10 research outputs found

    Revegetation of Tropical Peat Swamp Forest of Former Fires Using Local Tree Species in South Sumatra (Indonesia)

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    Revegetation of tropical peat swamp forests (PSF) from former fires with local tree species has strategic value for the recovery of PSF, which has been largely lost and severely degraded by logging, conversion, drainage, and repetitive fires. The PSF recovery will be followed by increased forest cover, CO2 sequestration, O2 production, and peat ecosystem biodiversity. The method of revegetation that guarantees successful planting is still very lacking and has not been widely publicized. The study aimed to analyze the growth of revegetated plants on PSF of former fires. It used a field experiment design with four types of local peat plants, namely ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), punak (Tetramerista glabra), tembesu (Fragraea fragrans), and pulai (Alstonia pneumatophora). The results of the study showed that until the age of 2 years, the survival rate of revegetated plants ranged from 92.56%–94.69%, with growth of 32.53–44.94 cm/year and diameter growth of 0.87–1.21 cm/year. The growth of revegetated plants still accelerated in observations until the age of 3 years. This study provides optimism that PSF revegetation degraded by the fires could be carried out with satisfactory results

    Identifikasi Dan Kepadatan Sampah Anorganik Di Pantai Ujong Blang Desa Ujong Blang Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe

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    The phenomenon of marine debris can cause unrest among the community because it can cause marine pollution that affects the activities of coastal communities. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the type, density and rate of increase of inorganic waste. The research location is at Ujong Blang Beach, Ujong Blang Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City on November 1-13 2021. The method used is purvosive sampling. The waste sampling technique uses a line transect method drawn from the shoreline along the 50 meters in the direction of the coastline and 10 meters towards the sea, in which there are 3 plots measuring 10x10 m2, the distance between the plots is 10 meters. The waste that is taken is waste that is on the substrate, the observed waste is macro-sized inorganic waste. The results showed that the garbage collected at Ujong Blang Beach, Ujong Blang Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City consisted of 5 types, namely plastic, metal, glass, rubber and clothing. Plastic waste has the highest density value, namely 1.59 items/m2 with a relative density value of 95.22%. The highest density value based on the mass of waste is also found in the type of plastic waste, which is 4.64 gr/m2 and a relative density of 78.64 %. The value of the highest rate of increase in waste was on Sunday with a total of 90.5 pieces of waste and a mass of 437.5 g of waste

    Model of nitrogen-phosphorus ratio and phytoplankton relationship in lake Laut Tawar, Indonesia

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    Phytoplankton blooms in the lake cause ecological, economic, health, energy, and aesthetic losses. It reduces water quality and biota diversity, creates toxins in the waters, and changes the structures and functions of the ecosystem. The essential nutrients for the growth of phytoplankton are nitrogen and phosphorus. Controlling phytoplankton growth can be managed by controlling the limiting nutrient input. This study aims to identify the limiting nutrient, analyze variations in TN:TP ratio spatially and temporally, and model TN:TP ratio and chlorophyll-a relationship. This study used secondary data from previous studies, namely TN, TP, and chlorophyll-a observed monthly in seven stations purposively during a year. Rainfall data was also obtained from the previous study. Limiting nutrients were determined by Redfield theory, and data were analyzed by Spearman correlation, One-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and regression analysis. The results showed phosphorus was a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth in Lake Laut Tawar.  TN:TP ratio and chlorophyll-a did not vary spatially, indicating the lake surface waters were evenly mixed. The parameters varied temporally, expressing the influence of hydroclimatological factors, especially rainfall. Rainfall increases nutrient input to the lake, but only rain below 200 mm/month causes an increase in the concentration of nutrients in the lake. The rainfall above 200 mm/month increases lake water volume significantly, thereby reducing nutrient concentrations. TN:TP ratio and chlorophyll-a related negatively and formed a non-linear relationship with an empirical model Chlorophyll-a = 2770.285 (TN/TP)-1.871. Eutrophication of Lake Laut Tawar should be anticipated by controlling the anthropogenic phosphorus input. Keywords: Anthropogenic Chlorophyll-a Eutrophication, Limiting nutrient Rainfal


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    Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk menemukan potensi sumber energi alternatif dari bahan-bahan yang dapat diperbarui dan ramah lingkungan akibat dari menipisnya sumber energi fosil. Salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan kemandirian energi adalah dengan menyiapkan bahan bakar alternatif potensial yang berasal dari mikroalga. Kecamatan Banda Sakti memiliki potensi sumberdaya pesisir dan lautan yang belum banyak dikaji, salah satunya adalah mikroalga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis mikroalga yang berpotensi sebagai bahan baku biodiesel di Kecamatan Banda Sakti Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober – November 2021 di Perairan Laut Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Ditemukan sebanyak 143 jenis mikroalga dan ditemukan 4 jenis mikroalga yang telah dikembangkan sebagai bahan biodiesel yaitu Cholera sp., Spirulina sp., Nitzschia sp., dan Chaetoceros sp. Jenis mikroalga yang paling melimpah yaitu Raphidonema sp., jenis ini perlu diteliti lebih lanjut untuk melihat potensi sebagai bahan baku biodiesel. Kelimpahan total mikroalga berkisar antara 350,00–561,11 ind/L. Nilai parameter kualitas perairan masih dalam kondisi baik untuk kehidupan mikroalga. Perairan laut Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe memiliki potensi mikroalga untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku biodiesel.Many studies have been carried out to find potential alternative energy sources from renewable and environmentally friendly materials due to the depletion of fossil energy sources. One of the efforts to increase energy independence is to prepare potential alternative fuels derived from microalgae. Banda Sakti District has the potential of coastal and marine resources that have not been studied much, one of which is microalgae. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of microlaga that has the potential as raw material for biodiesel in Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City. The research was carried out in October – November 2021 in the Sea Waters of Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City using purposive sampling method. Found as many as 143 types of microalgae and found 4 types of microalgae that have been developed as biodiesel material, namely Cholera sp., Spirulina sp., Nitzschia sp., and Chaetoceros sp.. The most abundant type of microalgae is Raphidonema sp., this species needs to be investigated further to see its potential as a biodiesel feedstock. The total abundance of microalgae ranged from 350.00–561.11 ind/L. The water quality parameter values ​​are still in good condition for microalgae life. The marine waters of Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City have the potential for microalgae to be developed as biodiesel feedstock


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    The waters of the western part of Aceh are located in the eastern part of the Indonesian Ocean. This area is a dynamic waters because it is part of Indonesian waters which is located between two continents and two oceans. The concentration of chlorophyll-a varies monthly basis in these waters. This study observed variability of chlorophyll-a concentration based on monsoon circulation. Analysis of chlorophyll-a concentration can be used to estimate the productivity of a waters. We found that the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the West Monsoon was higher than in the East Monsoon. In contrast, the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the East Monsoon was lower than in the West Monsoon.Perairan Aceh bagian Barat terletak di bagian Timur Samudera Indonesia. Kawasan ini merupakan perairan yang dinamis karena merupakan bagian dari perairan Indonesia yang terletak di antara dua benua dan dua samudera. Konsentrasi klorofil-a bervariasi secara bulanan di perairan ini. Penelitian ini mengamati variasi konsentrasi klorofil-a berdasarkan sirkulasi angin muson. Analisis konsentrasi klorofil-a dapat digunakan untuk membantu perkiraan produktivitas sebuah perairan. Kami menemukan bahwa konsentrasi klorofil-a di Monsun Barat lebih tinggi daripada di Monsun Timur. Sebaliknya, konsentrasi klorofil-a di Monsun Timur lebih rendah dibandingkan di Monsun Barat


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    Training on the use of GPS technology as a fishing operation tool for Aceh's millennial generation was carried out on June 21 – 27, 2021 at the Unimal Campus Reuleut, North Aceh Regency and the Indian Ocean. This training aims to educate and improve the skills of the millennial generation of Aceh Province to take advantage of the use of GPS to help detecting the presence of fish in the ocean. The training was delivered using a community development approach that included lectures and focus group discussions (FGD), as well as theory and field practice. The training was well-structured, smooth, and successful, involving the Acehnese millennial generation aged 20-25 years, with the training divided into four stages planning, preparation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. The material provided in the theory class includes knowledge and developments in the use of GPS globally, whereas the practical class involves the operation of GPS directly on the ship. The monitoring and evaluation results revealed that participants benefited greatly from using GPS catching tools in detecting the presence of fish, allowing them to increase catches and easily locate fishing grounds


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    Penggunaan bahan bakar fosil yang terus berlangsung akan meningkatkan konsentrasi karbondioksida (CO2) di atmosfer. Asidifikasi laut terjadi akibat CO2 yang berada di atmosfer berdifusi ke lautan. Lautan mampu menyerap CO2 di atmosfer sebanyak 35 % lebih yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan pH laut. Lamun Cymodocea rotundata merupakan salah satu jenis lamun yang banyak ditemukan tumbuh di perairan tropis. Keadaan ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang kemungkinan terjadinya dampak pada pertumbuhan lamun C. rotundata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan nitrat, fosfat dan kalium dan pertumbuhan lamun C. rotundata yang meliputi pertumbuhan daun, rhizoma, dan akar C. rotundata terhadap perbedaan pH. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap menggunakan tabel acak. Sebanycak 15 toples dengan ukuran diameter 20 cm dan tinggi 25 cm digunakan dengan 3 perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan 5 kali pengulangan. Hasil uji regresi linier menunjukkan pH berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi nitrat, dan berpengaruh kuat terhadap konsentrasi fosfat dan kalium. Laju pertumbuhan daun lamun C. rotundata tertinggi pada kontrol berkisar antara 0,50–1,29 mm/hari sedangkan yang terendah pada pH rendah berikisar 0,07–0,73 mm/hari. Laju pertumbuhan rizhoma lamun secara horizontal dan vertikal tertinggi pada pH rendah sedangkan yang terendah pada pH kontrol. Laju pertumbuhan akar lamun tertinggi pada pH rendah berkisar antara 0,20–0,90 mm/hari. sedangkan yang terendah pada kontrol berkisar antara 0,13–0,43 mm/hari. pH juga memengaruhi laju pertumbuhan daun, rhizoma dan akar lamun C. rotundata. Semakin rendah pH maka laju pertumbuhan daun juga semakin rendah, berbeda dengan rhizoma dan akar semakin rendah pH maka semakin tinggi laju pertumbuhan.The continued use of fossil fuels will increase the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Ocean acidification occurs due to CO2 in the atmosphere diffusing into the oceans. The oceans are able to absorb CO2 in the atmosphere as much as 35 % more which causes a decrease in ocean pH. Seagrass Cymodocea rotundata is a type of seagrass that can be found growing in tropical waters. This situation raises concerns about the possible impact on the growth of seagrass C. rotundata. This study aims to analyze the content of nitrate, phosphate and potassium and the growth of seagrass C. rotundata which includes the growth of leaves, rhizomes and roots of C. rotundata against differences in pH. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design using a random table. A total of 15 jars with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 25 cm were used with 3 treatments, each treatment was repeated 5 times. The results of the linear regression test showed that pH had an effect on nitrate concentrations, and had a strong effect on phosphate and potassium concentrations. The highest growth rate of C. rotundata seagrass leaves in the control ranged from 0.50–1.29 mm/day while the lowest at low pH ranged from 0.07–0.73 mm/day. The growth rate of seagrass rhizomes horizontally and vertically was highest at low pH while the lowest was at control pH. The highest growth rate of seagrass roots at low pH ranged from 0.20–0.90 mm/day. while the lowest was in the control ranged from 0.13–0.43 mm/day. pH also affects the growth rate of leaves, rhizomes and seagrass roots of C. rotundata. The lower the pH, the lower the leaf growth rate, in contrast to rhizomes and roots, the lower the pH, the higher the growth rate

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers

    Enabling Factors of NTFP Business Development for Ecosystem Restoration: The Case of Tamanu Oil in Indonesian Degraded Peatland

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    Indonesia’s tropical peatlands are one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, and they are facing the threat of extensive degradation and conversion. The Indonesian government is committed to peat restoration. However, restoration is still a costly, top-down approach lacking community participation, and is focused on the 3R scheme (rewetting, revegetation, and revitalization). Peatland restoration businesses are part of the innovative effort to finance this endeavor. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about the pre-conditions required to create a restoration business. This study seeks to understand the enabling conditions for the development of peatland restoration, with a focus on the tamanu oil business, and to assess whether the same situation might apply in the context of the restoration of degraded peatland. PEST analysis is used to describe the macro-environmental factors of the tamanu oil business and its development opportunities in degraded peatlands. Tamanu oil-based peat ecosystem restoration businesses offer good prospects because of the growing it has grown the bioenergy and biomedical markets, and they can cover a larger area of degraded peatland landscape. For tamanu oil businesses to succeed in peat ecosystem restoration, we recommend that policy documents at various levels include tamanu as a priority commodity for peatland restoration and alternative community businesses, followed by planting programs by all stakeholders. The government and social organizations must take positions as initiators and catalysts, establish a significant number and extent of pilot tamanu plantations, and create a mutually supportive business climate between entrepreneurs and peatland managers