8 research outputs found

    Psychological safety, authentic leadership and social networks : A psycho-structural approach to the study of groups

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia das Organizações apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioA investigação recente acerca de grupos e equipas tem-se desenvolvido fundamentalmente em torno de duas tradições: a dos constructos psicológicos partilhados, primordialmente ligada à psicologia e a da perspetiva estrutural, mais ligada à sociologia, aos estudos organizacionais e à teoria acerca da análise de redes sociais. Esta tese pretende integrar estas duas perspetivas numa lógica mais holística, aqui apelidada de perspetiva psico-estrutural no estudo de grupos e equipas. Assim, esta tese tem como objetivo explorar a relação entre a relação entre a segurança psicológica, a liderança autêntica e a análise de redes sociais. A relação entre estas três componentes permitiu o desenvolvimento de três artigos baseados numa visão psico-estrutural das dinâmicas dos grupos. Por fim, esta tese teve como objetivo estender o estudo da segurança psicológica, liderança autêntica e redes sociais ao contexto do ensino superior. Esta opção parte duma perspetiva que realça a importância do desenvolvimento de conhecimento dentro da psicologia numa lógica multi-contextual. Com vista ao alcance destes objetivos foram submetidos três artigos para três revistas científicas de cariz internacional. O primeiro artigo, já publicado, diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de um modelo conceptual de influência das redes sociais no desenvolvimento da segurança psicológica do grupo. Neste sentido, apresenta proposições relacionadas com a influência dos membros centrais das redes na segurança psicológica dos grupos e equipas, através de um processo de contágio social. O segundo artigo é de natureza empírica e tem como principal objetivo estudar a relação entre a liderança autêntica, a segurança psicológica e a performance académica de alunos do ensino superior. Os resultados deste artigo permitem concluir que tanto a segurança psicológica como a liderança autêntica têm um impacto positivo na performance académica. Testou-se ainda o papel da segurança psicológica enquanto mediadora da relação entre a liderança autêntica e a performance académica, sendo que, no entanto, os resultados não suportam a existência deste efeito de mediação. Por fim, o terceiro artigo desta tese tem um formato empírico e teve como objetivo dar seguimento aos estudos sugeridos no segundo artigo ao avançar com a densidade enquanto medida de rede social como uma variável importante na relação entre segurança psicológica, ensino autêntico e performance académica. Uma das contribuições deste artigo prende-se com o desenvolvimento do conceito de ensino autêntico (authentic teachership) a partir da teoria acerca de liderança autêntica. Os resultados deste estudo permitem concluir que existe uma relação positiva entre a densidade e o ensino autêntico, a segurança psicológica e a performance académica. No global, os resultados dos estudos incluídos nesta tese ilustram as oportunidades que se podem abrir na compreensão das dinâmicas dos grupos e equipas, através da utilização de uma abordagem psico-estrutural. Mais concretamente, os resultados dos estudos incluídos nesta tese permitem concluir que a liderança autêntica e a segurança psicológica estão positivamente relacionadas com as redes sociais, e mais explicitamente com a densidade, e que exercem um impacto positivo na performance académica de estudantes do ensino superior. Desta forma, a presente tese contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma nova abordagem não só no estudo da performance académica de estudantes do ensino superior mas também na compreensão na importância das dinâmicas de grupos e equipas em geral.Recent research about groups and teams have been developed mainly around two traditions: psychological shared constructs, fundamentally from psychology and the structural perspective, more related with sociology, organisational studies and social network analysis. This thesis aims to integrate these two perspectives in a single and holistic one, here named by psycho-structural perspective on the study of groups and teams. On the other hand, this thesis has the objective of exploring the relationship between psychological safety, authentic leadership and social network analysis. The relationship between these three components allowed the development of three articles based on a psycho-structural view of group dynamics. Finally, this thesis has the objective of extend the study of psychological safety, authentic leadership and social networks to the higher education context. This choice is based on a perspective that highlights the importance of the development of psychological knowledge taking into account a multi-contextual perspective. Three articles have been submitted to international journals to achieve these objectives. The first article presents a conceptual model about the influence of social network on the development of psychological safety. Thus it presents several propositions related with the influence of central members of social networks on the psychological safety of groups and teams through a process social contagion. The second article is an empirical article and has as the main objective study the relationship between authentic leadership, psychological safety and academic performance of students from higher education. Based on the results of this article we may conclude that both psychological safety and authentic leadership have a positive impact on the academic performance. It was also teste the role of psychological as a mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and academic performance. However the results don’t support the existence of this mediation effect. Finally, the third article of this thesis is an empirical article and has the objective of complete the third article by advancing with network density as an important variable on the relationship between psychological safety, authentic teachership and academic performance. One of the contributions of this article is the development of the concept of authentic teachership based on the theory about authentic leadership. The results of this study support the existence of a positive relationship between Globally the results of the studies included in this thesis illustrate the opportunities that may emerge for the development of the understanding of group and team dynamics through the use of a psycho-structural approach. More concretely, the results included in this thesis conclude that authentic leadership and psychological safety are positively related with social networks, more precisely with network density, and have a positive impact on the academic performance of students from higher education. Therefore, this thesis contributes for the development of a new approach, not only on the study of academic performance of students from higher education, but also on the understanding of group and team dynamics in general.Universidade de Coventry, Reino Unid

    La influencia del capital psicológico en el aprendizaje interno del equipo: El papel mediador de la estructura percibida del equipo

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    Pesquisas anteriores sobre a aprendizagem interna concentraram-se em avaliar como as taxas de aprendizagem observadas afetam as interações colaborativas entre os vários atores. Assim, agregamos valor a essa literatura ao analisar a aprendizagem interna em equipes e o papel do capital psicológico nesse processo. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o papel mediador da estrutura percebida da equipe na relação entre capital psicológico positivo e aprendizagem interna em equipes. Para tanto, um questionário foi aplicado a 480 estudantes universitários para testar essa relação, utilizando a metodologia de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados confirmaram o papel mediador da estrutura percebida da equipe na relação entre capital psicológico e aprendizagem interna em equipes. Argumentamos que este trabalho reforça o papel do capital psicológico em contextos acadêmicos. Por outro lado, devido às rápidas mudanças verificadas atualmente na sociedade, os estudantes universitários, que são futuros funcionários, precisam desenvolver o capital psicológico, a fim de obter melhores resultados de aprendizagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are your students safe to learn? The role of lecturer’s authentic leadership in the creation of psychologically safe environments and their impact on academic performance:The role of teacher's authentic leadership on the creation of psychologically safe environments and their impact on academic performance

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    As the role of students and lecturers in higher education changes, several questions emerge about the role of each of them on students? academic performance. This includes questions regarding the impact of the relationships between students, lecturer?s characteristics and the social environment on students? performance. To address these questions, this article reports a study of the impact of lecturer authentic leadership, psychological safety and network density on academic performance. It explores the relationship between network density, psychological safety and lecturer authentic leadership. A questionnaire was distributed to undergraduate students. A positive impact of lecturer authentic leadership and psychological safety on academic performance was found. Students from high-density groups tended to show better academic performance, higher psychological safety and tended to see their lecturers as being more authentic. A reflection on the role of the lecturer in higher education settings is presented. It also presents some recommendations on how student academic performance can be improved by the adoption of specific behaviours by their lecturer

    Behavioural Change in Local Authorities to Increase Organisational Capacity

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    Local authorities’ transport departments face extraordinary requirements regarding future mobility planning that affects and disrupts their internal business models and institutional logic in substantive ways. In this chapter, we highlight how organisational change can be implemented in local authorities to allow organisational capacity to increase and to enable employees to cope with the increasing expectations and requirements of future mobility planning. Our bottom-up approach is based on a socio-technical approach, taking into account both social (e.g., changing social behaviours or values) and technical aspects (e.g., new technologies). Applying Kotter’s Eight Stage Process, we outline the implementation process of organisational change followed in seven local authorities in Europe as part of the SUITS project. The multiple case study approach allows us to indicate the crucial points along the path towards organisational change and to provide a step-by-step guide for successful implementation of organisational change in local authorities. We provide best practice examples from our work that may help other European cities increase their organisational capacity and be prepared to cope with the extraordinary requirements in relation to future mobility planning

    The impact of the positive psychological capital in the performance of a commercial team

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    O objectivo deste estudo é contribuir para a compreensão da relação entre o capital psicológico positivo (Psycap) e o desempenho em contexto organizacional. O artigo explora a relação existente entre o PsyCap e dois tipos de desempenho (contextual e de tarefa), bem como a relação entre o desempenho contextual (comportamentos de cidadania organizacional – CCO) e de tarefa. Recorreu-se a uma recolha transversal com base em questionários estruturados de uma amostra de 100 vendedores de uma organização portuguesa de prestação de serviços. Avaliou-se o Psycap (esperança, optimismo, resiliência e autoconfiança) e os CCO em cinco facetas (harmonia interpessoal, espírito de iniciativa, conscienciosidade, identificação com a organização e orientação para os clientes), bem como o Output individual numa dada tarefa, tendo-se obtido 100 díades de vendedores e respectivos supervisores. Os resultados indicam que o PsyCap se relaciona com os dois tipos de desempenho, bem como a existência de uma relação entre desempenho contextual e tarefa. Estes resultados apontam no sentido de que o Psycap tem um papel fulcral no desempenho dos comerciais, sendo que este facto poderá vir a ter implicações na formação e desenvolvimento de comerciais.The aim of this article is to enhance the understanding of the relationship between positive psychological capital (PsyCap) and performance. The article explores the relation between PsyCap and two types of performance (intra and extra role) and the relation between the contextual performance (Organizational Citizenship Behavior - OCB) and task performance. The sample consisted of 100 salesmen from a Portuguese services company and the data were collected in a cross-sectional way using structured questionnaires. PsyCap (hope, optimist, resilience and self-confidence), the five dimensions of OCB (interpersonal harmony, spirit of initiative, conscientiousness, identification with the organization and orientation for the customers) and the individual output in one objective performance task were assessed, resulting in 100 dyads of salesmen and respective supervisors. Results show that PsyCap is associated with the two types of performance, and indicate the existence of a relation between contextual and task performance. Considerations and implications of the results are discussed at the end of the article. These results give us clues about the importance of Psycap on the performance of salesmen and about the importance of training and development based on the Psycap.,

    Exploring the Consistency and Value of Humour Style Profiles (Registered Report Stage 2 Accepted)

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    Establishing generalisable humour style profiles promises to have significant value for educational, clinical, and occupational application. However, previous research investigating such profiles has thus far presented inconsistent results. To determine the generalisability and value of humour style profiles, a large and geographically diverse examination of humour styles was conducted through a cross-sectional questionnaire methodology involving 863 participants from across three world regions. Findings identify inconsistencies in the humour style profiles across countries tested and the extant literature, possibly indicative of cultural differences in the behavioural expression of trait humour. Furthermore, when directly compared, humour types, rather than humour styles, consistently provide the greatest predictive value for friendship and well-being outcomes. As such, with respect to both consistency and value, capturing humour style profiles appears to represent a relatively reductionist approach to appreciating the nuances in the use and consequences of humour

    Exploring the Consistency and Value of Humour Style Profiles (Registered Report Stage 2 Accepted)

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    Establishing generalisable humour style profiles promises to have significant value for educational, clinical, and occupational application. However, previous research investigating such profiles has thus far presented inconsistent results. To determine the generalisability and value of humour style profiles, a large and geographically diverse examination of humour styles was conducted through a cross-sectional questionnaire methodology involving 863 participants from across three world regions. Findings identify inconsistencies in the humour style profiles across countries tested and the extant literature, possibly indicative of cultural differences in the behavioural expression of trait humour. Furthermore, when directly compared, humour types, rather than humour styles, consistently provide the greatest predictive value for friendship and well-being outcomes. As such, with respect to both consistency and value, capturing humour style profiles appears to represent a relatively reductionist approach to appreciating the nuances in the use and consequences of humour