85 research outputs found

    Radiation transparent mirrors for RICH

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    Basic Considerations on the Overlap Detectors of the ATLAS ALFA system

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    We discuss the motivation and possible implementation of Overlap Detectors for the relative alignment of the two halves of the ATLAS Roman Pot detectors. We propose a system design and a set of prototype detectors for a proof of principle in a test beam experiment


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    O presente artigo aborda a violĂȘncia, especialmente contra crianças e jovens, no romance-reportagem InfĂąncia dos Mortos (1977), de JosĂ© Louzeiro, jornalista e romancista censurado durante a ditadura militar brasileira do sĂ©culo XX. Em busca de debater a relação entre a conjuntura polĂ­tica e o carĂĄter denunciativo da narrativa, estabelecemos diĂĄlogos com a crĂ­tica Ă  obra de Louzeiro e com a pesquisa histĂłrica sobre o perĂ­odo, que contam com trabalhos como os de AndrĂ© Gustavo de Paula Eduardo (2013), Elio Gaspari (2002, 2003, 2004, 2016) e Marcos Napolitano (2011). Na abordagem aos elementos da violĂȘncia na narrativa, dialogamos com pesquisas de Minayo (2009) e Michel Foucault (1984, 1987), para estudar as relaçÔes entre a violĂȘncia, as estruturas de poder e seu modus operandi. O estudo se justifica pela necessidade de entendermos melhor a obra literĂĄria produzida durante o Regime Militar brasileiro do sĂ©culo XX, muitas vezes feita para protestar contra elementos do seu contexto histĂłrico-social

    The X-HPD: Development of a large spherical hybrid photodetector

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    The X-HPD concept is a modern implementation of the Dumand and Lake Baikal approach to large area photon detectors, primarily aimed at water based Cherenkov detectors. Our prototype detector consists of an almost spherical vacuum tube of 8-inch diameter with a semi-transparent bialkali photocathode and a LYSO scintillation crystal mounted in the centre of the tube. The scintillation light produced after the impact of a photoelectron which was accelerated to about 20-30 keV energy is detected by a small standard PMT. In addition to the attractive characteristics already established with its historic predecessors, namely high gain, large collection efficiency and immunity to the earth magnetic field, the X-HPD concept leads to very high effective Q.E. values, an extended viewing angle and marginal transit time spread.We present recent results obtained with a prototype tube built at CERN and a second full tube under preparation in collaboration with the company Photonis

    The X-HPD: Conceptual Study of a Large Spherical Hybrid Photodetector

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    We present the results of a conceptual study demonstrating the feasibility of a large spherical hybrid photodetector with central anode. A prototype tube with 208 mm diameter and an anode in form of a metallic cube has been fabricated. In the final version of the so-called X-HPD concept the anode will be a scintillator cube with plated faces and a small photodetector to read out the bottom. The bialkali photocathode covers three quarters of the sphere surface. Combined use of this cathode in transmissive and reflective mode leads to effective quantum efficiency values exceeding those obtained in conventional hemispherical PMT designs. Further features of the concept are a photoelectron collection efficiency approaching 100% and a photon amplification in the scintillator crystal leading to a distinct single photoelectron signal. Using a custom built electron accelerator based on a CsI transmissive photocathode, LSO and YAP block crystals in geometries adapted to the anode of an X-HPD have been tested with single photoelectrons in the 10-30 keV energy range. The scintillation light was read out with a conventional PMT or a Si-PM. More than 30 photoelectrons per incident electron could be detected with the PMT

    Aging of large area CsI photocathodes for the ALICE HMPID prototypes

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    The ALICE HMPID RICH detector is equipped with CsI photocathodes in a MWPC for the detection of Cherenkov photons. The long term operational experience with large area CsI photocathodes will be described. The RICH prototypes have shown a very high stability of operation and performance, at a gain of 10 \5 and with rates up to 2x10 \4 cm-2 s-1. When exposure to air has been avoided, no degradation of the CsI quantum efficiency has been observed on photocathodes periodically exposed to test-beams over 7 years, corresponding to local integrated charge densities of ~ 1 mC cm-2. The results of limited exposures to oxygen and humidity will also be presented

    High Precision Axial Coordinate Readout for an Axial 3-D PET Detector Module using a Wave Length Shifter Strip Matrix

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    We describe a novel method to extract the axial coordinate from a matrix of long axially oriented crystals, which is based on wavelength shifting plastic strips. The method allows building compact 3-D axial gamma detector modules for PET scanners with excellent 3-dimensional spatial, timing and energy resolution while keeping the number of readout channels reasonably low. A voxel resolution of about 10 mm3 is expected. We assess the performance of the method in two independent ways, using classical PMTs and G-APDs to read out the LYSO (LSO) scintillation crystals and the wavelength shifting strips. We observe yields in excess of 35 photoelectrons from the strips for a 511 keV gamma and reconstruct the axial coordinate with a precision of about 2.5 mm (FWHM)

    A threshold imaging Cerenkov detector with CsI photocathodes

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    A Threshold Imaging Cherenkov (TIC) detector, in conjunction with a tracking device and a time-of-flight system, has been developed to allow pion, kaon and proton identification in the 3--8 GeV/cc range of momenta. The system allows spatial identification of the photons of particles above the Cherenkov threshold and their correlation to a particular track. The TIC detector uses a MWPC detector with a CsI coated photocathode for photon conversion. The results obtained in ultrarelativistic lead--lead collisions at the CERN SPS accelerator are presented

    A segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics for a PET scanner

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    We describe the design, fabrication and test results of a segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics. Both the photodetector and its VLSI readout electronics are custom designed and have been tailored to the requirements of a recently proposed novel geometrical concept of a Positron Emission Tomograph. Emphasis is put on the PET specific features of the device. The detector has been fabricated in the photocathode facility at CERN
