1,045 research outputs found

    Bewoners profielen van duurzame wijken:huur- en koopmotieven van een duurzame woning inrelatie met de leefstijlen en de toepassing van duurzaamheid

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    In dit onderzoeksrapport staat de wijk de Drielanden te Groningen Centraal. Aan de noordoostzijde van de stad Groningen is de wijk gelegen. De wijk drielanden bestaat sinds 1995, in die tijd was het een vooruitstrevende wijk op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Tegenwoordig worden veel nieuwe duurzame wijken gebouwd, maar er is een terugloop geconstateerd in de koop van woningen in duurzame wijken. Met behulp van dit onderzoek wordt duidelijk hoe er in de toekomst op koop- en verkoopmotieven ingespeeld kan worden. Er gaat onderzocht worden wat de motieven zijn voor de koop van een duurzame woning, het gaat hier om bewuste, onbewuste en psychologische motieven. Dit leidt tot de volgende probleemstelling: Welke kenmerken van de bewoners uit de Drielanden hangen samen met de koopmotieven? Het vraagtype van de probleemstelling is definiĂ«ren. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd met een enquĂȘte, dit is het meetinstrument. Het totale domein van dit onderzoek bedraagt 390 huishoudens verdeeld over de drie straten in de wijk Drielanden; Waterland met 166 huishoudens, Zonland met 142 huishoudens en Mooiland met 82 huishoudens. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd om de verkoop- en koopmotieven in de duurzame wijk te onderzoeken, dit zijn de onderzoekseenheden van het onderzoek. De methode die gebruikt is voor het onderzoek is een combinatie van de kwantitatieve (desk research) en de kwalitatieve strategie (enquĂȘte). De doelstelling van het onderzoek is weten welke motieven kopers van 'duurzame woningen' hebben om een dergelijke woning te kopen, zodat de neergang in de verkoop en verhuur van duurzame woningen kan worden tegengegaan. De hoofdresultaten uit het onderzoek hebben betrekking op de leefstijlen, toepassing van duurzaamheid en de koop- en huurmotieven van de bewoners van de Drielanden. Er zijn vier leefstijlen te onderscheiden. EĂ©n leefstijl is minder vertegenwoordigd, namelijk vitaliteit. Deze beslaat de bevolkingsgroep die ego georiĂ«nteerd en extravert is. De toepassing van duurzaamheid is gemiddeld matig tot licht voldoende. Voor een duurzame wijk is dit zeer beneden de maat. In verhouding tot de motieven is dit te verklaren aangezien ongeveer 1 op de 10 bewoners voor duurzaamheid heeft gekozen. De overige bewoners hebben andere redenen als ligging en een ruimere woning. Dit zijn direct de twee meest voorkomende motieven. Er zal ongetwijfeld samenhang zijn tussen duurzaamheid en een ruim opgezette wijk. Het ruimer wonen kan dus in verband staan met het motief duurzaam wonen. Dit zal een juist onderwerp zijn voor een eventueel vervolgonderzoek. Studentenonderzoek in het kader van het thema Duurzaam bouwe


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    Os trabalhadores sĂŁo partes interessadas nas operaçÔes das organizaçÔes, pautando açÔes de Responsabilidade Social com o bem estar. Nessa perspectiva, compreende-se uma relação integradora entre sustentabilidade e ergonomia, abrangendo a concepção de sistemas harmĂŽnicos entre força de trabalho saudĂĄvel e produtiva. Quanto ao objetivo, o estudo buscou identificar se as organizaçÔes reconhecidas por proporcionar bem estar aos trabalhadores, consideradas melhores para trabalhar, tambĂ©m sĂŁo caracterizadas por prĂĄticas em Responsabilidade Social Corporativa - RSC. No que se refere aos procedimentos metodolĂłgicos, trata-se de estudo de caso mĂșltiplo, com informaçÔes coletadas de fontes secundĂĄrias, websites e relatĂłrios de sustentabilidade. Os dados foram descritos e exposto em quadros que permitiram uma visualização sintetizada dos reconhecimentos auferidos pelas organizaçÔes. Foram trĂȘs empresas selecionadas, a Elektro, Sama e SAP Labs Latin America, referenciadas, cada uma no seu setor de atuação, na revista VocĂȘ SA, que em metodologia prĂłpria, define um Ă­ndice de felicidade no trabalho - IFT. Os resultados evidenciaram que organizaçÔes reconhecidas por proporcionar bem estar aos seus trabalhadores tambĂ©m sĂŁo caracterizadas como atuantes em iniciativas de RSC, indicando uma possĂ­vel relação entre bem estar e RSC, dado que corporaçÔes que se preocupam com questĂ”es de sustentabilidade coorporativa influenciam em termos de atratividade e percepção dos seus funcionĂĄrios. Cabe destacar, que em ambas as organizaçÔes estudadas, atuantes de forma global, foram identificados aspectos de transparĂȘncia e credibilidade nos relatĂłrios de sustentabilidade divulgados, tendo em vista a padronização, conforme as diretrizes do Global Reporting Initiative – GRI

    The macroecology of animal versus wind pollination: ecological factors are more important than historical climate stability

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    Background: The relative frequency of wind and animal pollinated plants is non-randomly distributed across the globe and numerous hypotheses have been raised for the greater occurrence of wind pollination in some habitats and towards higher latitudes. To date, however, there has been no comprehensive global investigation of these hypotheses. Aims: Investigating a range of hypotheses for the role of biotic and abiotic factors as determinants of the global variation in animal versus wind pollination. Methods: We analysed 67 plant communities ranging from 70Âș North to 34Âș South. For these we determined habitat type, species richness, insularity, topographic heterogeneity, current climate and Late-Quaternary climate change. The predictive effects of these factors on the proportion of wind- and animal-pollinated plants were tested using correlations, ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression analyses with information-theoretic model selection. Results: The proportion of animal-pollinated plant species was positively associated with plant species richness and current temperature. Furthermore, in forest, animal pollination was positively related to precipitation. Historical climate was only weakly and idiosyncratically correlated with animal pollination. Conclusion: Results were consistent with the hypothesised reduced chance for wind-transported pollen reaching conspecific flowers in species-rich communities, fewer constraints on nectar production in warm and wet habitats, and reduced relative effectiveness of wind dispersal in humid areas. There was little evidence of a legacy of historical climate change affecting these patterns

    Bewoners profielen van duurzame wijken:huur- en koopmotieven van een duurzame woning inrelatie met de leefstijlen en de toepassing van duurzaamheid

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    B-Methylated Amine-Boranes:Substituent Redistribution, Catalytic Dehydrogenation, and Facile Metal-Free Hydrogen Transfer Reactions

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    Although the dehydrogenation chemistry of amine-boranes substituted at nitrogen has attracted considerable attention, much less is known about the reactivity of their B-substituted analogues. When the B-methylated amine-borane adducts, RRâ€ČNH·BH<sub>2</sub>Me (<b>1a</b>: R = Râ€Č = H; <b>1b</b>: R = Me, Râ€Č = H; <b>1c</b>: R = Râ€Č = Me; <b>1d</b>: R = Râ€Č = <i>i</i>Pr), were heated to 70 °C in solution (THF or toluene), redistribution reactions were observed involving the apparent scrambling of the methyl and hydrogen substituents on boron to afford a mixture of the species RRâ€ČNH·BH<sub>3–<i>x</i></sub>Me<sub><i>x</i></sub> (<i>x</i> = 0–3). These reactions were postulated to arise via amine-borane dissociation followed by the reversible formation of diborane intermediates and adduct reformation. Dehydrocoupling of <b>1a</b>–<b>1d</b> with Rh­(I), Ir­(III), and Ni(0) precatalysts in THF at 20 °C resulted in an array of products, including aminoborane RRâ€ČNBHMe, cyclic diborazane [RRâ€ČN–BHMe]<sub>2</sub>, and borazine [RN–BMe]<sub>3</sub> based on analysis by in situ <sup>11</sup>B NMR spectroscopy, with peak assignments further supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Significantly, very rapid, metal-free hydrogen transfer between <b>1a</b> and the monomeric aminoborane, <i>i</i>Pr<sub>2</sub>NBH<sub>2</sub>, to yield <i>i</i>Pr<sub>2</sub>NH·BH<sub>3</sub> (together with dehydrogenation products derived from <b>1a</b>) was complete within only 10 min at 20 °C in THF, substantially faster than for the N-substituted analogue MeNH<sub>2</sub>·BH<sub>3</sub>. DFT calculations revealed that the hydrogen transfer proceeded via a concerted mechanism through a cyclic six-membered transition state analogous to that previously reported for the reaction of the <i>N</i>-dimethyl species Me<sub>2</sub>NH·BH<sub>3</sub> and <i>i</i>Pr<sub>2</sub>NBH<sub>2</sub>. However, as a result of the presence of an electron donating methyl substituent on boron rather than on nitrogen, the process was more thermodynamically favorable and the activation energy barrier was reduced

    Development of an in vitro airway epithelial–endothelial cell culture model on a flexible porous poly(Trimethylene carbonate) membrane based on calu‐3 airway epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells

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    Due to the continuing high impact of lung diseases on society and the emergence of new respiratory viruses, such as SARS‐CoV‐2, there is a great need for in vitro lung models that more accurately recapitulate the in vivo situation than current models based on lung epithelial cell cultures on stiff membranes. Therefore, we developed an in vitro airway epithelial–endothelial cell culture model based on Calu‐3 human lung epithelial cells and human lung microvascular endothelial cells (LMVECs), cultured on opposite sides of flexible porous poly(trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) membranes. Calu‐3 cells, cultured for two weeks at an air–liquid interface (ALI), showed good expression of the tight junction (TJ) protein Zonula Occludens 1 (ZO‐1). LMVECs cultured submerged for three weeks were CD31‐positive, but the expression was diffuse and not localized at the cell membrane. Barrier functions of the Calu‐3 cell cultures and the co‐cultures with LMVECs were good, as determined by electrical resistance measurements and fluorescein isothiocya-nate‐dextran (FITC‐dextran) permeability assays. Importantly, the Calu‐3/LMVEC co‐cultures showed better cell viability and barrier function than mono‐cultures. Moreover, there was no evidence for epithelial‐ and endothelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition (EMT and EndoMT, respec-tively) based on staining for the mesenchymal markers vimentin and α‐SMA, respectively. These results indicate the potential of this new airway epithelial–endothelial model for lung research. In addition, since the PTMC membrane is flexible, the model can be expanded by introducing cyclic stretch for enabling mechanical stimulation of the cells. Furthermore, the model can form the basis for biomimetic airway epithelial–endothelial and alveolar–endothelial models with primary lung epithelial cells.</p

    Achieving Food System Resilience Requires Challenging Dominant Land Property Regimes

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    Although evidence continues to indicate an urgent need to transition food systems away from industrialized monocultures and toward agroecological production, there is little sign of significant policy commitment toward food system transformation in global North geographies. The authors, a consortium of researchers studying the land-food nexus in global North geographies, argue that a key lock-in explaining the lack of reform arises from how most food system interventions work through dominant logics of property to achieve their goals of agroecological production. Doing so fails to recognize how land tenure systems, codified by law and performed by society, construct agricultural land use outcomes. In this perspective, the authors argue that achieving food system “resilience” requires urgent attention to the underlying property norms that drive land access regimes, especially where norms of property appear hegemonic. This paper first reviews research from political ecology, critical property law, and human geography to show how entrenched property relations in the global North frustrate the advancement of alternative models like food sovereignty and agroecology, and work to mediate acceptable forms of “sustainable agriculture.” Drawing on emerging cases of land tenure reform from the authors’ collective experience working in Scotland, France, Australia, Canada, and Japan, we next observe how contesting dominant logics of property creates space to forge deep and equitable food system transformation. Equally, these cases demonstrate how powerful actors in the food system attempt to leverage legal and cultural norms of property to legitimize their control over the resources that drive agricultural production. Our formulation suggests that visions for food system “resilience” must embrace the reform of property relations as much as it does diversified farming practices. This work calls for a joint cultural and legal reimagination of our relation to land in places where property functions as an epistemic and apex entitlement
