3,017 research outputs found

    Gamma-Ray Attenuation to Evaluate Soil Porosity: An Analysis of Methods

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    Soil porosity (ϕ) is of a great deal for environmental studies due to the fact that water infiltrates and suffers redistribution in the soil pore space. Many physical and biochemical processes related to environmental quality occur in the soil porous system. Representative determinations of ϕ are necessary due to the importance of this physical property in several fields of natural sciences. In the current work, two methods to evaluate ϕ were analyzed by means of gamma-ray attenuation technique. The first method uses the soil attenuation approach through dry soil and saturated samples, whereas the second one utilizes the same approach but taking into account dry soil samples to assess soil bulk density and soil particle density to determine ϕ. The results obtained point out a good correlation between both methods. However, when ϕ is obtained through soil water content at saturation and a 4 mm collimator is used to collimate the gamma-ray beam the first method also shows good correlations with the traditional one

    Performance of Reference Evapotranspiration Estimation Methods at the Southern Paraná, Brazil

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    Knowing the atmospheric potential demand (ETo) implies in quantifying the ability of vegetated surfaces in absorbing water from the soil aiming at irrigation scheduling, crop yield prediction and water balance studies at a given site. Such information is extremely useful even under non-irrigated systems, for it makes possible to adjust sowing date within the crop growing season as a function of the local soil water availability, conditioning therefore a better reclamation of rainfall regime. Crop yield is significantly affected by the atmospheric conditions in order to galvanize researchers to scrutinize the regime of physical environment variables which directly interfere into the consumption of natural resources of crops in production fields. The aim of the current work was to investigate which of the atmospheric evaporative demand estimation methods are more suitable to depict physical reality of the water loss process in order to maximize crop yield and optimize irrigation scheduling under the climatic conditions of Southern Paraná, Brazil. The following methods were tested at two distinct sites of the studied region concerning its performance, taking into account the Penman-Monteith (FAO-56) approach as a standard reference for comparison purposes: simplified Penman, modified Bowen, Hargreaves-Samani, Camargo, and Linacre. The meteorological elements used for the calculation of ETo were monitored by an automatic weather station from Campbell Scientific Inc. throughout the years of 2008 through 2013. We concluded that empirical methods showed an unsatisfactory performance, whereas those methods that took into consideration net radiation as an input variable performed better, being the latter hence to be considered for agricultural planning and also for agrometeorological studies aiming at sustainability of the regional agriculture. The simplified Penman and modified Bowen methods were more accurate for estimating ETo in order to provide irrigation scheduling and indicate local soil water status at the region in study, because dismiss information on wind regimes that govern evapotranspiration rates

    Performance of Different Models for Estimating the Global Solar Radiation in Brazil

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    Global solar irradiance (Qg) is an important variable of the physical environment that has been constantly used in agrometeorological models, either for climatic characterization or to give support to radiometric studies developed for irrigation planning and crop weather modeling approaches. The current study aimed to compare measured daily values of Qg with estimates of this variable by means of four different methods. For that throughout the period comprised between March 28th of 2008 and August 8th of 2011 at Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil, a simple linear regression study confronting radiometric data measured by a pyranometer and estimates of Qg was proposed herein. Global transmittance was conditioned by atmospheric cloudiness. The models based on mean global transmittance in daily basis performed more satisfactorily and generated values of Qg with accuracy and exactness at the site in study, as confirmed by the statistical parameters employed to validate the USAge of models proposed by Angström-Prescott. However, the performance of the methodologies based on the determination of mean global transmittance under extreme atmospheric conditions, showed the highest Willmott coefficients, which was to be close to 1, reflecting then precision and reliability for the calculated values of Qg, when compared to observed values monitored at an automatic weather station

    Photon-number-resolving segmented avalanche-photodiode detectors

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    We investigate the feasibility and performance of photon-number-resolved photodetection employing avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with low dark counts. The main idea is to split n photons over m modes such that every mode has no more than one photon, which is detected alongside propagation by an APD. We characterize performance by evaluating the purities of positive-operator-valued measurements (POVMs), in terms of APD number and photon loss.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted for publicatio


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    An experimental set-up of the hot wire method is presented. The present design allows the measurement of the temperatures at two different points on the heating wire with an acquisition system that performs measurements at a frequency of 1kHz with a 12 bit numerical converter. An analytical solution for the direct model for the time dependent problem of heat transfer is employed. It is based on the quadrupole method which basically consists in a transfer matrix approach which is possible through the use of Laplace transforms. It extends the electrical analogy of heat transfer problems using the notion of impedance, and allows to take into account the thermal behavior of the wire, as well as contact resistance and heat loss effects in a very simple straightforward way. In the identification process carried on the temperature experimental data relies on a sampling of the data that is logarithmically spaced in time. The initial guesses for the thermal conductivity values are obtained applying the well known and ideal model of the linear temperature evolution versus the logarithm of the time. These values are used to start up the algorithms that are applied in the minimization of the cost functional of the squared residues between measured and calculated temperatures. The precision of the estimates is assessed with the calculated confidence bounds obtained by the variance-covariance matrix at the converged solution

    Weak-lensing calibration of a stellar mass-based mass proxy for redMaPPer and Voronoi Tessellation clusters in SDSS Stripe 82

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    We present the first weak lensing calibration of μ⋆\mu_{\star}, a new galaxy cluster mass proxy corresponding to the total stellar mass of red and blue members, in two cluster samples selected from the SDSS Stripe 82 data: 230 redMaPPer clusters at redshift 0.1≤z<0.330.1\leq z<0.33 and 136 Voronoi Tessellation (VT) clusters at 0.1≤z<0.60.1 \leq z < 0.6. We use the CS82 shear catalog and stack the clusters in μ⋆\mu_{\star} bins to measure a mass-observable power law relation. For redMaPPer clusters we obtain M0=(1.77±0.36)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (1.77 \pm 0.36) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=1.74±0.62\alpha = 1.74 \pm 0.62. For VT clusters, we find M0=(4.31±0.89)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (4.31 \pm 0.89) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=0.59±0.54\alpha = 0.59 \pm 0.54 and M0=(3.67±0.56)×1014h−1M⊙M_0 = (3.67 \pm 0.56) \times 10^{14}h^{-1} M_{\odot}, α=0.68±0.49\alpha = 0.68 \pm 0.49 for a low and a high redshift bin, respectively. Our results are consistent, internally and with the literature, indicating that our method can be applied to any cluster finding algorithm. In particular, we recommend that μ⋆\mu_{\star} be used as the mass proxy for VT clusters. Catalogs including μ⋆\mu_{\star} measurements will enable its use in studies of galaxy evolution in clusters and cluster cosmology.Comment: Updated to be consistent with the published versio

    Solvation effects on halides core spectra with Multilevel Real-Time quantum embedding

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    In this work we introduce a novel subsystem-based electronic structure embedding method that combines the projection-based block-orthogonalized Manby-Miller embedding (BOMME) with the density-based Frozen Density Embedding (FDE) methods. Our approach is effective for systems in which the building blocks interact at varying strengths while still maintaining a lower computational cost compared to a quantum simulation of the entire system. To evaluate the performance of our method, we assess its ability to reproduce the X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of chloride and fluoride anions in aqueous solutions (based on a 50-water droplet model) via real-time time-dependent density functional theory (rt-TDDFT) calculations. We employ an ensemble approach to compute XAS for the K- and L-edges, utilizing multiple snapshots of configuration space obtained from classical molecular dynamics simulations with a polarizable force field. Configurational averaging influences both the broadening of spectral features and their intensities, with contributions to the final intensities originating from different geometry configurations. We found that embedding models that are too approximate for halide-water specific interactions, as in the case of FDE, fail to reproduce the experimental spectrum for chloride. Meanwhile, BOMME tends to overestimate intensities, particularly for higher energy features because of finite-size effects. Combining FDE for the second solvation shell and retaining BOMME for the first solvation shell mitigates this effect, resulting in an overall improved agreement within the energy range of the experimental spectrum. Additionally, we compute the transition densities of the relevant transitions, confirming that these transitions occur within the halide systems. Thus, our real-time QM/QM/QM embedding method proves to be a promising approach for modeling XAS of solvated systems

    Water regimes and bean cultivar effects on the soil porous system characteristics

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    Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a crop of great economic and social impacts in Brazil. This crop is extremely appreciated by the Brazilian population and an important source of protein. Usually the small farmers are responsible by the largest production of the bean in Brazil. This work deals with the analysis of the effect of different water regimes (35, 28, 21 and 14%) on the porous system of a soil cropped with two distinct cultivars (Campos Gerais and Tuiui&uacute;). Soil water retention curve (SWRC) and its derivative were utilized with the aim of investigating the changes in the porous system. Pore size distribution was also evaluated. The experiment was carried out at a greenhouse and the soil water content for the different water regimes was monitored by means of a TDR. Four undisturbed samples were collected from each wooden bed (eight) for the physic-hydrical characterization. Discrepancies in the SWRC were noticed for the region of small pressure heads. Differences were not observed between bean cultivars to SWRC. However, the water capacity function was sensitive to show differences in the soil porous system due to the treatments and cultivars. The lowest water regimes promoted the highest volume of fissures (big pores &gt;250 &micro;m) and, consequently, the highest ones had the largest volume of storage pores (&lt;25 &micro;m)

    Reparação de taipa com caldas à base de terra e cal hidraúlica

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    Este artigo apresenta um programa experimental dedicado à avaliação do desempenho de uma calda de terra e de uma calda comercial, à base de cal hidráulica, na reparação de fendas em paredes de taipa. Foram executados ensaios de compressão diagonal em muretes de taipa, que foram reensaiados após reparação com a injeção das caldas. As caldas apresentaram uma eficiência de reparação semelhante.This paper presents an experimental program on the assessment of the performance of a mud grout and of a commercial hydraulic lime grout in the repair of cracks in rammed earth walls. Diagonal compression tests were conducted on rammed earth wallets, which were retested after repairing with the injection of the grouts. The grouts presented similar repair efficiency.Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos do FEDER através do Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade - COMPETE e por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT no âmbito do projeto POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633, POCI-01-0145FEDER-016737 (PTDC/ECM-EST/2777/2014) e da bolsa de pós-doutoramento SFRH/BPD/97082/2013. Os autores agradecem o financiamento concedido

    Using coarse-grained molecular dynamics to understand the effect of ionic liquids on the aggregation of Pluronic copolymer solutions

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    This study is aimed to enhance the understanding of the interaction between ionic liquids (ILs) and non-ionic Pluronic triblock copolymers in aqueous two-phase micellar systems (ATPMS) used for the selective separation/purification of hydrophobic biomolecules. The ILs allow a precise control of the cloud point phase separation temperature (CPT), particularly important when the stability of the molecule is highly dependent on temperature. The effect of choline-based ILs, with two different counter-anions, chloride and hexanoate, was evaluated using molecular dynamics simulations (MD) for F-68 and L-35 Pluronic aqueous solutions. The simulations revealed the role played by the anions during the Pluronic self-assembly, with choline chloride hindering Pluronic aggregation and the choline hexanoate favouring micelle formation and coalescence, in agreement with the experimental data. A detailed study of the accessible surface area of Pluronic showed a progressive dehydration of the Pluronic hydrophilic micelle corona in choline hexanoate mixtures promoting inter-micelle interactions and, consequently, micelle coalescence. With the addition of choline hexanoate, it was observed that the hydrophilic segments, which form the micelle corona, twisted towards the Pluronic micelle core. The electrostatic interaction is also shown to play a key role in this IL–Pluronic aqueous solution, as the hexanoate anions are accommodated in the Pluronic micelle core, while the choline cations are hosted by the Pluronic micelle corona, with the ions interacting with each other during the self-assembly process. In addition, a comparison study of F-68 and L-35 aqueous solutions shows that the IL impact depends on the length of the Pluronic hydrophilic segment. This work provides a realistic microscopic scenario of the complex interactions between Pluronic copolymers and ILs.This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and when appropriate co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. The authors acknowledge the research contract under the project CENTRO-01-0145- FEDER-000005: SusPhotoSolutions: Soluções Fotovoltaicas Sustentáveis. G. Pérez-Sánchez and N. Schaeffer acknowledge the national funds (OE), through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P., in the scope of the framework contract foreseen in the numbers 4, 5 and 6 of the article 23, of the Decree-Law 57/2016, of August 29th, changed by Law 57/2017, of July 19th. A. M. Lopes acknowledges the support from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP/Brazil, processes #2017/10789-1 and #2018/10799-0). J. F. B. Pereira also acknowledges FAPESP through the project 2014/16424-7.publishe
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