359 research outputs found

    Covering complete partite hypergraphs by monochromatic components

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    A well-known special case of a conjecture attributed to Ryser states that k-partite intersecting hypergraphs have transversals of at most k-1 vertices. An equivalent form was formulated by Gy\'arf\'as: if the edges of a complete graph K are colored with k colors then the vertex set of K can be covered by at most k-1 sets, each connected in some color. It turned out that the analogue of the conjecture for hypergraphs can be answered: Z. Kir\'aly proved that in every k-coloring of the edges of the r-uniform complete hypergraph K^r (r >= 3), the vertex set of K^r can be covered by at most k/r\lceil k/r \rceil sets, each connected in some color. Here we investigate the analogue problem for complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs. An edge coloring of a hypergraph is called spanning if every vertex is incident to edges of any color used in the coloring. We propose the following analogue of Ryser conjecture. In every spanning (r+t)-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most t+1 sets, each connected in some color. Our main result is that the conjecture is true for 1 <= t <= r-1. We also prove a slightly weaker result for t >= r, namely that t+2 sets, each connected in some color, are enough to cover the vertex set. To build a bridge between complete r-uniform and complete r-uniform r-partite hypergraphs, we introduce a new notion. A hypergraph is complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite if it has all r-sets that intersect each partite class in at most l vertices. Extending our results achieved for l=1, we prove that for any r >= 3, 2 <= l = 1+r-l, in every spanning k-coloring of the edges of a complete r-uniform (r,l)-partite hypergraph, the vertex set can be covered by at most 1+\lfloor \frac{k-r+\ell-1}{\ell}\rfloor sets, each connected in some color.Comment: 14 page

    Megtakarítás és adózás egy önkéntes nyugdíjrendszerben – ágensalapú modellezés

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    Az önkéntes nyugdíjrendszer működésének modellezésekor egy korábbi tanulmány (Simonovits [2009]) már rámutatott arra, hogy – figyelembe véve a támogatások adóvonzatát – e rendszer gyakran csak egyszerűen a kis keresetű és rövidlátó dolgozók adóját szivattyúzza át a nagy keresetű és előrelátó dolgozókhoz. A főáram kívánalmai szerint a megtakarításokat a különböző mértékben leszámítoló egyének életpálya-­hasznosság maximalizálásából vezette le, és a technikai akadályok miatt eltekintett a több évtizedes megtakarítási folyamat idején lehetséges változásoktól. Ebben a cikkben egyszerűbb viselkedési szabályokat feltételezünk, cserében képesek vagyunk a dinamikus vizsgálatokra. Először megelégszünk a globális tanulással, ekkor analitikus eredményeket tudunk bizonyítani. Ha a lokális tanulást is vizsgálni kívánjuk, akkor ágensalapú modellezést kell használnunk, s le kell mondanunk az analitikus eredményekről. Összességében a lokális tanulás tovább javítja a globális tanulást.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: H55, D91

    Saving and taxation in a voluntary pension system

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    A jegyzet célja, hogy a hallgatókat megismertesse az operációkutatás néhány alapgondolatával és fontosabb algoritmusaival. A jegyzet első része áttekinti a hálózati optimalizálás főbb kérdéseit. Megismerkedünk a legfontosabb megoldó algoritmusokkal, így a magyar módszerrel és a Ford–Fulkerson-algoritmussal. A második részben áttekintjük az n-dimenziós konvex poliéderek és kúpok főbb tulajdonságait, majd ismertetjük a Farkas-lemmát és a dualitástételt, valamint a szimplex algoritmust. A teljesen unimoduláris mátrixok segítségével visszakanyarodunk a hálózati optimalizáláshoz és megmutatjuk, hogy az ottani alaptételek miként adódnak a dualitástételből. A további részekben bevezetésre kerülnek az egészértékű programozás és a konvex optimalizálás alapfogalmai

    Mortgages denominated in domestic and foreign currencies : simple models

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    fter the short temporary popularity of FX denominated loans, during the Gr eat Financial and Economic Recession (2007 – 2013), the burden of these loans has become unaffordable for a lot of borrowers. We have designed a family of simple models to compare the cash flows of installments and the paths of outstanding debts denominated in domestic and foreign currencies, respectively. Having these models, we are able to draw several conclusions relevant to the recent debates about the foreign currency denominated loans. Our study demonstrates the key role played by the uncovered interest rate parity in comparisons. Moreover, we give a closed - form solution for the trade - off between the depreciation and the unilateral interest rate increases by the banks. In a simple model, we determine the optimal size for domestic and foreign currency den ominated loans, respectivel

    How many matchings cover the nodes of a graph?

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    Given an undirected graph, are there kk matchings whose union covers all of its nodes, that is, a matching-kk-cover? A first, easy polynomial solution from matroid union is possible, as already observed by Wang, Song and Yuan (Mathematical Programming, 2014). However, it was not satisfactory neither from the algorithmic viewpoint nor for proving graphic theorems, since the corresponding matroid ignores the edges of the graph. We prove here, simply and algorithmically: all nodes of a graph can be covered with k2k\ge 2 matchings if and only if for every stable set SS we have SkN(S)|S|\le k\cdot|N(S)|. When k=1k=1, an exception occurs: this condition is not enough to guarantee the existence of a matching-11-cover, that is, the existence of a perfect matching, in this case Tutte's famous matching theorem (J. London Math. Soc., 1947) provides the right `good' characterization. The condition above then guarantees only that a perfect 22-matching exists, as known from another theorem of Tutte (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1953). Some results are then deduced as consequences with surprisingly simple proofs, using only the level of difficulty of bipartite matchings. We give some generalizations, as well as a solution for minimization if the edge-weights are non-negative, while the edge-cardinality maximization of matching-22-covers turns out to be already NP-hard. We have arrived at this problem as the line graph special case of a model arising for manufacturing integrated circuits with the technology called `Directed Self Assembly'.Comment: 10 page