255 research outputs found

    Probing the deep: Acoustic characterization of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ecosystem

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    Abstract only. Journal home page: http://scitation.aip.org/jasa

    Deformation of the Planetary Orbits Caused by the Time Dependent Gravitational Potential in the Universe

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    In the paper are studied the deformations of the planetary orbits caused by the time dependent gravitational potential in the universe. It is shown that the orbits are not axially symmetric and the time dependent potential does not cause perihelion precession. It is found a simple formula for the change of the orbit period caused by the time dependent gravitational potential and it is tested for two binary pulsars.Comment: 7 page

    Frequency down conversion through Bose condensation of light

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    We propose an experimental set up allowing to convert an input light of wavelengths about 12μm1-2 \mu m into an output light of a lower frequency. The basic principle of operating relies on the nonlinear optical properties exhibited by a microcavity filled with glass. The light inside this material behaves like a 2D interacting Bose gas susceptible to thermalise and create a quasi-condensate. Extension of this setup to a photonic bandgap material (fiber grating) allows the light to behave like a 3D Bose gas leading, after thermalisation, to the formation of a Bose condensate. Theoretical estimations show that a conversion of 1μm1 \mu m into 1.5μm1.5 \mu m is achieved with an input pulse of about 1ns1 ns with a peak power of 103W10^3 W, using a fiber grating containing an integrated cavity of size about 500μm×100μm2500 \mu m \times 100 \mu m^2.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    The use of exp(iS[x]) in the sum over histories

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    The use of exp(iS[x])\sum \exp(iS[x]) as the generic form for a sum over histories in configuration space is discussed critically and placed in its proper context. The standard derivation of the sum over paths by discretizing the paths is reviewed, and it is shown that the form exp(iS[x])\sum \exp(iS[x]) is justified only for Schrodinger-type systems which are at most second order in the momenta. Extending this derivation to the relativistic free particle, the causal Green's function is expressed as a sum over timelike paths, and the Feynman Green's function is expressed both as a sum over paths which only go one way in time and as a sum over paths which move forward and backward in time. The weighting of the paths is shown not to be exp(iS[x])\exp(iS[x]) in any of these cases. The role of the inner product and the operator ordering of the wave equation in defining the sum over histories is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, Imperial-TP-92-93-4

    Vacuum polarization in the spacetime of charged nonlinear black hole

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    Building on general formulas obtained from the approximate renormalized effective action, the approximate stress-energy tensor of the quantized massive scalar field with arbitrary curvature coupling in the spacetime of charged black hole being a solution of coupled equations of nonlinear electrodynamics and general relativity is constructed and analysed. It is shown that in a few limiting cases, the analytical expressions relating obtained tensor to the general renormalized stress-energy tensor evaluated in the geometry of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole could be derived. A detailed numerical analysis with special emphasis put on the minimal coupling is presented and the results are compared with those obtained earlier for the conformally coupled field. Some novel features of the renormalized stress-energy tensor are discussed

    Wind turbine blade design review

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    A detailed review of the current state-of-art for wind turbine blade design is presented, including theoretical maximum efficiency, propulsion, practical efficiency, HAWT blade design, and blade loads. The review provides a complete picture of wind turbine blade design and shows the dominance of modern turbines almost exclusive use of horizontal axis rotors. The aerodynamic design principles for a modern wind turbine blade are detailed, including blade plan shape/quantity, aerofoil selection and optimal attack angles. A detailed review of design loads on wind turbine blades is offered, describing aerodynamic, gravitational, centrifugal, gyroscopic and operational conditions

    Universal Correlations of Coulomb Blockade Conductance Peaks and the Rotation Scaling in Quantum Dots

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    We show that the parametric correlations of the conductance peak amplitudes of a chaotic or weakly disordered quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime become universal upon an appropriate scaling of the parameter. We compute the universal forms of this correlator for both cases of conserved and broken time reversal symmetry. For a symmetric dot the correlator is independent of the details in each lead such as the number of channels and their correlation. We derive a new scaling, which we call the rotation scaling, that can be computed directly from the dot's eigenfunction rotation rate or alternatively from the conductance peak heights, and therefore does not require knowledge of the spectrum of the dot. The relation of the rotation scaling to the level velocity scaling is discussed. The exact analytic form of the conductance peak correlator is derived at short distances. We also calculate the universal distributions of the average level width velocity for various values of the scaled parameter. The universality is illustrated in an Anderson model of a disordered dot.Comment: 35 pages, RevTex, 6 Postscript figure

    Canonical theory of spherically symmetric spacetimes with cross-streaming null dusts

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    The Hamiltonian dynamics of two-component spherically symmetric null dust is studied with regard to the quantum theory of gravitational collapse. The components--the ingoing and outgoing dusts--are assumed to interact only through gravitation. Different kinds of singularities, naked or "clothed", that can form during collapse processes are described. The general canonical formulation of the one-component null-dust dynamics by Bicak and Kuchar is restricted to the spherically symmetric case and used to construct an action for the two components. The transformation from a metric variable to the quasilocal mass is shown to simplify the mathematics. The action is reduced by a choice of gauge and the corresponding true Hamiltonian is written down. Asymptotic coordinates and energy densities of dust shells are shown to form a complete set of Dirac observables. The action of the asymptotic time translation on the observables is defined but it has been calculated explicitly only in the case of one-component dust (Vaidya metric).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Nonlinear atom optics and bright gap soliton generation in finite optical lattices

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    We theoretically investigate the transmission dynamics of coherent matter wave pulses across finite optical lattices in both the linear and the nonlinear regimes. The shape and the intensity of the transmitted pulse are found to strongly depend on the parameters of the incident pulse, in particular its velocity and density: a clear physical picture for the main features observed in the numerical simulations is given in terms of the atomic band dispersion in the periodic potential of the optical lattice. Signatures of nonlinear effects due the atom-atom interaction are discussed in detail, such as atom optical limiting and atom optical bistability. For positive scattering lengths, matter waves propagating close to the top of the valence band are shown to be subject to modulational instability. A new scheme for the experimental generation of narrow bright gap solitons from a wide Bose-Einstein condensate is proposed: the modulational instability is seeded in a controlled way starting from the strongly modulated density profile of a standing matter wave and the solitonic nature of the generated pulses is checked from their shape and their collisional properties

    Brain tissue microstructural and free-water composition 13 years after very preterm birth

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    There have been many studies demonstrating children born very preterm exhibit brain white matter microstruc- tural alterations, which have been related to neurodevelopmental difficulties. These prior studies have often been based on diffusion MRI modelling and analysis techniques, which commonly focussed on white matter microstructural properties in children born very preterm. However, there have been relatively fewer studies investigating the free-water content of the white matter, and also the microstructure and free-water content of the cortical grey matter, in children born very preterm. These biophysical properties of the brain change rapidly during fetal and neonatal brain development, and therefore such properties are likely also adversely affected by very preterm birth. In this study, we investigated the relationship of very preterm birth (<30 weeks’ gestation) to both white matter and cortical grey matter microstructure and free-water content in childhood using advanced diffusion MRI analyses. A total of 130 very preterm participants and 45 full-term control participants underwent diffusion MRI at age 13 years. Diffusion tissue signal fractions derived by Single-Shell 3-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution were used to investigate brain tissue microstructural and free-water composition. The tissue microstructural and free-water composition metrics were analysed using a voxel-based analysis and cortical region-of-interest analysis approach. Very preterm 13-year-olds exhibited reduced white matter microstructural density and in- creased free-water content across widespread regions of the white matter compared with controls. Additionally, very preterm 13-year-olds exhibited reduced microstructural density and increased free-water content in specific temporal, frontal, occipital and cingulate cortical regions. These brain tissue composition alterations were strongly associated with cerebral white matter abnormalities identified in the neonatal period, and concurrent adverse cognitive and motor outcomes in very preterm children. The findings demonstrate brain microstructural and free-water alterations up to thirteen years from neonatal brain abnormalities in very preterm children that relate to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes.Claire Kelly, Thijs Dhollander, Ian H Harding, Wasim Khan, Richard Beare, Jeanie LY Cheong, Lex W Doyle, Marc Seal, Deanne K Thompson, Terrie E Inder, Peter J Anderso