106 research outputs found


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    Sumber inspirasi penciptaan karya lukis ini tidak terlepas dari fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar lingkungan masyarakat dan atas dasar pengalaman estetis. Fenome perebutan Kursi “jabatan” Legislatif dalam penciptaan karya lukis ini adalah sebagai rangsang cipta atau objek penciptaan yang menginspirasi penciptaan. Kajian sumber dilakukan untuk meninjau beberapa karya yang menginspirasi dan mendahului karya-karya yang diciptakan, agar karya yang diciptakan memiliki nilai orisinalitas.Metode yang dilakukan yaitu dengan studi lapangan untuk mengumpulkan data dan fakta tentang objek penciptaan. Data dan fakta tersebut direnungkan kembali untuk menemukan perasaan terhadap objek penciptaan.Perasaan terhadap objek penciptaan merupakan tema atau subject matter penciptaan. Berdasarkan pengamatan serta perenungan yang dilakukan ditemukan perasaan sedih, kecewa dan marah. Perasaan tersebut diekspresikan melaui media seni lukis, menampilkan spontanitas garis dan warna yang memberikan pesona ekspresi dan emosional. Meskipun bentuk-bentuk yang menginspirasi bersumber dari realitas objektif, namun bentuk-bentuk tersebut diciptakan kembali untuk memperoleh bentuk-bentuk yang kuat sebagai perwakilan dari perasaan subjektif.The sources of inspiration for this painting are phenomena happened in society and aesthetic experience. In this painting, the phenomenon of struggle of legislative position is the inspiration of this painting. The study of these sources is done in order to review several paintings that inspire and precede created paintings so these paintings have the value of originality. Method used is field study to collect data and facts about the object of creation. These data and facts are rethought in order to find feelings toward the object of creation. These feelings are the theme or subject matter of creation. Based on observation and contemplation conducted, feelings found are sad, disappointed, and angry. These feelings are expressed through painting by displaying line and color spontaneities that give expressive and emotional enchantments. Even though inspiring formats come from objective reality, these formats are recreated in order to get strong formats as the representative of subjective feeling

    Paradigma Fikih Dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    The Paradigm of Islamic Law in Islamic Education. Islamic education plays a significant role in creating excellent human being that has a good character, ability to survive, and active actor in influencing his community against various problems among them. Hence, in obtaining excellent result it needs reorientation of teachinglearning purpose and modified method for all teachers and learners in other side. Fiqh, as an Islamic law product has been known since apostolate of Muhammad saw and his followers on and on. Fiqh as a scientific material has grown up and appeared with very much principles and characters inherent in its form. The implementing and characteristic of the Islamic law are expected to add Islamic studies insight and improve educator’s spirit in teaching Islamic studies for their students. Paradigma Fikih dalam Pendidikan Islam. Pendidikan Islam berperan penting dalam menciptakan manusia unggul yang memiliki karakter yang baik, berkemampuan untuk bertahan hidup, dan berperan aktif dalam memengaruhi masyarakat melawan berbagai masalah di antara mereka. Karena itu, dalam memperoleh hasil yang sangat baik perlu reorientasi tujuan belajar-mengajar dan metode modifikasi untuk semua guru dan peserta didik. Fiqh, sebagai produk hukum Islam telah dikenal sejak kerasulan Muhammad saw dan para pengikutnya secara terus-menerus. Fikih sebagai bahan ilmiah tumbuh dan muncul dengan sangat prinsip dan berkarakter yang melekat dalamnya bentuknya. Pelaksana dan karakteristik fikih diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan studi Islam dan meningkatkan semangat pendidik dalam mengajar studi Islam bagi siswa mereka

    Kajian Atas Otonomi Kelembagaan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (Studi Kasus Atas Wacana Pemisahan Wewenang antara Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dengan Kementerian Keuangan)

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    The research is based upon the fact that in recent years the target of taxes does not meet the target, responded by various recommendations from related parties and supported by the growing trend in many countries that the tax authority is being transformed to be more autonomous. The purpose of this study is to describe the institutional design that is right for the DGT for the realization of a good internal control system within the body of the Ministry of Finance. Internal Controlling System in the Ministry of Finance is the main focus of the research that is seen from perspective of system of organization, system of authorities and recording procedures, healthiness of the work performance, and the employee performance towards their given authorities; and restructuration of DGT that is seen from the aspect of its design of position, design of suprastructure, design of lateral relations and design of decision making system. Conclusion of the research is that transforming DGT into Lembaga Pemerintah Non-Kementerian (Government Institution Non-Ministry) under the name of Badan Penerimaan Perpajakan (the Body of Taxation Recipient), which directly be controlled by and responsible to the president through coordination of Finance Minister

    Pemberdayaan Qawâ`id Fiqhiyyah Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah-masalah Fikih Siyasah Modern

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang kedudukan qawâ`id fiqhiyyah dalam istinbat hukum Islam yang dapat dijadikan sebagai dalil hukum yang mandiri, perbedaannya dengan ushÝl al-fiqh dan fiqh, dan keistimewaannya. Walaupun qawâ`id fiqhiyyah terbentuk secara induktif dari masalah-masalah fiqh, namun daya jangkaunya sangat luas yang bisa mencakup masalah-masalah kini dan akan datang yang belum diatur secara rinci dalam Alquran dan hadis. Khusus dalam bidang fikih siyasah, beberapa masalah terkait bidang politik hukum dan kewenangan pemerintah yang selalu menjadi perdebatan, ternyata bisa diselesaikan dengan mudah melalui penggunaan kaedah-kaedah fikih yang dibuat oleh para ulama terdahulu


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh deskripsi tentang peran pesantren dalam membentuk karakter humanis dan religius santri di pondok pesantren Darul Arqom Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini menggunaan jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipan, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemilihan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah informan sebanyak sepuluh orang.  Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengasuh, pengurus, pembina, dan santri pondok pesantren. Hasil data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori peran Biddle & Thomas. Teknik pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima peran yang telah dilakukan pondok pesantren dalam membentuk karakter humanis dan religius santri di pondok pesantren Darul Arqom Surabaya, yaitu melalui pemberian pendidikan akhlak, moral dan etika pada santri, memberikan fasilitas kepada santri untuk belajar, memberikan pembinaan dan pendampingan kepada santri, melibatkan santri dalam kegiatan bersama masyarakat, dan mendukung kegiatan insidental yang dapat mendorong pembentukan karakter santri. Kata Kunci: Peran, Pondok Pesantren, Karakter Humanis dan Religius

    Sanksi Bagi Pemberi Dan Penerima Gratifikasi Perspektif Hukum Pidana Islam

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    Abstract: “Sanctions for Givers and Recipients of Gratification Based on Islamic Criminal Law.” In various Hadith literature, the status of gratification perpetrator has not been fully explained. This can be seen from differences among scholars whether it is included into bribery or a halal gift. On the other hand the status of bribes and giving prizes is clear enough, unlike the status of gratification which still in debate among scholars. Similarly, sanctions for the perpetrators of gratification are not mentioned explicitly. The sanctions are more dominated by moral aspect that still needs further interpretation. The results of this study conclude that gratification in the sense of giving prizes in the form of money, bonuses or other services that are lawful to officers or officials is essentially legal as long as there is no agreement in the beginning, not excessive, and not given in advance (before the affairs are completed). However, the sanctions for those perpetrators of gratification in the sense of giving the prizes promised at the initial term, or granted before the completion of the affairs, in Islamic criminal law those givers and the recipients may be subject to punishment or in Islam known as takzir (the form and size of the punishment shall be submitted to an official judge appointed by the legitimate government).


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    The Indonesian Government guarantees the rights and protection of children by Act 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. The law provides absolute protection for children against physical and psychological violence that they may receive, but on the other hand there is an interest in Moslem’s families to educate their children according to Islamic law (fiqh), so that there is a contradiction both of them. This research was conducted to determine the view of Islamic family and positive law on the problem of handling and protecting children and the limits of violence against children. The researchers used a comparative approach and library research method. Based on the research conducted, it is found that Islamic family and positive law go in line to provide protection for children. The differences are in the perspective of “children”, violence against children, the application of physical and psychological punishment, and actions against perpetrators of violence. In addition, there are limits to acts of both physical and psychological violence as a preventive and repressive measure against children, according to the provisions of Islamic family la

    SELAGHIAN TRADITIONAL SANCTIONS UPON A PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC LAW (Study on Serawai Community in Air Nipis District, South Bengkulu Regency)

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     This study discusses the issue of the application of selaghian customary sanctions to the Serawai people of South Bengkulu as well as examines the opinion of Islamic law on these sanctions. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive normative legal approach, to unravel the facts found in the field (field research). Based on the data collected through observation and in-depth interviews in the field, it was found that the form of selaghian that is still being practiced is selaghian sebambangan, a type of selaghian performed by a couple (male and female) with both of them secretly running away from the house with no friends, going to the house of a local traditional leader, then being told by someone else to tell the couple’s parents, to pick up the couple and marry them off. Customs impose fines that vary according to the severity of the offense committed. In terms of Islamic law, the provision of customary sanctions in the form of ta’zir punishment is legal and may be carried out as a good custom (‘urf shahih) with the aim of causing a deterrent effect for the perpetrators (zawajir)

    Analysis of Inheritance Division Based on Deeds Made Before Notary Perspective Sadd Adz-Dzari'ah (Study at Notary Office of Bengkulu City)

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    This research aims to explain: 1) How is the distribution of inheritance made by the heirs based on the deed made before the notary perspective of Sadd Adz-Dzari'ah?, 2) What is the position of the inheritance distribution deed made before the notary perspective of Sadd Adz-Dzari’ah?. This type of research is library research. Data collection techniques using the Document Method. The conclusion states that, 1) The heirs in dividing the inheritance do not use the Islamic inheritance system but are divided in a family manner using each party discussing each other looking for a way out of the inheritance problem being faced. 2) The implementation of the inheritance distribution in a family is not intended to avoid furudhul muqaddarah (the part set out in the text), but is nothing but for the benefit of all heirs and avoid kemudharatan. To prevent this kemudharatan, then made the Deed of Inheritance before the notary public. So in the perspective of sadd adz dzari'ah, the position of making the deed of distribution of legal inheritance is sunnah


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    Specific energy consumption (SEC) merupakan total energi yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk. Pada menajemen energi, (SEC) berfungsi mengidentifikasi potensi peningkatan efisiensi energi pada alat. Semakin kecil nilai (SEC) yang didapat maka semakin baik bagi alat dikarenakan semakin banyak produk yang dihasilkan dan semakin sedikit energi yang dibutuhkan. Bahan baku pada reaktor pirolisis double kondensor menggunakan 3 jenis serbuk kayu limbah biomassa (kayu akasia, jati, dan racuk). Oleh karena itu, tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menghitung nilai SEC pada reaktor pirolisis double kondensor untuk menghasilkan produk yang optimal dan menghasilkan asap cair yang memiliki karakteristik sesuai dengan ASTM D7544 dan jurnal Maulina (2018). Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa nilai SEC yang terkecil pada bahan baku serbuk kayu akasia ukuran 60 mesh sebesar 9,93 kWh/l dan karakteristik fisik asap cair pada ketiga bahan baku memiliki nlai densitas dan pH berkisar antara 1,11-1,15 dan 2,5-3,1 sesuai dengan ASTM D7544. Karakteristik kimia asap cair pada ketiga bahan baku memiliki nilai kadar asam dan kadar fenol berkisar 2,15-5,37 dan 0,97-4,56 sesuai dengan jurnal Maulina (2018)
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