98 research outputs found

    Egyenlőtlenségek a méhnyakszűrésben

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    Absztrakt A citológiai vizsgálatra alapozott méhnyakszűrés – elméletileg – alkalmas korán felismerni és kezelésre juttatni a méhnyak rákmegelőző állapotait és rákját, ezáltal javítani az életminőséget és mérsékelni a célbetegségből eredő halálozást. Ez a lehetőség gyakran kihasználatlan marad, mert egyenlőtlenségek mutatkoznak mind a szűrés „kínálati”, mind a „keresleti” oldalán. Az egyenlőtlenségek – az ország geopolitikai helyzetén túlmenően – adódhatnak az egészségügyi ellátórendszer különbözőségeiből, a szűrés mint szolgáltatás elérhetőségéből. Másfelől, a felkínált szűrés elfogadására befolyással van a célnépesség társadalmi-gazdasági helyzete, egészségtudatossága és tájékozottsága a szűrővizsgálat mibenlétéről, hasznáról és a lehetséges károkozásról. A szolgáltatóknak szorgalmazni kell a felajánlott szűrővizsgálat mind teljesebb elfogadását. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(24), 955–963

    National cancer screening programme in Hungary

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    In order to improve the extremely poor health status of the Hungarian population, a National Public Health Programme has been established. In its framework, a nation-wide organized screening program has been developed for earlier detection of breast, cervical and colorectal cancers. The programme development, management structure, the information and financing system and quality assurance is described. Special attention is given to the obstacles in the way of effective screening activities

    Polymer insulation of ultramicro carbon fiber electrodes for electrophysiological, electrochemical and biosensor applications

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    There is an obvious need for electrodes with extremely small electroactive areas and structural dimensions that offer great promise for electrochemical microscopy used for neuronal analysis in ultrasmall environments. In the present study we have developed ultramicro carbon fiber (CF) electrodes with combined thin layers of poly(oxyphenylene) and epoxy resin coatings for electrical insulation. The thickness of the borosilicate glass housing and insulating layer of our standard CF microelectrodes is about 1 |im and the carbon tip protrudes by about 20 |im from the glass assembly. Functionalization requires longer sections of the exposed, uninsulated carbon fiber where submicron tips are shaped and chemical modifications are made. Electrodeposition of poly(oxyphenylene) was carried out using anodic currents at 2V against an Ag/AgCI half-cell. After finishing the polymerization at 150°C for 2 hours, electrical impedances of the electrodes were 17.1 ±2.8MQ (mean ± SD, n= 22). An additional epoxy coating was formed by dipping the CF electrodes in diluted epoxy resins followed by dipping in a mixture of diluted curing agents. The epoxy layer significantly increased the effectiveness of the insulation as the impedance for each of the 38 prepared CF electrodes was higher than the upper range limit (200 MQ) of our impedance meter. The thickness of the combined insulating layer was less than 1 |im as estimated by electron microscopic studies. Removal of the insulation from the very tip was carried out using high voltage spark or electrochemical etching. These submicron CF electrodes are suitable for extracellular spike recording, electrochemical and biosensor applications

    Nacionalni program probira raka u Mađarskoj

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    U cilju unapređenja izrazito lošeg zdravstvenog statusa mađarskog stanovništva, pokrenut je Nacionalni program javnog zdravstva u sklopu kojeg je razvijen Nacionalni program probira za ranu detekciju raka dojke, grlića maternice i debelog crijeva. Opisani su razvoj Programa i upravljačka struktura, informiranje, sustav financiranja i osiguranje kvalitete. Poseban osvrt dan je preprekama učinkovitom izvođenju aktivnosti probira

    Application of semen evaluation techniques

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    Laboratory methods of semen evaluation are used to select males for artificial insemination. The current review describes several techniques that have been recently used for sperm analysis. Conventional microscopic methods in combination with the objective computerassisted sperm motility and morphology analyzers and flow cytometry, allows to obtain more precise information about the membrane and functional status of spermatozoa. By using several methods to detect motility, viability, acrosomal and capacitation status besides DNA integrity sperm biology and some of the mechanism involved in sperm cry injury can be better understood. The number of possible targets related to sperm quality is increasing, and possible that some of them could enable sperm analysis for predicting freezability and fertility to be improved

    Seasonal variations in somereproductive parameters of Dorper Rams in Hungary

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    The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that season has an affect on semen quality and scrotal circumference of Dorper rams. The experiment was carried out with six Dorper rams aged between 15 and 18 month. Semen samples were collected with artificial vagina and volume, concentration (x 109/ml), total sperm number/ejaculate (x 109), mass motility (0–5), progressive motility (%), scrotal circumference (cm) was observed. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in concentration, total sperm number/ejaculate, scrotal circumference in different seasons. Volume was the highest in autumn (1.4±0.5 ml) and the lowest in the spring (1.3±0.4 ml). Concentration of semen was lower in spring (2.6±1.5 x 109) and summer (3.3±1.5 x 109) as compared to fall (4.1±1.1 x 109) (P<0.05). Regarding total sperm number/ejaculate (x 109), scrotal circumference (cm) all the seasons differed significantly (P<0.05), although the season had no effect on mass motility and progressive individual motility (P<0.05). In conclusion the present study showed that semen quality parameters and scrotal circumference of Dorper rams were better in autumn than in the other sea- sons
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