1,015 research outputs found

    The future landscape

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    This working paper is a preliminary study of some central actors in the future landscape. It argues that the future landscape is a spectrum stretching from institutions claiming independent, objective expertise and scientific certainty about the future, to those focused on the social creation of knowledge through participation and public debate. We might call this a spectre encompassing radically different approaches to the knowability and governability of the future – hence a landscape that stretches from the knowable and governable future to the unknowable and ungovernable. These shifting dimensions in claims to scientific rationality and political control are discernible in definitions of future studies as an activity of knowledge production. What kind of study object is the future, what kind of knowledge can one produce, how, and with what claims to certainty and expertise?Arbetsrapporten Framtidens landskap Ă€r en preliminĂ€r studie av hur framtiden idag studeras, organiseras och styrs, som en delstudie inom projektet Framtidens privatisering. I arbetsrapporten har ett antal institutioner och organisationer som Ă€gnar sig Ă„t att studera framtiden belysts. Avsikten var att undersöka definitioner av hur framtiden kan studeras och observeras, samt förestĂ€llningar om framtidens styrbarhet (knowability och governability). AnsprĂ„k pĂ„ att veta nĂ„got om framtiden samt att kunna styra denna kan sĂ€gas skapa ett slags spektrum, som strĂ€cker sig över definitioner av framtiden som i grunden oförutsĂ€gbar och ostuderbar, till förestĂ€llningar om framtiden som nĂ„got som kan observeras och förutsĂ€gas pĂ„ vetenskaplig grund. Andra skiljelinjer i detta framtidens landskap Ă€r hur olika institutioner definierar framtidens avnĂ€mare, dvs. den medborgare, klient eller organisation som har nytta av att framtiden studeras, liksom det intresse, offentligt eller privat, som dĂ€rmed anses gynnas

    La situation dans les pays scandinaves Ă  la lumiĂšre des Ă©lections au Danemark et en NorvĂšge

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    En septembre dernier, les NorvĂ©giens ont Ă©lu leurs reprĂ©sentants locaux et les Danois ont renouvelĂ© leur parlement. Ces deux scrutins ont Ă©tĂ© suivis avec le plus grand intĂ©rĂȘt par l’ensemble des EuropĂ©ens. Allait-on observer un recul de l’extrĂȘme droite en rĂ©action aux Ă©vĂ©nements violents qui se sont produits cet Ă©tĂ© en NorvĂšge

    Socializing Capital, Capitalizing the Social: Contemporary Social Democracy and the Knowledge Economy

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    This paper analyzes the Third Way’s relationship to the knowledge economy, and the way the Third Way’s understanding of the knowledge economy leads to a reinterpretation of fundamental postulates of the Left in relation to capitalism. The paper argues that Third Way ideology is informed by a discursive logic of capitalization, a logic whereby social democracy identifies human potential – human knowledge, talent, creativity – as economic goods and ultimately new forms of capital. It insists that the Third Way is not neoliberal, as suggested by much research on the Third Way. The paper concludes that while the Third Way draws on fundamental continuities in the social democratic project, it nevertheless breaks with many of social democracy’s historic articulations in critique of capitalism, since these are transformed instead into arguments in favor of capitalism and are thus drawn into the process of capitalist improvement. The paper looks into this tension by analyzing particularly the notions of conflict, the Third Way’s notion of public good, and its articulation of culture

    Qu’est-ce que c’est ce modĂšle suĂ©dois ? :DĂ©bats constitutifs pour comprendre l’histoire de la sociale dĂ©mocratie suĂ©doise, son modĂšle et son Ă©volution jusqu’aux Ă©lections de septembre 2010

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    Cet article prĂ©sente une rĂ©flexion critique sur les interprĂ©tations dominantes du modĂšle suĂ©dois pour arriver Ă  mieux comprendre les itinĂ©raires rĂ©cents et l’arrivĂ©e au parlement de l’extrĂȘme droite suĂ©doise en septembre 2010. L’article revisite la question du rapport entre le modĂšle et le marchĂ©, question Ă©troitement liĂ©e au dĂ©bat autour du projet social-dĂ©mocrate en SuĂšde. Il focalise sur l’idĂ©e du foyer du peuple, mĂ©taphore-clĂ© dans l’histoire politique suĂ©doise et insĂ©parable de l’idĂ©e du modĂšle, et dĂ©montre les origines complexes de cette notion ainsi que l’importante contestation politique autour de ces notions. Enfin, l’article suggĂšre que l’évolution du paysage politique en SuĂšde dans les annĂ©es 1980 et 1990 s’est jouĂ©e, entre autres, autour de la signification de ces notions et leur rapport Ă  la social-dĂ©mocratie suĂ©doise.This article presents a critical reflection on ideas and images of the Swedish Model, in the light of recent developments and the entry into parliament of the extreme right in September 2010. The article revisits the question of the relationship between the Model and the market and posits this in the debate on the nature of Swedish social democracy. In addition the article explores the contradictory historic origins of the idea of the People’s Home, a concept closely related to that of the Swedish Model, and it argues that the transformations of the Swedish political landscape in the period from the 1980s onwards can be understood in terms of a political struggle around these concepts

    Choosing Futures: Alva Myrdal and the Construction of Swedish Futures Studies, 1967–1972

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    This article discusses the Swedish discourse on futures studies in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It focuses on the futures discourse of the group appointed by the Prime Minister, Olof Palme, in 1967 under the chairmanship of Alva Myrdal. The Swedish futures discourse focused on futures studies as a democratic means of reform in defence of the Swedish model and “Swedish” values of solidarity and equality, in opposition to an international futurology dominated by the Cold War and dystopic narratives of global disaster. The article suggests that the creation of Swedish futures studies, culminating in a Swedish institute for futures studies, can be seen as a highpoint of postwar planning and the Swedish belief in the possibility of constructing a particularly Swedish future from a particularly Swedish past

    All about the marine/sea ice diatom Nitzschia lecointei

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    Generally, in terms of growth N. lecointei seems quite tolerant to changes in pH and pCO2, probably due to the fact that this species grows in an environment with large seasonal variations in the carbonate system. However, increased pCO2 resulted in physiological changes that may have important ecological consequences, such as cellular stoichiometry. For instance, we observed changes in carbon metabolism, and fatty acid content and composition, that did not affect the growth rate. When the experimental period was increased (194 days, ca. 60 asexual generations), we observed a small reduction in growth at 960 ”atm pCO2 after 147 days. Carbon metabolism was significantly affected, resulting in higher cellular release of dissolved organic carbon. When studying the synergism between temperature (−1.8 and 2.5°C) and pCO2 (390 and 960 ÎŒatm), synergism was detected in growth rate and acyl lipid fatty acid content. Carbon enrichment only promoted (3 %) growth rate closer to the optimal growth, but not at the control temperature (−1.8°C). Optimal growth rate was observed around 5°C in a separate experiment. The total content of fatty acids was reduced at elevated pCO2, but only at the control temperature. PUFAs were reduced at high pCO2. When combining increased temperature and different salinity conditions, the growth rate was higher at 3°C than at -1.8°C. Salinity 10 clearly limited growth rate and the highest growth rates were found at salinity 20 and 35. In another experiment, high and low temperature together with treatments simulating ice formation and melting conditions were studied. Here, the highest levels of oxidative stress were found in low temperature and ice melting treatments, respectively. With respect to 9 weeks in the dark, cell numbers were higher at -1.5°C compared to 3°C, but when retrieved to light conditions, after one week higher cell numbers were observed at 3°C versus -1.5°C. Furthermore, cell numbers were lower when acetateUniversidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling

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    Abstract Title: The Future of ABC at Sandvik Tooling – Incorporating ABC with information systems in order to drive business development from a cost point of view. Authors: Jenny Andersson and Camilla Salomonsson. Supervisor: Charlotta Johnsson – Department of Automatic Control, Lund University. Carl-Henric Nilsson – Department of Business Administration, Lund University. Mats Jacobsson – Tooling Supply Finance, Sandvik Tooling. Core Issue: Many companies have not been successful with their implementation of the ABC model. The number of companies using the ABC model for allocating overhead cost is still low. Companies who once used the ABC model have abandoned it. The ABC model has also been accused of not capturing the complexity within a company, causing information system, and other information systems such as Excel, to exceed their capacity. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a company based ABC model corresponds with the theoretical model, in order to give feedback to theory from a practical case and vice versa. The relationship between ABC models and information systems will also be evaluated in order to find means to optimize the link between them. Points for evaluating information systems from an ABC point of view will be presented. Methodology: An abductive approach and a qualitative method have been used for this study. Information has mainly been gathered through interviews in order to build the empirical chapter. Secondary sources such as academic articles have been used for the theoretical framework. Conclusions: A conclusion we have drawn is that complexity is a villain when it comes to designing ABC models and the relating information systems. The compatibility of Sandvik Tooling’s information systems in terms of ABC is deemed as inadequate. We recommend the development of an ABC module to the existing information systems. In order to make it possible to develop/design and implement system supporting ABC, standardization of the terminology, as well as parts of the calculation making up the standard cost, is necessary. Keywords: Activity Based Costing, ABC, Cost Allocation Process, Overhead Cost, Sandvik Tooling, Information System, Transactions

    Changable city spaces : flexibility, dynamics & interactivity

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    The number of inhabitants of the towns and city centers have generelly increased, concurrent as the population in smaller towns has decreased. In Stockholm, the migration is very fast and here is also the most populous place, if one compares with other Sweden. In order to respond to the increasing population and the pressure they put on city spaces has Stockholm's town a town building strategy that says "build inwards". It means that one stem seals the town with spaces and business activities in central locations. The increased population in the towns and the densification of buildings leads however to an increased pressure on parks and public places. More people are forced together in fewer and smaller city spaces and the need of a more intensive management, durable materials and a flexible design become more important. We also see a risk that the densification brings smaller public places or that they sometimes disappears entirely. Concurrent as the inhabitant's different needs can give origins to conflicts when they are forced together on the remaining surfaces. We consider that a strategy is needed in order to maintain the qualities of the urban spaces and the people's needs of out door activity. In this degree project we have tried to find out about if changeability as a concept can increase the quality on city spaces and to do them more interesting and attractive. In the first part, we summarize our search after what a changeable city space is. Studies have been done about public places, people's habits and needs and governing documents in order to get a background to the subject. We have concentrated our study to Stockholm, since it is a good example of a town that densifies and we have also got the opportunity to interview active landscape architects in the town. It has given us a variation of insights in the subject, from established scientific research to contemporary statements. In the project, we describe urban spaces as places that are available for the public and that can be derived from different types: the street, the square, the park and the water. We describe among other things that people's interests are different and that they change over time. As a result we found that the varied use of the urban spaces is depending on person, but that it nevertheless can discern tendencies of different groups. For example groups of: age, sexes, culture, residence and temper. With that in mind a place designed with a single function in mind becomes a short-term solution, when the space instead could have a changeable and adaptational architecture. The second part of the project is built up on the earlier study and it is here we introduce the concept changeability. We discuss what changeable city spaces are and breaks down the concept in smaller parts: flexibility, dynamics and interaction. The chapter also covers a case study where 10 city spaces in Stockholm and Copenhagen are discussed on the basis of the concept of changeability. The discussion chapter is, as the name tells, of more analyzing nature than earlier sections. Here, our own impressions, from excursiones and interviews, are intermixed with arguments from literature. We come to the conclusion that changeability is a complex concept. The opposite is permanent and synonyms are: inconstant, shifting, movable, variable, flexible, varying, convertible, transformable and transmutable. Flexibility, dynamics and interaction are described as different types of changeability. They are concepts that however are not absolute, but can overlap partially. We come to the conclusion that dynamic changes happen passively over time and are not depending on human activity, while flexible and interactive changes are active and only happen with the help of people. When we describe flexibility with our landscape architect eyes, we see two different meanings: multifunction and adaptability. Examples on multifunction could bee furniture that can be used in more than one way or an urban space that can hold several activities. We compare adaptable urban spaces to ageless urban spaces; Places that have looked the same during a long time while others must be torn down and rebuilt in order to better be suited after new needs. Ageless city spaces have a capacity to survive in centuries, despite that the use of the place have changed. With that argument, the ageless city spaces have a flexible design. Examples on flexible streets, parks, squares and hybrides of these are given in the chapter. We describe the concept dynamics to include systems of changes: seasonal variation, day and night rhythm and climates. In the eyes of a landscape architect, the word dynamics is used as synonym to plant dynamics: the plant's change over the time. But in this work we want to develop the concept to include more than that. With interaction in urban spaces we mean landscapedesign where visitors can influence the planning and furniture in order to create change. For example, it can within the landscape architecture be about the dialogue between planners and users, moveable furniture or buttons that set water playing going. It can also be about spatial experiences or the social ensemble between citizens - participate or watch. In the third and last part of the degree project we have tried to concrete the concept changeability through applying it on two proposals for a park in a new densification of building project in Stockholm – Norra Station. The case study also includes a description of the project and analyses of the place. The proposals resulted in a dynamic and a flexible park.Under senare tid har antalet mĂ€nniskor generellt ökat i stĂ€ders och tĂ€torters centrala delar, samtidigt som befolkningen i mindre orter har minskat. I Stockholm Ă€r inflyttningen allra störst och hĂ€r bor man ocksĂ„ tĂ€tast om man jĂ€mför med övriga Sverige. För att svara mot den stĂ€ndigt ökande befolkningen och trycket pĂ„ bostĂ€der i innerstaden har Stockholms stad en stadsbyggnadsstrategi som gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att ”bygga inĂ„t”. Det betyder att man förtĂ€tar staden med bostĂ€der och affĂ€rsverksamheter i centrala lĂ€gen. Den ökande folkmĂ€ngden i stĂ€derna i samband med förtĂ€tningen leder dock till ett höjt tryck pĂ„ parker och friytor. Fler mĂ€nniskor tvingas samsas i fĂ€rre och mindre stadsrum och allt viktigare blir behovet av en intensivare skötsel, slittĂ„liga material och en flexibel utformning. I sammanhang med förtĂ€tningen ser vi ocksĂ„ en risk i att de allmĂ€nna platserna minskar till ytan eller ibland helt försvinner. Samtidigt som invĂ„narnas olika behov kan ge upphov till konflikter dĂ„ de ska samsas pĂ„ de kvarvarande ytorna. Vi anser att det behövs en strategi för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla friytornas kvaliteter och mĂ€nniskornas behov av stadens uterum. Det Ă€r ingĂ„ngen till detta examensarbete dĂ€r vi har försökt att reda ut om förĂ€nderlighet som koncept kan öka kvalitĂ©n pĂ„ stadsrum och göra dem mer intressanta och attraktiva. I den första delen sammanfattar vi vĂ„rt sökande efter vad ett förĂ€nderligt stadsrum Ă€r. KĂ€llstudier har bedrivits om stadsrum, mĂ€nniskors vanor och behov och styrande dokument för att fĂ„ en bakgrund till Ă€mnet. Vi har fördjupat oss i Stockholm, eftersom det Ă€r ett bra exempel pĂ„ en stad som förtĂ€tas och intervjuat verksamma landskapsarkitekter i staden. Det har gett oss en variation av inblickar i Ă€mnet, frĂ„n erkĂ€nd vetenskaplig forskning till aktuella uttalanden. I kapitlet beskriver vi stadsrum som platser som Ă€r tillgĂ€ngliga för allmĂ€nheten och vilka olika typer det fi nns: gatan, torget, parken och vattnet. Vi kommer bland annat fram till att mĂ€nniskors intressen Ă€r olika och att de förĂ€ndras över tiden. Att det medför att anvĂ€ndandet av stadsrummen varierar frĂ„n person till person, men att det Ă€ndĂ„ gĂ„r att urskilja tendenser till likheter mellan olika grupper, exempelvis grupper av: Ă„lder, kön, kultur, boende och temperament. Samt att allt för ensidiga och funktionsbestĂ€mda platser med det synsĂ€ttet Ă€r en kortsiktig lösning, dĂ„ rummen istĂ€llet skulle kunna vara mer förĂ€nderliga och anpassningsbara. Den andra delen i examensarbetet bygger pĂ„ kĂ€llstudien och först hĂ€r introducerar vi begreppet förĂ€nderlighet. Vi diskuterar vad förĂ€nderliga stadsrum Ă€r och reder ut och bryter ner begreppet i mindre delar: flexibilitet, dynamik och interaktivitet. Kapitlet omfattar Ă€ven en generell fallstudie dĂ€r 10 stadsrum i Stockholm och Köpenhamn diskuteras utifrĂ„n begreppet förĂ€nderlighet. Diskussionskapitlet Ă€r, som namnet avslöjar, av mer analyserande karaktĂ€r Ă€n tidigare avsnitt. HĂ€r blandas vĂ„ra egna intryck frĂ„n exkursioner och intervjuer med inlĂ€sta resonemang. Vi kommer fram till att förĂ€nderlighet Ă€r ett komplext begrepp vars motsats Ă€r bestĂ„ende och synonymer Ă€r: skiftande, rörlig, variabel, flexibel, omvĂ€xlande, obestĂ€ndig, ovaraktig och inkonstant. Flexibilitet, dynamik och interaktivitet beskrivs som typer av förĂ€nderlighet, begrepp som emellertid inte Ă€r absoluta utan kan flyta in i varandra. Vi resonerar oss fram till att dynamiska förĂ€ndringar sker passivt med tiden och Ă€r oberoende av mĂ€nsklig aktivitet medan fl exibla och interaktiva förĂ€ndringar Ă€r förĂ€ndringsbara, aktiva. NĂ€r vi beskriver flexibilitet inom landskapsarkitekturen tĂ€nker vi dels pĂ„ mĂ„ngfunktionalitet och dels pĂ„ anpassningsbarhet i stadsrum. Exempel pĂ„ mĂ„ngfunktionalitet skulle kunna vara en möbel som kan anvĂ€ndas pĂ„ fler Ă€n ett sĂ€tt eller ett stadsrum som fungerar för flera aktiviteter. Med anpassningsbara stadsrum gör vi en parallell till tidlösa stadsrum. Platser som har sett likadana ut under en vĂ€ldigt lĂ„ng tid medan andra mĂ„ste rivas och byggas om för att bĂ€ttre lĂ€mpas efter nya behov. Tidlösa stadsrum har en skepnad som kan överleva i Ă„rhundraden trots att anvĂ€ndningen av platsen förĂ€ndras. Med det resonemanget har de tidlösa stadsrummen en fl exibel utformning. Exempel pĂ„ flexibla gator, parker, torg samt hybrider av dessa ges i kapitlet. Begreppet dynamik innefattar i vĂ„rt examensarbete system av förĂ€ndringar som Ă„rstidsvariation, dygnsrytm och klimat. Inom landskapsarkitekturen anvĂ€nds ofta ordet vĂ€xtdynamik som en beskrivning av vĂ€xters förĂ€ndring över tiden, men i det hĂ€r arbetet vill vi utveckla synen pĂ„ dynamik till att innefatta mer Ă€n sĂ„. Med interaktivitet i stadsrum menar vi gestaltning dĂ€r mĂ€nniskan sjĂ€lv kan pĂ„verka planeringen och möbleringen för att skapa förĂ€ndring. Exempelvis kan det inom landskapsarkitekturen handla om dialog mellan planerare och brukare, fl yttbara möbler eller knappar som sĂ€tter igĂ„ng vattenspel. Det kan Ă€ven röra sig om rumsupplevelser eller det sociala samspelet mellan medborgare – delta eller titta pĂ„. I den tredje och sista delen av examensarbetet har vi försökt att konkretisera konceptet förĂ€nderlighet genom att applicera det pĂ„ tvĂ„ förslag för en park i ett nytt förtĂ€tningsprojekt i Stockholm - Norra Station. Fallstudien innefattar dessutom en beskrivning av projektet och analyser av platsen. Förslagen resulterade i en dynamiskt och en flexibel park

    Feeding practices of cat owners in Sweden : a survey on practical feeding regime and bases of food choice

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    Hur svenska kattĂ€gare utfodrar sina katter i praktiken och var de inhĂ€mtar information om foder Ă€r ett relativt outforskat Ă€mne. Att fĂ„ bĂ€ttre förstĂ„else för vad som Ă€r viktigt för kattĂ€gare i deras val av foder kan öka djurhĂ€lsopersonalens förmĂ„ga och kompetens att ge rĂ„d kring nutrition. I detta arbete genomfördes en internetbaserad enkĂ€tundersökning dĂ€r kattĂ€gare fick svara pĂ„ frĂ„gor kring vad som var viktigt för dem vid val av foder, var de hĂ€mtade sin information kring foder och huruvida de litade pĂ„ djurhĂ€lsopersonalens kompetens att kunna ge foderrĂ„d. EnkĂ€ten skickades ut till medlemmar i fem Facebookgrupper inriktade pĂ„ kattĂ€gare i Sverige. Arbetet bestĂ„r Ă€ven av en sammanstĂ€llning av tidigare studier och enkĂ€tsvar frĂ„n svenska kattĂ€gare. Resultatet baseras pĂ„ 669 fullstĂ€ndiga enkĂ€ter frĂ„n kattĂ€gare. EnkĂ€tsvaren visade att konventionella torr- och vĂ„tfoder Ă€r det frĂ€msta alternativet för de flesta kattĂ€gare, och en kombination av dessa var det vanligaste utfodringsalternativet. En övervĂ€gande del av kattĂ€garna gav sina katter fri tillgĂ„ng till foder, i stĂ€llet för att ge det portionerat. Andelen kattĂ€gare som utfodrade med fĂ€rskfoder var relativt liten, men troligen Ă€r det en grupp som har vĂ€xt och som kommer att bli Ă€nnu större i framtiden. Huruvida det har blivit vanligare att utfodra svenska katter med fĂ€rskfoder Ă€r inte nĂ„got som detta arbete kan svara pĂ„, dĂ„ utbudet av tidigare studier inom Ă€mnet Ă€r mycket begrĂ€nsat. EnkĂ€tstudien visade ocksĂ„ att de flesta kattĂ€gare gav sina katter godis utöver den dagliga fodergivan. Att ett foder har bra nĂ€ringsinnehĂ„ll var det som svenska kattĂ€gare uppgav vara viktigast för dem vid valet av foder. Det nĂ€st viktigaste var smakligheten för katten. Vid utfodring var det vanligast att basera mĂ€ngden foder pĂ„ kattens aptit, tĂ€tt följt av dess vikt och hull. De flesta svenska kattĂ€gare i arbetet vĂ€nde sig till veterinĂ€r eller annan djurhĂ€lsopersonal för att fĂ„ rĂ„d om foder. Generellt var ocksĂ„ förtroendet för djurhĂ€lsopersonalens förmĂ„ga att ge rĂ„d kring foder högt. En grupp som stack ut var dock de som utfodrade med fĂ€rskfoder. Dessa litade i mycket mindre utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ djurhĂ€lsopersonal i dessa frĂ„gor, och valde i stĂ€llet att vĂ€nda sig till bland annat sociala medier för att fĂ„ foderinformation. Resultatet av denna studie visar att svenska katter utfodras pĂ„ ungefĂ€r samma sĂ€tt som katter i andra lĂ€nder. Den visar ocksĂ„ att djurhĂ€lsopersonal stĂ„r inför en utmaning gĂ€llande kommunikationen kring foder, dĂ„ förtroendet för dessa yrkesgrupper Ă€r sĂ„ pass lĂ„gt bland de som utfodrar med fĂ€rskfoder. Sammanfattningsvis Ă€r det viktigt för djurhĂ€lsopersonal att hĂ„lla sig uppdaterad om trender inom foder och utfodring för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt kunna ge adekvata och vĂ€l underbyggda rĂ„d.Feeding practices of cat owners in Sweden and their primary sources of information on nutrition is a relatively unexplored area. Gaining a better understanding of what is important for cat owners in their choice of food to their cats may increase the ability and competence of animal health professionals for advisory service on nutrition. In this study, an internet-based survey was conducted. Cat owners were asked questions about what is most important to them when choosing food for their cat and where they turn for information on nutrition. They were also asked whether they trust veterinarians and other animal health professionals to give them sound advice on nutrition. The survey was sent out to members of five Facebook groups directed to cat owners in Sweden. The study also consists of a literature-review of previous studies on the subject. The results are based on 669 complete surveys from cat owners in Sweden. The survey showed that conventional dry and wet food is the main option for cat owners. Feeding a combination of both wet and dry food was the most common feeding alternative. A predominant proportion of the cat owners gave their cat food ad libitum instead of feeding in rations. The proportion of cat owners feeding their cat a raw diet was relatively small but has probably increased and will be an even larger group in the future. Whether it has become more popular to feed Swedish cats a raw diet was not answered in this study, as previous studies on the subject are very limited. The survey showed that most cat owners give their cats treats in addition to the daily feed. A good nutritional content was the most important factor to Swedish cat owners when choosing food. The second most important factor was the cat food palatability. When feeding, it was most common to base the amount of food given to the cat on the cat’s appetite, closely followed by basing the amount on the cat’s weight and body condition. The survey showed that it was most common that Swedish cat owners turned to a veterinarian or other animal health professional for advice on what to feed their cat. In general, confidence in the animal health professional's ability to provide advice on nutrition was high. One group that stood out, however, were those who fed a raw diet to their cat. This group of cat owners relied to a much lesser extent on animal health professionals in these matters, and instead chose to turn to, among other things, social media for nutritional information. The results of this study showed that cats in Sweden are fed in much the same way as cats in other countries. It also shows that animal health professionals face a challenge regarding nutritional communication, as confidence is low among those who feed a raw diet to their cats. In summary, it is important for animal health professionals to stay up to date on trends in food and feeding to be able to provide adequate and well-founded advice

    Destabilizing Orders – Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism:Proceedings of the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference. Paris, January 12–13, 2018

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    Throughout the long postwar period, crisis was a conjectural phenomenon and the exception in a normalcy of growth and social progress. Many key concepts of the social sciences – indeed, our understanding of democracy, embedded markets, enlightened electorates, benevolent political elites, and problem-solving progressive alliances – seem inapt for understanding today’s societal upheaval. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, we have witnessed the breakdown of majority alliances, the return of populism on a grand scale both in the Western world and globally, and the eruption into chaotic and sometimes violent social protests. The forces that underpinned the framework of welfare capitalism seem obsolete in the face of financial and political elites who are paradoxically both disconnected from national territory and sometimes in direct alliance with nationalist and populist movements. Politics of resentment, politics of place, and new politics of class interact in ways that we do not yet understand. Perhaps the greatest paradox of all is that neoliberalism has spawned authoritarianism. At the same time, these processes are not at all new, but must be put in the context of the socioeconomic and cultural cleavages produced by the shift to neoliberalism since the 1970s. The paper presents arguments by leading scholars in economic history, economic sociology, and political economy in brief thinknotes that were prepared for the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference on January 12 and 13, 2018, in Paris.Pendant le long aprĂšs-guerre, les crises n’étaient qu’un phĂ©nomĂšne conjoncturel et une exception par rapport au rĂ©gime normal de croissance et de progrĂšs social. De nombreux concepts fondamentaux des sciences sociales – la dĂ©mocratie telle que nous la comprenons habituellement, avec ses marchĂ©s encastrĂ©s, ses Ă©lectorats Ă©clairĂ©s, ses Ă©lites politiques bienveillantes et ses alliances progressistes qui permettent de rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes – semblent inadaptĂ©s pour comprendre les bouleversements sociaux actuels. Dans le sillage de la crise financiĂšre de 2008, l’on constate l’effondrement des alliances majoritaires, le retour du populisme Ă  grande Ă©chelle, tant dans le monde occidental qu’au niveau mondial, et l’irruption de protestations sociales chaotiques et parfois violentes. Les forces qui constituaient l’ossature d’un capitalisme articulĂ© Ă  l’État providence semblent obsolĂštes face aux Ă©lites financiĂšres et politiques qui, paradoxalement, sont Ă  la fois dĂ©connectĂ©es du cadre national mais aussi parfois directement liĂ©es aux mouvements nationalistes et populistes. Des politiques exploitant le ressentiment, d’autres fondĂ©es sur les identitĂ©s locales, et de nouvelles politiques de classe interagissent sous des formes que nous ne comprenons pas encore. Ainsi, que le nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme engendre aujourd’hui l’autoritarisme n’est pas le moindre des paradoxes. En mĂȘme temps, ces processus ne sont pas tous nouveaux et doivent ĂȘtre replacĂ©s dans le contexte des clivages socio-Ă©conomiques et culturels produits par l’avĂšnement du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme dans les annĂ©es 1970. Ce volume rĂ©unit des positions dĂ©fendues par des universitaires spĂ©cialisĂ©s en histoire Ă©conomique, en sociologie Ă©conomique et en Ă©conomie politique, sous la forme de brĂšves notes de rĂ©flexion prĂ©parĂ©es pour la ConfĂ©rence du cinquiĂšme anniversaire du MaxPo, les 12 et 13 janvier 2018, Ă  Paris
