 7X45mm in length, and immersed into solutions for the following times: 5, 10, 20, 25 and 30 minutes. The loss of mass was recorded by weighing samples after every minute of action of the solvent on the points. Data were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test at a significance level of 5%. Results: All solvents showed that the first five minutes of action was the period of greatest dissolving power. In terms of immersion time, xylol (control group) exhibited a markedly superior ability in dissolving the gutta-percha points compared to other solvents and, also, showed statistically significant differences. A continuous dissolution was observed in all groups. Formulated orange oil presented a markedly superior solvent effect on filling materials compared to orange oil and formulated eucalyptol; however, there were no statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Considering the results obtained and methodology employed, it can be concluded that xylol was the most effective solvent in dissolving gutta-percha points, followed by formulated orange oil, orange oil and formulated eucalyptol oil

    Prevalence of Asymptomatic Apical Periodontitis and its Association with Coronary Artery Disease in a Brazilian Subpopulation

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    Svrha rada: Željela se odrediti prevalencija asimptomatskoga apikalnog parodontitisa (AAP) i njegova povezanost s bolešću koronarnih arterija (BKA) u brazilskoj populaciji, i to prema spolu, dobi i zahvaćenim zubima. Materijali i metode: Prikupljeni su podatci iz kartona pacijenata (n = 1346) koji su se liječili u Klinici za endodnciju Sveučilišta Pernambuco u razdoblju od 2003. do 2010. Iz svakoga su izdvojene sljedeće varijable: spol, dob, endemski kompromitirani zubi, dijagnosticirana endodontska bolest i povijest BKA. Podatci su analizirani razinom značajnosti postavljenom na pet posto. Rezultati: AAP je dijagnosticiran kod 574 pacijenta (42,6 %), odnosno na 641 zubu (40,1 %). Podjednako su bila zahvaćena oba spola (p = 0,082) i sve dobne skupine (p = 0,190). Gornji sjekutići (52,8 %, p <0,001) bili su češće zahvaćeni AAP-om. Pacijenti s AAP-om imali su 1,45 puta veću vjerojatnost da će oboljeti od BKA (p = 0,307). Zaključak: Rezultati su pokazali da je prevalencija AAP-a u ovoj populaciji bila velika i slična onoj u ostalim zemljama. Ustanovljena je pozitivna, ali ne i statistički značajna, povezanost između AAP-a i BKA.Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AAP) and its association with coronary artery disease (CAD) in a Brazilian subpopulation, and to examine the correlation of AAP with gender, age and most frequently affected dental elements. Methods: The data were collected from medical records of the patients (n = 1346) treated at the Specialization in Endodontics Clinic of the Federal University of Pernambuco in the period between 2003 and 2010. From each patient, the following variables were recorded: gender, age, endodontically compromised teeth, endodontic diseases diagnosed and the history of CAD. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: AAP was diagnosed in 574 patients (42.6%), corresponding to 641 teeth (40.1%). Both genders (p = 0.082), and all age groups (p = 0.190) were affected similarly. The upper incisors (52.8%, p <0.001) had a higher prevalence of AAP. The patients with AAP showed 1.45 times more chance of exhibiting CAD (p = 0.307). Conclusions: The results pointed out that the prevalence of AAP in this population was high and similar to that observed in other countries. A positive association, but not statistically significant, between AAP and CAD was found

    Cone Beam Computed Tomography: a Tool to Evaluate Root Canal Preparations

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    Svrha: Ovim se istraživanjem željela, kod procjene instrumentacije korijenskih kanala, usporediti uporaba cone beam kompjutorizirane tomografije (CBCT) s metodom dvostruke superpozicije rendgenskih snimaka. Materijale i metode: Četrdeset meziobukalnih kanala ekstrahiranih prvih kutnjaka podijeljeno je u dvije skupine. U prvoj je 20 kanala procijenjeno metodom dvostruke superpozicije rendgenskih slika prije instrumentacije i nakon toga postupka, a u drugoj je na isti način procijenjeno također 20 kanala, ali CBCT-om. Rezultati: U prvoj je skupini kod 100 posto korijenskih kanala zabilježeno centriranje u koronalnoj i srednjoj trećini. Kod 75 posto korijenskih kanala centriranje je bilo u apikalnoj trećini. U drugoj skupini su bukolingvalna i meziolingvalna mjerenja pokazala centriranje u svim (100%) korijenskim kanalima u koronalnoj, srednjoj i apikalnoj trećini. Zaključak: Metoda dvostruke rendgenske superpozicije pokazala se kao ograničena jer je moguća samo dvodimenzionalna procjena korijenskog kanala. Metoda CBCT-om može se ponoviti i pokazala se kao točan i neinvazivan način procjene određenih aspekata instrumentacije korijenskih kanala, kao što je, primjerice, mogućnost centriranja.Purpose: The objective of this study was to compare the use of the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and the double radiographic superimposition method to evaluate root canal preparations. Material and methods: Forty mesiobuccal canals of extracted human mandibular first molars were divided into 2 groups. Group 1: 20 canals were evaluated with the double radiographic superimposition before and after instrumentation; Group 2: 20 canals were evaluated by CBCT before and after instrumentation. Results: In group 1, 100% of the root canals showed presence of centralization in the coronal and middle thirds. 75% of the root canals showed presence of centralization in the apical third. In group 2, in the buccolingual and mesiodistal measurements, the presence of centralization could be observed in 100% of the root canals in the coronal, middle, and apical thirds. Conclusion: The double radiographic superimposition technique showed limitations, only allowing a two-dimensional evaluation of the root canal. The CBCT imaging system used in this study provided a repeatable, accurate, and noninvasive method of evaluating certain aspects of endodontic instrumentation, such as the centering ability

    Photodynamic Therapy: A Novel Ally for Surgical Endodontic Treatment? Case Report

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    Introduction: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has emerged as a powerful tool for conventionalendodontic treatment, capable of eradicating microorganisms present in endodontic infections.Despite this, the use of PDT in the surgical endodontic treatment is not well-known.Case Report: This paper describes the case of a patient with asymptomatic apical periodontitisin a mandibular incisor submitted to surgical endodontic treatment associated with PDT. Afterconventional procedures, photosensitizer methylene blue (0.01%) was applied to the retrogradecavity for 3 minutes, followed by irradiation with diode laser (100 mW and 660 nm) for 3minutes. Six months after the procedure, the patient was asymptomatic, and the radiographicexamination showed healthy periradicular tissues.Conclusion: The association of PDT with surgical endodontic treatment was effective, suggestingthat this therapy may provide additional benefits to patients when compared to the conventionalsurgical technique

    Extensão universitária e ensino em saúde: impactos na formação discente e na comunidade / University extension and health education: impacts on student education and on the community

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    A Extensão Universitária pode ser vista como um processo educativo, cultural e científico que estimula o Ensino e a Pesquisa de forma indissociável. Nesse sentido, a Extensão nos cursos da Saúde viabiliza uma formação integral capaz de motivar os extensionistas a experimentarem o contato com a realidade coletiva em que estão inseridos e a humanização desses futuros profissionais. Ademais, essas ações impactam diretamente no acesso da população aos serviços de saúde e na transformação social. Diante disso, esta pesquisa objetivou compreender como os Programas de Extensão dos cursos da Saúde de um Centro Universitário no Sertão Central cearense contribuem para a comunidade local e formação dos extensionistas, a partir da visão dos usuários e discentes. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental no setor de Extensão da IES e selecionou-se a amostra de projetos participantes. Ao final, foram entrevistados 12 extensionistas e 9 usuários, sendo a pesquisa interrompida segundo o critério de saturação. Com a análise dos resultados, foram identificadas e desenvolvidas três categorias temáticas. Na primeira, são explicitadas as características gerais dos projetos participantes, bem como a presença de interdisciplinaridade presente neles. A segunda retrata as representações dos papeis sociais da IES segundo a visão dos usuários e discentes participantes. A terceira categoria expõe a extensão como agente de transformação, atuando como integradora da teoria e da prática, assim como preparatória para a atuação profissional. Por fim, conclui-se que a Extensão Universitária dispõe de um potencial transformador das estruturas acadêmicas e sociais, assegurando formação integral e cuidado à comunidade

    Assessment of canal walls after biomechanical preparation of root canals instrumented with protaper universalTM rotary system

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the instrumented walls of root canals prepared with the ProTaper UniversalTM rotary system. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty mesiobuccal canals of human first mandibular molars were divided into 2 groups of 10 specimens each and embedded in a muffle system. The root canals were transversely sectioned 3 mm short of the apex before preparation and remounted in their molds. All root canals were prepared with ProTaper UniversalTM rotary system or with NitiflexTM files. The pre and postoperative images of the apical thirds viewed with a stereoscopic magnifier (X45) were captured digitally for further analysis. Data were analyzed statistically by Fisher's exact test and Chi-square test at 5% significance level. RESULTS: The differences observed between the instrumented and the noninstrumented walls were not statistically significant (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The NitiflexTM files and the ProTaper UniversalTM rotary system failed to instrument all the root canal walls