25 research outputs found

    Closely located dual PIFAs with T-slot induced high isolation for MIMO terminals

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    This paper presents an efficient technique to enhance the isolation between two closely spaced PIFAs for MIMO mobile terminals. The proposed decoupling method is based on a T-shape slot impedance transformer and it enables an inter-PIFA spacing of 1 mm to be achieved. The 10 dB impedance bandwidth and 20 dB isolation bandwidth cover the 2.4 GHz WLAN band (2.4-2.48 GHz), with a maximum isolation of 44 dB. The efficiency, gain, radiation patterns of the two-PIFA prototype are also verified in measurements

    Closely-packed UWB MIMO/diversity antenna with different patterns and polarizations for USB dongle applications

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    A closely-packed ultrawideband (UWB) multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO)/diversity antenna (of two elements) with a size of 25 mm by 40 mm is proposed for USB dongle applications. Wideband isolation can be achieved through the different patterns and polarizations of the two antenna elements. Moreover, the slot that is formed between the monopole and the ground plane of the half slot antenna is conveniently used to further enhance the isolation at the lower frequencies and to provide an additional resonance at one antenna element in order to increase its bandwidth. The underlying mechanisms of the antenna’s wide impedance bandwidth and low mutual coupling are analyzed in detail. Based on the measurement results, the proposed antenna can cover the lower UWB band of 3.1-5.15 GHz, and within the required band, the isolation exceeds 26 dB. The gains and total efficiencies of the two antenna elements are also measured. Furthermore, a chassis mode can be excited when a physical connection is required between the ground planes of the two antenna elements. Without affecting the performance of the half slot element, the monopole can now cover the band of 1.78-3 GHz, apart from the UWB band. The proposed antenna structure is found to provide good MIMO/diversity performance, with very low envelope correlation of less than 0.1 across the UWB band

    Compact UWB MIMO antenna for USB dongles with angle and polarization diversity

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    A compact dual-element antenna suitable for ultrawideband (UWB) MIMO operation is proposed in this work. The size of the antenna is 25 mm by 40 mm and it covers the lower UWB band of 3.15-5.15 GHz. Apart from the inherent wideband isolation obtained through the different angle and polarization characteristics in the radiation patterns of the individual elements, the gap between the two antenna elements is also utilized to enhance both the isolation and impedance bandwidths. Simulation and experimental results reveal that, within the band of interest, the achieved isolation is over 20 dB and the envelope correlation of the radiation patterns is below 0.1

    Experiments of closely coupled monopoles with load matching in a random field

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    Recent theoretical and simulation studies reveal that closely coupled antennas with appropriately chosen impedance matching loads can yield desired characteristics of small antenna correlation coefficients and/or high received power levels. However, no experiment has been performed to verify these claims. Here, we describe an experimental setup used to investigate the correlation and received power of closely coupled antennas with impedance matching. Specifically, a two-monopole array with a small antenna spacing 0.05 wavelength and five different matching networks are constructed and measured. Whereas our experimental results largely confirm theoretical predictions, some discrepancies due to simplifications made in the theoretical models are observed

    Förbundsnytt: Sveriges sociologförbund

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    Robotic animals in dementia care

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    Bakgrund: Demens är ett samlingsnamn för en grupp olika sjukdomar som drabbar hjärnan och dess funktioner. Terapidjur används för att lugna och förbättra livskvaliteten hos personer med demenssjukdomar. För att undvika problem som allergier, kostnader för skötsel och skador som kan uppstå vid användandet av levande djur har därför robotdjur utvecklats. Syfte: Att sammanställa aktuell forskning som beskrivit effekter och erfarenheter av robotdjur inom demensvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt grundad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, publicerade mellan åren 2013 och 2018. Resultat: De flesta studierna visade på positiva effekter på social interaktion och att intervention med robotdjur kunde främja psykiskt välbefinnande och reducera ensamhet hos äldre med demenssjukdom. Resultatet från de olika studierna visade att med hjälp av ett robotdjur kunde isolering och avskärmning brytas. Inverkan på aggression och utåtagerande beteende varierade vid interaktion med robotdjur. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visade att användande av robotdjur kan ha positiv effekt på social interaktion och livskvalitet. Vidare kan användande av robotdjur ha en lugnande inverkan och dämpa agitation samt reducera nedstämdhet hos äldre personer med demenssjukdom.Background: Dementia is an umbrella term which involves a number of diseases that effects the brain and its functions. Animal assisted therapy is being used to calm and enhance the overall quality of life for people who suffers from dementia. To avoid problems like allergies and costs that involves care for the animals and for the damages that they might cause, the development of the robotic animal has begun. Aim: To compile current research, which highlights the effects and experiences of using robotic animal in the care of people who suffers from dementia. Method: Literature review based upon 15 scientific studies, published between the years 2013 and 2018. Results: Most studies pointed towards a positive effect upon social interaction and that intervention with a robotic animal could promote mentaly well-being as well as reducing loneliness in elderly people suffering from dementia. The result from the studies showed that using a robotic animal could help break isolation among the participants. The effects on aggression and extroverted behaviour when using an robotic animal showed a varying result. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that the use of robotic animals could have positive effects on social interaction and quality of life. A robotic animal could also have a calming impact on agitation and reduce depression in people who suffers from dementia

    Robotic animals in dementia care

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    Bakgrund: Demens är ett samlingsnamn för en grupp olika sjukdomar som drabbar hjärnan och dess funktioner. Terapidjur används för att lugna och förbättra livskvaliteten hos personer med demenssjukdomar. För att undvika problem som allergier, kostnader för skötsel och skador som kan uppstå vid användandet av levande djur har därför robotdjur utvecklats. Syfte: Att sammanställa aktuell forskning som beskrivit effekter och erfarenheter av robotdjur inom demensvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt grundad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar, publicerade mellan åren 2013 och 2018. Resultat: De flesta studierna visade på positiva effekter på social interaktion och att intervention med robotdjur kunde främja psykiskt välbefinnande och reducera ensamhet hos äldre med demenssjukdom. Resultatet från de olika studierna visade att med hjälp av ett robotdjur kunde isolering och avskärmning brytas. Inverkan på aggression och utåtagerande beteende varierade vid interaktion med robotdjur. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visade att användande av robotdjur kan ha positiv effekt på social interaktion och livskvalitet. Vidare kan användande av robotdjur ha en lugnande inverkan och dämpa agitation samt reducera nedstämdhet hos äldre personer med demenssjukdom.Background: Dementia is an umbrella term which involves a number of diseases that effects the brain and its functions. Animal assisted therapy is being used to calm and enhance the overall quality of life for people who suffers from dementia. To avoid problems like allergies and costs that involves care for the animals and for the damages that they might cause, the development of the robotic animal has begun. Aim: To compile current research, which highlights the effects and experiences of using robotic animal in the care of people who suffers from dementia. Method: Literature review based upon 15 scientific studies, published between the years 2013 and 2018. Results: Most studies pointed towards a positive effect upon social interaction and that intervention with a robotic animal could promote mentaly well-being as well as reducing loneliness in elderly people suffering from dementia. The result from the studies showed that using a robotic animal could help break isolation among the participants. The effects on aggression and extroverted behaviour when using an robotic animal showed a varying result. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that the use of robotic animals could have positive effects on social interaction and quality of life. A robotic animal could also have a calming impact on agitation and reduce depression in people who suffers from dementia