95 research outputs found

    Waddling on the Dark Side: Ambient Light Affects Attendance Behavior of Little Penguins

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    Visible light on Earth largely comes from the sun, including light reflected from the moon. Predation risk is strongly determined by light conditions, and some animals are nocturnal to reduce predation. Artificial lights and its consequent light pollution may disrupt this natural behavior. Here, we used 13 years of attendance data to study the effects of sun, moon, and artificial light on the attendance pattern of a nocturnal seabird, the little penguin Eudyptula minor at Phillip Island, Australia. The little penguin is the smallest and the only penguin species whose activity on land is strictly nocturnal. Automated monitoring systems recorded individually marked penguins every time they arrived (after sunset) at or departed (before sunrise) from 2 colonies under different lighting conditions: natural night skylight and artificial lights (around 3 lux) used to enhance penguin viewing for ecotourism around sunset. Sunlight had a strong effect on attendance as penguins arrived on average around 81 min after sunset and departed around 92 min before sunrise. The effect of moonlight was also strong, varying according to moon phase. Fewer penguins came ashore during full moon nights. Moon phase effect was stronger on departure than arrival times. Thus, during nights between full moon and last quarter, arrival times (after sunset) were delayed, even though moonlight levels were low, while departure times (before sunrise) were earlier, coinciding with high moonlight levels. Cyclic patterns of moon effect were slightly out of phase but significantly between 2 colonies, which could be due to site-specific differences or presence/absence of artificial lights. Moonlight could be overridden by artificial light at our artificially lit colony, but the similar amplitude of attendance patterns between colonies suggests that artificial light did not mask the moonlight effect. Further research is indeed necessary to understand how seabirds respond to the increasing artificial night light levels.Peer reviewe

    A novel spatio-temporal scale based on ocean currents unravels environmental drivers of reproductive timing in a marine predator

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    Life-history strategies have evolved in response to predictable patterns of environmental features. In practice, linking life-history strategies and changes in environmental conditions requires comparable space–time scales between both processes, a difficult match in most marine system studies. We propose a novel spatio-temporal and dynamic scale to explore marine productivity patterns probably driving reproductive timing in the inshore little penguin (Eudyptula minor), based on monthly data on ocean circulation in the Southern Ocean, Australia. In contrast to what occurred when considering any other fixed scales, little penguin's highly variable laying date always occurred within the annual peak of ocean productivity that emerged from our newly defined dynamic scale. Additionally, local sea surface temperature seems to have triggered the onset of reproduction, acting as an environmental cue informing on marine productivity patterns at our dynamic scale. Chlorophyll-a patterns extracted from this scale revealed that environment factors in marine ecosystems affecting breeding decisions are related to a much wider region than foraging areas that are commonly used in current studies investigating the link between animals' life history and their environment. We suggest that marine productivity patterns may be more predictable than previously thought when environmental and biological data are examined at appropriate scales.Peer reviewe

    The Allometry of Prey Preferences

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    The distribution of weak and strong non-linear feeding interactions (i.e., functional responses) across the links of complex food webs is critically important for their stability. While empirical advances have unravelled constraints on single-prey functional responses, their validity in the context of complex food webs where most predators have multiple prey remain uncertain. In this study, we present conceptual evidence for the invalidity of strictly density-dependent consumption as the null model in multi-prey experiments. Instead, we employ two-prey functional responses parameterised with allometric scaling relationships of the functional response parameters that were derived from a previous single-prey functional response study as novel null models. Our experiments included predators of different sizes from two taxonomical groups (wolf spiders and ground beetles) simultaneously preying on one small and one large prey species. We define compliance with the null model predictions (based on two independent single-prey functional responses) as passive preferences or passive switching, and deviations from the null model as active preferences or active switching. Our results indicate active and passive preferences for the larger prey by predators that are at least twice the size of the larger prey. Moreover, our approach revealed that active preferences increased significantly with the predator-prey body-mass ratio. Together with prior allometric scaling relationships of functional response parameters, this preference allometry may allow estimating the distribution of functional response parameters across the myriads of interactions in natural ecosystems

    Diet segregation between two colonies of little penguins Eudyptula minor in southeast Australia

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    We studied foraging segregation between two different sized colonies of little penguins Eudyptula minor with overlapping foraging areas in pre-laying and incubation. We used stomach contents and stable isotope measurements of nitrogen (δ 15N) and carbon (δ 13C) in blood to examine differences in trophic position, prey-size and nutritional values between the two colonies. Diet of little penguins at St Kilda (small colony) relied heavily on anchovy while at Phillip Island (large colony), the diet was more diverse and anchovies were larger than those consumed by St Kilda penguins. Higher δ 15N values at St Kilda, differences in δ 13C values and the prey composition provided further evidence of diet segregation between colonies. Penguins from each colony took anchovies from different cohorts and probably different stocks, although these sites are only 70km apart. Differences in diet were not reflected in protein levels in the blood of penguins, suggesting that variation in prey between colonies was not related to differences in nutritional value of the diet. Anchovy is currently the only available prey to penguins throughout the year and its absence could have a negative impact on penguin food supply, particularly at St Kilda where the diet is dominated by this species. While it is difficult to establish whether diet segregation is caused by inter- or intra-colony competition or spatial differences in foraging areas, we have shown that colonies with broadly overlapping foraging ranges could have significant differences in trophic position, diet composition and prey size while maintaining a diet of similar nutritional value. © 2011 The Authors. Austral Ecology © 2011 Ecological Society of Australia.Peer Reviewe

    Sensitivity evaluation of the computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) in the determination of frozen-thawed bull semen concentration

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    Tradicionalmente, a concentração espermática é avaliada por meio da contagem de células em câmara hemocitométrica de Neubauer, técnica laboriosa adotada na rotina dos laboratórios de andrologia. Uma alternativa para essa contagem é a técnica computadorizada de avaliação espermática (CASA), método que pode aumentar a eficiência e acurácia na determinação da concentração de espermatozoides em uma amostra de sêmen. O presente trabalho relata a avaliação da sensibilidade da técnica CASA para o acesso da concentração de espermatozoides bovinos em pósdescongelação. Foram selecionadas 425 doses de sêmen de reprodutores de diferentes raças, descongeladas a 37°C por 30 segundos e homogeneizadas. Alíquotas de 40 µL de sêmen foram transferidas para tubos cônicos de 1,5 mL previamente preenchidos com 960 µL de água destilada, fixando a taxa de diluição em 1:25 para contagem em câmara de Neubauer. Em contrapartida, alíquotas de 5 µL de cada dose de sêmen foram avaliadas com o emprego do sistema CASA considerando o número mínimo de cinco campos aleatórios e 2 mil espermatozoides por análise. A concentração média de células espermáticas foi de 38,96a ± 1,28 e 35,14b ± 0,82,respectivamente para amostras avaliadas em câmara de Neubauer ou sistema computadorizado, apresentando o coeficiente de correlação de 0,87 (P < 0.0001) e concordância de 0,78 (escala de 0 a 1). Conclui-se que as duas técnicas de avaliação da concentração espermática possuem eficiência similar. No entanto, em virtude da precisão, rapidez e por dispensar a diluição prévia das amostras para a contagem, a CASA é uma alternativa para a contagem de células espermáticas em câmara de Neubauer, sobretudo para grandes centrais de produção de sêmen bovino congelado.Sperm concentration is traditionally evaluated by counting cells in a hemocytometric Neubauer chamber, often a highly subjective, time-consuming, and laborious technique prevalent in andrology laboratories around the world. However, the Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) represents a more consistent method of evaluating sperm concentration that may provide enhancing efficiencies of sperm count. The purpose of this study is to compare the results of these two methods in the analysis of post-thaw concentration of bovine semen. Four hundred and twenty five batches of semen from different bulls were selected, thawed at 37°C for 30 seconds and then homogenized. Aliquots of 40 μL of semen were diluted in 960 μL of distilled water, fixing the rate at 1:25 dilution for analysis in a Neubauer chamber. Conversely, aliquots of 5 μL for each semen dose were submitted to CASA, considered a minimum of five random fields and 2000 sperm count per analysis. The average concentration of sperm cells was 38.96a ± 1.28 in the Neubauer analysis and 35.14b ± 0.82 for the CASA, with the correlation coefficient of 0.87 (P < 0.0001) and reliability of 0.78 (scale ranging from 0 to 1) between the two methods. In conclusion, the results of two techniques for assessing sperm concentration have similar results. However the CASA methodology would yield greater benefit due to precision, consistency, and reduced disposal issues, particularly for large processing laboratories

    Stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) combined with conventional dietary approaches reveal plasticity in central-place foraging behaviour of little penguins Eudyptula minor

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    Marine top and meso predators like seabirds are limited by the need to breed on land but forage on limited or patchily distributed resources at sea. Constraints imposed by such central-place foraging behavior change during breeding or even disappear outside the breeding period when there is no immediate pressure to return to a central place. However, central place foraging is usually factored as an unchanging condition in life history studies. Here we used little penguin Eudyptula minor, a resident bird with one of the smallest foraging range among seabirds, to examine the different degree of pressure/constraints of being a central-place forager. We combined data on isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N), conventional stomach contents and body mass of little penguins breeding at Phillip Island, Australia over 9 years (2003-2011). We explored relationships between diet and body mass in each stage of the breeding season (pre-laying, incubation, guard, and post-guard) in years of 'high' and 'low' reproductive success. Values of δ13C and δ15N as well as isotopic niche width had similar patterns among years, with less variability later in the season when little penguins shorten their foraging range at the expected peak of their central-place foraging limitation. Body mass peaked before laying and hatching in preparation for the energetically demanding periods of egg production and chick provisioning. An increase of anchovy and barracouta in the diet, two major prey for little penguins, occurred at the critical stage of chick rearing. These intra-annual trends could be a response to imposed foraging constraints as reproduction progresses, while inter-annual trends could reflect their ability to match or mismatch the high energy demanding chick rearing period with the peak in availability of high-quality prey such as anchovy. Our findings underline the key advantages of using a stable isotope approach combined with conventional dietary reconstruction to reveal an otherwise intractable ecological issue of different constrains of being a central-place forager, such as the little penguin, which could be applied to other marine species

    Polyesters with main and side chain phosphoesters as structural motives for biocompatible electrospun fibres

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    Phosphoester containing polymers are promising materials in biomedical applications due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability. Utilising thiol-ene chemistry, the synthesis of two novel structural polymer motives combining polyesters and phophoester groups was explored. The first polymer was obtained by coupling ene-functional poly(thioether-phosphoester) with thiol functional poly(pentadecalactone). While the coupling reaction was successful, yields remained low presumably due to inadequate endgroup stoichiometry. The second polymer comprised phosphoester side groups conjugated to unsaturated poly(globalide). Double bond conversions up to 84% were achieved depending of the type of phosphoester thiol and relative reactant ratios. The resulting polymers transitioned from solid semicrystaline to liquid amorphous with increasing degree of phosphoester conjugation. Electrospun fibres from polymers with 14% phosphoester conjugation allowed attachment and survival of human dermal fibroblasts, indicating their biocompatibility. These polymers represent a new class of easily accessible biocompatible polyester-phosphoester hybrid materials as potential building blocks for tunable biomaterials

    Can Thermoclines Be a Cue to Prey Distribution for Marine Top Predators? A Case Study with Little Penguins

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    The use of top predators as bio-platforms is a modern approach to understanding how physical changes in the environment may influence their foraging success. This study examined if the presence of thermoclines could be a reliable signal of resource availability for a marine top predator, the little penguin (Eudyptula minor). We studied weekly foraging activity of 43 breeding individual penguins equipped with accelerometers. These loggers also recorded water temperature, which we used to detect changes in thermal characteristics of their foraging zone over 5 weeks during the penguin’s guard phase. Data showed the thermocline was detected in the first 3 weeks of the study, which coincided with higher foraging efficiency. When a thermocline was not detected in the last two weeks, foraging efficiency decreased as well. We suggest that thermoclines can represent temporary markers of enhanced food availability for this top-predator to which they must optimally adjust their breeding cycle

    Molecular Analysis of Predator Scats Reveals Role of Salps in Temperate Inshore Food Webs

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    High precision, high coverage DNA-based diet analysis tools allow great insight into the food web interactions of cryptic taxa. We used DNA fecal-metabarcoding to look for unrecorded taxa within the diet of a generalist central-placed predator, the little penguin Eudyptula minor. We examined 208 scats from 106 breeding pairs throughout August–February in a large colony at Phillip Island, Australia. While we confirmed a largely piscivorous diet, we also recovered DNA sequences from gelatinous and crustaceous plankton groups that have not previously been detected in the little penguin diet using other diet analysis methods. Gelatinous plankton, including salps, appendicularians, scyphozoans, and hydrozoans were present in 76% of samples and represented 25% of all sequences. DNA recovered from minute copepods and appendicularians may indicate links between trophic levels through secondary predation. Percentage frequency of occurrence (%FOO) demonstrated that little penguin diet composition changed over months and stages (incubation, guard, and post-guard) of the breeding season (month: χ2 = 201.91, df = NA, p < 0.01; stage: χ2 = 33.221, df = NA, p = 0.015). Relative read abundance (RRA) uncovered variations in the relative abundance of taxa in the diet over months and stages (month: F = 53.18, df = 59, p < 0.001; stage: F = 66.56, df = 29, p < 0.001). The diet became progressively fish-focused over months of the season and stages, while salps were only present in 4 out of 6 months, with a peak in September. Based on their prevalence in this dataset, in this year of very high breeding success (2.15 chicks per pair), salps may constitute a food source for this largely piscivorous generalist. Our work highlights how DNA metabarcoding can improve our understanding of the trophic role of gelatinous plankton and other cryptic taxa
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