10,276 research outputs found
The Impact of a 1-Year COVID-19 Extension on Undergraduate Dentistry in Dundee:Final Year Students’ Perspectives of Their Training in Oral Surgery
Background: The detrimental impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental education prompted the Scottish Government to fund an additional year to the dental course to ensure that the students had the necessary clinical experience. The aim of the study was to better understand the final year student perceptions of this extension on their oral surgery experience at the University of Dundee. Methods: This mixed methods study consisted of an anonymous online questionnaire and a focus group. Results: Forty-one students (69.3%) completed the questionnaire and ten students participated in the focus group. Thirty-six (88.8%) students agreed that the oral surgery teaching provided sufficient knowledge to undertake independent practice. All of the students felt confident to carry out an extraction, and the majority of them (n = 40, 95%) felt confident to remove a retained root, however, their confidence with surgery was lower. Conclusion: The extension gave the students sufficient experience in oral surgery to gain confidence in clinical skills and an appropriate level of knowledge in preparation for the next phase of their career. Most of the students agreed that the extension was necessary and beneficial. This cohort graduated with more oral surgery experience than any of the students did in the previous 4 years from Dundee and with experience that was comparable with the students at other schools in the pre-COVID-19 era
Bariatric surgery and its impact on cardiovascular disease and mortality : A systematic review and meta-analysis
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPostprin
A High-Resolution Spectroscopic Search for the Remaining Donor for Tycho's Supernova
In this paper, we report on our analysis using Hubble Space Telescope
astrometry and Keck-I HIRES spectroscopy of the central six stars of Tycho's
supernova remnant (SN 1572). With these data, we measured the proper motions,
radial velocities, rotational velocities, and chemical abundances of these
objects. Regarding the chemical abundances, we do not confirm the unusu- ally
high [Ni/Fe] ratio previously reported for Tycho-G. Rather, we find that for
all metrics in all stars, none exhibit the characteristics expected from
traditional SN Ia single-degenerate-scenario calculations. The only possible
exception is Tycho-B, a rare, metal-poor A-type star; however, we are unable to
find a suitable scenario for it. Thus, we suggest that SN 1572 cannot be
explained by the standard single-degenerate model.Comment: 34 pages, 11 Figures, revised and resubmitted to Ap
Glial cells are functionally impaired in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and detrimental to neurons.
The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs or Batten disease) are a group of inherited, fatal neurodegenerative disorders of childhood. In these disorders, glial (microglial and astrocyte) activation typically occurs early in disease progression and predicts where neuron loss subsequently occurs. We have found that in the most common juvenile form of NCL (CLN3 disease or JNCL) this glial response is less pronounced in both mouse models and human autopsy material, with the morphological transformation of both astrocytes and microglia severely attenuated or delayed. To investigate their properties, we isolated glia and neurons from Cln3-deficient mice and studied their basic biology in culture. Upon stimulation, both Cln3-deficient astrocytes and microglia also showed an attenuated ability to transform morphologically, and an altered protein secretion profile. These defects were more pronounced in astrocytes, including the reduced secretion of a range of neuroprotective factors, mitogens, chemokines and cytokines, in addition to impaired calcium signalling and glutamate clearance. Cln3-deficient neurons also displayed an abnormal organization of their neurites. Most importantly, using a co-culture system, Cln3-deficient astrocytes and microglia had a negative impact on the survival and morphology of both Cln3-deficient and wildtype neurons, but these effects were largely reversed by growing mutant neurons with healthy glia. These data provide evidence that CLN3 disease astrocytes are functionally compromised. Together with microglia, they may play an active role in neuron loss in this disorder and can be considered as potential targets for therapeutic interventions
PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review
[EN] A state-of-the-art review on the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as it relates to climate variability and change is presented. The review consists of an examination of the current practice and the various developments published in the literature. The focus is on relevant research where the effect of climate dynamics on the PMP are discussed, as well as statistical methods developed for estimating very large extreme precipitation including the PMP. The review includes interpretation of extreme events arising from the climate system, their physical mechanisms, and statistical properties, together with the effect of the uncertainty of several factors determining them, such as atmospheric moisture, its transport into storms and wind, and their future changes. These issues are examined as well as the underlying historical and proxy data. In addition, the procedures and guidelines established by some countries, states, and organizations for estimating the PMP are summarized. In doing so, attention was paid to whether the current guidelines and research published literature take into consideration the effects of the variability and change of climatic processes and the underlying uncertainties.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Global Water Futures Program and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2019-06894). The fourth author acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Project TETISCHANGE (RTI2018-093717-B-100). The first author appreciates the continuous support from the Scott College of Engineering of Colorado State University.Salas, JD.; Anderson, ML.; Papalexiou, SM.; Francés, F. (2020). PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 25(12):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002003S1162512Abbs, D. J. (1999). 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Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Quartz at High Pressure and Temperature from the Boltzmann Transport Equation
The thermal conductivities along the basal and hexagonal directions of α-quartz silica, the low-temperature form of crystalline SiO2, are predicted from the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation combined with the van Beest, Kramer, and van Santen potential for the temperature up to 900 K and the pressure as high as 4 GPa. The thermal conductivities at atmospheric pressure, which show a negative and nonlinear dependence on temperature, are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. The influence of pressure on thermal conductivity is positive and linear. The pressure (P) and temperature (T) dependences of the thermal conductivity (λ) in basal and hexagonal directions are fitted to a function of the form λ = (b + cP) Ta. The thermal conductivity, influenced by temperature and pressure, is analyzed based on phonon properties, including spectral thermal conductivity, dispersion relation, phonon density of states, phonon lifetime, and phonon probability density distribution function
Herbert Simon's decision-making approach: Investigation of cognitive processes in experts
This is a post print version of the article. The official published can be obtained from the links below - PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved.Herbert Simon's research endeavor aimed to understand the processes that participate in human decision making. However, despite his effort to investigate this question, his work did not have the impact in the “decision making” community that it had in other fields. His rejection of the assumption of perfect rationality, made in mainstream economics, led him to develop the concept of bounded rationality. Simon's approach also emphasized the limitations of the cognitive system, the change of processes due to expertise, and the direct empirical study of cognitive processes involved in decision making. In this article, we argue that his subsequent research program in problem solving and expertise offered critical tools for studying decision-making processes that took into account his original notion of bounded rationality. Unfortunately, these tools were ignored by the main research paradigms in decision making, such as Tversky and Kahneman's biased rationality approach (also known as the heuristics and biases approach) and the ecological approach advanced by Gigerenzer and others. We make a proposal of how to integrate Simon's approach with the main current approaches to decision making. We argue that this would lead to better models of decision making that are more generalizable, have higher ecological validity, include specification of cognitive processes, and provide a better understanding of the interaction between the characteristics of the cognitive system and the contingencies of the environment
The silicon supplement 'Monomethylsilanetriol' is safe and increases the body pool of silicon in healthy Pre-menopausal women.
BACKGROUND: Monomethylsilanetriol (MMST) has been used for decades as an oral silicon supplement for bone and connective tissue health, although there are no formal data on its in vivo utilisation or safety following sustained dosing. METHODS: To investigate whether MMST contributes to the body pool of silicon and, secondly, to establish its safety following 4 weeks' supplementation in humans, twenty-two healthy pre-menopausal women (22-38 years) were recruited and supplemented with MMST at the maximum daily recommended dose (10.5 mg Si/day) for 4 weeks in a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, cross-over design (i.e. 8 weeks in total). Fasting serum and urine samples were collected at baseline and at the end of the 4-week supplementation/placebo periods for analysis of total silicon by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, MMST by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and full serum biochemistry. Participants also reported on, by questionnaire, their health, well-being and quality of life at 0, 4 and 8 weeks. RESULTS: Overall, 4-weeks supplementation with MMST significantly increased total fasting Si concentrations in serum and urine (P ≤ 0.003; paired t-test). MMST was semi-quantifiable in serum and quantifiable in urine, but only accounted for ca. 50% and 10%, respectively, of the increased total-Si concentration. There were no reported adverse effects (i.e. changes to health and well-being) or serum biochemical changes with MMST versus placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that oral MMST is safe, is absorbed and undergoes sufficient metabolism in vivo to raise fasting serum silicon levels, consistent with other well absorbed forms of dietary silicon (e.g. orthosilicic acid). It thus appears to be a suitable silicon supplement
Resolution of the Distance Ambiguity for Galactic HII Regions
We resolve the kinematic distance ambiguity for 266 inner Galaxy HII regions
out of a sample of 291 using existing HI and 13CO sky surveys. Our sample
contains all HII regions with measured radio recombination line (RRL) emission
over the extent of the 13CO Boston University-Five College Radio Astronomy
Observatory Galactic Ring Survey (18 deg, < l < 55 deg. and |b| < 1) and
contains ultra compact, compact, and diffuse HII regions. We use two methods
for resolving the distance ambiguity for each HII region: HI
emission/absorption (HIEA) and HI self-absorption (HISA). We find that the HIEA
and HISA methods can resolve the distance ambiguity for 72% and 87% of our
sample, respectively. When projected onto the Galactic plane, this large sample
appears to reveal aspects of Galactic structure, with spiral arm-like features
at Galactocentric radii of 4.5 and 6 kpc, and a lack of HII regions within 3.5
kpc of the Galactic center. Our HII regions are approximately in the ratio of 2
to 1 for far verses near distances. The ratio of far to near distances for
ultra-compact HII regions is 2.2 to 1. Compact HII regions are preferentially
at the near distance; their ratio of far to near distances is 1.6 to 1. Diffuse
HII regions are preferentially at the far distance; their ratio of far to near
distances is 3.8 to 1. This implies that the distinction between ultra compact
and compact HII regions is due largely to distance, and that the large angular
size of diffuse HII regions is not due solely to proximity to the Sun.Comment: Accepted to Ap
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