11 research outputs found

    A Genre Analysis of the Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts: Revisiting Swales’ Theory of Written Discourse

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    The genre analysis has become a critical study in pragmatic which forms the dialogic interaction that manifest written academic discourse socially and culturally. The aims of this study is to describe the pattern and variation of moves that appear from the undergraduate thesis abstracts at a specific college in the Bone Region. The implications of this study on educational written materials are included. Data collection comprised 45 abstracts as samples consist of 3 cohorts (2015, 2016 and 2017) of university students, each with 15 abstracts. A structure studied by Hyland (2005) was used to explain the different trends in the abstracts. Unstructured interviews with and evaluation of the students were carried out to better understand the writing skills of the students. Then data were analyzed using content analysis. The results show that most abstracts involve rhetorical gestures similar to the previous study. The moves include an initial statement, a clarification of intent and confirmation of the results and explanations for the research 's significance. The results also indicated that university students are more mindful of the logical series. Rhetorical movements and language properties needed in abstract academic learning. The aim, methodology and findings of the related paper are the most abstracts. These findings are compatible with previous studies and show that future scientists based on movement analysis that should explore the link between movement analysis results and academic teaching content. The results justify such pedagogic consequences that indicate that the student has an interest in current education research to change the teaching materials

    Enhancing Students’ Listening Skill by Spotify Application

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    Listening cannot be separated from all activities, but in reality most of the teacher does not pay attention the student's ability to listen and that can affect students' ability in English especially when they want to talk to other people but don’t understand what is being said otherwise because they lack in listening. In the learning process, students may face difficulties one of them is difficulty in conveying speech. Many people say that listening is difficult, due to lack of focus or failure to focus. Therefore, practice concentration by listening more. The objective of the study is to find out spotify podcast application able to enhance the students’ listening skill. The writer apply pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design, and collected the data based on the test. The research findings showed that the students’ had poor score in pretest. After treatment, their listening ability in identify of listening comprehension increase significantly. The result of the research were the mean score obtained by the students’ through pre-test was 41.6 and post–test was 72.5 with the t-test value orientation is greater than t-table (16.8>2.06). Listening through Spotify podcast in term of identify the listening comprehension 74,2% The result of calculating t-test of the indicators in the students’ t-test listening ability in listening through Spotify podcast application was greater than t-table 24.1>2.06. It can be concluded that spotify podcast application can enhance the students’ ability in listening skill

    English Fricatives Sound Pronounced by The Students’

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    In speaking, a good pronunciation is needed in order the communication will be run well. The purpose of this study was to know the sounds produced by fricatives in English and the factors that cause students to mispronounce them. The writers hope that students will understand more about the use of fricative pronunciation and that the results of this study can be used as a reference in teaching English, especially when pronouncing fricatives. This study focused on the description of fricatives. They were obtained from the eighth semester undergraduate students of the English Education department, University of Muhammadiyah Bone. The method of this study was a descriptive qualitative method. This data was obtained through interviews with students in the Department of English Education and analyzed the mispronunciation of English fricatives. As a result, Kenworthy identified factors that influence students' pronunciation: (1) native language, (2) age factor, (3) number of contacts, (4) vocal ability, (5) motivation and good pronunciation. As a result, the [v] sound is replaced with [f], the [ð] sound is replaced with the [d] and [t] sounds, and the [θ] sound is replaced with [ t ] and the replacement of the sounds [ z ] with [ s ]. Consistent with phonetic deletion of fricatives, they eliminated fricatives and eliminated word-ending sounds [θ]


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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not utilizing the REAP technique can help students with reading comprehension, specifically at the literal and inferential levels. By administering multiple choice reading questions as an instrument for the pre-test, treatment, and post-test with one group, the researcher employed a pre-experimental approach to gather data regarding narrative texts. The class IX.9 students from SMP Negeri 9 Makassar served as the study's sample. The results of this study showed that there was an improvement in score following treatment. Based on the paired sample test, where the sig (2-tailed) value is 0.00 0.05, it can be concluded that the use of read, encode, and annotate was successful. Keywords: REAP strategy, narrative text, reading comprehensio

    Morphometric And Phylogenetic Analysis of Goby Fish (Glossogobyus giuris) In The Three Integrated Lakes On South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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    The white goby fish, Glossogobius giuris is a germplasm in Tempe Lake that is decreasing due to the genetic barrier. This becomes a threat for its population in the three integrated lakes, namely Sidenreng, Lapompakka, and Tempe. Hence, efforts are needed to preserve its population and habitat by conservation programs to prevent the extinction of this fish. This conservation program is carried out when the basic biology information and population structure of goby fish are known. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the genetic variation of goby fish through morphometric and phylogenetic analysis in the three integrated lakes. The morphometric analysis was carried out using Stepwise Discriminant Analysis, while the difference in genetic distance between populations was analyzed using Predicted Group Membership and Pairwise Group Comparison, and the identifiable characters were analyzed using the Equality of Group Means Test. Similarly, the phylogenetic analysis was conducted based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) targeting Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit I (COI). The morphometric analysis showed that each population has a special character with a very low value of similarity between populations. Furthermore, there were 17 and 18 identifiable characters for males and females, respectively in this study. Based on phylogenetic analysis, three groups of goby fish with low genetic diversity were identified. In addition, there was one haplotype shared by the three populations, but the other 7 haplotypes are unique, which indicated genetic speciation of goby fish from these lakes. Based on these results, goby fish from the three integrated lakes have special characters, adaptive potential, and genetic speciation due to the declining population in the lakes

    Pertumbuhan Relatif Gurita, Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849 di Perairan Selat Makassar Dan Teluk Bone

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan relatif gurita, Octopus cyanea Gray, 1849 yang meliputi hubungan panjang-bobot dan faktor kondisi, yang didaratkan di Pulau Bonetambung, Kota Makassar, dan di Pulau Burung Lohe, Kabupaten Sinjai. Pengambilan sampel gurita dilakukan pada bulan April sampai Juli 2019. Sampel gurita hasil tangkapan nelayan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk diukur panjang total (TL, total length), panjang mantel dorsal (DML, dorsal mantle length), dan panjang mantel ventral (VML, ventral mantle length), kemudian ditimbang bobot tubuhnya (BW, body weight), dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengamatan gonad secara visual untuk mengetahui jenis kelaminnya. Jumlah gurita yang diperoleh di P. Bonetambung adalah sebanyak 60 ekor (40 ekor jantan dan 20 ekor betina) dan di P. Burung Lohe sebanyak 66 ekor (27 ekor jantan dan 39 ekor betina). Gurita betina memiliki rerata panjang total dan bobot tubuh yang lebih besar dibandingkan gurita jantan, baik di P. Bonetambung maupun di P. Burung Lohe. Hubungan panjang total-bobot tubuh (TL-BW), hubungan panjang mantel dorsal-bobot tubuh (DML-BW), dan hubungan panjang mantel ventral-bobot tubuh (VML-BW) gurita jantan dan gurita betina yang tertangkap di P. Bonetambung dan di P. Burung Lohe seluruhnya menunjukkan tipe pertumbuhan hipoalometrik atau alometrik negatif yang berarti pertambahan panjang tubuh lebih cepat dibandingkan pertambahan bobot tubuhnya. Rerata faktor kondisi berdasarkan TL-BW, DML-BW, dan VML-BW gurita jantan di P. Burung Lohe lebih besar dibandingkan gurita betina. Hasil yang sama juga diperoleh pada gurita jantan di P. Bonetambung, kecuali untuk rerata faktor kondisi berdasarkan VML-BW (betina lebih besar).Kata kunci: gurita, Octopus cyanea, pertumbuhan, Pulau Bonetambung, Pulau Burung Loh

    Networking capability as an effort for SMEs to internationalize

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    Networking capability is used as a supporting variable in SMEs' internationalization efforts. This is because SMEs find it difficult if they are alone to face increasingly fierce competition and are also faced with uncertain economic conditions. This study uses a quantitative approach, with SMEs owners as respondents. A total of 185 respondents are SMEs owners in the East Java region of Indonesia. Simple linear regression analysis is used, to measure validity, and reliability, followed by hypothesis testing. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between networking capability and internationalization. SMEs should be able to establish good and profitable cooperation with the government, suppliers, capital owners, and the community to reduce their limitations

    Networking capability as an effort for SMEs to internationalize

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    Networking capability is used as a supporting variable in SMEs' internationalization efforts. This is because SMEs find it difficult if they are alone to face increasingly fierce competition and are also faced with uncertain economic conditions. This study uses a quantitative approach, with SMEs owners as respondents. A total of 185 respondents are SMEs owners in the East Java region of Indonesia. Simple linear regression analysis is used, to measure validity, and reliability, followed by hypothesis testing. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between networking capability and internationalization. SMEs should be able to establish good and profitable cooperation with the government, suppliers, capital owners, and the community to reduce their limitations

    Strengthening Public Organization Capacity of Fisherman Empowerment Programs in South Sulawesi Province: A Smart Society as Outcome

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    This research aims to analyze the ability and capacity of local government organizations in implementing fisherman empowerment programs. A qualitative approach is employed in this research to explain the capacity of local government organizations according to the context and factuality. Data are collected through observation, in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Documentation. Interactive data analysis methods are used to analyze the data obtained. The results of the research show that professional development is not carried out continuously and there is a lack of capacity building and training programs provided to employees, particularly relating to strengthening organizational capacity in fostering fisherman groups. As for resources and supports, there are limited human resources and budget allocations dedicated for the fisherman empowerment programs. And in organizational environment, the incentives are low, coupled with relatively rigid standard operating procedures and bureaucratic structures. The results of this research reveal that the capacity of public organizations needs to be supported by quality organizational leadership, especially facilitative and collaborative leadership. This factor becomes crucial given the role of organizational leaders as policy makers who determine the direction of policy, planning and implementation