113,498 research outputs found

    Nuclear air cushion vehicles

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    The state-of-the-art of the still-conceptual nuclear air cushion vehicle, particularly the nuclear powerplant is identified. Using mission studies and cost estimates, some of the advantages of nuclear power for large air cushion vehicles are described. The technology studies on mobile nuclear powerplants and conceptual ACV systems/missions studies are summarized

    Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes

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    Previous research has shown that depressed individuals demonstrate a number of biases in their ability to retrieve past events and simulate future events. The current study investigated the content and phenomenological experience of past and future events in dysphoric and non-dysphoric individuals. Results indicated that dysphoric, compared with non-dysphoric, individuals reported fewer positive events across both temporal directions. Furthermore, phenomenological characteristics ratings suggested that dysphoric individuals saw future, but not past, events as less vivid, coherent, sensorially detailed, bodily experienced, emotionally intense and important with respect to their life story and identity. These findings are discussed with reference to theories regarding the functions of ‘mental time travel’, in particular how the muted subjective experience of future episodes in depression may impair future planning, problem-solving and self regulation

    Regional Land Use Mapping: the Phoenix Pilot Project

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    The Phoenix Pilot Program has been designed to make effective use of past experience in making land use maps and collecting land use information. Conclusions reached from the project are: (1) Land use maps and accompanying statistical information of reasonable accuracy and quality can be compiled at a scale of 1:250,000 from orbital imagery. (2) Orbital imagery used in conjunction with other sources of information when available can significantly enhance the collection and analysis of land use information. (3) Orbital imagery combined with modern computer technology will help resolve the problem of obtaining land use data quickly and on a regular basis, which will greatly enhance the usefulness of such data in regional planning, land management, and other applied programs. (4) Agreement on a framework or scheme of land use classification for use with orbital imagery will be necessary for effective use of land use data

    Preliminary testing of a prototype portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

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    A portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for use as an analyzer in mineral resource investigative work was built and tested. The prototype battery powered spectrometer, measuring 11 by 12 by 5 inches and weighing only about 15 pounds, was designed specifically for field use. The spectrometer has two gas proportional counters and two radioactive sources, Cd (10a) and Fe (55). Preliminary field and laboratory tests on rock specimens and rock pulps have demonstrated the capability of the spectrometer to detect 33 elements to date. Characteristics of the system present some limitations, however, and further improvements are recommended

    The Infrared and Radio Fluxes Densities of Galactic HII Regions

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    We derive infrared and radio flux densities of all ~1000 known Galactic HII regions in the Galactic longitude range 17.5 < l < 65 degree. Our sample comes from the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) catalog of Galactic \hii regions \citep{anderson2014}. We compute flux densities at six wavelengths in the infrared (GLIMPSE 8 microns, WISE 12 microns and 22 microns, MIPSGAL 24 microns, and Hi-GAL 70 microns and 160 microns) and two in the radio (MAGPIS 20 cm and VGPS 21 cm). All HII region infrared flux densities are strongly correlated with their ~20 cm flux densities. All HII regions used here, regardless of physical size or Galactocentric radius, have similar infrared to radio flux density ratios and similar infrared colors, although the smallest regions (r<1r<1\,pc), have slightly elevated IR to radio ratios. The colors log10(F24micron/F12micron)0\log_{10}(F_{24 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 0 and log10(F70micron/F12micron)1.2\log_{10}(F_{70 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 1.2, and log10(F24micron/F12micron)0\log_{10}(F_{24 micron}/F_{12 micron}) \ge 0 and log10(F160micron/F70micron)0.67\log_{10}(F_{160 micron}/F_{70 micron}) \le 0.67 reliably select HII regions, independent of size. The infrared colors of ~22%\% of HII regions, spanning a large range of physical sizes, satisfy the IRAS color criteria of \citet{wood1989} for HII regions, after adjusting the criteria to the wavelengths used here. Since these color criteria are commonly thought to select only ultra-compact HII regions, this result indicates that the true ultra-compact HII region population is uncertain. Comparing with a sample of IR color indices from star-forming galaxies, HII regions show higher log10(F70micron/F12micron)\log_{10}(F_{70 micron}/F_{12 micron}) ratios. We find a weak trend of decreasing infrared to ~20 cm flux density ratios with increasing RgalR_{gal}, in agreement with previous extragalactic results, possibly indicating a decreased dust abundance in the outer Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, 5 table

    Research pressure instrumentation for NASA Space Shuttle main engine, modification no. 6

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    Research concerning the utilization of silicon piezoresistive strain sensing technology for space shuttle main engine applications is reported. The following specific topics were addressed: (1) transducer design and materials, (2) silicon piezoresistor characterization at cryogenic temperatures, (3) chip mounting characterization, and (4) frequency response optimization