12 research outputs found

    Dissolved inorganic nutrients and chlorophyll on the narrow continental shelf of Eastern Brazil

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    The eastern Brazilian continental shelf is narrow and subject to the influence of a western boundary current system, presenting lower biological productivity than other regions. In this study, the distribution of water masses, dissolved inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) on the inner shelf (< 35 m depth), between Itacaré and Canavieiras, eastern Brazil, is presented. Sampling surveys were carried out in March and August 2006 and March 2007. Tropical water (TW) prevailed during March 2006 and August 2007 with the lower salinity waters (< 36) found in most samples taken in March 2007, reflecting the influence of continental outflow and rain in coastal waters. Low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients and Chl-a found were typical of TW and results suggested that the inner shelf waters were depleted in dissolved inorganic nitrogen in August 2006 and March 2007, and in phosphate in March 2006, potentially affecting phytoplankton growth. Stratification of the water column was observed due to differences in dissolved nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a and TSS when comparing surface and bottom samples, possibly the result of a colder water intrusion and mixing on the bottom shelf and a deep chlorophyll maximum and/or sediment resuspension effect. Despite this stratification, oceanographic processes such as lateral mixing driven by the Brazil Current as well as a northward alongshore drift driven by winds and tides transporting Coastal Water can lead to an enhanced mixing of these waters promoting some heterogeneity in this oligotrophic environment.A plataforma Leste do Brasil é estreita e sofre influência de um sistema de correntes de borda oeste, apresentando baixa produtividade biológica em comparação com outras regiões. Neste estudo, a distribuição de massas de água, nutrientes inorgânicos dissolvidos, clorofila-a e sólidos suspensos totais (SST) na plataforma interna

    Optimization of palm oil biodiesel production using response surface methodology

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    The purpose of this paper was to analyze palm oil biodiesel&nbsp;production under different conditions and to verify the relationships&nbsp;between production variables in order to optimize biofuel production&nbsp;using response surface methodology (RSM). Biodiesel was produced&nbsp;through transesterification process by methyl route and alkali&nbsp;catalyst (NaOH) 1% (m/m). The analyzed variables were: four molar&nbsp;ratios (3:1, 4:1, 6:1 and 8:1); three temperature reactions (45°, 52°&nbsp;and 60°C); and three time reactions (40, 60 and 80 minutes). For the&nbsp;palm oil biodiesel production, the highest yield was 93%, obtained&nbsp;via a molar rate of 3:1, 52°C and 60 minutes. This result differs&nbsp;from previous studies that found a higher yield with molar ratio&nbsp;increases, implying greater expenses of methanol. Kinetic viscosity&nbsp;and specific mass were also analyzed, and the values are within the&nbsp;Brazilian, American, and European standards. The results showed&nbsp;that the most influent factor in biodiesel production was the molar&nbsp;rate. In relation to the biodiesel characterization, using the RMN&nbsp;H1 technique, it was possible to obtain the transesterification&nbsp;reaction yield of 79.50% for the 3:1 palm oil biodiesel. Through gas&nbsp;chromatography, it can be verified that the predominant fatty acids&nbsp;in the samples were palmitic and oleic acids.O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a produção de biodiesel de&nbsp;óleo de palma em diferentes condições e verificar as relações entre&nbsp;variáveis de produção para otimizar a produção de biocombustíveis&nbsp;usando a metodologia da superfície de resposta (response surface&nbsp;methodology – RSM). O biodiesel foi produzido através do processo de&nbsp;transesterificação via rota metílica e com catalisador alcalino (NaOH) a&nbsp;1% (m/m). As variáveis analisadas foram: quatro razões molares (3:1, 4:1,&nbsp;6:1 e 8:1); três temperaturas de reação (45°, 52° e 60°C) e três tempos&nbsp;de reação (40, 60 e 80 minutos). Para a produção de biodiesel de óleo de&nbsp;palma, o maior rendimento foi de 93%, obtido na razão molar de 3:1, 52°C&nbsp;e 60 minutos. Esse resultado difere de outros estudos que encontraram&nbsp;maior rendimento com o aumento da razão molar, implicando em maiores&nbsp;gastos com metanol. A viscosidade cinética e a massa específica também&nbsp;foram analisadas, e os valores estão dentro dos padrões brasileiro,&nbsp;americano e europeu. Os resultados mostraram que o fator mais influente&nbsp;na produção de biodiesel foi a razão molar. Em relação à caracterização&nbsp;do biodiesel, pela técnica de RMN 1H, foi possível obter o rendimento da&nbsp;reação de transesterificação de 79,50% para o biodiesel 3:1 de óleo de&nbsp;palma. Por meio da cromatografia gasosa, pode-se verificar que os ácidos&nbsp;graxos predominantes nas amostras foram os ácidos palmíticos e oleico

    Perfil de conhecimento sobre hanseníase entre pacientes de um hospital universitário

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    Introdução: a hanseníase é uma doença causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium leprae, que afeta a pele e o sistema nervoso periférico, apresentando alta endemicidade no Brasil. As representações sociais negativas sobre ela resultam da construção histórica baseada em crenças e medos. Uma das estratégias preconizadas pelo Ministério da Saúde para reduzir a carga de hanseníase é a educação em saúde, já que um dos obstáculos para a diminuição da incidência da doença é a falta de informação. Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo identificar o conhecimento dos pacientes de um ambulatório de dermatologia acerca da hanseníase. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal, que se desenvolveu por meio de um questionário com nove questões sobre hanseníase, elaborado pelos autores e aplicados em pacientes do ambulatório de dermatologia de um hospital público em Pernambuco. Resultados: quinhentas pessoas responderam ao questionário, sendo a maioria mulheres e pessoas com mais de 60 anos. Cerca de 92% já haviam ouvido falar sobre lepra/hanseníase, mas menos da metade sabia que se tratava da mesma doença. Além disso, apenas 50,4% tinham alguma informação sobre a doença, sendo a identificação da lesão cutânea a mais conhecida, enquanto a transmissão e o tratamento eram menos conhecidos. Conclusão: percebe-se, portanto, que medidas de educação em saúde visando melhorar o conhecimento acerca da transmissão e do tratamento são de grande importância, principalmente por parte de profissionais de saúde, educação e mídia. Além disso, mais estudos que evidenciem o conhecimento da população sobre a doença precisam ser realizados para que a falta de informação possa ser suprida pelos profissionais e, assim, o combate à hanseníase e ao preconceito associado a ela seja realizado de modo mais efetivo

    OLYMPIAQUIZ: board game-based learning object for teaching the history of Olympic Athletics

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    The present work aimed to insert strategic tools with the use of board games in order to assist and facilitate learning about the history of Olympic games, highlighting the importance of working the Olympic context in the disciplines of Physical Education and History. Even with the advance of technology, teachers still find it difficult to teach their students in the classroom, because distractions and lack of interest are commonplace in the school environment. Thus, a systematic review of the literature was conducted from journals and academic articles, aiming at a deeper study on the theme addressed. With this, OlympiaQuiz was created, a board game focused on teaching the Olympic Games, exploring the social and historical context of the time, to encourage learning through games

    Comparative analysis of mastectomies and breast reconstructions performed in the Brazilian Unified Health System in the last 5 years

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is the second most common malignant neoplasm in women in Brazil. A great challenge for health professionals and to reconcile the waiting line for both oncological and reconstructive surgeries. The objective is to evaluate the last 5 years of breast cancer surgeries compared to the number of reconstructive surgeries performed in the same period. Methods: This is a descriptive study with a transversal and retrospective approach on mastectomies, segmentectomies and breast reconstructions performed at SUS, between the years 2015 and 2020. According to the procedures and codes chosen and tabulated in the Microsoft Excel 365 software, the data were collected in the SUS data transfer service. Results: 204,569 breast cancer surgeries were performed, with 57% segmentectomies/quadrantectomies and 43% mastectomies. In the same period, 17,927 reconstructive plastic breast surgeries were performed with implants after mastectomy, with only 20.52% of mastectomized women undergoing immediate reconstruction with implants. Conclusion: The number of reconstructive breast surgeries in Brazil is below the ideal level, leaving most women mastectomized with sequelae for a long time

    Festoons, edema, and malar bags: is there a consensus on aesthetic treatment?

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    Introduction: Periorbital changes are some of the first detectable signs of aging. The most outstanding currently, refers to the rejuvenation of this region, involving the treatment from the eyebrows to the transition orbital-malar, where are festoons, edemas, and malar bags. However, this management is complex, involving several approaches: invasive or noninvasive techniques. Thus, this review aims to describe the scientific evidence of the most current techniques used in the treatment of festoons, edema, and malar bags and to evaluate the complications related to each modality. Methods: The research was carried out in three databases, PubMed, Cochrane, and LILACS - using the descriptors "bolsa malar," "malar mounds," "festoons" and "malar bags" in the period from 2014 to 2019, in English and Portuguese. Results: We selected 13 articles; most of the studies were retrospective reviews (76.9%), seven dealt with noninvasive techniques, three about invasive, and three on the association of techniques. Regarding the procedures described, the noninvasive ones were represented by the use of Kinesio tape, tetracycline injection, doxycycline and hyaluronic acid, and the use of microneedling with radiofrequency. The invasive ones were represented by microaspiration, myocutaneous flap, subperiosteal lift of the middle face, and direct excision. Conclusion: There are numerous techniques for treating festoon and malar bags, but it is up to the plastic surgeon to know its advantages and disadvantages to decide the most appropriate in each situation. Thus, there is no consensus, but it is vital to diagnose correctly to indicate the best treatment

    Variações temporais da anomalia de temperatura superficial do mar na região do Atlântico Sul Ocidental no período 1981-1991

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    Monthy Multichannel Sea Surface Temperature (MCSST) images derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) during the 1981-1991 period are examined in conjunction with sea surface temperature (ShipSST) data obtained by ships of opportunity over 30 years (1950-1979) in the Southern Brazilian coastal waters (28°S - 35°S). The satellite and ship datasets were supplied by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and US National Climate Center, respectively. Each image has a spatial resolution of 18 km. The remote sensing data has shown a dominant 1-year period in the area. To compare both datasets, the mean differences (MCSST-ShipSST) were computed for 114 months using the monthly averaged ShipSST (over 30 years). The mean differences varied from -2.176°C to 2.939°C, having an average of 0.52°C. An discussion about the variability of the MCSST signal is also presented in this work.Pages: 72-7

    Análise comparativa dos métodos de calibração linear e não-linear para uma imagem AVHRR/NOAA

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    The calibration procedures for the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) infrared channels is examined in this work. The AVHRR literature states that the linear calibration used to convert radiometric count to radiance is satisfactory for channel 3, but is only approximately correct for channels 4 and 5 because they have a slight curvature in their response functions. So the nonlinearity correction is applied to verify the diference in temperature between the data calibrated only linearly and with nonlinearity correction. The standard National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) linear calibration is used and the nonlinear corrections are made over the radiance as suggested by Steyn-Ross et al. (1992). Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) are calculated using published split-window algorithms revised by Pearce et al. (1989) and that given by NESDIS/NOAA. The diferences between SST using both methods can vary from 1.10oC (Deschamps e Phulpin, 1980) to 5.00oC (NESDIS), with an average of 2.54°C, indicating that nonlinear correction must be used.Pages: 70-7