1,315 research outputs found

    Budapest Bridges Benchmarking

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    This paper is concerned with the comparison of different scaling methods which are applied to a complex bridge evaluation problem. It is shown that both tangible and intangible data and satisfaction of multiple criteria are essential to the success of such projects. Some new inconsistency measures for the matrices emerging in the decision making process are also used. A detailed numerical analysis of the results is presented.

    Comparison of Employers’ and Student’s Ratings of Importance of Expected Technical Skills

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    Based on literature review and surveys conducted by the Faculty of Economics of Budapest Tech the importance ratings of the technical skills of American and Hungarian business students expected on entering employment are developed. The importance ratings of these technical skills are assessed by American and Hungarian employers also. The study compares the magnitudes of the importance of the single attributes and their priority rankings. Based on a comprehensive statistical analysis the major findings are also given.

    Data security in theory and practice Possibile security holes

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    There are no enterprises which would not use computers to fulfill their administrative tasks. Computers became part of everyday administration, or, better to say: they became part of everyday life. This is why our age is called 'information age'. Both the amount of digital data and our dependency from these data has been growing intensively so digital data is high-valued as resource. Data owners and/or managers must, or at least ought to, protect their data from stealing or tampering with. Luckily standard communication protocols and methods have been developed for this purpose, they only ought to be used. If not, that will result in a high level of risk. We, at Óbuda University, have been using a computer based system called Neptun for about ten years to manage the scholar records of the students. In this paper I show some possible motivations and technical solutions why and how one could gain unauthorized access to such a system.

    Extended measurement of an information system's performance

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    TUsing Neptun as our scholar information system our everyday experience is that it has some annoying problems even today. Some of them are ergonomic, some of them are technical, others have theoretical roots. Perhaps the most annoying of these problems is that that it is usually too slow. This slowness can be very disappointing especially at the beginning of the examination term and at the registration period. In this paper I describe the circumstances of a measurement which shows that much better performance can be reached based on a good data model even in a poorer working environment and even in case of more serious demands.database efficiency, scholar information system

    Thermal, chemical and spectral equilibration in heavy-ion collisions

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    We have considered the equilibration in a relativistic heavy ion collision using our transport model. We applied periodic boundary conditions to close the system in a box. We found that the thermal equilibration takes place in the first 20-40 fm/c which time is comparable to the duration of a heavy ion collision. The chemical equilibration is a much slower process and the system does not equilibrate in a heavy ion collision. We have also shown that the mass spectra of broad resonances immediately follows their in-medium spectral functions.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    The Use of the AHP in Civil Engineering Projects

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    Most engineering, economic, social and institutional decisions are made with explicit notions of optimal behavior and implicit human motivations. In such a process, manipulation of both tangible and intangible data and satisfaction of multiple criteria are essential to the success of decision-making. In this paper an approach to multiple-criteria decision making known as the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is presented. Some mathematical details of the procedure are briefly discussed. The application of the method to a real life civil engineering project for the selection of an appropriate bridge design is also presented.multi-criteria decision making, analytic hierarchy process, bridge design

    Új mĂłdszerek az adattömörĂ­tĂ©sben = New methods in data compression

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    UniverzĂĄlis, kis kĂ©sleltetĂ©sƱ kĂłdokat terveztĂŒnk individuĂĄlis sorozatok vesztesĂ©ges tömörĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re, melyek ugyanolyan jĂł teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyt nyĂșjtanak, mint a sorozathoz illesztett legjobb idƑben vĂĄltozĂł kĂłd egy referenciaosztĂĄlybĂłl, mely az alkalmazott kĂłdolĂĄsi eljĂĄrĂĄst idƑrƑl idƑre vĂĄltoztathatja. HatĂ©kony, kis komplexitĂĄsĂș implementĂĄciĂłt kĂ©szĂ­tettĂŒnk arra az esetre, amikor az alap-referenciaosztĂĄly a hagyomĂĄnyos vagy bizonyos hĂĄlĂłzati skalĂĄrkvantĂĄlĂłk osztĂĄlya. Új ĂștvonalvĂĄlasztĂĄsi mĂłdszereket dolgoztunk ki kommunikĂĄciĂłs hĂĄlĂłzatokra, melyek aszimptotikusan ugyanolyan jĂł QoS (csomagvesztĂ©si arĂĄny, kĂ©sleltetĂ©s) eredmĂ©nyt adnak, mint a vĂĄltozĂł hĂĄlĂłzati környezethez (utĂłlag) illesztett legjobb Ășt. KiemelendƑ, hogy a mĂłdszer teljesĂ­tmĂ©nye Ă©s komplexitĂĄsa idƑben optimĂĄlis konvergenciasebessĂ©g mellett a hĂĄlĂłzat mĂ©retĂ©vel (Ă©s nem az utak szĂĄmĂĄval) skĂĄlĂĄzik. KĂ­sĂ©rletek szerint az elterjedt standard bĂĄjt-alapĂș tömörĂ­tƑ algoritmusok rosszul teljesĂ­tenek, ha a forrĂĄs nem bĂĄjt-alapĂș, ugyanakkor a bit-alapĂș mĂłdszerek jĂłl mƱködnek bĂĄjt-alapĂș forrĂĄsokra is (tovĂĄbbĂĄ komplexitĂĄsuk - az alkalmazott kisebb ĂĄbĂ©cĂ© miatt - gyakran lĂ©nyegesen kisebb). Ezt a megfigyelĂ©st elmĂ©letileg is igazoltuk, megvizsgĂĄlva, hogy hogyan közelĂ­thetƑek blokk-Markov-forrĂĄsok magasabb rendƱ szimbĂłlum-alapĂș Markov-modellek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel. Megoldottuk a lĂĄdapakolĂĄsi problĂ©ma egy szekvenciĂĄlis, on-line vĂĄltozatĂĄt, mely alkalmazhatĂł bizonyos, kevĂ©s erƑforrĂĄssal rendelkezƑ szenzorok hatĂ©kony adĂĄsĂŒtemezĂ©sĂ©re. | We designed limited-delay data compression methods that perform asymptotically as well as the best time-varying code from a reference family (matched to the source sequence in hindsight) that can change the employed base code several times. We provided efficient, low-complexity solutions for the cases when the base reference class is the set of traditional or certain network scalar quantizers. We developed routing algorithms for communication networks that can provide asymptotically as good QoS parameters (such as packet loss ratio or delay) as the best fixed path in the network matched to the varying conditions in hindsight. The performance and complexity of the developed methods scale with the size of the network (instead of with the number of paths) even when the rate of convergence (in time) is optimal. Experiments indicate that data for which bytes are not the natural choice of symbols compress poorly using standard byte-based implementations of lossless data compression algorithms, while algorithms working on a bit level perform reasonably on byte-based data (in addition to having computational advantages resulting from operating on a small alphabet). We explained this phenomenon by analyzing how block Markov sources can be approximated with symbol-based higher order Markov sources. We provided a solution to a sequential on-line version of the bin packing problem, which can be applied to schedule transmissions for certain sensors with limited resources
