713 research outputs found

    Social networking in a disconnected network: fbDTN: facebook over DTN

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    In this demo, we describe the design and implementation of fbDTN, a gateway that allow users to access Facebook services over a Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) in a convenient and secure manner. Our system enables users to read their news feed, post status updates and photos, and comment and "like" the posts of other people. We also show the importance of supporting applications like this in a DTN and allow demo session attendees to see this system in action

    Towards new methods for mobility data gathering: content, sources, incentives

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    Over the past decade, huge amounts of work has been done in mobile and opportunistic networking research. Unfortunately, much of this has had little impact as the results have not been applicable to reality, due to incorrect assumptions and models used in the design and evaluation of the systems. In this paper, we outline some of the problems of the assumptions of early research in the field, and provide a survey of some initial work that has started to take place to alleviate this through more realistic modelling and measurements of real systems. We do note that there is still much work to be done in this area, and then go on to identify some important properties of the network that must be studied further. We identify the types of data that are important to measure, and also give some guidelines on finding existing and potentially new sources for such data and incentivizing the holders of the data to share it

    Efficient content-distribution in a hybrid opportunistic network

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    Information or content centric networking is believed by many to have great potential to be the appropriate networking paradigm for the future Internet. In information centric networking, focus is shifted from the end-points in the network to the information objects themselves, with less care being placed on from where the information is fetched. In addition to the benefits this networking paradigm has in fixed networks, it also simplifies operation in mobile networks and has the potential to improve performance. In this paper, we describe one way in which the NetInf network architecture can be used in a hybrid mobile network in an urban setting, and run simulations to evaluate the benefits that this approach can yield, both to the end users (in terms of improved performance such as reduced latency with over 50%), as well as to the operators in terms of a reduction of traffic load in the cellular access networks with up to 97%

    ExtremeCom: To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before

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    Research on networks for challenged environments has become a major research area recently. There is however a lack of true understanding among networking researchers about what such environments really are like. In this paper we give an introduction to the ExtremeCom series of workshops that were created to overcome this limitation. We will discuss the motivation behind why the workshop series was created, give some summaries of the two workshops that have been held, and discuss the lessons that we have learned from them

    The Quest for a Killer App for Opportunistic and Delay Tolerant Networks (Invited Paper)

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    Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) has attracted a lot of attention from the research community in recent years. Much work have been done regarding network architectures and algorithms for routing and forwarding in such networks. At the same time as many show enthusiasm for this exciting new research area there are also many sceptics, who question the usefulness of research in this area. In the past, we have seen other research areas become over-hyped and later die out as there was no killer app for them that made them useful in real scenarios. Real deployments of DTN systems have so far mostly been limited to a few niche scenarios, where they have been done as proof-of-concept field tests in research projects. In this paper, we embark upon a quest to find out what characterizes a potential killer applications for DTNs. Are there applications and situations where DTNs provide services that could not be achieved otherwise, or have potential to do it in a better way than other techniques? Further, we highlight some of the main challenges that needs to be solved to realize these applications and make DTNs a part of the mainstream network landscape

    War of attrition with implicit time cost

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    In the game-theoretic model war of attrition, players are subject to an explicit cost proportional to the duration of contests. We construct a model where the time cost is not explicitly given, but instead depends implicitly on the strategies of the whole population. We identify and analyse the underlying mechanisms responsible for the implicit time cost. Each player participates in a series of games, where those prepared to wait longer win with higher certainty but play less frequently. The model is characterised by the ratio of the winner's score to the loser's score, in a single game. The fitness of a player is determined by the accumulated score from the games played during a generation. We derive the stationary distribution of strategies under the replicator dynamics. When the score ratio is high, we find that the stationary distribution is unstable, with respect to both evolutionary and dynamical stability, and the dynamics converge to a limit cycle. When the ratio is low, the dynamics converge to the stationary distribution. For an intermediate interval of the ratio, the distribution is dynamically but not evolutionarily stable. Finally, the implications of our results for previous models based on the war of attrition are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Theoretical Biolog

    MADServer: An Architecture for Opportunistic Mobile Advanced Delivery

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    Rapid increases in cellular data traffic demand creative alternative delivery vectors for data. Despite the conceptual attractiveness of mobile data offloading, no concrete web server architectures integrate intelligent offloading in a production-ready and easily deployable manner without relying on vast infrastructural changes to carriers’ networks. Delay-tolerant networking technology offers the means to do just this. We introduce MADServer, a novel DTN-based architecture for mobile data offloading that splits web con- tent among multiple independent delivery vectors based on user and data context. It enables intelligent data offload- ing, caching, and querying solutions which can be incorporated in a manner that still satisfies user expectations for timely delivery. At the same time, it allows for users who have poor or expensive connections to the cellular network to leverage multi-hop opportunistic routing to send and receive data. We also present a preliminary implementation of MADServer and provide real-world performance evaluations

    Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Intermittently Connected Networks

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    This document is a product of the Delay Tolerant Networking Research Group and has been reviewed by that group. No objections to its publication as an RFC were raised. This document defines PRoPHET, a Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of Encounters and Transitivity. PRoPHET is a variant of the epidemic routing protocol for intermittently connected networks that operates by pruning the epidemic distribution tree to minimize resource usage while still attempting to achieve the best-case routing capabilities of epidemic routing. It is intended for use in sparse mesh networks where there is no guarantee that a fully connected path between the source and destination exists at any time, rendering traditional routing protocols unable to deliver messages between hosts. These networks are examples of networks where there is a disparity between the latency requirements of applications and the capabilities of the underlying network (networks often referred to as delay and disruption tolerant). The document presents an architectural overview followed by the protocol specification

    The Evolution of a DTN Routing Protocol - PRoPHETv2

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    Research within Delay- and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN) has evolved into a mature research area. PRoPHET is a routing protocol for DTNs that was developed when DTN research was in its infancy and which has been studied by many. In this paper we investigate how the protocol can evolve to meet new challenges that has been identified through research and practical experience. We propose some minor modifications to the routing metric cal- culations done in PRoPHET which has potential to alleviate some issues and improve the performance of the protocol. Using these modifications, we define an updated version of the protocol called PRoPHETv2. We run simulations to verify the operation of the protocol and compare its performance against the original version of the protocol as well as some other routing protocols. The evalua- tions are done using both traces from an existing DTN deployment and a synthetic mobility model. Since the basic mechanisms of the protocol remain the same, migrating existing implementations to the new version of PRoPHET is possible with limited effort

    Not Just A Formality: How Inefficient Bureaucracy and Government Distrust Fuel Nepal’s Informal Economy

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    Currently the Nepali government and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are involved in a campaign to increase rates of government registration among small businesses, which are technically illegal to operate unregistered. The program incentivizes and facilitates registration, attempting to change the cost-benefit analysis that shopkeepers make when deciding whether to register. Using interviews with small business owners in the Kathmandu area, this study provides qualitative data about what information these shopkeepers have, how they perceive the registration process, whether the government has traditionally followed through on its promises, and how all of these factors affect their registration cost-benefit analyses. Additionally, this study examines the perceptions, priorities, and methods of NGOs and government officials involved in directing initiatives which affect the informal economy. From the shopkeeper side we find that a confusing registration process as well as distrust in the government are the primary barriers to registration. From the government and NGO side we find that lack of information sharing and collaboration between various government ministries as well as between NGOs and the government are harmful to registration efforts