683 research outputs found

    Mitigation of Ground Vibration by Double Sheet-pile Walls

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    Probing electric and magnetic vacuum fluctuations with quantum dots

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    The electromagnetic-vacuum-field fluctuations are intimately linked to the process of spontaneous emission of light. Atomic emitters cannot probe electric- and magnetic-field fluctuations simultaneously because electric and magnetic transitions correspond to different selection rules. In this paper we show that semiconductor quantum dots are fundamentally different and are capable of mediating electric-dipole, magnetic-dipole, and electric-quadrupole transitions on a single electronic resonance. As a consequence, quantum dots can probe electric and magnetic fields simultaneously and can thus be applied for sensing the electromagnetic environment of complex photonic nanostructures. Our study opens the prospect of interfacing quantum dots with optical metamaterials for tailoring the electric and magnetic light-matter interaction at the single-emitter level.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Swimming and feeding of mixotrophic biflagellates

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    Many unicellular flagellates are mixotrophic and access resources through both photosynthesis and prey capture. Their fitness depends on those processes as well as on swimming and predator avoidance. How does the flagellar arrangement and beat pattern of the flagellate affect swimming speed, predation risk due to flow-sensing predators, and prey capture? Here, we describe measured flows around two species of mixotrophic, biflagellated haptophytes with qualitatively different flagellar arrangements and beat patterns. We model the near cell flows using two symmetrically arranged point forces with variable position next to a no-slip sphere. Utilizing the observations and the model we find that puller force arrangements favour feeding, whereas equatorial force arrangements favour fast and quiet swimming. We determine the capture rates of both passive and motile prey, and we show that the flow facilitates transport of captured prey along the haptonema structure. We argue that prey capture alone cannot fulfil the energy needs of the observed species, and that the mixotrophic life strategy is essential for survival

    Indflydelse i vidensarbejdet - kan man få for meget af det gode?

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    Det rapporteres stadig oftere, at veluddannede lider af alvorlig stress. Dette forekommer paradoksalt, fordi de ifølge den meget benyttede krav-kontrolmodel ikke burde befinde sig i risiko.zonen. De har udviklende job med høj grad af indflydelse. Det tyder på, at stressforståelsen og krav-kontrolmodellen trænger til at blive diskuteret. Artiklen viser gennem en historisk beskrivelse, at stressbegrebet er til stadig genfortolkning, og at dette ikke alene skyldes akademisk definitionsarbejde. Stressbegrebet afspejler mange forskellige samfundsmæssige interesser, og de konkrete modeller og stressforståelser har stor betydning for, hvilke jobgrupper der betragtes som udsatte, og for hvilke forbyggende tiltag som kan anbefales. Artiklen argumenterer specielt for, at der er problemer med forståelsen af indflydelse i krav-kontrolmodellen, idet den leder til uhensigtsmæssige anbefalinger til forbedringer af vidensarbejdet

    Ammonia transformation in a biotrickling air filter

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    [Abstract] A simple, tubular biotrickling filter was designed for optimal removal of ammonia and odour in ventilation air from a pig house. The removal and transformation of ammonia was studied in detail by analysis and modelling of chemical gradients through the filter. Good correspondence between measurements and model was obtained by using conventional substrate and inhibition kinetics of ammonium and nitrite oxidizing bacteria. Highest rates of ammonia removal were observed in the central section of the filter. Near the air outlet and water inlet the process was ammonia limited, while high nitrous acid concentrations almost excluded any biological activity near the air inlet and water outlet. Nitrous acid inhibition also stabilized pH at 6.5-7 all through the filter. Being sensitive to both ammonia and nitrous acid the nitrite oxidation process occurred mainly in the filter sections near the air outlet / water inlet, and only 8% of the nitrite was turned into nitrate. Water supply only exceeded evaporation by 20% but modelling indicated that additional watering would have limited effect on filter efficiency. The filter was also robust to varying loading, as a 4-fold increase in ammonia inlet concentration only reduced filter efficiency from 86 to 76%