35 research outputs found

    Calidad de la dispensarización familiar, en el sector número 2 del Puesto de Salud San Judas del Municipio de Jinotega; según el modelo de salud familiar y comunitario II Semestre año 2015.

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    El Modelo de salud familiar y comunitario se basa en un esquema de manejo de los determinantes de salud a nivel de las personas, las familias y la comunidad. Enfatiza en la dispensarización y los diagnósticos comunitarios, busca garantizar el acceso y mejorar el funcionamiento de la atención a los grupos poblacionales, especialmente los que viven en condiciones de extrema y alta pobreza. Este estudio se realizó en el Puesto de Salud San Judas Tadeo ubicado en la periferia sur del municipio de Jinotega, está dividido en 3 sectores urbanos los cuales son atendidos según las normativas del MOSAFC, con el objetivo de describir la calidad de la dispensarización familiar, en el sector número 2 en el II Semestre año 2015. Mediante el análisis estadísticos de las fichas dispensariales de una muestra 337 fichas revisadas del universo; es un estudio descriptivo en el que se encontró que se han dispensarizado un total de 2411 familias del sector 2 del Puesto de Salud San Judas, de las cuales se disponen únicamente 2274 fichas y de estas, todas contiene al menos un dato errado que convierte a la ficha en inadecuada, además casi todas contenían la clasificación adecuada del grado dispensarial para cada individuo de la familia, lo que hace posible clasificar a la población en estudio según factores de riesgo asociados, menciona que las subvariables que con más dificultad fueron llenadas son aquellas de la información de la familia, haciendo que se dificulte emprender el control y seguimiento oportuno de enfermedades que pudiesen afectar a la población. Por lo que es de utilidad recomendar que se instauren estrategias para corregir las debilidades que tiene el personal que realiza la dispensarización; realizando capacitaciones sobre el MOSAFC y la correcta recolección de los datos de la ficha familiar en relación a los parámetros con que cada variable debe ser completad


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    This text file contains the number of TUNEL-positive cells and DAPI labeled cells counted (for host cells and symbionts) after a 24 h BrdU pulse for the 4 developmental stages (3 replicates per life stage) in the different tissues. Labeling index is calculated as a percentage

    BrdU-labeling index after a 24 h pulse

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    This text file contains the number of BrdU labeled cells and DAPI labeled cells counted (for host cells and symbiont) after a 24 h BrdU pulse for the 4 developmental stages (3 replicates per life stage) in the different tissues. Labeling index is calculated as a percentage


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    This file contains the number of BrdU and DAPI labelled cells (coral cells and symbionts) obtained after a 24h BrdU pulse in the primary polyp stage and 48 h and 64 h chase in normal seawater in the different tissues. Labeling index is calculated as a percentage


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    This file contains the number of single and doublet of dinoflagellate cells, counted in several tissue sections at the four life stages (3 replicates per life stage). Total number of symbionts and corresponding mitotic index are calculated


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    This file contains the signal intensity of the BrdU-labeled nuclei throught the chase. Signal intensity was measured in nuclei in the different tissues at the beginning of the chase (PrimaryPolyp) and at 48h and 64h, background corrected and normalized with DAPI. It is presented as a ratio


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    This file contains the signal intensity of the BrdU-labeled nuclei throught the chase. Signal intensity was measured in nuclei in the different tissues at the beginning of the chase (PrimaryPolyp) and at 48h and 64h, background corrected and normalized with DAPI. It is presented as a ratio

    Supplementary animated figures from Non-invasive investigation of the morphology and optical properties of the upside–down jellyfish <i>Cassiopea</i> with optical coherence tomography

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    The supplementary animated figures provide two .gif data files showing 3D scans of a complete medusa. More information for the two movies can be found at the bottom of the supplementary information pdf file

    Structure of banded Thickening Deposits in skeleton of extant zooxanthellate coral <i>Goniastrea stelligera</i> (ZPAL H.25/47).

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    <p>Transmitted light microscopy (polarized <b>A</b>, normal light <b>D</b>, and corresponding Scanning Electron Microscopy images (SEM; polished and etched section, <b>B, E</b>). TEM bright field (BF) images (<b>C</b>, <b>F</b>, <b>G</b>) of 21.5μm long FIB lamella (yellow rectangle marks approximate position on etched polished section near border of “FIB crater”). Composite image of FIB lamella (G) consists of aligned of 7 individual images. The contrast difference is related to variation of the lamella thickness; image contrast and clarity of image drops with the lamella thickness. Orientation of FIB lamella is approximately parallel to <i>c</i>-axis of aragonite fibers which can be distinguished due to differences in orientation (boundaries of some fibers marked with yellow arrows in C, F); length of most of fibers exceeds 10 μm which is consistent with SEM images. STEM-HAADF image (F) of the thinnest part of lamella (frame in g); camera length was fixed to 360mm and contrast is related to elastically scattered electrons i.e., orientation of the crystals and average local thickness. The black dots correspond to the voids into structure (C, enlarged part of F). Density of voids is not homogenous—dotted-line in F was subjectively drawn to distinguish zone with particularly numerous voids and zone with relatively few voids. Voids (especially in region right to the dotted line) are also present in monocrystalline fibers suggesting encapsulation of organic material during fiber grow. Region rich in voids most likely corresponds to darker zones in optical microscope: light scattering by voids and by smaller-size crystals differs from that of long monocrystalline fibers. Also etching of defective zone is faster that may explain differences in etching relief of darker vs. lighter banding.</p