3,385 research outputs found

    Wirelessly accessing instruments with standard GPIB/WLAN interfaces

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    The final objective of the project is to provide a Smartphone/GPIB interface. A small hardware and an Android application will allow the user to connect easily on a GPIB bus to send and receive data and commands. The device developed must offer a new and easier way to connect and get data from the instruments. The circuit must provide a transparent connection between the smartphone and the GPIB bus

    Pulse-efficient quantum machine learning

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    Quantum machine learning algorithms based on parameterized quantum circuits are promising candidates for near-term quantum advantage. Although these algorithms are compatible with the current generation of quantum processors, device noise limits their performance, for example by inducing an exponential flattening of loss landscapes. Error suppression schemes such as dynamical decoupling and Pauli twirling alleviate this issue by reducing noise at the hardware level. A recent addition to this toolbox of techniques is pulse-efficient transpilation, which reduces circuit schedule duration by exploiting hardware-native cross-resonance interaction. In this work, we investigate the impact of pulse-efficient circuits on near-term algorithms for quantum machine learning. We report results for two standard experiments: binary classification on a synthetic dataset with quantum neural networks and handwritten digit recognition with quantum kernel estimation. In both cases, we find that pulse-efficient transpilation vastly reduces average circuit durations and, as a result, significantly improves classification accuracy. We conclude by applying pulse-efficient transpilation to the Hamiltonian Variational Ansatz and show that it delays the onset of noise-induced barren plateaus.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Microbioma Pulmonar: um caminho para medicina de precisão

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    O corpo humano é um ecossistema habitado por uma vasta gama de microrganismos, destacando-se entre eles vírus, bactérias e fungos, cujo conjunto é conhecido como "microbioma" ou "microbiota". A composição da microbiota humana é altamente individualizada e desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento e funcionamento de diversas partes do organismo

    A Verified Information-Flow Architecture

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    SAFE is a clean-slate design for a highly secure computer system, with pervasive mechanisms for tracking and limiting information flows. At the lowest level, the SAFE hardware supports fine-grained programmable tags, with efficient and flexible propagation and combination of tags as instructions are executed. The operating system virtualizes these generic facilities to present an information-flow abstract machine that allows user programs to label sensitive data with rich confidentiality policies. We present a formal, machine-checked model of the key hardware and software mechanisms used to dynamically control information flow in SAFE and an end-to-end proof of noninterference for this model. We use a refinement proof methodology to propagate the noninterference property of the abstract machine down to the concrete machine level. We use an intermediate layer in the refinement chain that factors out the details of the information-flow control policy and devise a code generator for compiling such information-flow policies into low-level monitor code. Finally, we verify the correctness of this generator using a dedicated Hoare logic that abstracts from low-level machine instructions into a reusable set of verified structured code generators

    The cold-atom elevator: From edge-state injection to the preparation of fractional Chern insulators

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    Optical box traps for cold atoms offer new possibilities for quantum-gas experiments. Building on their exquisite spatial and temporal control, we propose to engineer system-reservoir configurations using box traps, in view of preparing and manipulating topological atomic states in optical lattices. First, we consider the injection of particles from the reservoir to the system: this scenario is shown to be particularly well suited to activate energy-selective chiral edge currents, but also, to prepare fractional Chern insulating ground states. Then, we devise a practical evaporative-cooling scheme to effectively cool down atomic gases into topological ground states. Our open-system approach to optical-lattice settings provides a new path for the investigation of ultracold quantum matter, including strongly-correlated and topological phases.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures including Supplementary materia

    Preserving Both Privacy and Utility in Network Trace Anonymization

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    As network security monitoring grows more sophisticated, there is an increasing need for outsourcing such tasks to third-party analysts. However, organizations are usually reluctant to share their network traces due to privacy concerns over sensitive information, e.g., network and system configuration, which may potentially be exploited for attacks. In cases where data owners are convinced to share their network traces, the data are typically subjected to certain anonymization techniques, e.g., CryptoPAn, which replaces real IP addresses with prefix-preserving pseudonyms. However, most such techniques either are vulnerable to adversaries with prior knowledge about some network flows in the traces, or require heavy data sanitization or perturbation, both of which may result in a significant loss of data utility. In this paper, we aim to preserve both privacy and utility through shifting the trade-off from between privacy and utility to between privacy and computational cost. The key idea is for the analysts to generate and analyze multiple anonymized views of the original network traces; those views are designed to be sufficiently indistinguishable even to adversaries armed with prior knowledge, which preserves the privacy, whereas one of the views will yield true analysis results privately retrieved by the data owner, which preserves the utility. We present the general approach and instantiate it based on CryptoPAn. We formally analyze the privacy of our solution and experimentally evaluate it using real network traces provided by a major ISP. The results show that our approach can significantly reduce the level of information leakage (e.g., less than 1\% of the information leaked by CryptoPAn) with comparable utility

    Biodiversity assessment following a naturality gradient of riverbank protection structures in French prealps rivers

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    Erosion control of riverbank is frequently necessary to protect human investments situated along rivers. The technique chosen for such erosion control construction may have major impacts on biodiversity and on the functioning of river corridors. Even if there is agreement, that biodiversity should be one criterion for choosing embankments techniques little is known about whether such techniques can accommodate biodiversity. We aimed to determine coleopteran and plant taxonomic diversities along a naturality gradient of riverbank protection systems, ranking from entirely civil engineering structures, through combined constructions (mixing civil engineering and bioengineering), to purely bioengineering structures. Fifteen sites (five sites of each technique) were sampled in the Rhône-Alpes region (S.E. France). On each site, vegetation was sampled along three transects from the bottom to the top of the riverbank and flying beetles by trapping. In total, we recorded 148 plant species and 78 beetle genera. We found significantly lower animal and plant diversities within civil engineering constructions than in the other two techniques. Diversities of both techniques tended to be higher, although not significantly, in combined techniques than in purely bioengineering ones. Furthermore, civil engineering structures were more subject to invasion by exotic plant species than the two other techniques. These results quantify and highlight the interest of bioengineering techniques compared to civil engineering in enhancing biodiversity and limiting invasive species techniques

    Interstellar neutral helium in the heliosphere from IBEX observations. V. Observations in IBEX-Lo ESA steps 1, 2, & 3

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    Direct-sampling observations of interstellar neutral (ISN) He by Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) provide valuable insight into the physical state of and processes operating in the interstellar medium ahead of the heliosphere. The ISN He atom signals are observed at the four lowest ESA steps of the IBEX-Lo sensor. The observed signal is a mixture of the primary and secondary components of ISN He and H. Previously, only data from one of the ESA steps have been used. Here, we extended the analysis to data collected in the three lowest ESA steps with the strongest ISN He signal, for the observation seasons 2009-2015. The instrument sensitivity is modeled as a linear function of the atom impact speed onto the sensor's conversion surface separately for each ESA step of the instrument. We found that the sensitivity increases from lower to higher ESA steps, but within each of the ESA steps it is a decreasing function of the atom impact speed. This result may be influenced by the hydrogen contribution, which was not included in the adopted model, but seems to exist in the signal. We conclude that the currently accepted temperature of ISN He and velocity of the Sun through the interstellar medium do not need a revision, and we sketch a plan of further data analysis aiming at investigating ISN H and a better understanding of the population of ISN He originating in the outer heliosheath.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the The Astrophysical Journa

    Métodos y técnicas de evaluación de la emoción, percepción y satisfacción de usuarios y consumidores: casos de estudio enfocados al Diseño Automotriz

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    Studies that aim to assess perception, emotion and satisfaction in relation to products, services, systems and interfaces are more and more common, demonstrating the interest of academia, market and industry in relation to the hedonic factors of the experience, in addition to the pragmatic factors.Los estudios que tienen como objetivo evaluar la percepción, la emoción y la satisfacción en relación con los productos, servicios, sistemas e interfaces son cada vez más comunes, lo que demuestra el interés de la academia, el mercado y la industria en relación con los factores hedónicos de la experiencia, además de los factores pragmáticos.Estudos que tem por objetivo avaliar a percepção, a emoção e a satisfação em relação à produtos, serviços, sistemas e interfaces estão cada vez mais comuns, demonstrando o interesse da academia, mercado e indústria em relação aos fatores hedônicos da experiência, para além dos fatores pragmáticos.&nbsp
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