111 research outputs found

    Performance Pay and Multidimensional Sorting - Productivity, Preferences and Gender

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    This paper studies the impact of incentives on worker self-selection in a controlled laboratory experiment. Subjects face the choice between a fixed and a variable payment scheme. Depending on the treatment, the variable payment is a piece rate, a tournament or a revenue-sharing scheme. We find that output is higher in the variable pay schemes (piece rate, tournament, and revenue sharing) compared to the fixed payment scheme. This difference is largely driven by productivity sorting. In addition personal attitudes such as willingness to take risks and relative self-assessment as well as gender affect the sorting decision in a systematic way. Moreover, self-reported effort is significantly higher in all variable pay conditions than in the fixed wage condition. Our lab findings are supported by an additional analysis using data from a large and representative sample. In sum, our findings underline the importance of multi-dimensional sorting, i.e., the tendency for different incentive schemes to systematically attract people with different individual characteristics

    Geduld von Vorschulkindern: Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie im Haushaltskontext von Kindern

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    In dieser Studie werden anhand einer experimentellen Datenerhebung im Rahmen der deutschen LĂ€ngsschnittstudie Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP) mögliche Determinanten des Belohnungsaufschubs im Alter von fĂŒnf bis sechs Jahren untersucht (im Folgenden als "Geduld bei Kindern" bezeichnet). Unsere Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass mit ansteigendem Alter bei den jĂŒngeren Kindern die Geduld zunimmt und bessere verbale FĂ€higkeiten und Geduld positiv miteinander korreliert sind. Freilich weisen das Geschlecht, die Anzahl Kinder im Haushalt, das Haushaltseinkommen sowie der Besuch einer Bildungseinrichtung keinen Zusammenhang mit der Geduld auf. Jedoch deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine geduldigere Mutter sowie eine lĂ€ngere Stilldauer im SĂ€uglingsalter die Wahrscheinlichkeit geduldig zu sein erhöht. Geduld als Basis fĂŒr Lebenserfolg ist damit nicht nur eine Frage der Biologie und Vererbung, sondern die frĂŒhe Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion, nĂ€mlich die Eltern-Kind-Interaktion und frĂŒhkindliche Sozialisation, scheint demnach auch im Bereich der ZeitprĂ€ferenz die "Wiege des Handelns" zu sein

    The value of genome-wide analysis in craniosynostosis

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    Background: This study assessed the diagnostic yield of high-throughput sequencing methods in a cohort of craniosynostosis (CS) patients not presenting causal variants identified through previous targeted analysis.Methods: Whole-genome or whole-exome sequencing (WGS/WES) was performed in a cohort of 59 patients (from 57 families) assessed by retrospective phenotyping as having syndromic or nonsyndromic CS.Results: A syndromic form was identified in 51% of the unrelated cases. A genetic cause was identified in 38% of syndromic cases, with novel variants detected in FGFR2 (a rare Alu insertion), TWIST1, TCF12, KIAA0586, HDAC9, FOXP1, and NSD2. Additionally, we report two patients with rare recurrent variants in KAT6A and YY1 as well as two patients with structural genomic aberrations: one with a 22q13 duplication and one with a complex rearrangement involving chromosome 2 (2p25 duplication including SOX11 and deletion of 2q22). Moreover, we identified potentially relevant variants in 87% of the remaining families with no previously detected causal variants, including novel variants in ADAMTSL4, ASH1L, ATRX, C2CD3, CHD5, ERF, H4C5, IFT122, IFT140, KDM6B, KMT2D, LTBP1, MAP3K7, NOTCH2, NSD1, SOS1, SPRY1, POLR2A, PRRX1, RECQL4, TAB2, TAOK1, TET3, TGFBR1, TCF20, and ZBTB20.Conclusion: These results confirm WGS/WES as a powerful diagnostic tool capable of either targeted in silico or broad genomic analysis depending on phenotypic presentation (e.g., classical or unusual forms of syndromic CS)

    Geduld von Vorschulkindern : Ergebnisse einer Experimentalstudie im Haushaltskontext von Kindern

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    In dieser Studie werden anhand einer experimentellen Datenerhebung im Rahmen der deutschen LĂ€ngsschnittstudie Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP) mögliche Determinanten des Belohnungsaufschubs im Alter von fĂŒnf bis sechs Jahren untersucht (im Folgenden als „Geduld bei Kindern“ bezeichnet). Unsere Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass mit ansteigendem Alter bei den jĂŒngeren Kindern die Geduld zunimmt und bessere verbale FĂ€higkeiten und Geduld positiv miteinander korreliert sind. Freilich weisen das Geschlecht, die Anzahl Kinder im Haushalt, das Haushaltseinkommen sowie der Besuch einer Bildungseinrichtung keinen Zusammenhang mit der Geduld auf. Jedoch deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine geduldigere Mutter sowie eine lĂ€ngere Stilldauer im SĂ€uglingsalter die Wahrscheinlichkeit geduldig zu sein erhöht. Geduld als Basis fĂŒr Lebenserfolg ist damit nicht nur eine Frage der Biologie und Vererbung, sondern die frĂŒhe Gen-Umwelt-Interaktion, nĂ€mlich die Eltern-Kind-Interaktion und frĂŒhkindliche Sozialisation, scheint demnach auch im Bereich der ZeitprĂ€ferenz die „Wiege des Handelns“ zu sein

    High resolution ion chamber array delivery quality assurance for robotic radiosurgery: commissioning and validation

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    AbstractPurposeHigh precision radiosurgery demands comprehensive delivery-quality-assurance techniques. The use of a liquid-filled ion-chamber-array for robotic-radiosurgery delivery-quality-assurance was investigated and validated using several test scenarios and routine patient plans.Methods and materialPreliminary evaluation consisted of beam profile validation and analysis of source–detector-distance and beam-incidence-angle response dependence. The delivery-quality-assurance analysis is performed in four steps: (1) Array-to-plan registration, (2) Evaluation with standard Gamma-Index criteria (local-dose-differenceâ©œ2%, distance-to-agreementâ©œ2mm, pass-rateâ©Ÿ90%), (3) Dose profile alignment and dose distribution shift until maximum pass-rate is found, and (4) Final evaluation with 1mm distance-to-agreement criterion. Test scenarios consisted of intended phantom misalignments, dose miscalibrations, and undelivered Monitor Units. Preliminary method validation was performed on 55 clinical plans in five institutions.ResultsThe 1000SRS profile measurements showed sufficient agreement compared with a microDiamond detector for all collimator sizes. The relative response changes can be up to 2.2% per 10cm source–detector-distance change, but remains within 1% for the clinically relevant source–detector-distance range. Planned and measured dose under different beam-incidence-angles showed deviations below 1% for angles between 0° and 80°. Small-intended errors were detected by 1mm distance-to-agreement criterion while 2mm criteria failed to reveal some of these deviations. All analyzed delivery-quality-assurance clinical patient plans were within our tight tolerance criteria.ConclusionWe demonstrated that a high-resolution liquid-filled ion-chamber-array can be suitable for robotic radiosurgery delivery-quality-assurance and that small errors can be detected with tight distance-to-agreement criterion. Further improvement may come from beam specific correction for incidence angle and source–detector-distance response

    Beware of black swans: Taking stock of the description–experience gap in decision under uncertainty

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    Uncertainty pervades most aspects of life. From selecting a new technology to choosing a career, decision makers rarely know in advance the exact outcomes of their decisions. Whereas the consequences of decisions in standard decision theory are explicitly described (the decision from description (DFD) paradigm), the consequences of decisions in the recent decision from experience (DFE) paradigm are learned from experience. In DFD, decision makers typically overrespond to rare events. That is, rare events have more impact on decisions than their objective probabilities warrant (overweighting). In DFE, decision makers typically exhibit the opposite pattern, underresponding to rare events. That is, rare events may have less impact on decisions than their objective probabilities warrant (underweighting). In extreme cases, rare events are completely neglected, a pattern known as the “Black Swan effect.” This contrast between DFD and DFE is known as a description–experience gap. In this paper, we discuss several tentative interpretations arising from our interdisciplinary examination of this gap. First, while a source of underweighting of rare events in DFE may be sampling error, we observe that a robust description–experience gap remains when these factors are not at play. Second, the residual description–experience gap is not only about experience per se but also about the way in which information concerning the probability distribution over the outcomes is learned in DFE. Econometric error theories may reveal that different assumed error structures in DFD and DFE also contribute to the gap

    Generosity motivated by acceptance - evolutionary analysis of an anticipation game

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    We here present both experimental and theoretical results for an Anticipation Game, a two-stage game wherein the standard Dictator Game is played after a matching phase wherein receivers use the past actions of dictators to decide whether to interact with them. The experimental results for three different treatments show that partner choice induces dictators to adjust their donations towards the expectations of the receivers, giving significantly more than expected in the standard Dictator Game. Adding noise to the dictators' reputation lowers the donations, underlining that their actions are determined by the knowledge provided to receivers. Secondly, we show that the recently proposed stochastic evolutionary model where payoff only weakly drives evolution and individuals can make mistakes requires some adaptations to explain the experimental results. We observe that the model fails in reproducing the heterogeneous strategy distributions. We show here that by explicitly modelling the dictators' probability of acceptance by receivers and introducing a parameter that reflects the dictators' capacity to anticipate future gains produces a closer fit to the aforementioned strategy distributions. This new parameter has the important advantage that it explains where the dictators' generosity comes from, revealing that anticipating future acceptance is the key to success.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Expression pattern of class I histone deacetylases in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and vulvar cancer: a tissue microarray study

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic regulation is an important mechanism leading to cancer initiation and promotion. Histone acetylation by histone deacetylases (HDACs) represents an important part of it. The development of HDAC inhibitors has identified the utility of HDACs as a therapeutic target. Little is known about the epigenetic regulation of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) and vulvar squamous cell cancer (VSCC). In this study, the expression of class I HDACs (HDAC 1, 2 and 3) was compared in a series of VIN and VSCC tissues. METHODS: A tissue micro array (TMA) with specimens from 106 patients with high-grade VIN and 59 patients with vulvar cancer was constructed. The expression of HDACs 1, 2 and 3 were analyzed with immunohistochemistry (IHC). The nuclear expression pattern was evaluated in terms of intensity and percentage of stained nuclei and was compared between vulvar preinvasive lesions and vulvar cancer. RESULTS: HDAC 2 expression was significantly higher in VIN than in VSCC (p < 0.001, Fisher's test). Also, 88.7% (n=94/106) of VIN samples and only 54.5% (n=31/57) of VSCC samples were scored at the maximum level. Conversely, HDAC 3 expression was significantly higher in VSCC (93%, 53/57) compared to VIN (73.6%, 78/106, p=0.003), whereas only a small difference in the expression of HDAC 1 was found between these two entities of vulvar neoplasia. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that epigenetic regulation plays a considerable role in the transformation of VIN to invasive vulvar neoplasia
