33 research outputs found

    Wall-collision line broadening of molecular oxygen within nanoporous materials

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    Wall-collision broadening of near-infrared absorption lines of molecular oxygen confined in nanoporous zirconia is studied by employing high-resolution diode-laser spectroscopy. The broadening is studied for pores of different sizes under a range of pressures, providing new insights on how wall collisions and intermolecular collisions influence the total spectroscopic line profile. The pressure series show that wall-collision broadening is relatively more prominent under reduced pressures, enabling sensitive means to probe pore sizes of porous materials. In addition, we show that the total wall-collision-broadened profile strongly deviates from a Voigt profile and that wall-collision broadening exhibits an additive-like behavior to the pressure and Doppler broadening

    Mycobacterium bovis bacilli Calmette-Guerin regulates leukocyte recruitment by modulating alveolar inflammatory responses.

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    Leukocyte migration into the epithelial compartment is an important feature in the active phase of mycobacterial infections. In this study, we used the Transwell model to investigate the mechanisms behind mycobacteria-induced leukocyte recruitment and investigated the role of TLR2 and TLR4 in this process. Infection of epithelial cells resulted in significantly increased secretion of the neutrophil chemotactic CXCL8 and IL-6, but no secretion of monocyte chemotactic CCL2 or TNF-α was observed. In contrast to epithelial response, mycobacteria-infected neutrophils and monocytes secreted all these cytokines. Corresponding with epithelial cytokine response, mycobacterial infection of the epithelial cells increased neutrophil diapedesis, but decreased monocyte recruitment. However, monocyte recruitment towards mycobacteria infected epithelial cells significantly increased following addition of neutrophil pre-conditioned medium. Mycobacterial infection also increases alveolar epithelial expression of TLR2, but not TLR4, as analyzed by flow cytometry, Western blotting and visualized by confocal microscopy. Blocking of TLR2 inhibited neutrophil recruitment and cytokine secretion, while blocking of TLR4 had a lesser effect. To summarize, we found that primary alveolar epithelial cells produced a selective TLR2-dependent cytokine secretion upon mycobacterial infection. Furthermore, we found that cooperation between cells of the innate immunity is required in mounting proper antimicrobial defence

    Fishmarket Skeppsbron

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    skeppsbron Skeppsbron har en lång historia av hamnverksamhet och sjöfart. Med sitt läge i Gamla stan, precis vid inloppet mellan hav och sjö, har Skeppsbron och Skeppsbrokajen varit en naturlig samlingspunkt för de som har varor, både från havet och från land, att sälja. Sedan Mälaren gick från att ha varit en havsvik till att bli en insjö på 1300-talet har  platsen varit en plats för omlastning och försäljning.  Dåtidens hamn, Kogghamn, låg ca 100-200 m in från dagens kajkant. På 1600 och 1700 talet låg det flertalet byggnader över Söderström varav de flesta stod på pålar i vattnet. Dessa byggnader innehöll bland annat marknader och verkstäder.  Vid Skeppsbron låg vid den här tiden också Södra fiskarehuset samt Södra  fiskehamnen. 1734 byggdes fiskehamnen ut och fanns kvar till Slussens utbyggnad på 1930-taket. fiskmarknaden “Iden om Stockholms Fiskmarknad bygger på att den ska vara öppen för såväl  middagshandlande privatpersoner som för krögare som vill lägga beställningar på  veckans råvaror. Marknadsplatsen, kanske med restauranger i lokalerna, kommer att  kunna bli en attraktion i sig.” Denna beskrivning är av den fiskmarknad som föreningen Stockholms fiskmarknad vill starta efter att Länsstyrelsen avslutat sin utredning av fisket i Stockholm med omnejd.  Med sitt centralt placerade läge i Gamla stan, med det som får anses vara Stockholms främsta tillgångar – vackra utblickar och närhet till vatten. Platsen kräver respekt så tillvida att ett tillägg inte förstör eller i onödan påverkar dess charm. Samtidigt skall ett nytt  tillägg inte vara en pastisch utan spegla sin egen tid. Att det är en fiskmarknad på en historisk handelsplats räcker inte. Så som jag upplever platsen idag, är det en outnyttjad plats. Det känns som en baksida av staden där de flesta endast passerar förbi. Jag vill med mitt tillägg ändra på detta..  Nu kör, cyklar och går man förbi utan att ha en anledning att stanna upp. Jag vill utnyttja den stora yta som vi har till vårt förfogande och göra den till en plats för att stanna upp, tänka efter, sitta ner, titta ut, titta upp eller bara promenera lite långsammare. the place Skeppsbron has a long history of being an harbor for both import, export and travel. Positioned at the out-skirts of Gamla stan and at the edge of the Baltic sea, this in- between place was perfectly located for trade of treasures from both sea and land. In the 17th and 18th century several buildings harboring trade and workshops of all kinds were built over the waters of Söderström. Most of these buildings were hoisted up onto pillars, thus being strecthed in part over the water. One of these buildings was Södra fiskarehuset (the Southern fish house) where trade and farming of fish was conducted. Until the renovation and re-building of Slussen was done in the 1930s, this location were used by fishermen from the Stockholm archipelago. the fish market “Stockholm fish market has a foundation of being an open space for both professionals and the public. The market place will be an attraction in it-self”. The local initiative of Stockholm fishmarket has in this way described their intentions and it relates closely to mine. With the very centrally located plot and spectacular views,  the market needs to be an attraction on its own. Being an old harbor is just not enough for taking advantage of this place in the city. Today the quay is unused and unloved. Being one of the fronts of Stockholm it has a feeling of being the back. People pass by quickly to and from the city center. No one stays and linger on the views. I want to transform the quay to a plaza where you make a halt, stay to think, reflect on your surroundings, sit, meditate or just walk a little slower.

    Manipulative materials used as a tool to create inclusion in mathematics teaching

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    Att elever ofta känner sig utanför utbildningen i matematik verkar vara ett problem i många skolor. Potentiella orsaker till detta tycks vara att eleverna visar på olika kunskapsnivåer samt olika engagemang och/eller intresse för ämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskap om hur lärare använder laborativt material i syfte att öka inkluderingen i sina klassrum. Resultatet presenteras genom tre faser av matematiklektionen. Studien är en systematisk litteraturöversikt där tidigare forskning om ämnet har analyserats. 27 artiklar har analyserats i processen. Huvudresultaten indikerar på att lärare använder laborativt material i den inledande fasen av lektionen och huvudfasen men inte i processen att analysera elevernas kunskap. Materialet används för att förbättra lärandet och öka engagemanget och deltagandetThe fact that students often feel excluded from the education in mathematics seems to be a problem in many schools. Potential reasons behind this vary from different knowledge levels to different engagement and or interest towards the subject. The aim of this study is to gather knowledge about how teachers use manipulative materials with the intention of enhancing inclusion in their classrooms. The result is presented through three phases of the mathematical lesson. The study is a systematic literature review where previous research about the subject has been analyzed. 27 articles have been analyzed in the process. The main results indicate that teachers use manipulative materials in the initial phase of the lesson and the main phase but not in the process of analyzing the students’ knowledge. The material is used to enhance learning and increase engagement and participatio

    Blogs as a marketing channel : A study about product placement

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    Program: Textilekonomutbildninge

    Interface Development for Semi-Autonomous Trucks : Visual and Auditory Feedback

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    Vehicles are becoming increasingly autonomous, as automotive industries are investing in innovative technology. Therefore the technology becomes more available and affordable, making it possible for Toyota Material Handling Europe (TMHE) to introduce automated features in their trucks. Vehicles that have a forward collision warning system, and thus are partly autonomous, are involved in less accidents than those without. In manufacturing industries there is currently a problem with truck collisions and an automated solution might be a suitable way to prevent these. When implementing an automation device, human machine interaction and user-friendliness are aspects to keep in mind during the development. The thesis concerns how autonomous features can assist the truck driver, and how to provide the driver with intuitive feedback. The purpose was to ensure the drivers’ and surrounding personnel’s safety as well as increase the productivity. Research was performed regarding in what situation an assisting device is needed and how to communicate information in an intuitive manner to help the driver in this situation. A conceptual interface was developed that allows communication between the driver and a future all-knowing system, that tracks all objects and personnel in a warehouse. The drivers have had a central role in the process. The observations were performed in the TMHE warehouse to identify situations. The most perilous and frequent situation was when drivers need to focus both in the fork and drive wheel directions simultaneously. This either puts the surroundings or the driver in danger. A conceptual interface was developed to help the driver in this situation. This resulted in a concept implementable in both current and future trucks, to harmonise the solution and ensure a safe warehouse environment. A lo-fi prototype was constructed and evaluated iteratively with drivers to ensure the quality and usability of the concept. The resulting feedback solution consists of sounds from speakers mounted in the headrest and a display interface with warning symbols. The sounds are directional to notify the driver if the danger is to the left or right behind his back. If the danger is only semi-close, the driver receives a warning, but if it is very close, the truck is stopped autonomously. The symbols appear on the display simultaneously as the sounds are heard, to provide further feedback. Additionally, an Autonomous Positioning feature has been developed, that consists of symbols and buttons on the display interface, as well as an alert sound from the display to indicate the system’s activation and deactivation. Safety is enhanced since neither personnel nor trucks are in risk of collision when implementing the concept. As the concept helps the driver position the truck effortlessly towards the pallet the productivity is also improved.

    Alternative residential areas in rural areas .

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    Trends have shown an increasing interest of moving out of the city to live near the nature. Since the beginning of the industralization in the 19th century the population have decreased in rural areas. The ongoing pandemic has forced several humans to work from their homes. As humans have been spending more time in their homes new values have been discovered which hasn’t been recognized before. Teleworking is giving humans the opportunity to move further away from their offices, out to the countryside. The Swedish countryside consists in majority of villas which may only suit a certain type of people. To attract a variation of population in rural areas a solution could be building alternative residences. In this study an investigation has been made according to what kind of residences students finds attractive. Results have shown the majority of the students would wish to have open, common areas and live nearby service and nature. Further the students would prefer an assorted residential area containing residences in different colours and shapes. Using the results from the investigation a proposal was designed