17 research outputs found

    Estudo da função cognitiva em camundongos submetidos ao agente quimioterápico ciclofosfamida

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    Evidências clínicas sugerem que pacientes sob tratamento quimioterápico apresentam alguma forma de dano cognitivo. Isso tem sido observado principalmente em estudos com mulheres submetidas ao tratamento adjuvante do câncer de mama. Devido ao potencial impacto clínico dessa complicação, torna-se necessário um maior número de estudos a respeito dos mecanismos envolvidos na disfunção cognitiva ocasionada por agentes quimioterápicos. Nesse sentido, é fundamental o desenvolvimento de modelos animais que aprimorem o conhecimento dessa possível disfunção. Em nosso estudo, foi avaliado o efeito da ciclofosfamida, agente quimioterápico largamente utilizado em oncologia, em especial na terapia adjuvante do câncer de mama. Foi utilizado um modelo animal com camundongos machos adultos que receberam injeção sistêmica da ciclofosfamida nas doses de 8, 40 ou 200 mg/kg ou controle com solução salina. Os animais foram treinados em tarefa de esquiva inibitória e comportamento em campo aberto, sendo avaliados após um dia ou sete dias do tratamento. Os camundongos tratados com ciclofosfamida nas doses de 40 ou 200 mg/kg um dia antes do teste mostraram significativo dano de retenção de memória. Esses resultados sugerem dano cognitivo agudo. O experimento controle não afetou o comportamento em campo aberto, o que enfraquece a possibilidade de dano por ação na locomoção, na motivação ou na ansiedade. Com base em nosso estudo e ampla revisão bibliográfica, é possível considerar um dano cognitivo agudo após injeção única de ciclofosfamida em modelo de camundongos de memória aversiva. Futuros estudos são necessários para caracterizar os déficits cognitivos induzidos pela quimioterapia em modelos animais e investigar os mecanismos responsáveis pelos diferentes efeitos da ciclofosfamida na memória em diferentes modelos experimentais.Cognitive dysfunction has been reported following cytotoxic therapy, especially in patients receiving adjuvant treatment for breast cancer. Data on experimental models for the study of the mechanisms involved in cognitive dysfunction are scanty. Therefore, new animal models are needed to better understand the causes of cognitive dysfunction following cytotoxic therapy. We examined the effects of cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapeutic agent widely used in oncology, and important in adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, in an in vivo rodent model. In our experiments, male mice were given a systemic injection of cyclophosphamide (8, 40, 200 mg/kg) or saline solution as control. The animals were trained and tested 1 day and 7 days after the injection, in step-down inhibitory avoidance and open-field behavior. Mice treated with cyclophosphamide at 40 or 200 mg/kg 1 day before test showed significant impairment of 24-hour memory retention. Thus, such results suggest acute cognitive dysfunction. The control experiment did not show impairment in the open field behavior, indicating that drug effects on inhibitory avoidance could not be attributed to drug-induced alterations in locomotion, motivation, or anxiety. Based on our results and literature review, we were able to confirm the occurrence of an acute impairment of cognitive function with a single dose of cyclophosphamide in a mice model of aversive conditioning. Further studies are required to further characterize cognitive deficits induced by cancer chemotherapy in animal models

    Angiosarcoma in previously irradiated breast in patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. A case report

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    CONTEXT: Li-Fraumeni syndrome is a rare disease with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern and high penetrance that defines a 50% chance of developing cancer before the age of 30 years, including cases of breast sarcoma. Patients with this syndrome who require radiotherapy have an increased risk of developing secondary malignancies including angiosarcomas. CASE REPORT: This was a case report on a female patient with Li-Fraumeni syndrome. In October 2005, she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast and underwent sectorectomy. She then received chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy. Trastuzumab and tamoxifen were also part of the treatment. She recently sought care at our hospital, complaining of hyperemia and nodulation in the right breast, and underwent surgical resection that revealed epithelioid angiosarcoma. CONCLUSIONS: When genetic predisposition due to Li-Fraumeni syndrome is documented, the therapy should be adapted so as to minimize the risk. Thus, conservative surgical treatments should be avoided and mastectomy without radiation should be prioritized. In cases in which use of radiotherapy is justified, patients should be followed up intensively

    Extensive deep vein thrombosis as a complication of testicular cancer treated with the BEP protocol (bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin): Case report

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    Context: There are no reports in the literature of massive deep venous thrombosis (DVT) associated with cisplatin, bleomycin and etoposide (BEP) cancer treatment. Case Report: The patient was a 18-year-old adolescent with a nonseminomalous germ cell tumor of the right testicle, with the presence of pulmonary, liver, and massive retroperitoneal metastoses. Following radical orchiectomy, the patient started chemotherapy according to the BEP protocol (without routine prophylaxis for DVT). On day 4 of the first cycle, massive DVT was diagnosed, extending from both poplifeal veins up to the thoracic segment of the inferior vena cava. Thombolytic therapy with streptokinase was immediately diately started. On day 2 of the thrombolytic therapy, the patient developed acute renal failure, due to extension of the Thrombosis to the renal veins. Streptokinase was continued for six days and the outcome was remarkably favorable. Copyright © 2006, Associação Paulista de Medicina